• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 3,034 Views, 26 Comments

A Future of Friendship, a History of Hate - Skyeheart

When the elements of harmony confront a group of individuals backed by an ancient evil who is the very antithesis of what they represent, who will win? Friendship, or hatred?

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The Fight for Friendship, part 1

A silhouetted figure blazed through the night sky, his trail leaving a smoldering sickly stain of smoke over Luna’s majestic midnight blanket. Slowly descending over the immense and wild growth of the untamed forest known as the Everfree, he circled twice before finding his intended destination: an enormous ruin positioned just offside a ridge, surrounded by the tallest and most gnarled of trees, the ancient castle of the royal sisters. Landing just outside, the mysterious stallion trotted through the crumbled archway and deep into the winding corridors, until he arrived at the expansive altar that once held the fabled elements of harmony. There, standing in the center of the chamber, were five other ponies.

“Last to arrive as always.”

“You know my alliance is not to you but to our master. I come to you only because he wills it.”

As the last member of the unknown group joined the circle one of them stepped closer to the center.

“The time almost upon us, the prison is finally at it weakest. All that remains is to sow the seeds of destruction so that the beacon of his return is ignited.”

“Has a location been chosen?” asked what appeared to be the smallest of them.

“The advent shall occur here.” The pony in the center raised her horn. It glowed as an image of a small, colorful but homely town appeared before the dawning sky, a large white castle city seen in the distance on the cliffs.

“It is called Ponyville.”

My Little Pony, My Little Pony

Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh…

(My Little Pony)
I used to wonder what friendship could be

Until you all shared its magic with me

Big adventure

Tons of fun
A beautiful heart

Faithful and strong

Sharing kindness

It's an easy feat

And magic makes it all complete

You have my little ponies

Do you know you're all my very best friends?

The battle for Friendship, part 1

Twilight Sparkle busily shuffled through her saddlebags, quintuple checking her organizational equipment. “Spike! Are you ready yet?”

“Coming, coming,” the little purple dragon said as he desperately tried to keep his balance while carrying the overly sized bundle of checklists down the stairs. “I don’t see what’s got your tail in such a knot today. It’s not like this is the first festival you’ve overseen.”

The lavender unicorn levitated her little assistant onto her back and immediately drew out one to the checklists he was holding. “But this is the probably the most important yet! It’s the Spring Equinox Celebration. The one day of the year that the sun and moon share the sky at the same time, the day that symbolizes true harmony between the two celestial bodies that govern our world. Owlowiscious, lock up for me, okay?”


Twilight trotted out towards the square, it was only seven in the morning and already everypony was up and about in a flutter of activity setting up stands, decorating the town, and cleaning the area.

“And this year, Ponyville has been chosen to host the festivities, both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are coming to grace us with their presence. Everything must be perfect.”

“Kinda strange that it’s always Ponyville the princesses choose to visit,” Spike commented as he attempted to free up his claws by stuffing the lists into Twilight’s saddlebags.

“Princess Celestia does not choose favorites if that’s what you’re thinking,” Twilight argued.

“Oh, I’m not thinking that. I’m just wondering if there aren’t any other towns that can handle the calamity that follows with a visit from the Princesses.”

“WHAT?!” Twilight skidded to a stop and Spike almost fell off. “You’re insinuating that the mere concept of Princess Celestia’s upcoming presence is a harbinger of doom?! How can you rationalize that?!”

“Let’s see….there was Nightmare Moon at the Summer Sun celebration, the parasprite infestation, that incident with the phoenix, oh, and who possibly forget-” Spike stopped listing things off his finger as his eyes met a very annoyed Twilight. “I’m just saying, things always get crazy when you two go together.”

“Well it’s not happening this time. This time, things are going to be perfect. Not a single event or plan will go off hitch, the princesses will arrive to raise the sun and moon in harmony, everypony will be happy, and nothing will go wrong.”

She then gave a small smirk as she trotted to where she would meet her friends near the fountain. “Besides, every villain and monster we’ve ever come across are either defeated, sealed away, or millions of miles away from us, who or what could possibly ruin this event?”

“Howdy Twi.” Applejack waved her hoof as Twilight approached the orange earth pony and her cart of delicious baked apple treats that she was hauling.

“Hey Applejack, everything on track with food?”

“Yep, the carrots, the onions, the grapes, every farmer’s got their best bushel already set up and prepared. Plenty of chow fer everypony. And as you can see here, I already got half a dozen of my famous apple fritters straight out of the oven and ready to eat.”

“Make that half a dozen minus one,” Spike said as he grabbed one of the fritters and stuffed it into his mouth, earning yet another disapproving glare from Twilight. Applejack just chuckled.

“Ah, don’t fret none sugarcube, this is just the first batch. Granny’s cookin up a storm back home, she’s even bustin’ out her legendary apple dumplings.”

Twilight gazed up at the sky. “Speaking of storms, have you seen Rainbow Dash? I need to check up on her as well.”

“Somepony call?”

The cyan, rainbow-maned pegasus’ face blotted out everything else as it suddenly appeared inches from the lavender unicorn’s face. Twilight yelped and stumbled backwards, right into a mud puddle. Rainbow Dash giggled as she fell back onto a low hovering cumulus. “Heh heh, just like when we first met, huh?”

“Ha ha,” Twilight remarked, picking herself up before adding, “And I can clean myself off this time thank you very much. Did you get those cirrus clouds from the Cloudsdale factory as per requested?”

“All taken care of! They even tossed in a couple nimbostrati since they were having an inventory reduction, can I cut a deal or what?”

“Excellent, so they’re in place already right?”

Twilight was met with a moment of silence before Rainbow scratched the back of her neck. “What? They have to go up now?”

“Rainbow! It takes at least half an hour to reach the proper altitude and set a stable cirrus cloud! And that’s just one! We’re supposed to have twenty five decorating the airspace around Ponyville before noon!”

“Hey, half an hour…for the average pegasus. You’ve got the number one weather pony to back you up. I can have it done before nine.”

“Then do it now! Get the rest of your team and go!”

“Sheesh, you’re always so uptight about the silliest things,” Dash said as she flapped off. “Whenever the princesses are involved, you turn into a total Rarity.”

