• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 3,064 Views, 50 Comments

Dreams In The Mist - lorettafox

Prequel to These Dreams and Renew. Twilights begins seeing Discord in her dreams and soon begins having feelings for him.

  • ...

He's Back...In Her Dreams

“Letter? What letter?” Twilight asked, finally coming back to reality.

“About the Summer Sun Celebration next month. Princess Celestia was thinking about holding it in Manehattan this year and she wants us to overlook it like we did two years ago.” informed Spike as he held the scroll in his claws.

“Let me see that letter, Spike.” Twilight said as she took the scroll and unrolled it with her magic. Bringing it to her face to read, Twilight began reading its contents.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I am writing to you in regards to the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration next month. As you know, this will be the 1003rd one and I have planned to hold it in Manehattan. I request that your presence be there by the 2nd of the month so that you can overlook the preparations. I also request that your friends come with you as well as I'm sure they have never seen such a big city before! I eagerly await your response my student.

Princess Celestia of Equestria

“I didn't realize that the Summer Sun Celebration was so close! Spike, take a letter to the Princess informing her that we would all be honored in attending the Celebration next month.” Twilight smiled.

“I'm on it!” Spike saluted as he walked off to go write Twilight's letter for her.

Twilight let out another yawn before she finally climbed out of her bed and over to her mirror. Oh my. Her mane was an absolute mess! Perhaps Zecora was cursing her mane again? Twilight laughed slightly at the stupid comment that flashed through her mind as she picked up a brush to organize her hair into it's proper shape.

There! Much better than looking like a bedhead! Twilight thought to herself as she smiled at her own reflection. Her smile quickly turned into a worrisome look as the last thing the driver pony in her dreams echoed through her mind.

He had to see his favorite mare after all. The driver pony's voice in her dreams at the last second sounded very much like Discord's. But why was the thought of Discord even invading her mind in the first place. She and her friends had defeated him many months ago, placing him back into stone, where he was now back in the Canterlot gardens, under much tighter control.

But...why did he have to be encased in stone in the first place. Wasn't there at least a better option instead. Perhaps the Elements could have taken away his powers or somehow saw the light in him and spared him the fate of being a lawn decoration. But no. He was in stone and there was nothing that Twilight could do about it. The other element bearers would never come together with her and break him out of his stone casing. They would have all thought that she had gone and lost it completely.

But still...there couldn't have been a way to at least reform him. The Elements of Harmony could have simply drained him of his powers. Maybe then Twilight could have taught him to be good and slowly find a way to return his powers to him. Oh, the things she could have taught him about order. Order doesn't always mean organization and rules, it could also be about great friendships and loving one another. Going on great adventures and even having tons and tons of fun!

But alas, Discord would never be ever to know the joy of order. Twilight let out a sigh and looked at herself in the mirror. Why was she even feeling this way for a creature who tried to plunge her home into chaos. Perhaps she secretly enjoyed a little bit, something different from the usual norm of her life in Ponyville. It certainly was unexpected the way he had turned Ponyville into the Chaos Capital of the world.

Even if she had enjoyed it, it ended months ago and was no longer an issue. The past was in the past and it was time to move forward and forget what fate fell upon Discord.

Downstairs, the library door swung open as the voice of Rarity rang through the building. “Twilight! Twilight, darling! Are you awake, dear?”

“I'm coming. I'm coming.” said Twilight as she trotted down the stairs to see both Rarity and Fluttershy inside of the library. “Hello there, girls. What can I help you with?”

“It's not you who can help us, it's us who can help you! You've been stuck with all of these boring books lately and haven't come outside much. You absolutely must come with us to the spa. It's Fluttershy and my weekly get together and we would love for you to join us!”

“That's an great idea, Rarity, but I would rather be here and study my books.” Twilight said.

“You've been in here far too long with all of these books! You need to come with us to the spa. It's only for a few hours, Twilight. A little change of scenery would be good for you and who knows how many knots you have in your back from constantly reading! Are you honestly saying that you would give a few hours of relaxation for your own books?”

“Well...yes. Books are my form of relaxation, Rarity.” Twilight informed her.

