• Published 14th Dec 2017
  • 1,652 Views, 31 Comments

Crisp Summer Love - zerozoner

Sneaking out during her lunch breaks Celestia enjoys finding new things to do around Equestria. However she never planned on finding love.

  • ...

Ch. 3 Reflection

That night after her first date in centuries the princess found herself restlessly pacing the floor of her secret chamber. Some how she had managed to hold her nerves through the rest of the day in the royal court without exploding. Though now she felt that every nerve ending in her body was fried.

"Why does dating have to be so hard, exhausting, and painful?" moaned the princess to her reflection in the mirror.

Shaking her head the reflection gave a mighty sigh. "Oh come on, it wasn't that bad."

Poking her bruised wing Celestia continued her rant. "Sure it all worked out in the end, but nothing went according to plan." To emphasize her point she shoved a checklist towards the mirror.

Dawning a pair of glasses the reflection peered at the list. "Why are you complaining? Everything here got checked off. Plus do you really think that any of your planned events could even hold a candle to the natural occurrence?"

Tossing the list aside Celestia turned away. "They weren't that bad." pouted the princess.

"You're right, they were horrible!." chided the reflection. "Let's see, for the accident you planned on slipping and falling face first into the pie. Only to ask him if he wanted to lick it off? By your beard what were you thinking?"

Whirling around the princess glared at herself. "Okay, that one wasn't a winner."

"Oh and how many of them are?" replied the reflection in a haughty tone. "Putting the date plans aside. How many of your plans have worked out perfectly? Did your plan with Luna a thousand years ago work? What about the one with Sunset Shimmer? Keeping Discord in the bloody royal garden, just asking to be freed? How about taking the Elements of Harmony away from the bearers for safe keeping? Don't even get me started on all the failed plans regarding Twilight?"

Shuffling her hooves Celestia's gaze lost all its heat as it dropped to the floor. "Just because I'm Celestia, princess of the day doesn't make me perfect. I learned that lesson long ago, but were my date plans really on the level of Discord?"

"Sweetie the rest of your plans would be to risky for any type of media." retorted the mirror mare. "However enough of the past, what's the plan for this Friday?"

Clapping her hooves together Celestia started to beam ear to ear. "Got a tour date of the Sweet Apple Acres. Might even get introduced to the family."

Waving her down the reflection looked heavily concerned. "Hold on a second. Aren't you scared that Applejack could recognize you? She is an element bearer after all. Not to mention you and Apple Bloom belong to the same secret society for mares. So she knows you pretty well from there. Also don't forget Granny Smith was once your tea time buddy as well. By dating Big Mac you've fully Incorporated the entire family into your royal circle."

The princess froze with fright, she hadn't given any of that a single thought. Sure she had been able to pull the wool over Rarity's eyes during a short meeting, but the Apple family was different. They had multiple members of different generations that had a deeper understanding of who she was. A deeper understanding than most ponies in all of Canterlot did. Not to mention the extended amount of time she was going to end up spending with them due to dating couldn't be compared to a short lunch. She had to up both her game plan and be more vigilant at the same time. Oddly the thought of such a challenge gave her excited shivers.

Meanwhile back on the farm Mac was regretting his earlier decision to work. Giving a mighty yawn the stallion nearly fell off the living room couch from exhaustion. The families old grandfather clock rang out its two O'clock greeting. Before he could even set a single hoof in the house he'd been barraged by questions from his family. Forcefully skipping dinner he'd been retelling the events of his date ever since. Having just finished his fifth retelling the stallion was glad that he'd left out the part of a second date or the ladies surrounding him wouldn't let him sleep at all tonight.

Though having told the story so many times Mac couldn't help, but raise an eyebrow. "Weren't all three of you watching?"

The ladies of the family quickly averted their eyes. Mac had to fight back a chuckle as all three of them were acting like a child caught reaching into the cookie jar.

Bringing her eyes back from the ceiling Applejack was the first to break the silence. "We're sorry for spying on ya Big Mac."

