• Published 19th Jul 2012
  • 3,034 Views, 26 Comments

A Future of Friendship, a History of Hate - Skyeheart

When the elements of harmony confront a group of individuals backed by an ancient evil who is the very antithesis of what they represent, who will win? Friendship, or hatred?

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Author's Note: Seeing as that summer is over and my studies are dragging my time out a lot. I will not be able to crank out episodes as fast as I want. Just to keep you interested while you wait, I will provide the season's upcoming synopsis' to help your patience and anticipation.

HOWEVER, for those of you that would rather wait patiently for the full package, I tell you now, ignore this section now and leave.

Episode 6
A garden va-rivalry:
A massive super store has set up shop in Ponyville, and is threatening to put every farmer out of business, including Applejack. Though stubborn in her ways, Applejack soon becomes desperate to get customers back with a strange fertilizer offered to her by an even stranger pony. The more she uses it however, the more she seems to be changing...along with her apples. And on another note, will anypony be able to endure Pinkie's newest fad, ventriloquism?

Episode 7
Nightmare on Maple Road:
The denizens of Ponyville are suddenly plagued by night after night of horrible dreams. And after a week of sleeplessness, the good nature of the residents starts to take a turn downhill. Twilight and the others are clueless to find the cause of this phenomenon, until Twilight decides to try a spell that will allow them to enter another's dreams. Getting in each other's heads is easy, but when they find out who's behind it, they will find getting out will be next to impossible.

Episode 8
The candy crave:
Pinkie Pie has become hooked on this strange candy nopony has ever heard about called Crav-zee bars. It's her breakfast, lunch and dinner! Her friends at first consider this just another Pinkie phase, but when Pinkie starts pawning off her party supplies just to buy more from her unknown supplier, they begin to worry there's more to these strange snacks than just sugar...

Episode 9
Abra Catastrophe(THIS is the main reason why I had to include the alternate universe tag. Consider this my own version of Magic Duel):
Trixie returns! And while it seems her ego is still starved for humble pie, she apparently seems to have the skills to back her claims this time. After some cajoling by her friends, Twilight reluctantly agrees to answer Trixie's challenge in a contest of magic. To her surprise, and everypony else's as well, she is not only bested, she is creamed in every event! A startling turn of events that get Twilight thinking that maybe she's not the most worthy candidate to wield the element of magic after all.

Episode 10
Griffon another chance:
Twilight, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie accompany Princess Celestia on a goodwill mission to the Griffon highlands in order to settle a mounting series of territory disputes. Upon arrival, Rainbow Dash reacquaints herself with a former friend, and unless the two of them can reconcile long enough to stop a conspiracy against both nation rulers, Equestria may soon be facing one of the biggest wars in over a millennium.

Episode 11
Royally Screwed:
Meanwhile, Princess Luna is tasked with managing the royal court on her own for the very first time! Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Spike stick around to help, but each one of them as their own idea on how to handle palace affairs. Add a dash of mischievous Philomena to the mix, stir together with several feuding houses, topped off with the temptations of the heralds of fear and doubt, and you've got a five-star recipe for the biggest royal Canterlot mental breakdown in the history of Equestria!

Episode 12
Picture Perfect, big time romance movie producer and host of this year's Miss Equestria beauty competition has come to Ponyville to hold a preliminary for the role of Miss Ponyville. Naturally, Rarity convinces the others to participate with her. However, between the unusual vanity mirrors provided to each contestant, tempers flaring and mudslinging amongst even the closest of mares, and Picture Perfect's elusive assistant popping in and out at the most strangest of times, there's something awfully peculiar going on in this competition...

Episode 13
Ditzy Dilemma:
Cloudsdale High is having their school reunion, with honorary alumni Spitfire as VIP speaker no less. As self volunteered president of this year's homecoming committee, Rainbow Dash is more than certain she can make this night perfect for her idol and get in good with the Wonderbolts, until she finds out who else joined the committee...Ditzy Doo.

Episode 14
Holding out for a hero:
The mysterious mare-do-well is back? But none of the mane six are posing as her, so who is she? Whoever she is, she seems to bear a rather heavy grudge against those who previously took up her mantle. And the others soon find themselves as Ponyville's most hated when the masked vigilante starts saving the town from disasters she ends up pinning them on! Tempers flare, old wounds reopen, and startling revelations will be visited as the elements of harmony investigate this new savior and find out their 'hero' stunt may have ended up affecting more than just Rainbow Dash.