“Oh please, come with us, darling! You'll like it! You liked it the last time you were there.” Rarity reminded Twilight.

Well, the hot water both was nice and so was the massages the spa ponies had provided. A few hours away from studying would be a good thing in this case. Twilight let out a sigh before looking back at Rarity. “Alright, you win. I'll come to the spa with you both.”

Rarity's eyes lit up excitedly. “Most excellent!” she said as she placed a hoof over Twilight's shoulders. “Come on now! We mustn't be late! Aloe and Lotus don't like it when ponies are late!”

Walking out of the library, the three mares strolled across Ponyville until they all come upon the local spa. Rarity was first in the door when she announced that she had an extra guest with her today, not counting Fluttershy. Aloe and Lotus both smiled at her pleasantly before all giving the mares both robes to put on themselves to prepare for the first thing, a hooficure.

Twilight laid herself on an available chair and placed her hooves on the edge of the chair of Lotus came around holding a hooficure instrument in her mouth. She quickly began to work, using her magic on Twilight by buffing out her hooves.

“So Twilight, dear, why have you been all cooped up in that library for so long? What have you been studying?” asked Rarity.

“Oh, just some new magic spells. I'm learning about aging spells currently and also some singing ones.” replied Twilight.

“Singing? You like to sing, Twilight? I mean, that's alright if you do...” spoke Fluttershy timidly.

“No, but the book I can across reveals that a singing spell can be more powerful then speaking a mere incantation. I find it quite fascinating actually. I read through my history books that a mare once used her voice to break her lover from his prison by breaking the material that the prison was made from.” Twilight spoke before it registered a second later in her brain. “Huh...”

“I've heard that tale before. A personal favorite of mine, if I do say so myself...” smiled Rarity when she caught Twilight's sudden look. “Twilight, is something the matter?”

“Oh, nothing is wrong. I'm just thinking about this dream I had this morning. It was quite a strange one.” spoke Twilight as she placed a front hoof on her mouth as she kept on thinking.

“What did you dream about, darling? A knight in shining armor?” Rarity suggested.

“Well, no. I actually dream about...Discord.” said Twilight.

“Discord? Why on earth were you dreaming about him for? If you're worried about something involving him, my dear, rest assured that he is locked away in his stone prison.” Rarity reassured Twilight. “If he broke out, Celestia would have told us immediately.”

“I know, but in my dream, I saw him as a statue, but it crumbled suddenly. And there was this pony who bore a resemblance to him and even sounded like him...” said Twilight.

“Oh, don't worry about it too much, my dear. It was simply a dream and it will fade away and you'll forget about it.” said Rarity as Aloe finished giving her a hooficure. “Come along ladies, the sauna awaits us. We really must open up our pores.”

All three of them were done with their hooficures and walked into the sauna where Aloe carried a ladle filled with water and splashed it onto some hot rocks in the middle of the sauna, making it give off plenty of steam. Aloe quickly walked away from the area, giving the mares their space.

“I'm starting to feel more and more relaxed by the second. Don't you agree, Fluttershy, dear?” asked Rarity as she stretched out her body.

“Mhm.” Fluttershy simply answered.

Twilight herself was indeed feeling more and more relaxed as the steam opened up her pores. Perhaps Rarity was right and her dream was simply just a regular dream that her mind dreamed up. It probably was nothing to worry herself about. After all, ponies can have the strangest dreams sometimes.

Twilight shifted her body weight around so now that she was facing the rocks the steam was coming off of. Aloe came back in with another ladle of water, splashing it onto the rocks before she left again. Twilight watched the steam come off the rocks and smiled as the steam unwillingly created different shapes in the air. Twilight spotted a heart, a star, and some circles. It was rather interesting to her how steam could form such shapes and her mind put it together that they were actually shapes. As different shapes came off of the steam, a shape suddenly formed that caused her to drop her jaw in surprise.

The shape that had formed was actually two, one was the shape of a mare and the other was long and tall, eerily resembling Discord. The shapes suddenly began to look like as if they were moving, running around each other, playing about, as if they were happy. The mare shape suddenly sprouted wings, turning the mare into an alicorn, and fly over to the Discord shape and making it look as if she were hugging him.