"It's just been a good while since you last had a date." continued Granny Smith giving her grandson a hug.

Apple Bloom's face grew beat red. "Well a date that wasn't against your will..." mumbled Big Mac's littlest sister as she recalled the memories of giving him a love potion. "We only wanted to see what she was like, but we should've respected your privacy..."

Big Mac took a deep breath. He understood completely. If either of his sisters suddenly had a date with a stranger from out of town he would've done the same. Maybe even bought some standby concrete just in case, you know for farming purposes only. "Apology accepted, though that doesn't answer my question."

"We had a small complication downstairs that stole our attention away." coughed Applejack who was staring daggers at Apple Bloom and Granny Smith. "So we didn't catch what happened."

Banging her hoof on the coffee table Granny Smith stopped any further inquiry about the incident by her grandson. "Enough of this jibber jabber. Why didn't you kiss her?"

"She's pretty enough." chimed Apple Bloom.

Rubbing his tired eyes Big Mac shook his head. "Not on the first date Bloom."

Jabbing her brother in the side Apple Jack gave him a goofy smile. "Come on partner, after what Rarity told me she gave you at the Sugarcube Corner a small kiss is nothing."

Blushing heavily Mac tried his best to hide his face from his sisters. "Be as that may, its not something a gentlecolt would return until at least the second date." It was at that instant that he realized that he had screwed up.

Shouting in unison his sisters pounced on him like a pair of hungry lions. "SECOND DATE!"

"Oomph" grunted Mac as his back met the sturdy oak floorboards. He had been intentionally leaving that part out all night, but had just given up the game with that slip.

"What are you doing?" asked Bloom jumping up and down on his chest.

Big Mac struggled to sneak out his words in between his youngest sisters jumps. "Going. To give. Her a. Tour. Of the. Farm."

"When is it?" asked Applejack who was unconsciously pinning down her brothers left half.

"This. Friday. At. Six." gasped Mac.

"Hmm," pondered Applejack staring at the mess in the house. "Barely enough time to get this place cleaned up."

"Yep. Now can. You two get. Off?"

Realizing what both of them were doing to their brother the two sisters quickly jumped off. Upon releasing her brother Applejack ran to the kitchen to fetch her weekly work planner. Meanwhile Bloom stayed behind with her brother, her previous excitement gone.

Leaning close to her brother she began talking in a soft voice so that Granny smith couldn't hear. "But Big Mac, you promised we'd go this week."

Walking back into the room behind her siblings Applejack managed to catch part of what her sister had said. "Go where Bloom?"

The youngest sibling visibly left the floor as she screamed. "WHAHAAAAA! Applejack? What are you doing sneaking up on me like that?"

Eyeing her little sister with suspicion Applejack put her notebook aside. "I wasn't sneaking. I was just getting my note pad. Now why are you acting like a groundhog who's seen its shadow?"

Stepping between his two sisters Big Mac turned towards Applejack. "Guess the cats out of the bag Bloom. Our secret fun night ain't a secret no more."

Cocking her head Applejack gave her brother a puzzled look. "Secret fun night?"

"Yes, secret fun night. Starting about a year ago when you began your girls night out with the other members of the elements of harmony. Both me and Bloom started doing our own brother sister fun night every Friday when you'd go hang out in Ponyville."

Climbing on top of her brother's head Apple Bloom took over for him. "We even saw you a couple times. We never told you, because well to be honest you needed to meet ponies outside of the family for once. Honestly before you became honesty you never left this farm."

Applejack felt herself growing frustrated as her siblings statements had a sting to them. "I really don't want to hear that from you two of all ponies."

Scratching her chin in a dignified way Apple Bloom gave a short pause before adding more fuel to the fire. "Sorry sis, but are you the one dating a pony from another city? Can you name me one friend that you made since school that didn't involve a magical preordained destiny to encounter?"

