• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 4,943 Views, 99 Comments

Displaced insanity - Grey Knight Neltharion

When you think of one of the most chaotic, insane, nonsensical beings out there, what do you think of? no not discord, he's got nothing on humankind, so who better to make up the elements of insanity?

  • ...

Uniting insanity

So, you want to hear a story, eh? a story where 6 chaotic individuals get sent into a universe of peace and harmony, wielding great power, and meet their alternate universe counterparts?

If not, shut up, I'm telling you anyway.

Before anything, I should probably introduce the hero's of our story, Six people, living in a world not so different from your own, but with a... lets say looser grip on whats physically possible.

So, these six people, friends with each other since primary school, at one point or another, became bronys, well 5 bronys and a pegasister, and one by one, came across a Youtube series, known as the elements of insanity, and it influenced their lives.

First, there's Jake, he's considered the Applepills of the group, because of the pills he has to take on a regular basis, because of a condition he's had since birth. the influence the youtube series had on him was small, but if he has to take his pills around his friends, he'll say a line or two.

Next is Alice, the Rainbine of group because of her fake leg and gun fetish. When Alice was 10, she and her parents got in a freak car accident, and a large shard of metal sliced through her leg, cutting it off from the knee down, luckily her parents got out okay, but Alice had to be rushed to the hospital.

When she was finally fit to leave the hospital, it was revealed that she would have to spend the rest of her life in a wheel chair, and upon hearing this her parents, without a second thought , started saving up, and 7 months later, bought her a prosthetic leg. When they finally surprised Alice with her new leg, tears of joy were shed.

6 years later, on her sixteenth birthday, She got a game she had been bugging her parents for since she'd seen it on Steam's front page, Borderlands 2.

She didn't see the sun for the next week.

The next time the 6 of us hung out at her house, her room was decorated with borderlands merch and the wall was covered in gun posters. From that day forward, you could compare her reactions to new guns to ruby rose and think they were related, It shows to, I still have that potato gun turned rock launcher she show me.

After seeing the elements of insanity, she started trying to act really cocky, and even got a tattoo of Rainbine's cutie mark on her shoulder, a decision that she still regrets to this day, Though thats not surprising considering she was drunk. Every now and then she'll pull one of her makeshift guns out of fucking nowhere and point it at one of us, before spouting off some Rainbine line.

Next we have Ben, the Fluttershout of the group because of his naturally loud voice and high pitched scream which I've seen bring a grown man to his knees. After watching the elements of insanity, he started threatening us with screaming if we did something of he didn't like, but other than that he stayed the same.

Number four, Tyler, and I consider his change to be the greatest beside my own, considered the Rarifruit of group because after he watched the elements of insanity, he started stealing our hats and anything shiny we had on us, and became a hoarder. We got him to give them back eventually, but we still can't walk outside wearing a hat without him somehow stealing it off our head without us noticing and putting it on with this innocent smile of happiness, like everything is right in the world, before we have to glare at him to give it back.

Next up, Ethan, considered the Pinkis cupcake of the group, because after he watched it, he started practicing and after awhile he was able to do this really creepy look that managed to fit into the uncanny valley, and he was suddenly able to sneak up right behind us with ease, and it always makes us jump, because we never hear him, but other than scaring the shit out of us he stayed the same.

And finally, me, Alex, leader of our group of friends and considered the Brutalight Sparcake of the group because of my split personality, and the reason for that...is much worse than the rest of my friends.

Now, believe it or not, I once served in the military, I was the leader of a small squad, and in the middle of a battle, I was captured, and tortured for information. I won't go into detail, but I still have those scars to this day, apparently along the line, something in me snapped, and I developed an alternate personality as a defense mechanism, or thats what the doctors told me after I was rescued.

now this alternate personality, when he first came into existence, wasn't much of a threat, because he was always really quiet and anti-social, he didn't even give himself a name, Why? I don't know, but he didn't call himself Alex.

But after I watched elements of insanity, he...changed, gone was the quiet, anti-social guy who was just an annoyance, He had changed into a violent, overly sarcastic sadist with a god complex that called himself Brutalight Sparcake.

