• Published 10th Nov 2017
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Prototype: the kind evolve - Blacklight Brony

A kid called Conner is 6 years old. He gets in violent situations with the other students. He used to live in the red zone until he snuck out because a brawler found his home. He means Alex Mercer and saves him and asks nothing in return. He can’t

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First day part 1 magic lesson and cafeteria fight

It my first day of school. It was a week since I’ve been here. I walk down the hall getting looks from the other students. Celestia puts me in the same class as he student, Twilight, and told me not to revile my powers. She said: ‘If anyone asks, an evolve is a type of human that makes us faster.’ I agree that telling them it makes me stronger is a bad idea. Many because other students would want to take me down. Plus I don’t want to put people in the hospital.

“Hay, do you have that thing I came with?” I ask with a slight sense of worry in my voice.

“Yes, do you want it back?” She said and gave a glance at me which caused me to glance back.

“Yes I would like it back. It is a weapon. I would feel safer if I had it because I know how to us it. Plus I don’t want to be the cause of a suicide.” I say and she whence when I say suicide. She understands sense I can take a fatal blow and get up like it’s nothing. It forms in my hands. I pocket holster the 1911. Where about to enter the class room when she gave me a hug. It caught me off guard. I return the hug. We separate ad walk in. She shows my memories to the class to see how my life was like. First it was Memories of my life before the red zone. It was nice. The next was my escape of the red zone.

“W-W-What are those things?” One student asked.

“Could you tell the names of these creatures?” Celestia asks earning a nod from me.

“Keep in mind these us to be human.” I say and a picture of a brawler pops up. “Brawler.” It turns to a long creature that protrude from the ground. “Hydra.” That earned a gasp from the crowd. The next creature was a tall human with a shield for a right arm. “Goliath.” The next picture was a fat creature and it looked human. “Juggernaut.” The last looked like a bird. “Flyer. Fun fact I faced all these you see now in one day. I only had to kill one thing. I had nightmares for a month. So many dead. Thousands. Millions. I don’t know who could do all this. Blackwatch framed it on one person. I think otherwise.” Another picture shows and it’s a man with blades for arms. It was an evolve. “I’m not completely sure what it is. I only know facts. All I know is that they are shapeshifters. They can consume an animal or person, not by the way you thank, and turn into them. They can also turn their arms into weapons and shields. I ran into two while I was in the NYZ aka New York Zones. There are hundreds, but some are nice and others are evil. One saved my life after I got stabbed ten times. He killed the man that stabbed me, but he looked like he broke out of a mental institution. The other is looking for bad ones and taking them out.” I slide a finger around my neck. “If you know what I mean. I’ve seen others on rooftops and on TV destroying Blackwatch.”

“That’s horrible. Why would they do that.” It was the purple mare. Her name was Twilight as Celestia put it.

“Actually that’s a good thing. We have these things called the amendments to help protect us against the corruption in the government. If broken by government we can destroy it and start a new. One was the freedom of speech. He was nine years old and he said: ‘He’s only a kid. You can’t do this.’” I stop quickly because it made my hatred rise.

“What did they do?” Twilight had a worried look on her face. When she hears about it I don’t know what will happen.

“They killed him.” A collected gasp was heard. “It made me so angry they needed to be put to justice. I wasn’t thanking clearly. I let my rage take over. One was choking me. Trying to kill me because I’m different. They thought I was one of them. I took his gun,” I unholstered the 1911, put it on safety, and twirled it. “and made him go six feet under. They had a gas that can hurt people like me and kill us if needed. If they capture us they will experiment on us.” I feel tears crawling down my face. “We live in hiding. We are a rare type of people. Where like one for every five-hundred million. There are seven billion alive in the world. Our species live in fear of the military finding us. We are evolve.” I look at everyone— pony the terminology still getting better. They are almost in tears to know I’m being hunted down for living. The bell chimes and Celestia told me that there are periods like in middle school. For the magic one I would sit and watch for math, reading, social studies, and science. She leaves to go do something. I don’t mind it at all. Next is magic training to day is shields.

“You why don’t you try to brake my shield.” The teacher said in a cocky tone. She wore a black suit and a white button up shirt under neath. Her dress was long and had a lot of slack. It looked like it was meant for running.

“Ok just don’t keep your hopes high.” I say getting into a running stance. I’m twenty yards away. I sprint towards her and reach it in three seconds and punch the shield with all my strength it shaders and the punch continues and I fit her. She goes flying and through the wall. “Sorry didn’t mean to do that.”

“That. Was... Amazing. You can just punch through magic shields. How.” She has an excited look on her face. I look to twilight and she has a parchment and quill.

“Well while running I put my self in a position where my center of mass was forwarded to my upper body. The speed made the push stronger. We have a rule called The rules of motion. I apply those rules. Mass times acceleration equals force. Get it. Sorry if I broke any bones.” My explanation caused everypony to look at Twilight. They look at me. They continue this process ten times. “Why do you look at me then Twilight like that?”

“Your like Twilight in every way. You two are nerds. The only thing is that you can fight and hold your oun. Twilight here can’t do that.” He explains giving her a look like he wants to harm her. I’ll sit by her to protect her. The bell rings and we’re off.

“Where are we going to?” I ask not looking at Twilight. She smirks and answers.

“The cafeteria. It lunchtime.” She sounds so cherry. I smirk and glance at her not moving my head. We make it to the cafeteria and get our food. I sit down and the same per- ponies come towards us. I get prepared for a fight.

“Hay there Twilight. Why don’t you give us what we want and we’ll leave.” He said I get up and shove him away. I place myself in front of them and Twilight. I cross my arms. He gets the message. He throws a punch. I grab his wrist and twist it be hind his back. To make sure he won’t do this again I lift him in the air. He screams in pain and I let go. The other two run at me. I side step and spin kick one in the head. I don’t use enough force to make him go flying, but enough to knock him out. The other runs away. The bell rings again and I look at Twilight.

“Where next?” I ask With a neutral look on my face.