The steam shapes suddenly disappeared as Rarity moved her hooves through it, re-catching Twilight's attention. Twilight shook her head as Rarity looked at her, concerned. “Are you alright, Twilight? You were staring at the rocks as if you saw something surprising.”

“Oh, I'm alright, Rarity. Really.” Twilight smiled nervously. “The steam was making some rather unusual shapes is all. It just really amazed me is all. That's why my jaw was hung open like it was.”

“What did you see, Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.

“It's was nothing, really. Let's just go on with our little spa date.” Twilight smiled at her two best friends.


After the spa date with Rarity and Fluttershy, Twilight returned back to the library, feeling pampered and relaxed. Spike was upstairs asleep, as Twilight could hear his snores from downstairs. Twilight giggled slightly as she heard the baby dragons snores before going into the kitchen to make herself a daisy sandwich.

As she put her sandwich together, she couldn't get the shapes she had seen out of her mind. How in Equestria could steam create shapes like that, and even make them move, no less? But what the shapes were doing were much more interesting. The mare shape was much smaller then the Discord shape, as if the mare were about her size as the shape compared to the Discord one had to have been to small to either been Celestia and Luna.

But, the mare shape was also an alicorn. Only the princesses were alicorns and they were all much taller then Twilight was. Did the shape mean that some mare would be turning into an alicorn of some kind? But, how could a mare turn into an alicorn in the first place? It would take some very powerful magic, something like Discord's magic.

Perhaps the two shapes she had seen was foreshadowing something. It could mean that a mare would break Discord out of his stone prison again and he would be free. That would make sense of the mare and Discord shapes running around happily. What about the alicorn and that hug at the end? That had to mean something else entirely. Hugging didn't sound like something that Discord would do, even if somepony had broken him free.

Twilight finished up her sandwich and climbed upstairs with the sandwich following suit behind her. Twilight climbed onto her bed as she took a bite of her sandwich. Why was she suddenly seeing all of these unusual signs. It just didn't make any sense that she was seeing all of this. It just didn't.

Being lost in her own thoughts, Twilight didn't realize how quickly she had finished her sandwich. When she realized that she had eaten the thing so quickly, she shrugged it off and decided that after that spa date with her two best friends, that she was feeling rather tried again since a trip to the spa can relax you.

Twilight got herself under the covers and looked around the room to make sure nothing was out of place. Seeing nothing odd and hearing Spike snoring happily away, Twilight snuggled under the covers and closed her eyes to the real world.

Twilight opened her eyes almost instantly again, this time being back in her dream world, the same exact forest that she had been in before, the same candle sitting next to her, wearing the same white dress. She found herself next to the crumbled stone mess that she had been in the very first dream.

“Uggh! Why is this happening to me every single time I lay down to sleep today?!” Twilight screamed out in annoyance.

“Because that is exactly how I want it.” came a voice that eerily sounded like Discord's.

“I've had it with these tricks! Show yourself, now!” Twilight screamed out, using the candle to look all around herself, trying to find the source of the voice.

“But why, my dear? You've surely had quite a trip the last two times you've visited here.” taunted the voice. “I'm sure you don't want to ruin the mysteriousness that is already present here.”

“I said show yourself!” Twilight yelled again. “This is my dream, so show yourself! Now!” Twilight screamed as her horn lit up, suddenly making the whole forest disappear, leaving only barren ground, mist still hanging low, and moon hanging full in the sky.

When the forest had disappeared, Twilight could see a pony not to far away from where she had been standing. She immediately knew him as the driver pony that had taken her to Discord's statue in the first place. “You!” Twilight shouted as she pointed a hoof in the direction of the driver pony. “You're the one who is causing all of these odd occurrences! Who are you?”

Twilight walked up to the driver pony, not fearing him as she knew he was simply a dream. “Why are you plaguing my dreams today, why?”

“You haven't figured it out yet, my dear? I thought my voice would have been enough for you to figure it out, but it seems I was wrong about your smarts...” the driver pony smirked at her, flashing his snaggletooth at her.

