• Published 29th Nov 2017
  • 4,943 Views, 99 Comments

Displaced insanity - Grey Knight Neltharion

When you think of one of the most chaotic, insane, nonsensical beings out there, what do you think of? no not discord, he's got nothing on humankind, so who better to make up the elements of insanity?

  • ...

The elements of Insanity's violent arrival

When I slowly came back to consciousness, I felt very hot, in fact it was more than that, I felt like I was boiling!

My eyes snapped open, and I was confused and terrified at what I saw.

Thousands of feet below me, was the ground, and I was falling so fast, a cone of air had formed around me, like when something was about to break the sound barrier.

Oh and did I forget to mention that I was covered in dark purple fire?

So I did what any normal person would do when confronted with death by both burning and falling


Twilight felt nervous as she trotted into the town hall.

She was hoping that the signs about nightmare moon were wrong, and that they really were just story's.

But out of the corner of her eye, she saw something that made her wish for the first time in her life that she hadn't been right, the mare in the moon was gone.

She slowly turned her attention to the curtain that was supposed to reveal the princess, barely hearing the mayors speech, and let a quiet "oh no" right before the curtain opened to reveal, instead of the great leader of their land and mare of the sun... nothing.

"This can't be good" she exclaimed nervously as everypony started muttering in confusion.

"remain calm everypony, there must be a reasonably explanation" the mayor explained, while twilight was thinking on where the princess could be, before being snapped out of her thoughts by everyone gasping, and pinkie exclaiming "ooo, shes good!"

not long after, everypony gasped and screamed in fright, she didn't have to wonder why, she had predicted it yesterday! "nightmare moon!" she exclaimed in fear, as she barely took notice of spike fainting.

"Oh my beloved subjects, its been so long since I've seen your-" before she could say anything else, a large, dark purple comet crashed through the wall and right into her, knocking her to the ground as everyone gasped in surprise.

The comet crashed into the ground in the center of the room, creating a large crater, surrounded by dark purple fire.

everything was silent for a few moments, before they saw movement from the crater, before, of all things, a pony crawled out!

Everyone gasped as a dark purple unicorn crawled out of the crater, a unicorn that looked suspiciously like twilight. The dark purple unicorn groaned before muttering in a strange, two toned, seductive voice "Ugh fuck that hurt"

When the unicorn opened her eyes and looked around, they seemed to widen in shock as she did a double take, before punching herself in the face, doing another double take, before finally settling on smiling like a mad mare.

He didn't know what was going on, or if this was a hallucination or dream, but this was the best day of his life!

He went to move his hands to try and get up, only to see a dark purple hoof that looked suspiciously familiar.

He brought them up to his eyes, staring hard at the new appendages.

Yep, those were purple hooves.

Honestly he should be freaking out right now, but his brain was still processing the situation and how he should be reacting. Unfortunately he didn't get the time to process the situation as he noticed a familiar figure standing up and coming towards him with an enraged expression that he really hoped wasn't aimed at him.

But it most likely was.

Trying to find a way out of this strange situation, he didn't get the chance as he tilted his head to look up at nightmare moon, he felt his neck crack, and Brutalight took over.

Nightmare moon stopped for a moment when the aura around the unicorn changed, it went from being confused, tired, to being malevolent, sadistic, murderous, villain or not, for a pony, it was unnerving.

For the first time in 1000 years, she felt nervous, when the mare laid her eyes on her, she felt a chill go down her spine.

Internally she berated herself for showing weakness, but she couldn't help it.

Her eyes, it was her eyes, they looked dead, cold, like a corpse, but at the same time it felt like they saw right through her, and her smile only made it worse, wide, filled with a dark sort of joy, like watching the moments before a murder and just waiting for it to happen.

She received an even bigger shock when the mare pulled the rest of her body out of the crater and revealed herself to be an alicorn! everypony in the room gasped, and she even felt her eyes widen.

'another alicorn!? thats impossible! She thought in disbelief, to shocked to notice the mysterious alicorn slowly trotting towards her.

She was brought out of her shock when the alicorn spoke, her voice sounded like two different voices speaking at once, it sounded unnatural, and only unnerved her further.

"Well, well, well, look who we got here, lil' miss moony" the mare exclaimed mockingly, gesturing to her.

Nightmare moon straitened up and scowled at the smaller alicorn, no matter how nervous this mare made her, she was nightmare moon! no one could stand up to her!

"you dare mock me? I am your rightful ruler! you should be bowing before your mighty moon goddess!" she yelled at the ignorant mare who totally wasn't unnerving her.

The mare scowled right back, before smiling, clearly amused "tell me moony, what happened the last time you stood up to another alicorn, huh? how well did that go for you?" the mare asked mockingly as she spread her wings out.

Nightmare moon flinched slightly, but her expression grew enraged "You dare insult me!? You will serve as an example to those who defy me!" Nightmare moon roared as her horn started glowing in preparation to turn the totally not intimidating smaller alicorn to dust.

The Purple mare sighed in exasperation in response "god you are so ANNOYING, but, I suppose I have to deal with you" the smaller alicorn said dramatically to herself, as if nightmare moon was nothing more than an annoying dog.

Suddenly the Mysterious alicorns face split into a wide, sadistic grin "But who better for target practice then the goddess of the moon herself?" she said, before turning back to the crater "HEY GIRLS! LETS SHOW HER THE POWER OF INSANITY! she yelled into the crater, after a few seconds of nothing happening, and a few pony's swore they heard a cricket, nightmare moon raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed, the purple alicorn growled and face hoofed.