I nearly ran into some bad situations when he changed, but my friends helped me through it and luckily he calmed down, but whenever he comes out, he's still sarcastic, sadistic and his god complex is stronger than ever.

We didn't tell anyone about his change, scared I'd get thrown in the loony bin, but after all that, our lives went back to normal, going to work, hanging out, and being our chaotic selves.

And then we went to that convention.

You see, one day, out of the blue, Alice came to us and pulled out 6 tickets to comic con and said we should go, now the rest of us were surprised, but agreed regardless, and so, a couple months later, we were standing outside the entrance to comic con.

Now we did dress up, but we only wore the color schemes of our respected elements of insanity, we weren't exactly the type to go overboard with costumes.

I was looking over the large building, tons of people milling about around me, when I felt my neck crack as I looked up at the building. my last thoughts before Brutalight took control were 'oh crap'.

Brutalight rolled his neck before looking over the place with unimpressed eyes, the others looking at him with knowing expressions "Oh this was totally worth waiting 10 hours for" He looked over at his friends with an annoyed expression "why did you want to come here again? these people look like idiots" he said, gesturing to the other convention goers in their costumes.

Alice walked up to Brutalight in her pale cyan singlet, exposing her tattoo, with a stony expression her face, before flicking Brutalight on the nose like you would a dog "Brutalight, shut your face, and enjoy the convention" a cocky smile came to her face "or maybe you'd like to bask in how great I am" she exclaimed in a overly cocky tone, striking a pose.

Brutalight growled, before walking towards the entrance "come on, lets get inside before she tries to make me bow" Brutalight grumbled, the rest of the group following him in, laughing at their antics, with Alice snickering at the back, before muttering "works every time" under her breath.

Tyler was looking around excitedly at all the hats, and we had to stop him from stealing any "oh come on guys, look at all the hats and shiny things! I want them!" he whined, before pulling a white top hat out from behind his back and putting it on. We face palmed as he looked happy as can be, while a nearby cosplayer looked around in confusion at where his top hat had gone.

After returning the top hat to the confused and irritated cosplayer, and having Tyler apologize for stealing the hat, I finally took back over from Brutalight and we headed off to where people were selling things, We had to drag Alice away from a stand selling fake guns from video games.

There was this one time that things nearly got out of hand, we were looking over some more stalls, when we noticed that Tyler had stolen another hat, we groaned before meeting the guy he stole the hat from, who was stomping towards him with and enraged expression on his face, and we were shocked when he punched Tyler in the face, knocking him to the floor, and taking back his hat.

He heard a loud crack, and a sadistic sounding laugh behind him. He turned around and found the other five people staring back at him, with varying expressions that unnerved him.

Alice had pulled her rock launcher out of no where and was pointing it at the guys head, before spouting off in an accent "not so tough now are ya? ya freaking moron"

Ben was breathing in an unnatural amount of air, Voice slowly raising in pitch as his eyes bored him

Jake was standing there, his pupils shrunk and his left eye twitching, an unstable smile on his lips as his eyes flicked between Tyler laying on the ground and the guy who hit his friend, Jake only got like this when he needed to take his medicine, but right now it was perfectly timed.

Ethan was seemingly gone, until the guy felt a hand on his shoulder, and slowly turned his head, only to find Ethan standing there, having snuck up behind him and wearing that expression that bordered on the uncanny valley.

And finally Brutalight, who had taken over when his friend got hurt and the one who had let out the sadistic laugh, and he looked the most terrifying, he looked relaxed, but there was something about how he looked that made you think he would rip your throat out as soon as he got the chance. His arms were crossed and a wide smile split his face, but the scariest part was his eyes, his eyes had this murderous, sadistic glee in them, just waiting for the slightest provocation to pounce.

He slowly walked up to the guy, his friends clearing the way for him, before he stopped right in front of the guy, and stared right into his eyes before speaking in a low, threatening tone "Buddy, pal, bucko, let me ask you something... he said, before grabbing the guy by the collar of his shirt and lifting him off the ground with ease "Has anyone ever told you the definition, of insanity?" he asked, looking at the guy who was trying to get away as his friends closed in around them, as the guy started to shake his head.