“And just what is that supposed to mean?” The alabaster unicorn with her purple mane brushed and curled to perfection called out as she approached the group. She then turned to Twilight. “Oh Twilight, just the mare I was looking for. I need your help.”

“What is it Rarity? Is coming wrong with the decorating committee? Are you short-hoofed? Did we run out of material? Was there an accident? Was somepony hurt? Did-”

“Ah, tut tut tut.” Rarity reached over and shushed Twilight while fixing a few stray hairs in her mane. “Remember what I told you about those worry lines I found under your eyes the other day. You need to stop assuming the worst.”

“Oh, so it’s nothing big or important?” Twilight sighed with relief.

“Oh, but it IS important!” Rarity implored. Twilight mane let loose the stray hairs Rarity fixed plus a few extra. “My attire for the festivities is in complete disarray!”

“Your what now?” asked Applejack as she finished setting up her stand.

“I had planned to attend the festivities in a wonderfully new ensemble that would dazzle and amaze all. But then, when I checked my makeup cabinet this morning, I found out I had run out of Midnight Moonrose number twenty-three, the only eyeshadow that could perfectly compliment my dress! There’s no time to order more, but you can synthesize a quick batch in that laboratory of yours right? I even have the list of ingredients right here on the back of the container.”

Twilight sighed again, this time in exasperation. “Rarity, I don’t have time to mix up some makeup in my lab, I have to supervise the preparations. Can’t you just go without?”


Twilight winced at Rarity’s outburst, realizing all too late that she had said the wrong thing.

“Twilight! Every proper lady knows that clothes make the mare, and what would those clothes be without the right accessories?! Why, to show up in front of the princesses in an incomplete outfit would be an insult to them! It would imply that I would not think them worthy enough for my full attention! I would be forever shamed! Never to be able to show myself in public again! It would be THE. WORST. POSSIBLE-”

“Rarity! Why don’t you just choose a new outfit? Something that doesn’t need your eyeshadow!”

The hysterical unicorn suddenly froze as gears turned in her head. “Something that doesn’t need eyeshadow…?”

She then gasped as her eyes lit up. “No, something that doesn’t need makeup entirely! No blush! No liner! No lipstick! A wardrobe that expresses the pristine beauty of the au natural Spring! An outfit that projects nothing but ‘simply’ Rarity! IDEEEEEA!”

As Rarity galloped back towards her boutique, Twilight called out after her. “Wait, Rarity! What about the decorations?”

Rarity paused before turning around the corner. “Oh they’re fine, darling! All set up! Now if you excuse me, I need to hurry if I’m to be presentable by the time the celebration starts! Speaking of, you should really wash up before that mud starts to cake.”

Twilight looked over herself, and sighed. A quick survey of the grounds, and she would head back to the library for a quick shower and be back in time for the arrival of the princesses. She turned around…and and was nose to nose with a fizzy haired, overly bubbly, bouncing pink earth pony.

“YAH!” Twilight stumbled back and fell in the mud puddle for the second time. “Pinkie, what are you doing?”

“Somepony mentioned cake, so here I am! By the way, what kind of cake is it? Is it chocolate? Lemon? Strawberry? Coconut? You know, a lot ponies don’t like coconut and I don’t know why, it’s sweet and has a really funny texture that just tickles your tongue and throat when you swallow and-”

“Pinkie! Please! We are on the epicenter of perhaps the most important event to happen to Ponyville in years! This is no time for you to be…Pinkie!”

Pinkie Pie cocked her head in a quizzical manner.

“But… if I’m not Pinkie, then who am I? Oh, oh! Could I be Bon Bon? I’d love to make candy for a living! No wait! I wanna be Cheerilee! Then I can work with little fillies and colts all day and teach them how to be as party-tasic as me! *Gasp* Gummy! Make me Gummy! I’ve always wondered what life is like as an alligator! No, can I be-”

Applejack stuffed a whole apple pie into the party pony’s mouth before she could talk their ears off.

“I think what Twi’s trying to say sugarcube, is save all that partyin' energy for when the party actually starts. Think you can do that, hon?”

As Pinkie swallowed the pastry down whole, she gave a vigorous nod.

“Okie dokie lokie! I need to finish placing those sprinkle confetti poppers along the streets anyways. When the royal carriages arrive, it’ll be like an exploding rainbow runway that you can eat!”

“What? No! Pinkie! I told you, the royal carriage is going to be greeted by a flock of doves guiding them in with a chorus of robins, blue jays, and cardinals that Fluttershy has been training for weeks.”

“Um, uh… we could do both… that is…if it’s okay with you. I’m sure the birds wouldn’t mind,” came a meek voice from behind Pinkie.

Pinkie turned to the butter yellow pegasus, hiding slightly behind her long silky pink mane as if she just said something offensive she regretted.

“Really? Oooooh, maybe they can carry the poppers! Yeah, they’ll form a big smiley face in the sky! It’ll be just like fireworks! And who doesn’t like fireworks!”

Twilight motioned Applejack to hoof her over another treat. Applejack obliged and a baked apple was jammed right between Pinkie’s lips as Twilight moved her aside to speak to her socially inward friend.

“Is everything ready, Fluttershy?”

“Oh yes, all the little birdies are well prepared and rested. I gave them all a nice big breakfast and plenty of water. I also mixed in a little honey because it makes their voices so much sweeter. Oh, but, did you not want sweet? I’m really sorry if that is.”

“It’s alright Fluttershy, you did good.” Twilight felt herself starting to relax simply being in her demure friend’s presence. My friends want to make this day perfect just as much as I do. No sense in splitting hairs when we’re all in the same boat.

Any further thoughts were interrupted as Rainbow Dash came swooping back in, knocking Twilight into the puddle for the third time.

Now if only I could say the same about this mud…

“Oops, sorry again Twilight,” Rainbow said with a sheepish grin right before she puffed up her chest and turned to Spike. “So, how was my time?”

Twilight looked to her assistant, who had a stopwatch in one claw. “Five minutes, three seconds, it’s a new record!” he proclaimed.

Rainbow didn’t seem impressed though. “Awww come on! Three whole seconds? I knew I should have kicked that last one over instead of carrying it.”

“Spike, you were timing her?” Twilight then looked at Rainbow Dash. “Rainbow, you’re done already?”