"Ugh, seriously? now of all times? fucking bastards, I was being really cool to!" The mare complained to herself in frustration, before sighing in irritation, and summoning a large axe as her horn lit up.

"Whatever, lets fight, maybe some blood and gore will cheer me up" the mare said with a bored tone of voice, like it was a entirely normal thing to say.

Nightmare moon was disturbed by the morbid statement, and that moment was all the mare needed to leap at Nightmare moon with a bloodthirsty grin, the large axe held in her telekinesis and poised to embed itself right in her skull.

Nightmare moon only just managed get out of the way in time, but she felt a burning feeling coming from her leg.

Now normally this wouldn't mean much, but it burned so much that she could swear she was on fire.

It was only then she noticed that the axe had turned green, and for some reason, it just felt... wrong, like it shouldn't exist, but it ignored the rules of the universe and decided to exist anyway.

She growled at the smug alicorn, before using her magic and transforming into a cloud of mist and flying away towards the Everfree.

That alicorn wasn't of importance right now, she needed to find the elements of harmony and destroy them.

Brutalight pouted in disappointment as her victim ran away.

"and I thought I was going to get a good fight! its not nice to tease~ She complained, finishing with a seductive undertone in her voice.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she saw somebody slowly coming up to her.

She turned towards them, only to find her counterpart, Twilight sparkle, slowly trotting up to her with a nervous expression, legs shaking in fear.

"t-thank you for driving nightmare moon away, but...w-who are you?" Twilight asked nervously, clearly afraid of the pony who managed to drive away the terror of the night herself.

Brutalight chuckled before answering, bowing dramatically.

"Brutalight sparcake, alicorn of chaos and leader of the elements of insanity, at your service~

Author's Note:

Hello, here be another chapter! Enjoy it! or don't and comment why.

And don't worry, it won't be deleted, if there's anything I've learned about comments on story's, Its Look, but don't touch

Comments ( 64 )

How am I supposed to tell if a comment is going to make you mad?

Empty praise stays, criticism/dissent goes. Is this your first Displaced read?

Fyi, "author", you used *mist when you should've used *missed. You see one refers to a weather condition while the other is a verb used to describe the act of forgetting something/not noticing something/missing one's mark.

Well even so, you have to know that criticism can be harsh. Hell, I could've been more blunt on my first comment, but I didn't. Reason why is I wanted to be nice, and I see potential in this story. Just brush up the grammatical , and spelling errors and bam. You got a good story idea, so I'll stay to read.

After getting blocked by the Reverse Flash, having some weird conversations with writers of displaced stories and seeing these comments, I think I would be making a safe assumption that most displaced writers have the mentality of ''Empty praise stays, criticism/dissent goes.''

Don't forget the death threats or doxxing attempts.


death threats


doxxing attempts.


I'm so baffled over the idea of people doxxing each other because of fan fiction i don't even know what to type.

Ha ! Brutalight found herself alone lol !
But this story seems to be still the one that I want to read so mmooooooorrrrreeee!!!!!

This look good who’s next?

Looking forward to the next chapter, hope its up soon!

Update soon, this story is interesting.

Just came across this story, and boy am I glad. Someone is finally doing a displaced story with the EOI. I can hardly wait to see what the future holds for this one.

Love this story and hope to see more

"left 4 dead jockey laugh":pinkiecrazy:

Why did i got a notification said you added a new chapter?

Yeah I agree with you did you update one of the chapter or did you accident Press some think



Sorry about that, I was working on the new chapter and accidentally pressed the publish button when I was trying to press edit :twilightsheepish:

well at least there's going to be a new chapter.

have to wonder whether or not adrenalin is also an addiction she has.

"remain calm everypony, there must be a reasonably explanation" the mayor explained, while twilight was thinking on where the princess could be, before being snapped out of her thoughts by everyone gasping, and pinkie exclaiming "ooo, shes good!"


I just realized something What if the Elements of insanity appear one at a time as the elements of harmony get stronger that way the full power of insanity doesn't instantly overpower every enemy and the actual reason in the story could be that the universe is unbalanced and that once they use the elements a few times the world would let the others in (they'd be trapped between worlds without time kinda like stasis.) to balance out the harmony with insanity.

Good plot write a book

plot and everything else that goes into a book are two very different things.

NEEDS-A MOAR CHAPTERS HEARE!!!:pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

Will you ever continue this brilliant story?

Yes, I've left this story for two long, At the most, the chapter should be out within the next couple days

Are you going to continue this story, it has been over 3 months since its' last update?

It's kind of amusing how you had certain comments in the past, but look at it now, 60 likes, 10 dislikes.

I hope you have a great chapter coming our way. Mostly consisting of twi and friends going wtf because of their insane counterparts.

that was well what can i say, i laughed and even went a little crazy i really hope this series of insanity will become a smash hit. Wish you luck on future storys, chapters and projects.

Comment posted by Aramisxx deleted Jul 8th, 2018

You and I are of one mind chapter two left us on a good note but it sucks that it hasn’t updated yet but writing takes time so let’s hope the next chapter is a long one. Of course it could be writers block you never know.

I’m half tempted to encourage everyone to just spam.


What in the sam heck are the "Elements Of Insanity"?

It realy is a good storry and I like the Elements of Insanity. So i hope thre is coming more. :pinkiecrazy:

Waiting on a update

You make me sad, I don't like being sad.


pleas update this soon.:fluttershysad: pleas.:fluttershysad:

Big more. Much love. Resistance is impolite.

Hope not but most likely is.

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