• Published 14th Dec 2017
  • 1,650 Views, 31 Comments

Crisp Summer Love - zerozoner

Sneaking out during her lunch breaks Celestia enjoys finding new things to do around Equestria. However she never planned on finding love.

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Ch. 1 How It All Started

Author's Note:

Second week: Groovy! is still stuck in my head. Might need to seek help about that.

Anyways please enjoy this new chapter. Their first date should happen in the next chapter.

P.S. Comments and feedback is always welcome.

Ducking and weaving through the clouds Celestia made her way towards Sweet Apple Acres. Hitting a large stretch of thermals she felt both her body and mind begin to drift. As memories from the last week of spring came floating back to the surface. It had started off as any other of her lunch time ventures. As a quest for sweets and cuteness.

Flying high above the clouds Celestia felt like she could see the entire expanse of the world. For hundreds of miles in all directions was a pure white carpet covering the world. She had the bright blue sky all to herself. The pristine picture that nature was showing was both thrilling and lonely. Stopping her flapping wings and holding her breath for a moment she could faintly hear the rain and wind that was dancing in the world below the clouds.

Exciting as it was to fly like this, there was a slight problem. She had no idea where she was. No landmarks stood out above the clouds to give her a hint to her location.

"The weather team may have gone to far with this last rainstorm of the season." grumbled Celestia who looked down at the shifting ocean of clouds below her.

Not wanting to overshoot her destination of Ponyville she decided to take a quick peek below the clouds to get her bearings. Squinting her eyes Celestia descended through the blanket of clouds. She felt her body grow heavy and slugish as moister began to collect on her coat, mane, and wings. Breaking through the princess felt like she had gone blind. The contrast between the world above the clouds and the one below was outstanding.

After a minute or two, she felt her eyes adjust to the dark and gloomy world below the clouds. Taking a glance around she had already overshot. Roughly a mile away she spotted the towering library tree of Ponyville. By now the dampness from the cloud had given way to being drenched in the rain. Celestia felt herself shiver in the wind as streams of water started to pour off of her. The rain was getting harder. She needed to get inside quickly before the lightning started.

Flying as quickly as her body could take her against the wind Celestia made her way towards Ponyville. Upon reaching the outskirts she landed softly in the muddy earth. The princess squirmed as she felt herself sink into the mud. Facials where one thing, but walking through four inches of mud was different. Sploshing through the mud the pegasus made her way towards a bakery, the Sugarcube Corner.

She was here for two reasons. First was the special triple chocolate raspberry cheesecake that was served only once a month during spring. On top of this agenda she also had an appointment with Rarity to design her a new outfit. Stepping through the doorway the princess winced as the sudden brightness stung her eyes.

"Summer Crisp, over here darling." called out a familiar voice to her right.

Blinded by her own mane that was clinging to her face and the light, Celestia couldn't see who was talking to her. Reaching around she managed to grab a towel. The princess was glad that it had become common practice in the last hundred years to give guest something to dry themselves with during the spring season. Drying her face the mare glanced in the direction of the voice to see Rarity waving to her. Quickly wiping the rest of herself off the princess made her way over to join the unicorn.

"Glad you could make it," started Rarity looking at the puddle that her client had brought into the bakery, "It must have been dreadful flying through this weather."

Pouring herself a hot cup of tea the princess gave her companion a wink. "Truth is Rarity, that as long as your above the clouds it's a lovely day." Celestia felt waves of warmth flow through her as she sipped her tea. "Can't say the same once you're below them though."

The two mares continued to make small talk as they chatted away for a couple of minutes. Celestia loved these moments as it was something she couldn't do as Princess Celestia. Their chatter was cut short when Mrs. Cake gingerly placed two slices of cheesecake on the table.

"Here you go."

"Thank you Mrs. Cake." said Rarity picking up her fork. "By any chance could we get some more tea?"

"Sure thing. I'll bring that out once the water is hot."

The princess would've thanked her hostess too if she wasn't transfixed by the sight of the delicacy sitting in front of her. The rich dark chocolate, crisp sugared raspberries, and steaming lines of drizzled hot fudge looked a hundred times better than how Twilight had described it in her letter. Slowly savoring the moment she lifted a forkful of the cake to her mouth. She felt her wings spring out as the rich harmony of flavors exploded in her mouth. Eagerly Celestia carved out a bigger piece with her fork.

