• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 33 minutes ago


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 50 )

To whom it may concern: I really don’t like the CMC

Aww, that's a shame. I love the little tykes.

That's why they're so fun to murder

In any case, I hope this helped you vent some of your filly-hate

Ooooh, this sounds like the perfect story to read before bed time.:pinkiehappy:

Silver spoon and scootaloo are a good ship

I will read this story tonight hope it is good 😊 anyway peace ✌🏻

The hell does Silver Spoon have to do with things?

In any case, cool, hope you like

This story is bonkers yo

So I just finished reading this story it was good and gore filled will there be a sequel with rarity and possibly rainbow and aj that would be interesting who knows well any way good story

Glad you liked it.

No. The only way a sequel will happen is if PinkieDP (or someone with permission from him) commissions another from me, and comms are closed at the moment.

Try to comment using proper sentence structuring. Periods, commas, proper punctuation, that sort of thing. It'll make it a lot easier for me to read.


Oh dear goodness... What hell have I stumbled upon?

I dunno, man, but if you say "oh dear goodness", this probably isn't the story for you.


Yeah, I'll show myself out. Keep on writin dude.

Just cause you said that, I'm deleting my account now.

Good play, my dude. You win.

Hey, I'll give credit where it's due, minus a few misspelled words, it's written well, and has good tension in the beginning.

Whack recognize whack, busta

Bro this story kinda like, funky tho bro

Straight up, my nig. Keep it real in the streets, homie, ya dig?

Only thing straight up is me at parties boi I go WAAY up

Turn down for what, dawg

One of the most confusing boners I've ever had.

All of my erections are at least a little confusing. I normally jerk off until I reach a decision. Let me know what you come up with.


The decision of questioning what choices led me to enjoy this.

What heck did I just clop to. Guess I better go back to reading softer stuff, before I begin to doubt my own sanity.

wow, that was...interesting.

Huh, indeed.

Whatever the fuck "huh" is supposed to mean, I 100% agree.

Mine too, RD. Mine too.

I am unsure of what to think of this

So am I, truthfully.

Holy shit. That was some really fucked up shit lmao. Now I'm scared of the fucking author XD! Your really good at writing gore, +1 Follower.

Fear me, mortal. Or love me. But, above all else...

Respect me.

I'm going to send my one of my grandson to that universes, recover their bodies and destroy those tentacles. With Holy-Hell Fire

But DAMN that was fun. (He's in my mind though.

One last thing, what kind of snuff/rape you usually go for.

I'm way into skullfucking, decapitations, that sort of thing

Only one comment was necessary, my man, but I appreciate your enthusiasm

Yeah... I don't like that a lot, but I like the blood on the vaginal, that's more like what me grandson like to do and I don't what know it is.

I couldn't help myself doing that much comments, sorry.

Damn it, and I want to see the one on the part when Scootaloo died, minus the exploding gut and ripping her a part (completely).

> I hurt the things that I love.

Well if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost...

Man, this story. This horrifying story. I've read it twice now and I'm still not sure why.

The tentacle that was just raping Sweetie’s cunt suddenly shot over to Applebloom, burying itself in her ear canal in a single thrust. The tentacle came through the other ear, piercing Applebloom’s skull and brain with a sickening squelch . The remaining Crusaders screamed in horror as the bits of Applebloom’s brains and the cum from Sweetie Belle dripped onto the ground. Applebloom’s hind leg twitched slightly, trembling in her death throes, before the tentacle retreated. More of Applebloom’s blood and brain came with the tentacle as it left her head with a wet pop . The tentacles dropped Applebloom’s body into the pinkish pool of cum and blood, then they went to join their brothers on the other Crusaders.

Any sort of boner I might have gotten, ANYTHING, was just instantly deflated like a popped balloon.

Glad you could learn something about yourself today.


That wasn't a compliment.

The tentacle rape might have been hot, but murdering the CMC killed the mood.

Oh. Ok.

Thanks! I'm glad you felt compelled to comment on a 5 year old commissioned story with clearly labeled content to tell me that you didn't like the content of the story

When you saw that the content warnings of "snuff and necro", what did you think was gonna happen?

The story just came up in my notifications.

I have an incurable condition that compels me to see if there's a happy ending. It's called hope.

Aww. Bless your heart.

How did this story come across your notifications? Are people still adding this shit to groups?

Damn, was I masochist back in '17 or what?
Every now and again I remember that I paid to have this written and I so far have not yet decided how I feel about that.

I still cannot believe I Fucking read this shit those three are Some of my favorite characters and them to be violently killed like that oh my God as much as it was a good story it is very horrific

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