• Published 10th Nov 2017
  • 545 Views, 5 Comments

Without You - Nugget

After one year of marriage, Fancy Pants writes a love letter to his wife, Fleur Dis Lee.

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Three Year Later...

To the love of my life,

I can’t believe that it’s been three years since the day we both saw each other in that park near Canterlot Castle. You were, and always will be, a gorgeous sight when my eyes laid upon you. Simply amazed, I had to ask myself, “Who’s that wonderful young lady sitting over by the bench with her pale eyes gazing upon those sunflowers?” Well, it turned out to be you, dear. Never would I have imagined the conversation we had that day would turn our lives around for the better. That day, we came into each other’s life and shaped them into something we never thought we’d find.

A heart, the universal symbol of love.

It’s been one year to the day since we’ve been married and, looking back, I still wonder how the heck I came to claim you as a wife. “Mrs. Fleur Dis Lee is married to me? That sensational mare is married to a stallion such as myself? How!?” Well, knowing you, I bet you would jokingly say something about my looks, wealth, or notoriety. Now, don’t get me wrong and think I’m downplaying those aspects, but I’ll admit their prestige does wear off after some time has passed. Thus, it leaves my question of “how” unanswered, but I think we both know the real reason as to why we’ve been together now for three years.

We’ve always got each other.

My sweetheart, you and I have always clicked. From that conversation that day to this morning, after we had breakfast, you and I have never managed to miss a beat when it came to how we can just live and talk with each other. It just seems natural, like there was a foretold prophecy that said you and I were going to be together. I guess fate decided we were meant to be something more than just natural friends with each other.

However, I’m not writing that out just to say it, but to put to rest our previous doubts we had about each other. I’ll admit, fueled by my personal anxiety, I had to wonder about the real reasons as to why you wanted to push our friendship further after a few months had passed. Sure, we now joke about those untrue reasons, but at the time, I took them seriously. I had to protect myself from my own perceptions, but, as a blessing in disguise, that defense gave me an opportunity to see how you really were.

Honey, you’re remarkably kind and soft hearted.

"Were you an angel sent from above?” I always wondered. It had to be true since you still remind me of one. No matter what time of the day it is or how you currently look, you still have ways of remaining beautiful in my eyes. When you conduct your normal everyday business with me or others, you always display that alluring charm within your voice. It’s sweet, soft, and gentle to the ears, like how I imagine an angel would sound.

Sometimes I wish I could bottle up that charm of yours and keep it for myself, that way no other pony could steal it away from you. Why? Well, it’s what makes you unique and interesting. I believe it’s another quality that separates you from the boring equines I meet every day. It’s that small detail which makes Fleur Dis Lee the most marvelous and elegant woman in Equestria!

Bold claim?

Well, you know how much of a cheerleader I like to be for you. You know how much love and support I bring when you do, and sometimes don’t, need it. Along with being your best friend, I’m always happy to be your biggest and most respectful fan when it comes to your professional career as a model. However, and you can nag on about this later, I don’t keep all the pictures from your shoots since I can wait for the real, beautiful thing to come home to me every night.

I can wait an eternity to see you again-and-again if you were to ever leave me behind, but without you I’m lost. Without you, I’m a stallion with a heart who’s filled with nothing but the emptiness your love, care, and kindness once occupied. To think about the fact that you could leave me to be alone whenever you get tired of loving me is a thought that constantly wreaks my mind. That’s why it’s hard to say goodbye when you leave me behind at home.

I sort of creep into an episode of mild depression while you’re gone for more than a few months on a modeling tour. My heart aches and breaks sometimes when the thought of you not being with me anymore comes to my mind. I know the reality will never come true since you swore it will never be, but things do change over time and ponies evolve beyond their younger selves. Some promises they made in the past might not hold the same value to themselves in the future.

...such as wedding vows.

I hold them close to my heart, swearing they would never break between us. That’s how much I love you dear. I never want our vows broken. I never want to see the day when you’re crying over how we messed up as a couple, where seeing others sounds like a better option. I pray to the powers above that our relationship lasts for as long as we live.

A lifetime of marriage to you makes me feel the same as when you come home after those long tours. I’m overjoyed when you walk through the front doors of our home. I’m relieved to see you once more since the brightest thing about my days are back within the grasp of my hooves. All the amazing things about my life is with me once more. I love you honey, and may Princess Celestia bless us to live a marriage that lasts beyond a lifetime.

Truly yours,

Fancy Pants - You’re forever loving husband