Rarity giggled as she washed down her first bite with some tea. "First time trying a Sugarcube Corner special dear?"

The princess nodded vigorously as she shoved a larger piece into her waiting mouth.

"Now that we have the pleasantries behind us let's get down to business shall we." said Rarity setting aside her cake and tea.

Reaching into her bag the unicorn pulled out a sketch book that was over flowing with ribbons. Flipping through a couple pages the mare came to something she liked. Placing the open book on the table she slid it over so that her client could see.

As much as she didn't want to Celestia put aside the last quarter of her cake. Wiping her mouth and hooves she began to study the multitude of sketches for a fall lineup. Being a spring and summer colored mare, had made finding the perfect fall fashion difficult. So she had turned to Rarity for help. Inwardly Celestia wondered how shocked Rarity would be to find out that she was designing an outfit for the princess of the day.

The two mares spent the rest of the noon hour discussing fashion. In Celestia's eyes it seemed that Rarity was enjoying this clothes hunt more than she was. It was a pity that they couldn't have these kind of talks normally and that they would have to part ways soon.

An old grandfather clock gave a solitary ring as the unicorn was pouring herself yet another cup of tea from their fifth kettle. As the chime faded the bell on the front door rang.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner." began Mrs. Cake. "Oh, Big Mac how are you doing?"

The sturdy stallion tossed his towel into the laundry basket by the door. "Doing good mam. Brought your order around back."

"Thank you very much. Why don't you come over to the counter and warm yourself up with this." said Mrs. Cake placing a steaming mug on the counter. "Don't worry it's on the house."

"Mighty kind of you." replied the stallion walking over.

The princess silently stared at the chiseled body as it walked by. Mentally she was slapping Twilight across the head. Sure she was a bookworm, but that was no reason to let such a fine specimen of a stallion be alone. Actually she began slapping every mare in Ponyville for not being willing to give chase, instead of being chased. After all if the prize was this great why wait for somepony else to snatch it away?

Honestly ladies how hard could it be? Thought Celestia. Big Mac makes the same deliveries to shops all over town every week. All a mare has to do is wait out at one of these stops and you'll meet him. When he does arrive just trot straight up to him. Maybe even give the stallion a playful kiss on the cheek, before asking him out. Then leave while...

Suddenly Celestia realized that the world in front of her had gone red. Leaning forward to investigate the source of the color she felt her nose bump against Big Mac's. She felt herself begin to nuzzle the stallions snout while staring into his bewildered beautiful emerald eyes. Had she just done everything she just thought of?

"Yeppers," came the mirror mares voice inside Celestia's head. "You go girl! Now finish him!!"

"So big boy," cooed the pegasus softly. "What's your answer?"

"E-e-e-yup..." Stammered Big Mac who was still in shock.

"Then it's a date." Whispered the princess into the earth pony's ear. "This delicate flower will meet you at Sweet Apple Acres on the first day of summer for a picnic." said Celestia, as she rubbed her body against the stallions rapidly beating chest in one smooth and slow feline motion.

Glancing back she smiled and blushed at the sight of Big Mac's flustered face.

"Time to add the cherry on top girlfriend." came the voice from inside the mares mind.

Lifting up her tail she ran it under Big Mac's chin as she walked away. "See you then hot stuff." With a hypnotic sway to her hips, the disguised princess left the bakery. Leaving behind the whirlwind she had created.

Rarity sat at her table dumbfounded. It wouldn't be until the next day that she felt the burn from the tea she was pouring onto herself. Meanwhile outside, realization was hitting Celestia like a sledge hammer. Her face was on fire and her heart was racing out of her chest. Did she just do that?

Erupting from the ground the embarrassed pegasus raced towards the cover of the clouds up above. Upon breaking through the banks Celestia unleashed the greatest squeal that had ever been squealed. Filled to the brim with the princess's intense emotional energy the storm broke out into a barrage of lightning and thunder that drowned out the echos of the rulers voice.

Coming back from the memory of that day the princess found herself fanning her heated face with her wings. Their wasn't a cloud big enough in the sky to cool her down this time. Just what had come over her that day? After a few minutes of fierce fanning she felt the burning in her face calm down and was back on her way.

"I should really tone myself down for today's date." mumbled the princess to herself.