• Published 10th Nov 2017
  • 546 Views, 5 Comments

Without You - Nugget

After one year of marriage, Fancy Pants writes a love letter to his wife, Fleur Dis Lee.

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The Nightingale

To Fleur,

Forgive me for this additional letter, but a thought ran past me the other day and I had to write it down as soon as I could. I didn’t want to lose this thought since I believe it describes something about you that I’ve noticed throughout the years we’ve been together. It’s a lovely little description that came to me in a song about beauty and letting yourself be free from the pressures of this world.


Shall I call you a nightingale?

Shall I say your elegance and charm are as sweet and graceful as the little bird?

As you well know, I’ve always admired your beauty, but never had I noticed how you mirrored the loveliness of a nightingale until now. My dear, I can firmly state that you always had possessed its glamour with your own dash of caring affection which radiated from your kind, soft heart. You’re also gentle with your voice, which sounds like a blissful tune when you speak out to anypony. Strange to say, but it’s calming, like the fresh scent of lavender you use as your perfume.

I’ve always felt lucky enough to meet a woman who I could describe with such words that I swore it would be a crime to not get them down on parchment. I knew I had to record these sayings, preserve my feelings towards you that way we can look back on these letters many years from now. Maybe when we hit our sixties, after many years of being happy together, I’ll find this letter once more, along with the first one I wrote, unfold the paper, blow off the dust, and then re-read it verbatim.

I think it would be fun to reflect upon ourselves now and in the future. While I’m sure our bodies will tire out, aching and pinching from the years of use and tear, I’m sure the way we feel for each other will remain the same. I’ve learned that love is something that never gets old or worn. It takes one look at you for the fire within me to burst once more.

You’ve help kept the youthful glee within my heart for many years Fleur, and I hope I can do the same for you. I hope, as your husband, I continue to be there for you during times of trouble and happiness. I know I’ve vowed to protect you against anypony or creature willing to do harm. You know I’m willing to put down my life for you to prosper and outlive me. If you asked me, I think it would be devastating the other way around.

I want my nightingale to remain safe, that way it can continue to sing it’s beautiful song while I admire it’s alluring delicacy. I want my wife to live so we can gain the most time out of each other as a loving couple. I want Fleur Dis Lee to remain on this earth, so I can continue to have a best friend.

With Love,

Fancy Pants

Comments ( 1 )

Ah, these two letters definitely portray how difficult love can be. Sure, it is a very good feeling, but it is also complex, and doubt is love's worst enemy. There is always the fear of being alone if one of the partners breaks up--the fear of 'what goes up, must come down.' You've described how Fancy must feel when his love is away for so long just right, not too many words, and not too few. I guess that feeling he sometimes experiences is why many long-distance relationships don't work.

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