“What? I told you it wasn’t a problem for Equestria’s number one flier. Take a good look!”

Twilight peered up at the now sliver streaked sky that portrayed light wisps that gave the atmosphere more volume without any obstruction to the sun’s light.

“Hmmm… that third one from the left is a little out of place…”

Everypony gave the studious unicorn a deadpan look and she cleared her throat as she got the message. “Uh, I mean, you did great Rainbow Dash. Good job and I’m proud you gave it your best effort.”

Okay Twilight, everything is going smoothly. Just a quick trot around the rest of the square and then I’ll clean up and get back to-

“Awp! Pinchy knee! Itchy eyebrow! Ticklely tummy!”

Her pupils shrunk. “No, no. Nononononono! Not a Pinkie Sense! Not here! Not now!”

“Easy Twi!” Applejack gave a firm grip on her head before she could start prancing in a panic. “It may not be a bad thing!” She then looked over to Pinkie. “Is it?”

Pinkie sat down, hoof to her chin. “Mmmmmm… I don’t know! This one is new! At least I think it is.” She then fished out a huge list from her poofy mane at unrolled all the way to the town limits. “Let’s see… pinchy eyebrows…twichy nose…twisty tail…ooh, I forgot I had that one…puffy cheeks…jittery teeth…yep! This is definitely a new one!”

“Okay, so we got an unknown happenstance that going to occur any minute on what is going to be the most important event of year. It’s fine, really,” Twilight tried to reassure herself. As much as she had accepted Pinkie’s Pinkie sense, she still didn’t like having factors beyond her control messing with her planning. “I mean, what’s the worst that could happen?”

A defining explosion filled the sky as a streak of ash careened across the sky, defacing the beauty of the pristine sky as the pegasus leading the trail smashed the thin clouds to pieces. With each hoof that connected, the clouds shattered in ear-splitting thunder into shards of ice and lightning, raining down onto the buildings below. Ponies scattered from the scene, running about to a fro in a sudden panic, all expect Twilight, who stood there in a state of shock.

“What in tarnation?!” Applejack ducked behind her stand as a large piece of cloud debris slammed in front of her. “Who the hay is that pony and what does he think he’s doing?!”

“I dunno, but he’s not gonna be doing it much longer!” Rainbow Dash shot into the air after him shouting at the top of her lungs. “HEY! JERKWAD! THOSE CLOUDS TOOK ME A WHOLE FIVE MINUTES TO SET UP!”

Twilight finally managed to snap back to real time, and was just about to condense some instructions for everypony to stop the sudden panic, when a shrill voice of a filly broke her train of thought.

“AJ!” Applejack turned to see her little yellow-cream colored sister running towards her, her red mane in a mess and missing its trademark bow, eyes wide in panic.

“Applebloom? What in Sam Hill are you doing here? I thought you were helping Big Mac with the harvest.”

“TH-TH-TH THE- THE AP-THE APPLE-APPLES-” The out of breath filly struggled to form a complete sentence as she pressed her front hooves against her sister.

“Breathe, little filly.” Applejack patted Applebloom’s back firmly to try a coax her down. “Now what about the apples?”


“WH-WH-WHUT?” Applejack’s face seized up as her stetson hat fell from her head.

“It’s true! Big Mac and I just finished loading our cart, when they started turning all brown and mushy! T-then, the ones still on the trees started doing the same!”

She had barely finished the last word when orange farmpony whizzed right by her making a beeline for Sweet Apple Acres. “Watch the stand AB!” she called back in the distance without even turning around.

Fluttershy, meanwhile, was too frightened and flabbergasted to do anything expect curl up low to the ground and hide under her mane as best as possible. She squeaked the tiniest yelp possible as she felt something poke her flank. Turning to the side, she saw her favorite snow white rabbit tapping his foot impatiently.

“Oh, Angel, it’s just you. You scared me for a momen-”

She stopped. Angel had expressed many emotions in their time together. Annoyance, worry, sadness, happiness, even mischief, but the look in the serious bunny’s eyes was one she had never expected to see from him.

It was a look of abject terror.

“A-angel? What’s wrong?” Angel grabbed the shy pegasus’ mane and gave it a sharp tug, motioning over in the direction of her cottage. “D-did something happen to the other animals?” Angel just tugged again, the look in his eyes more fearful than ever.

“Oh-oh, I’m…I’m sorry Twilight, but I have to go. Something is seriously wrong back home. I think-” Angel tugged so hard Fluttershy was actually dragged a couple inches back. “I’ll be right back.”

That left Twilight with Pinkie, who waved a hoof in front of her friend when she saw she wasn’t even blinking.

“Hellooo? Twily-wily? Are you having a staring contest? Cause if you are, it’d be a lot more fun if you had somepony to have it with.”

Twilight then bolted off so fast Pinkie did not even have time to see her go.


“Okay! I’ll see you later then Twilight!”

A drop of water hit Pinkie on the nose. Looking up, she saw there were some rainclouds over her. A soft drizzle dabbled down over her as her ears perked up to hoofsteps behind her. Turning around, she saw one other pony standing with her in the enclosure of the rain. It was a pegasus, completely covered head to hoof in an indigo glass-plated armor. Her head was concealed in an expressionless obsidian mask and her wings covered in an amethyst chrome finish. Not even her tail was visible under her garments, but that was not the first thing Pinkie noticed about her.

*GAAAAASP* “A new pony! You’re a new pony in Ponyville! You have to be a new pony because I’ve never ever seen you before and I don’t know your name and I know everypony’s name in Ponyville and what they look like! And if you’re a new pony then that means I need to throw you a party! A welcome to Ponyville party! Because I throw every new pony in Ponyville a welcome party and you’re a new pony in Ponyville! And this is super exciting because we’re already going to be having a party today with the princesses so now we can make it a double party! Double the games, double the cake and ice cream, double the presents, double the fun, double everything! Well not EVERYthing double. I mean you can’t exactly double a pony. But now that I think about it, how much fun would it be if there were TWO of me? Oh, by way speaking of me, I hadn’t introduced myself yet! Silly willy nilly me! Introductions are the first and foremost rule to greeting somepony, especially if you want to be friends. I mean what kind of friend would just say ‘hey you!’. So, my name’s Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone calls me Pinkie Pie, so you can call me Pinkie Pie too! What’s your name?”