"Well you looking at them!" he exclaimed with a dark glee as his friends stood behind him with threatening expressions.

He dropped the guy, and he ran off, legs shaking and a wet stain on his pants, after a few moments, we all doubled over with laughter, including Tyler after when he got back up.

Alice clapped Brutalight on the back "oh man, that was fucking hilarious!" she exclaimed, in between bouts of laughter.

In one of those rare moments, Brutalight smiled, actually happy "I agree, Its been to long since I got to scare the shit out of someone" he stopped for a moment and stared at Alice's rock gun "Rainbine, where did you get that from?" he said, gesturing to the makeshift weapon she was holding.

She stared down at the gun blankly before responding "I have no idea" She said before throwing it over her shoulder " but that doesn't matter, lets check if Tyler's okay, make sure Jake takes his pills, then head off" She said, before walking over to Tyler and clapping him on the shoulder "and thats why you don't steal peoples hats" She said, waving her finger like she was telling off a child.

Tyler rubbed the back of his head sheepishly "yeah, maybe that wasn't the best idea, but it was such a good hat, I couldn't help it!" he exclaimed loudly, making the rest of us laugh, minus Ben, who was in the middle of taking his pills.

He gulped loudly, before making a disgusted noise "blech, god, those pills are horrible" he muttered to himself before turning towards the rest of his friends "so! should we get going? we haven't even seen all the stalls yet!" he exclaimed, the rest agreeing with him as they set off.

After awhile of looking around and buying a few things, one stall caught their attention. It was in the back and not many people were going to it, but it was the guy running it that caught their attention.

He was a large guy, like really large, roughly seven feet tall and cosplaying as some space marine in powered armor, it was a really good cosplay, it almost looked like it was made of real metal.

We glanced between each other before nodding and making our way towards the stall, the owner laying the glowing lenses of his helmet on us.

"Ah, friends, I am brother Neltharion of the grey knights chapter, please look over my high quality wares" the guy exclaimed, before placing his large hands on the table and waiting for them to buy something.

Alex was looking over the guys stuff, when he noticed six necklaces on the guys wall, positioned in a circle, and he couldn't believe it, they were custom elements of insanity necklaces, made of black metal and colored glass for the gems in the center, matching the cutie marks of the demented six, he could swear he heard Brutalight in the back of his mind screaming at him to buy them or he would regret it for the rest of his life.

He turned towards the others, who were looking at the stuff on the table "Hey guys, check this out" he said gesturing the elements on the wall, when they saw them, their eyes widened before they grinned, and we all looked towards the merchant with grins on our faces.

He looked confused for a moment, before looking behind him at where we had been looking, realization coming to him, "Ah, the elements of insanity, a truly dangerous weapon" He exclaimed, before turning back to us " I can give these to you, but these are no normal items" He explained, making Us look at him in confusion.

He grabbed the elements off the wall, one by one, and placed them on the table, before speaking in a serious tone "I will warn you now, with the purchase of these items comes a great responsibility, are you certain you can withstand their power?" I raised an eyebrow at him, he was dedicated to staying in character I'll give him that.

" Uh, sure, how much are they?" I asked, as his eyes bored into me waiting for an answer.

In the blink of an eye his mood went from serious, to happiness at having sold something "Excellent! that will be ten dollars each" he exclaimed, before holding out his large hand to receive the cash.

I got out my wallet and gave him a ten dollar note, my friends doing the same, and he quickly gave each of us our respective elements.

Before I could wonder how he knew who to give what, my friends started blacking out one by one, and falling to the floor, the last Thing I heard was from the merchant, his voice full of glee.

"Have fun in Equestria! Don't forget to say Hi to the elements of harmony for me!"

Author's Note:

Hey! heres a thing That I hope people enjoy, Sorry if you don't like it or if its a bit cringe, but to those who do enjoy it, your welcome! and I'll see you next chapter! the elements of insanity vs nightmare moon! :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:
edit: hey, so, I've come back and read through it, and some bits just sounded shit, so I've re written some bits edited to just make it better to read, and taken on some criticism the have given me, hope its better than before