Episode 15
Speak your mind:
Miss Fortune has decided to give a little gift to the ponies of Ponyville, her ability to read others thoughts. And everything that goes on in their heads isn't always nice. If the elements of harmony can't find a way to get rid of her 'blessing', or at least teach Ponyville to control their thoughts, there might not be a single friendly pony left within days.

Episode 16
Lightning Strikes Twice:
A mystery armored mare has arrived on the scene, claiming to be Fury's new apprentice. And her targets, the Wonderbolts, are taking the fall one after another. Rainbow Dash wants nothing more than to pay this pony back tenfold for hospitalizing her idols, but following the eye for eye policy just might mean playing right into Fury's hooves.

Episode 17
The night the moon stood still:
Twilight wakes up to find herself in a world where her friends don't know each other, a world where Nightmare Moon won, a world where she never existed. How did she get here? Can she get back to her own world? And will she be able to reunite the elements even though they want nothing to do with her?

Episode 18
To walk in another's hooves:
The elements of harmony catch wind of Miss Fortune's plot to repiece the 'vanity' mirror and ambush her, only to fall into her trap and wake up in each other's bodies. Can they find a way to get back to normal before their clashing lifestyles tear each other apart?

Episode 19
Times are a Changeling:
The elements of Harmony receive a distress call from the wastelands to the far south. There is a problem with answering the call though, the messenger is a changeling hatching claiming the hive has been enslaved by...ponies? Twilight is in no mindset to believe a thing any changeling says, and neither is her brother Shining, who happens to have received the same cry for help. Cadence is a bit wary and the other elements are skeptical at best with the exception of Fluttershy. Will the element of Kindness' benefit of a doubt lead to a race's salvation? Or is this yet another trap by the most deceitful civilization in all of Equestria?

Episode 20
High seas Hijinks:
Zecora has received a letter calling her back to her homeland for a ceremonial duty performed once every generation, and the elements of Harmony are going to be accompanying her! The journey across the sea, however, will be more eventful than they anticipate courtesy of three certain stowaways and a band of shellfish pirates.

Episode 21
Heart of the Serengeneigh:
The ponies have arrived in Zecora's homeland, Savannaca, and are welcomed as guests under her name. But things are done very differently in this land, and when the mares end up ruining the festivities by trying to make things 'sensible', Zecora must take the blame and is ostracized from her clan. According to her fillyhood friends Grazelle and Giraft, the only way they can redeem her is if they inoculate themselves into the tribe by taking the trials of kin, by seeking out the heart of the Serengeneigh. And there's a certain herald of envy that is not about to make it easy for them.

Episode 22
The little mermare:
A trip to the beach soon turns into a tale of drama, romance, and suspense when Fluttershy is swept under the waves and spirited to a lost city under the ocean. Can she and her captor, prince Atoll, solve the mystery of his lost sister and clear a decade long misunderstanding before ancient wounds are reopened? It might be difficult with her friends adding to the confusion along with the return of a certain pirate crew.

Episode 23
Before the fall, part 1:
On the way back to Equestria, Sweetie Belle comes down with a sickness that will only get worse if they stay in open waters. Fortunately, an inhabited landmass comes into view where they can rest and resupply. Unfortunately, it turns out to be the kingdom of a particular antagonist. Now holding them as prisoners of the Corralican crown, Megalos Tyrant is willing to grant them proper sanctuary, on one condition...

Episode 24
Before the fall, part 2:
With Rarity as his new queen, the herald of arrogance has given the rest of her vassals the finest hospitality available along with high positions of importance. Will the elements of harmony be brainwashed into becoming Megalos' dutiful peons? Is Corralica really the stable paradise the ruler believes he has made it? Perhaps a little sibling bond is all that will be needed to solve their problems, including Regal's.

Episode 25
The wind at your back, part 1:
An old nemesis of Fury's as finally been hunted down and seeks shelter in Ponyville. He beseeches the elements of harmony for help, and the element of loyalty is more than happy to oblige. But things began to get complicated when a band of elk warriors come gunning for the stallion as well. They don't appear to allied with Fury, in fact they're at odds with him too. So why are they after Rainbow's new charge? Just who is the real villain here?

