• Published 10th Nov 2017
  • 2,959 Views, 23 Comments

Prototype: the kind evolve - Blacklight Brony

A kid called Conner is 6 years old. He gets in violent situations with the other students. He used to live in the red zone until he snuck out because a brawler found his home. He means Alex Mercer and saves him and asks nothing in return. He can’t

  • ...

Secret gone and I’m back

Author's Note:

Sorry the end is bad I tried to make it tie into the sequel. It was horrible but it was the best i can do. Sorry.

(The warbird is in call of duty advanced warfare. You’ll understand soon enough. It will get destroyed at the beginning. After a while.)

It was five years since that ‘incident’ with the alcohol. Sif hasn’t grown at all and I’m surprised. Twilight helped me take care of the wolf. My powers haven’t been displayed so far. Twilight is heading to a place called ponyville. I’m stuck in Canterlot.

“Well I’m bord.” I say out loud gaining the attention of mom. She only chuckles.

“If my memory serves me right, there is a mare that throws a party for every new pony that moves to ponyville.” Mom informs leaving me confused. “You can go there at five.” I smile and thank her.

The hours fly by as I was practicing my jump. I was going to jump there. I told mom and she wants to stop me. I tell her that evolves kind and heart can be obliterated and we will live. She was taken aback. I only smirk.

“Prepare for lift off!” I scream only to receive odd looks from the guards. The begin to crowd up.

I feel the tendrils moving around my legs. Sif jumps in my arms. I bend my knees and extend them into a powerful jump.

I see ponyville closing in fast. It is almost as big as Canterlot. How is this a minor town. I guess it’s because there is a lack of ponies.

There is a tree in the center of town. I’m going to land there. It is the largest tree I’ve ever seen.

As I landed there and notice the lights and music. I try to walk in, but something hits me in the back. It throw me in to the door, destroying it.

“Damn that hurt. Wha—“ I stop after I see what it was. It was a brawler. “HOLY SHIT!” I scream getting back to my feet. Once I get to my feet I begin to doge it’s attacks. I jump back and Run towards it. I punch my arm into the chest. I spin my body around to it’s back and jump. I heard a collective gasp as my arm extends. I turn my right arm into a blade. I come back down, spin, and cut it in half. Tendrils shoot out of my back and stab the brawler. The tendrils drag it to me and I consume it. When it was finished my eyes where wide open. They knew I had no idea what.

“Conner. What was that?” Twilight asked scared.

“It’s how we evolve fight. Evolve are forward when it comes to attacks. They say ‘we kill, we consume, we become.’ Evolve are like the changlings of my world. Just we’re better at combat and resilience. A changling can get killed by a simple sword slash, but for an evolve we can be obliterated and even if a speck of blood is left we can rebuild ourselves. The only way to kill an evolve is with another evolve.” I say as the party files out of the tree. We are heading to the town hall.

I stay behind for a while to gather my thoughts. Why did I show my powers. They must think I’m a monster. Damn it was my body taking over.

I walk to the town hall. Still thanking how I could gane there respect and not have them fear me. My powers make me different everywhere.

“Come on Sif.” I call to him and he begins to follow. Once I get there ponies keep their distance.

They introduce mom and pull on a rope and she wasn’t there. I turn my arm into a blade.

A dark smoke swirls where mom was suppose to be. There stud a mare with the smoke for her hair and tail. She had a sword in her hand. Her black dress was sparkling like the night sky.

“It’s been a while since I’ve seen your sun loving faces.” She said as everyone one cowered.

“What did you do with our princess?” A rainbow maned pegasi yelled. She tried to attack the alicorn, but a orange mare grabs her tail.

“Do you not remember me? Does my crown no longer count?” She had a questioning look one her face.

“I know who you are. Your the mare in the moon, Nightmare Moon!” Twilight exclaimed. That got a gasp from the crowd.

“You know who I am. Then you know why I’m here.” Nightmare crossed her arms.

“Your here to... to.” She stumbles over her words.

Nightmare laughs maniacally. “Enjoy this this day, for its your last.” She laughs maniacally afterwards.

I jump to her and try to hit her. I destroy the balcony instead. “Damn it.” I say disappointedly for missing Nightmare. I see a bright light behind me.

I turn and began to fall. I look to the sky and see Sif. I grab him and look down. I was back in the NYZ.

I see a building with two people on it. I land on it and see it’s Alex Mercer and James Heller. They look surprised to see me. I only smirk.

“I’m gone for fifteen years and the virus is still here.” I say and they look happy.

“There is no way your here. I thought you died when blackwatch pumped bloodtox into the school.” Alex said happy.

“First I need to scold you two. You killed so many and the virus is still here.” I gain a scowl as they stumble back. “I’m mad because you didn’t put others lives into consideration. How many parents did you kill. How many civilians did you kill to help you kill each other.” I look off the building and see a black watch unit getting hit from all sides. “Let’s help the incident for once. And stop fighting. Where getting those people to safety.”

I jump off the building to the group of people. I slam into the ground cracking the ground. Black watch points their guns at me. I place Sif on the ground. They all seem confused on why I have a wolf. In their confusion a walker tries to bite a Black watch soldier. I push him out the way and stab the walker in the chest, then rip it in half.

“Stand down, we’re here to help.” I say getting even more confused looks form the group.

“We’re?” One of the citizens asked.

Alex and James hit the ground hard. They all tense up when they see them. They become less tense when they see us helping them.

Once we make it to the evac sight the soldiers had to tell the others that we we’re not hostel anymore. We leave the NYZ and figure out the NYZ was an experiment made by Gentek. The company was soon shutdown. The other news was relations with Pakistan was broken.

We were ask to help due to our powers. We trained in boot camp. I became the stealth operator in our team manly using a sniper. I use a M4A1 and my 1911. James was the ‘tank’ of the group so he uses a shotgun and his trusty ten inch knife. Alex was the commando of our group so he uses a M16A1 and a Desert Eagle. Our previous leader was killed and the lead was forwarded to me. I put his dog tag on my 1911. We gained call signs. Mine was ghost for the stealth. James’ Was truck because he hit hard. Alex was Zeus from the first infection in NYZ.

Each day I hope I can go back to Equestria. Hopefully I can go back soon.

The Middle East is an unforgiving place. The war zones are hard to fight in. I’m the sharp shooter so I find the best vantage point. I’m also the best pilot out of the bunch. So I fly a warbird with Sif at my side. Alex is the best driver sho he drives a humvee.

We are sent to restive a strik team. I use the war bird for the civilians and the other two are in the humvee. I get hit by an RPG and the humvee is hit by an IED. What happened next shock me. I was happy I was back... Where I belong.

Comments ( 5 )

I only have one question is there gonna be a sequel

Fuck ya I only ran out of ideas because I planned too far a head.

My tip plan only a chapter ahead of the one your writing


Not gonna lie by just reading your newest story I can sense from a mile away that you've improved a lot

Thanks man, to be honest, I used this as a means of learning proper grammar and spelling since it was what I struggled with in school. Now it's honestly one of my favorite hobbies that I hope I can actually turn into a job.

I know I'm still struggling in a few aspects, but I'm confident I can improve further. I appreciate the criticism and nice comments; because it makes me want to do better and give more to the community that's helped me more than anyone could ever know.

I hope to see more criticism and nice comments from you, my guy. Or not, I don't know what you got going on your life and I don't want to be in it's way.

May good karma come to you!

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