The pegasus simply stood there for the longest time, unmoved and unspoken throughout Pinkie's one pony conversation, and finally lifted her head to meet the eyes of the party pony, gazed into her through the lapis lazuli lens, and spoke with a mournful voice that sounded like the echoes of an ocean’s wake in a seashore cave.

Rainbow Dash sped through the sky, her prismatic trail cutting and overlapping the fiery smoke and lightning of the other pegasus.

“Just where do you think you’re going?!” She screamed from behind him. “You think you can just waltz into Ponyville, make a huge mess and just fly off! Not when the Dash is here!”

The chase went on for another minute, whoever this pony was, he sure knew his stuff. Every time she thought he would zig, he zagged, every time she thought he would zag, he zigged, putting more and more distance between them. She chased him into a grove in the whitetail woods, rounding several trees before she saw him zipping by her in the other direction.

When the two were back out in the clearing, she attempted to run him towards the ground by taking the high route and diving him while he passed a narrow ridge with his sides flanked by cliffs. To her surprise though, he immediately spun downward in a near vertical angle as if he was attempting to crash himself, but then began to spin into a cyclone of fire and electricity, shooting right into the earth like a drill and then, moments later, popping out of the ravine edge unfettered and unslowed.

That…was awesome.

Rainbow had to admit, for a jerk, he sure pulled some pretty cool stunts with reckless abandon. But still, she had to catch him!

As he sped towards the tall lonely mountain, she pumped her wings towards a nearby jet stream she knew would loop around the landmark. With the extra wind at her back, she swung right by him, winged around the snow capped peak and halted right in front of him, where she got a good look at her adversary for the first time.

He was a broad and tall stallion, clad in black ash armor with crimson streaks running down the edges like scars. The leggings of his mail were laced with wrought iron chains, and he wore a full mask helm that left only his eyes and mane visible, both burned a yellowish red like they were on fire.

Rainbow tried her best not to think of how cool and tough that getup looked, and simply sucked in her gut, put her hooves on her hips, and flared her wings to look as intimidating as possible.

“You put up a good chase, I’ll give you that. But nopony can outfly the Rainbow Dash! Now what say you give me an explanation of why you literally crashed our celebration?”

Moments passed as the two stared each other down, and with each passing second, Rainbow’s irritation grew.

“Well? Talk! Or do we have to do things the hard way?”

Her silent antagonist finally spoke up in a deep, erupting tone that rumbled like thunder.

Rarity gazed at her newest masterpiece as she held it up to the sunlight. It was a simple one piece dress similar to the one she had made for Twilight back in Canterlot, however there were some noticeable differences that could be seen. It was a vibrant lime green with an emerald dust around the hem of the skirt to make it glimmer like the fresh morning dew. The shoulders and sleeves were garbed with an almost transparent white silk lace, giving it a gossamer finish similar to her butterfly wings that one time. Finally, its accompaniment, a daisy yellow sun umbrella, had several floral patterns of lilies, cherry blossoms and tulips that were arranged in a way so that if you spun it, it would seem as if their petals were scattering to the winds.

As she fitted into her spring attire and gazed into her vanity mirror, a smile as wide as the sky spread over the fashionista face as she gave a coy wink to herself. Yes! This was the beauty of spring in its purest form! A veritable gem of only the most natural and pristine! And this would only be the first of her spring designs. As soon as made her debut at the celebration, she was sure word would get around about how fabulously wonderful she looked, and orders for entire wardrobes would come pouring in, everypony wanting to be as gracefully simple as her!

Giggling to herself, she trotted down from her fitting stand and over to her closet where she kept some odds and ends.

Mustn’t forget the hat. That little straw one with the flat brim should do it if I could find that pink ribbon…aha! There!

With a skip in her step, she bounded out, but slowed to a stop when she glanced towards the front doors. Somepony was standing there, a tall stallion, completely adorned in golden armor with silver trimming the rim and diamonds studding the edges. He wore a large helm in the shape of a tall imperial crown that completely shadowed his face, and a majestic royal purple cape covered his back all the way down to his tail. Rarity could immediately tell this was a high class pony, though perhaps his outfit, while grand, was maybe a little too overbearing, especially for a spring getup.

“Oh, welcome to Carousel Boutique, my good sir. I’m terribly sorry, but I’m afraid we’re closed for the Spring Equinox celebration today. If you like, however, you can tell me a quick order and I can get started with rough design on the morrow, and we can discuss the details and payment on a later date.”

The mysterious visitor merely lowered his gaze to Rarity, as if he was looking down on her, and then bellowed in a deep condescending voice that rang with pride and authority.

As Applejack sped across the dirt road to her farm, she managed to get a few glances at the other orchards and gardens on her way. It wasn’t just the apples, every fruit and veggie was looking sickly, and the rest of the farmers were as shocked and panicked as she was. Was this some sort of blight or curse? And what was responsible?

She finally reached the front gate, and as she rushed by the barn and out into the orchard, she fought back tears to sight she saw. It was just as Applebloom had described, not a single speck of red, green or yellow fruit could be seen on the trees, only brown, gunky, and mushy balls decorated the vibrant green leaves.

Wait a minute…

Applejack approached one of the trees and looked closer, she felt up the bark and plucked a leaf from a low hanging branch with her teeth, tasting it. The trunk was firm and strong and leaves were juicy and rich.

The trees are perfectly fine…it's only the apples that are being affected.

A small wave of relief washed over Applejack. Every tree in the orchard was as much family to her as any member of the Apple clan, the fact that they were healthy meant the world to her. But that didn’t help the current situation. Their fruit was rotten and inedible. Sweet Apple Acres had its share of bad harvests before, but this took the cake!

Ah need t'go back and find Twilight, she can figure out what’s wrong here. Ah just hope what we managed to make so far will be enough for the celebration.

Suddenly, she noticed somepony was standing near one of the trees. She was a unicorn, probably several years older than her little sister. Draped in a heavy white cloak that concealed her entire body, and a black sash covering the bottom half of her face, all that could be seen of her were two teal eyes that seemed to gaze deep into the soul. But the most peculiar feature about this young mare that right above horn…was a second one, barely hidden by her red and white striped mane.