Episode 26
The wind at your back, part 2:
Fury's broken history of betrayal and abandonment finally comes into light, and Rainbow Dash could not be more determined to free the herald from the chains of anger that bind him. The situation only gets more dire though, when both of them find their elements stolen and misused. If Rainbow Dash can't get through to Fury Cross, it just might be the end of them both.

Episode 27
Misery needs company, part 1:
Pinkie Pie is in a bit of a party funk, and with Heartwarming Eve so close too! So when Miserain appears before her, offering to take away her sadness so that she will smile forever, how can the pink pony say no? After all, being happy all the time couldn't possibly be bad...right?

Episode 28
Misery needs company, part 2:
Miserain's true form is exposed, and the remaining heralds have left her to rot. Alone and abandoned deep in the Foggy bottom bog, she cannot control the element of sorrow anymore. A storm unlike any other begins to brew around Ponyville, and only Pinkie can delve into the broken glass that is her memories and fix it.

Episode 29
Leap of faith, part 1:
Miss Fortune has brought to light a centuries long loan to the Equestrian bureaucracy, and the closest living debtor that the invoice must be shifted to...is Applejack. If she can't find a way to scape up a million bits by the end of the month, she can kiss Sweet Apple Acres goodbye.

Episode 30
Leap of faith, part 2:
As Ponyville's new Baroness, Miss Fortune has full control over every property in the area. And she utilizes her power in an attempt to convert the elements of harmony to her ideology of thinking. But the game of politics may prove too great of a challenge for even the all-knowing herald of doubt to overcome as she soon finds herself with enemies on every side. Can Applejack save her from becoming a pariah on death row? And more importantly, does she even want to help her if her punishment means getting rid of another of Ruinate's minions and solving all the problems she's caused for her farm?

Episode 31
Flutter and the beast, part 1:
Fluttershy comes across a mysterious egg with no caretaker for it. Being the motherly figure she is, she takes it upon herself to hatch and raise whatever is inside. What she doesn't know though, is that this egg was stolen from Tartarus by Terror Bell, and the creature inside can only bring pain to those who care for it.

Episode 32
Flutter and the beast, part 2:
The herald of fear is out of control. Having taken the essence of Tartarus' flames directly into his element, he has transformed into a ravenous demon with only goal, proving Fluttershy wrong, a monster does not deserve love. But why is he so adamant to try and push her away? A melding of souls will give the timid pegasus the courage to find out and the avatar of fear the strength to face what he fears the most.

Episode 33
Share the magic, part 1:
Forsworn Oath is the last remaining herald, but that does not matter, now that she has finally perfected her spell siphons. Now, not even the princesses themselves will be able to resist her draining their powers. Which is exactly what she makes a beeline for. Upon confronting Celestia, a startling truth will be revealed to Twilight, a truth that will force her to never see her mentor or nemesis the same way again.

Episode 34
Share the magic, part 2:
Celestia's pleas for forgiveness go unheeded, and the herald of envy proceeds to take everything that Twilight holds precious to her. But Twilight will not give up on trying to get Forsworn Oath to be thankful for what she has, for they have more in common than the herald is willing to admit. Meanwhile, Ruinate pays a small visit to a certain wayward creation of his to collect his due.

Episode 35
The elements of tolerance, part 1:
Ruinate's heralds have all been turned, and he cannot hide anymore. Not that he wants to, for he claims his ultimate plan has finally come to fruition. Twilight and her friends finally corner him in the smoldering wreckage of Canterlot castle, but when they try to use the elements of harmony, he is seemingly unaffected. Why do the elements no longer have any power? What has Ruinate done to Equestria? A return visit to their hometown provides the answers for the six mares in the worst way possible.

Episode 36
The elements of empathy, part 2:
Ruinate has won. The land is devastated, the princesses are now puppets for him to command, and the elements of harmony are powerless, for friendship no longer exists in the hearts of any living creature, only hatred. Broken and empty, the six mares can do nothing but lie in their beds, and wait for the end. It will take a miracle now to bring back their power, a miracle that will come from six of the most unlikely of allies.

Episode 37
The elements of empathy, part 3:
Ruinate just doesn't know when to quit. Immersed in his own strife and miasma, he is willing to destroy both himself and Equestria just to be rid of friendship once and for all! The elements may be back at full power, but all they seem to be doing is fueling his rage. The hatred is just too strong to be destroyed, so what can be done? What can the ponies do to end this history of hate?