“W-Wait...” Twilight started when a look of horror slowly started to form on her face. “N-No...that's impossible...it can't be you...you're still trapped in stone back in Canterlot...”

“It can't be who, my dear?” the driver pony asked.

“Discord.” Twilight said as what appeared to have been a rogue rain cloud suddenly made a blot of lightening fill the sky for a second.

“I guess you are smarter than I thought!” the driver pony laughed before suddenly being engulfed in puff a smoke. When it faded, there stood the god of chaos, Discord. Twilight looked up at him in horror. “Surprised to see me again, my dear?”

“Yes. But this is only a dream, so you're just simply a figment of my imagination.” Twilight laughed to herself. “I almost forgot that for a second. So, why are you in my dream, Discord? It must have been after Spike reminded me of you, that's probably why.”

“Laugh all you'd like,Twilight Sparkle, but I assure you that I am not apart of your vivid imagination.” Discord smirked. “I'm just as real as you are in here, in your head.”

“That's funny, my mind is trying to convince me that you're really here.” Twilight laughed. “Alright me, stop it now.”

“You really think that I am simply just your imagination?” Discord laughed. “That's priceless! How can your mind even create this?”

“Very funny, Discord.” Twilight said. “You are a dream because the real you in encased in stone, unable to use his magic for anything. So you are simply an illusion. With one blink of my eyes, you'll be gone and no longer my problem.” Twilight quickly blunk her eyes and no saw Discord in front of her. “That's much better.”

“Oh, you think your mind can get rid of me that quickly now?” Discord laughed from behind her.

Twilight immediately looked behind her and gave Discord a look of panic. “N-No, you aren't real! You are just my imagination! You can't actually be here! Go away! Leave me alone!”

“Poor Twilight Sparkle, perhaps I am simply a part of your active imagination.” Discord laughed as he conjured a chocolate milk for himself. “Or I'm really here with you, in your dreams.”

“B-But how can you possibly be in my head? You're entrapped in stone, in stone!” Twilight screamed at him.

“Oh Twilight Sparkle, just because I cannot use my magic in reality, doesn't mean I can't transport my mind into other minds. It's really quite useful when you can't move or do anything.” he smirked as he took a sip of the actual glass.

“That means, you're actually here...with me. B-But why are you here, tormenting me?” Twilight asked in panic.

“I simply wanted to see my favorite little purple mare of mine. Your friends are ok, but you have something of interest. You hold the most illusive element and you have a uncanny similarities to Princess Celestia.”

“Why me? Why me?” Twilight panicked.

“I also want something that Princess Celestia failed to give me over a thousand years ago and you are the perfect mare to pick up the pieces that she dropped.” Discord smirked.

“What? Pick up what?” Twilight asked.

“It may come as a surprise to you, Twilight Sparkle, but your precious mentor used to love me, but thanks to her father, she turn to hate me and encased me in stone!” Discord yelled. “But, you have something that she had. That special 'spark' if you will. I see many of the same qualities that she had in you.”

“You think I would love you as if you were my special somepony? You must be insane! I would never love you!” Twilight shouted in anger. “She may have saw something in you, but I will never love you like she may once have!”

Discord simply smirked at her outburst. “I am not surprised by your outburst, Twilight Sparkle. Fine, I'll leave your little dreams for now, but I will get you to feel the same way Celestia felt. Until then, Twilight Sparkle, au revior!” Discord said as he suddenly disappeared in a bright flash of light.

“Wake up, Twilight!” Twilight shouted when back in the real world, her eyes opened up suddenly and she bolted up, looking around. “W-What a dream. But was it true what he said to me, that he wants me to, Celestia forbid, love him?” Twilight gulped. “N-No. That won't happen.”

Twilight let out a sigh before she turned her head to look at her nightstand. Twilight's pupils suddenly shrunk down to invisible size at what she saw on her nightstand. A bouquet of what looked to be Poison Joke.

Perhaps he hadn't been kidding about loving her. But how does he expect her to love him like Celestia did? It would never happen, not in ten thousand years.