“Uh, howdy there stranger. Is there something I can help ya with? Cause if not, I’d kinda like it if you’d leave, as you can see this place is in o’ bit a pickle here.”

Gaze never faltering, the two horned mare’s voice rang out in a soft, sadistic, and uncaring manner, and it felt as if the voice was emanating straight from Applejack’s mind.

As Fluttershy ran closer to her cottage, she could hear a cacophony of squawks, cries, and roars in the distance that only spurred her faster. Upon reaching the door, she rushed in to find her house in a complete state of disarray. Critters of all kinds were jumping and scurrying to and fro, knocking aside anything in their way as if they had lost their minds. The gardens and pens in the back were in even worse shape. The birds she had been training for weeks were scattering and peeping in panic whilst the larger creatures below were upturning the earth and banging against the walls and fences as if they felt a need to escape.

For the first few minutes, Fluttershy could not even comprehend what she was seeing. All her animal friends had never been in such a frenzy before. So much rage, pain, and fear overwhelmed her senses that she instinctively crouched down to make herself as small as possible. But after the initial rush, her motherly nature kicked in to attempt to quell her little ones, and some big ones, before they hurt themselves.

“Oh, oh, please. Everyone calm down. It’s okay. Don’t be scared.”

But her soft melodious voice was drowned out by the mass hysteria of her pets.

“Um, uh, please? Can everyone please stop? I’m here. It’s okay. Oh, don’t knock that over! Wait! Come back! Oh no no no no no, don’t do that. You’ll hurt yourself.”

After several more minutes of unsuccessful chasing and pleading, Fluttershy realized she could not get their attention. She took a deep breath, knowing she would have to resort to that. Planting her feet firmly on the floor, she stood right in a frazzled badger’s way, and applied the stare. The critter froze and trembled for a few seconds, seemingly paralyzed by his caretaker’s gaze. But then, he started to snarl, and with a quick swipe of his claw, attacked her left eye as if she was some sort of monster.

Fluttershy squeaked as she fell back, hoof on her hurt eye. Once again, the incredulous turn of events stunned her for a few minutes as she tried to piece together what had just happened.

My…my stare didn’t work…

My animal friends…attacked me…

They…they hurt me…

Suddenly, Fluttershy felt very uneasy. As she looked around her trashed home, her unease grew into anxiety, and her anxiety grew to panic. She had never noticed that so many of her little animals had such sharp beaks, claws, teeth, or other things that could inflict bodily harm. Her furniture was damaged with deep marks that scarred the wood, marks caused by her animals. Her breath came in shorter intervals, and she felt the walls close in as she glanced from one creature to the next. Their eyes didn’t look at all friendly, they seemed full of malice. Wait! Were they looking at her now? W-were their mouths foaming?

Th-There were so many of them, and they all looked so angry… and mean… and hungry.

A single raccoon took a solitary step towards her, and she screamed, bolting out her door as fast as her wings took take her. She had only gone past her mailbox when she crashed into a huge stallion even larger than Big Macintosh. His tattered robes of gray rippled in even the slightest breeze like a reaper’s cowl, and his bony, long face procured menacing blood red eyes that pulsed almost as if they were bleeding. His hooves wore spiked greaves and shoes that twisted into goring shapes like growing briars. And he bore a wicked sneer, his teeth all unnaturally sharp and pointed.

He towered over the whimpering ball of yellow and pink, and from his mouth rasped with a chilling voice that echoed like a pebble clattering into a dark, bottomless abyss.

“Twiiiiiiiliiiiiight!! Slo-o-o-o-o-o-o-ow do-o-o-o-o-o-ownnnnn!!” Spike cried as he desperately clutched the end of her tail, flailing about like kite trying to get into the air.

Twilight had gone from zero to sixty in ten seconds flat, sprinting back into her library and up the stairs, finally halting and sending the dazed dragon flying into the air and onto her bed as she frantically threw boxes aside from her closet.

“Panic kit! Need the panic kit! And the disaster kit! And the first aid kit and the heavy duty clean up kit and the emergency repair kit!”

“Pack the calm the heck down kit while you’re at it,” the little dragon said as he dusted off his green frills. “So we’ve got a few messes popping up. That’s no reason to wig out and start adding to the chaos. We’ve dealt with much worse in the past without you flying off your handle.”

“Found it! Now where’s that ponyocalypse scenario set?”

“TWILIGHT!” Spike shouted at the top of his lungs, snapping her attention to him.

“Look at me. You gotta get it together! I really don’t want another repeat performance of that friendship report escapade or the future Twilight incident! Now take a deep breath, and tell yourself, everything is going to be fine.”

Twilight took several deep breaths, and slowly but surely her worry ebbed. She gave Spike a warm smile and sighed. “You’re right Spike. I need to look at this rationally. Running about in a tizzy has never gotten me out of the situation before and only added to the problem. The ponies out there are going to need a level-headed organizer who can properly access the damage and work out a step by step recovery plan."

She then packed most of her emergency kits back into the closet. “And that will be me. Let’s get back out there and rally a clean-up crew to salvage anything undamaged, and work from there.”

Twilight proceeded to climb down the stairs, and then found herself facing an unknown pony at the foot of the steps. She was fully robed in dark green garments that portrayed strange and eldritch symbols of the arcane. Her mane and tail glowed a sickly yellow as it waved and flowed on its own. A magic veil hid her face as she glowered at the scholar with contempt with her olive green eyes.

“W-who are you? What are you doing in here? Is there something you want? Do you know something about what’s happening out there?” Twilight asked nervously as unease began to creep back into her.

Leaning close, the intruder spoke in a tone that lingered in spite, her words dripping with venom.

“All that you know is at an end…”

“The prophecy of destruction shall be completed…”

“The gate beyond the void will open…”

“The true master will return triumphant…”

“The disillusionment will envelop all…”

“And hatred will rule once more.”

“W-what?” Twilight gaped in horror at the stranger’s words. “What are you talking about?! What gate? What master? WHAT PROPHECY?!”

But the other unicorn simply turned and walked away, dissipating into a mist that faded out as if she was never there.


Every single hair on Twilight completely frazzled out as she went into full meltdown.

Everything I know…gone? Hatred ruling?! WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN TO EQUESTRIA?!!

“Uh, what?” Applejack cocked her head suspiciously at the words the young mare had said. “Wait, do you know what’s goin’ on round here? Are you responsible for this?”

The twin horned pony started to walk away, ignoring her.

“Hey! I’m talkin’ to you! Git over here now and start explaining!”

Applejack leapt at the stranger, but with an eerie blue glow, the unicorn became nothing but a transparent outline and Applejack passed right through her, smacking herself into the tree she was standing behind. An avalanche of mush covered the dazed earth pony and she poked her head out of the mess just in time to see the outline vanish in a wisp of smoke.

“Dang that fancy unicorn magic. Ah better let Twi and the others know about that there weirdo and that strange mumbo jumbo she spouted.”

“I…beg your pardon?” Rarity answered the gleaming stallion before her.

He said nothing more, and craned his head high. Then his armor shone brilliantly until it seemed as if the sun itself was inside the boutique. Rarity squeezed her eyes shut, blinded by the golden light, and when she opened them, he was gone.

“My word…what a mysterious stallion. And those words… even stranger. Still, it was awfully rude for him to just barge in here like nopony’s business just for that. And not even a fine ‘how do you do’ either. Oop! Almost forgot, I still need to get that hat. There’ll be time to think about mysterious encounters after today’s soirée.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?! Are you threatening me?” Rainbow Dash threw an accusatory hoof at her opponent.

He said nothing in return and instead started to fly away in the other direction.


Rainbow Dash’s pursuit was cut short as the other pegasus jerked his neck back at her with a withering glare and emanated a huge gale force wind from his body. Rainbow spiraled backwards face first into the mountain wall.

“Oooch, agh…that was a cheap shot!” she spat as she peeled herself out of the indent she made into the rock. But when she scanned the skies east to west, there was no trace of her quarry left to find. Huffing to herself in frustration, she flew back towards Ponyville to start cleaning up the mess that was still there.


Fluttershy trembled at what seemed to be the scariest pony since Nightmare Moon, and squeezed her eyes shut, hooves over her head, since she was too scared to go back the other way. She then felt a poke at her flank and squealed in horror jumping a full ten feet. She recoiled into a bush, eventually poking her eyes out to see Angel, tapping his foot. The other pony was no longer anywhere to be seen.

“Oh, um….I’m sorry Angel. You scared me again. Um…if it’s alright, can we go back to Twilight and the others? I-I think I need some help calming my…..animals….down. If that’s alright with you.”

Angel’s eyes now had a look of sympathy as he hopped over and gave her face a quick reassuring hug. Fluttershy smiled and almost forgot about everything scary that had just happened to her as she crawled out of the bush and nuzzled her caring and protective rabbit in return. A sharp shrill cry of a dozen birds in cottage behind her broke her serenity, and she started galloping back to Ponyville at full speed.

“Wow…that’s a pretty long and strange name. How about I give you a nickname to make it easier? Maybe…Miss Rainy? How about Shiny Wings? Oh, oh! Blue Gloomy! Blue Gloomy!”

The seemingly emotionless pegasus released a sigh, and in flash of lightning and a boom of thunder, she was gone, along with the rain and the clouds. Pinkie turned her neck an almost full three-sixty as she looked around.

“Oooh! That was a neat trick! She’s going to have to show me how to do that next time!”

Spike shook his head as he massaged the spot between his eyes with an index finger and thumb. The library was in shambles, books were laid everywhere but the shelves and notes plastered everywhich way as if a tornado had hit the interior. He bent over to pick up a page down large dictionary with its spine bent over just as another paperback hit him square in the face.

And to think I thought I could avoid one of Twilight’s insanity sprees…

The bookish unicorn was sprawled out on her desk, switching between four different reference books at a page per minute. As she finally reached the end of one, she immediately slammed it shut and threw it aside with her magic.

“NO! Nothing in here either!”

“Twilight! You’ve gone through every book in the library for about two hours now! The festival’s gonna start any minute now!”

“If I can’t find out what that warning was pertaining to, there may not even be a festival, or an Equestria!” Twilight tossed another almanac aside.

Spike peeked out the window to see two large chariots approaching the town from the sky, one midnight blue and the other ivory laced with gold.

“That’s certainly going to put a damper on their royal highnesses spirits to know there’s no celebration after coming here.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up. “Of course! Princess Celestia! She’ll know what to do!”

She rushed out of the library, and skidded to a halt right in front of where the chariots landed, nearly crashing in the guards that pulled it. Everypony bowed as the white alicorn stepped out, her benevolent smile radiated as she glanced from one pony to the next. Her younger sister Luna soon joined her side from the other carriage. Together, they appeared to be the most beautiful beings anypony ever saw. Their manes flowed and overlapped, mixing a wondrous aurora spectrum with a canvas of midnight stars. Their regalia shone with an aura of warm serenity and power.

“Rise, my little ponies. We are happy and pleased to see you all in good spirits.”

Celestia’s smile shrunk a little as she saw her faithful student approach her in such a disheveled state. “Twilight Sparkle, is there something wrong?”

“Princess Celestia, Princess Luna-”

“Twilight!” Rainbow Dash barreled into her yet again, pushing her yet again, into the mud. “Finally found ya! Listen, I gotta tell you something, that weird pegasus that wrecked my clouds? I chased him all the way to the dragon mountain and he said some weird things that I-”

Then she realized who else she was standing before and quickly bowed. As she did, Twilight picked herself up and was then knocked down into the mud again as Fluttershy bumped into her.

“Oh, oh, I’m so sorry Twilight. I was j-just in such a rush to find you that I-”

“Hey Twi! There you are!”

The crowd parted ways as Applejack squeezed her way through, followed by Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

“Listen Twi, I found somepony I’ve never seen before at my farm and I think she’s up to some shenanigans cause she started spouting some mumbo jumbo I couldn’t make heads or tails of. I was wondering if you could-”

“Wait? Are you saying there’s more than one new pony in Ponyville?” Pinkie exclaimed. “Oh my gosh! This calls for a triple party! I’ve only held two of those in my entire life! Three if you count the time I found a lost world in that closet in the attic and-”

“Hold on now. You’ve both had an encounter with a mysterious stranger? How peculiar… I had one just in my shop this morning. And he also said something out of the ordinary, something about a prophecy-Oh! Twilight! What did I tell you about that mud caking?”

Twilight’s eyes continued to widen at each of her friends’ updates. She then turned to her ruler and mentor, doing her best not to let panic ruin her composure.

“Princess, we need to speak, in private, now. It’s imperative.”

Celestia lowered her head and gave her panting pupil a reassuring muzzle. “Of course, my faithful student. My sister and I will gladly hear any concerns you have.”

Back in the halls of the library, Celestia and Luna both sat before the six ponies as each one recalled their fateful encounters that morning, their faces stoic and calm, never betraying any hint of worry and at the same time expressing deep concern.

“This is rather disturbing news,” Luna stated in a controlled voice. “It is clear that there are ill intentions at work here. Unfortunately, my sister and I have no knowledge of this prophecy that these six strangers spoke of either, or whom this master they refer to is.”

Twilight’s worry hit an all time high. It was only the presence of her beloved monarchs that kept her from erupting in a spastic outburst. “B-but…if even you don’t know anything about this, how can we prevent it? All of Equestria may be plunged into disaster at any moment!”

“Twilight,” Celestia once again cast her loving smile upon the scared little unicorn. “There is no need to fear. Yes, we do not know who these strange forces at work are, what their goal is, or the magnitude of their predicted advent. But something I do know is that should it come to pass, everypony will do their best to overcome the hardships that follow. And I have faith in them.”

“Yeah, Twilight. So what if some big bad meanie decides to come out and be a big party pooper? We’ll just party even hardier!” Pinkie said as she groped a hoof around her friend’s shoulder.

“You know it! Anypony tries something, they’ll be answering to us!” Rainbow Dash air boxed and gave a quick roundhouse kick.

“Well then, if’n we’re all on the same page here, let’s get back out there and get this celebration underway!” Applejack said as she opened the doors to the library.

“Indeed! Let us look to the day with positive view! It just might be we’re concerning ourselves over nothing!” Rarity agreed as she twirled her umbrella on the way out.

The group all trotted out with renewed spirits, ready to greet the day with vigor. Twilight and Celestia were the last to head out, as the unicorn hesitated at the door.

“Is there still something troubling you, Twilight?”

“It’s just that…when those other ponies confronted us, it’s as if they knew we were alone at the time. Like they had purposely tried to separate us when they showed up. When I found myself staring face to…well, not exactly face of that other pony, I felt helpless. My friends and I have always managed to overcome any danger together, but at that moment, a fleeting thought lingered in my mind. They’ll always want to be there for me, but if they can’t be there? What if something forcibly prevents them from being there with me…that they can’t help me…and I can’t help them?”

Celestia leaned in close and gazed into her eyes softly. “My dear little pony, let me ask you. If your friends were a million leagues away from here without away way to return, would you stop thinking of them?”

“What? No! Never!”

“And would they stop thinking of you?”

“Of course not!”

“Then there will never be a time when you cannot be there for your friends nor them for you. Friendship…true friendship, is something that surpasses any boundary, whether it is material, emotional, or spiritual.”

She lifted her head up, giving a faraway look through the window at the sky. “When my dear little sister became Nightmare Moon, and I was forced to seal her away, I felt more turmoil than I ever had in my long rule over this land. But beneath my anguish, I held on to one simple thing that kept me strong over the next thousand years, my love for Luna. I knew she was still in there, behind that veil of jealousy and spite, was my sweet and adorable sister who was fearful for what she’d become, and who loved me in return. Not a single day went by that I kept that love in my heart and nurtured it, because I knew as long I had it, I would never lose her. She would come back one day, and neither of us would ever take our relationship for granted ever again.”

She turned again to Twilight, her eyes glazed with emotion from her moment of nostalgia. “Each of the elements of harmony exists within everypony, and they are what connect them together. So even if there is a time where you must face adversity alone, remember your friends, and they will be with you in spirit, supporting you until the very end.”

Twilight felt her very being soothe as Celestia’s words washed over her. “Thank you so much, Princess Celestia. I feel much better now.”

Celestia gave a warm chuckle. “Now come, Twilight. It’s time to begin the Spring Equinox.”

Not a single inch of the entire square was empty as every pony in the town, and some from the neighboring ones gathered around the platform the princesses stood on. Mayor Mare stood next to the podium, opening up for the princesses. To the left of the stage, right below were six bearers of the elements of harmony.

“Sweet! Front row seats for the aligning of the sun and moon! Executive privileges rock!” Rainbow said.

“Now Rainbow, I’m sure it looks just as spectacular from the back of crowd,” Rarity chimed in.

“Shh! The Princesses are about to make their opening ceremony speech!” Twilight shushed. She watched Celestia approach the podium with confidence.

Celestia’s right. My friends will be there for me as long as I hold the same for them. After all, there is nothing stronger than friendship.

Or is there?

Twilight’s ears twitched, and she scanned the crowd, the skies and buildings. That was the same voice of the mare who had cornered her in the library that just spoke in her head now! But she was nowhere to be seen. Did she just imagine it or-


Celestia gave a playful nudge to her nervous sister as everypony’s hooves shot to their ears. “Lulu, dear, remember those voice exercises.”

Luna cleared her throat as she sheepishly let her sister take the stand. “S-sorry…Tia,” she whispered.

Celestia resumed Luna’s speech from where she left off. “The union of the sun and moon on this day hold a much deeper meaning than equal day and night. They symbolize the wonders that all relationships bring, what can happen when beings of all sorts work together to create something greater than the sum of their efforts alone, and the joy that comes with it.”

The Princesses horns glowed as the sun positioned itself in high in the sky and the moon crept up from the horizon to join it. Rainbows cast themselves over the buildings as stars twinkled into existence. The two spheres stopped as their edges overlapped, as if they were hugging each other.

“May harmony grace our lands and hearts forever.”

“Pinchy knee! Pinchy knee!”


The blue sky immediately turned a sinister black, eating up the rainbows and stars as lightning and thunder erupted from nowhere. Vicious winds suddenly howled up, screaming into every pony’s ear.

“What in the name of all things good and wholesome is goin’ on?” Applejack screamed over the din as she clutched her hat.

“Um, girls…the sky is cracking…”

Everypony looked to where Fluttershy was pointing. There was a large crevice over the darkened sky, as if it were a window that had been battered by a rock.

And it was growing.


With a deafening shatter, a piece of the sky roughly the size of a small boulder gave away, revealing from behind a swirling miasma of purple, grey, and black. From the depths of the strange darkness there was large claw gripping the edge of the opening, and a leering, glowing red orb peered out, followed by two more. And then, an oily, deep voice resounded.


An explosion burst the hole into a larger one the size of a small mountain as the miasma poured out in a sickening waterfall of black mist, all the while the voice growing in a raucous and maniacal laughter. It swirled and twisted as it built up. After several moments of amassing, it started to take solidify and take form.

A massive figure appeared form the dense cloud, tall as the houses around it. Two long webbed feet stepped forward, carrying an immense and sleek veined torso and spiked club tail. Long arms adorned both sides, each with sharp four-finger claws. And on top, was head with long, tentacle-like hair. It had no nose, just a mouth with many jagged fangs, and three narrow slit red eyes with yellow pupils. All the while, the being continued to pulse the miasma, shrouding it in a hazy purple aura.

“Ahhhh…” It breathed deeply as it took in its surroundings. “My oh my, this place has certainly changed since I last saw it. So much vibrant life…such clean air and calm waters… how sickeningly disgusting. Well, I’m just going to have to have to do something about this, don’t I?”

“Who the heck are you?!”

One of the eyes swiveled to look at Rainbow Dash being restrained by Applejack. The other two eyes then leered in at the huddled and frightened masses in front of him. He gestured with his right claw in a theatrical presentation.

“Ah yes, it appears I have a captive audience. Do excuse my oversight.”

In a mocking courtesy bow, it dissipated into a black mist, swirled around the crowd and rematerialized directly in front of them in a smaller form about the size of a full grown pony. His grin was wide and sinister as it bared its teeth.

“My name is Ruinate, and I’m going to be taking over this world.”

The newcomer then cracked its knuckles as it switched its gaze to the nearest building. “First things first, though. A little foundation to set for my first base of operations."

And with a flick of his arm, it morphed into a huge cannon, and a stream of black fire decimated the house to ashes. Ponies screamed in horror as the realization of the danger this creature presented finally sunk in.

“Now this is a proper welcome committee,” Ruinate laughed. “Such delightful screams…”

A blast of powerful magic connected with his backside, but he simply stood there as if it had done nothing, and then turned to see Luna and Celestia.

“Ahhh…the alicorns, impeccable timing as always for a prime race.”


Ruinate’s face then twisted into a confused state. “Hmm? That’s odd.” He tapped his chin. “I know the latter behind me is clueless, but you don’t realize who I am? Now that I think about it… why are there only two of you? Unless….”

He then burst out in mocking laughter. “I was expected to never get out? Didn’t they realize that the only way that possibility would happen is if they actually finished me? And look at how their numbers have dwindled! I had an army of the little god pets facing me last time, this is what is expected to stop me?!”


Luna’s magic burst forth in a powerful moonbeam that reverberated shockwaves that could force ten full grown stallions back. But her opponent simply grinned, and in a swift motion, his arm grew and stretched as his claw swelled to massive size, chopped away the energy like it was a stack of toothpicks and seized the moon goddess.

“I believe it’s the other way around.”

With a malevolent guffaw, she swung her around like a doll, smashing her through the nearby dwellings and pounding her into the dirt.

“Goodness gracious, you’ve not only shrunk in number, but in power as well! I would have at least been scratched by now!”

He then held her up high as his eyes gave a deep neon glow. “This is going to be much easier than I thought.”

A massive surge of energy channeled through his arm and up to Luna. A screech of incredible pain pierced through the air. The clawed fingers then unfolded and released its catch to the ground with a thud. There, lay a large lifeless crystalline alicorn shape where Luna had been.

Twilight and her friends gasped. “PRINCESS LUNA!”

“One down, one to go.” Ruinate turned to the sun goddess, her eyes glowing hot white and her mane and wings ablaze. “Oooh, flashy. Let me guess, she was a family member and now you’re angry.”

“BEGONE DEMON!” Celestia boomed in her own royal voice as she raised her horn to the sun. A stream of intense light and fire poured down and enveloped him.

For a moment it seemed as if the attack worked, but then a dark mist began to leak out of the tower of light, and suddenly a myriad of tentacles shot forth and ensnared Celestia. The pillar then faded away, revealing the monstrous being even larger than when he first appeared, the tentacles coming right from his chest. Dragging her close until their faces were nearly touching, his lips curled in a sneer.

“How pathetic…out of all the misplaced Sentiox faith in their offspring, Amity’s was clearly the greatest!!”

“Amity?” Celestia’s eyes suddenly widened in horror. “No…you’re the Ruinate?!”

“Ah…so my name does ring a bell!”

“But…but you’re…”

His eyes glowed with a very deep red as his manic smile stretched to a point where it could have split his face.

“I rest assure you, I am very much real and very much alive. And you can thank your dear sention for that, has well for inheriting her naivety, mercy, and weakness! Now…say goodbye to your little ponies.”

Celestia screamed in agony as the same crystallization that happened to Luna started to take her. Twilight watched in disbelief as the mare she looked to as a second mother writhed in agony.


With the last of her strength, the regent of the sun turned to look at Twilight. “T-t-twi…light…the elements…of harmony…you…must…unlock…Amity’s…”

The crystallization enveloped her head, and she was silent. Dropping her in the same fashion as he did Luna, Ruinate turned to the mass of the quivering ponies, holding his arms out in proclamation.

“Let those who have witnessed these events, relay this message to every living creature on this planet. The true keeper of this world has finally returned. Today marks the day of destruction, where the land shall return to its intended state of ruin! So prepare for an everlasting age of bloodshed and agony…and welcome YOUR NEW GOD!!!

His laughter, now louder than ever echoed through the ears of Twilight and her friends as they watched the swirling vortex of the void in sky continue to grow, enveloping the sun and moon, leaving nothing….but an empty existence.