The older sister's shoulder's slouched. She had no argument against what her younger sister was saying. Without the destiny of being a bearer of an Element of Harmony she would've never made the friends she had today. "Still Big Mac you should've planned things better." started Applejack waving her planner around. "Double booking yourself like that. An adult should be more responsible with their appointments and promises."

"You don't say." said Bloom laying down on her brother's head with a wolfish grin. "Me an Mac can always reschedule, besides it gives me a chance to meet Summer Crisp, but I'm not sure you and Granny can do either."

Both Granny and Applejack hated when Bloom smiled like this. It was never a good thing for others. It was never seen by outsiders. It was her face that she only brought out when it was checkmate. Granny Smith was the first of the duo to figure out what was happening. As her eldest granddaughter was to busy scowling at her grinning sister to think about anything. "Crab apples Bloom, You're going to be the only one here Friday!"

In a state of panic Applejack began flipping through her planner like a mad beast. "What? That can't be right." Upon finding the date her heart sank. There it was in bold highlight. A trip to their cousins baby shower early this Friday morning. "Maybe we could leave Saturday instead..."

Leaping off her roost Bloom closed her sister's book. "An adult should be responsible with their appointments and promises right, Applejack? You and Granny DID promise to arrive early to help setup remember.

The oldest sister gave a scowl at her notebook. Family was family and no matter how much she wished to stay Summer Crisp wasn't family, yet.

"Righty oh then. Young lady you're gonna be responsible for giving the family a good showing." said Granny giving her youngest grandchild a hug. "How about us ladies bake the girl something to say howdy by?"

"Ooh, ooh, can we make apple snappers?" asked Bloom as she jumped around the room in excitement.

Breaking her scowl Applejack couldn't help, but laugh at her sisters antics. "Apple Bloom, you just want to eat the extras."

The youngest siblings cheeks glowed. "Guilty."

While the ladies had been distracted momentarily by their own plans Big Mac had slowly and silently slinked out of the room. To him it was his one golden opportunity to get some sleep. He had already made it out of the living room, through the kitchen, and to the stairwell. It was an impressive feat for a stallion of his size. A sudden squeak of an old step made him wince as he felt three pairs of burning eyes, whose fury could outmatch any beast in Tartarus, drill holes through his soul.

From the flames a single unified voice called out. "Where do you think you're going?"

Gathering all his strength the stallion gave a mighty leap to clear the remaining stairs. Behind him he heard the sound of two brother seeking missiles, called sisters, slam into the bottom of the stairwell where he'd been a moment before.

"To bed!" declared the stallion in a booming tenor voice as he closed the door behind him. Quickly locking it Big Mac threw all the furniture he had against the door. Hoping against hope that it kept them out till the dawn sun woke him.

'Why couldn't the week be longer?' thought Big Mac as he raced around Sweet Apple Acres trying to put the finishing touches on everything. His grandmother and oldest sister had already left for the baby shower earlier that morning. Meanwhile Bloom had promised to pick up the bouquet he'd ordered on her way home from school. Even with the help of his family all week long preparations had fallen behind and the Friday sun was beginning to descend.

Running through the kitchen with a dustpan the sweet spicy aroma of apple snappers gave the stallion a pause. The ladies had really out done themselves this time. Four towering trays of cookies reached towards the ceiling, each as tall as the stallion himself. Pulling himself away from the sweets he stowed the pan away under the sink before making for the front door.

Exiting at full speed Big Mac slammed full force into his youngest sister. Sending her and the parcel she was transporting flying. Landing a couple yards away with a dull thud and a small cloud of dust.

Shaking herself off Bloom started to pick herself up. "What's the rush Big Mac? Is the house on fire?"

Rushing over Big Mac helped his little sister up. "Are you okay Bloom?"

"Yep, just peachy. Little dusty, but fine." replied Bloom brushing the dirt out of her hair. "Just be glad it wasn't Summer. Not sure she's made of the same sturdy stuff we Apples are."

Mac smiled as he picked up the parcel. "That I am, though she isn't due for a few more hours."

Playfully bumping into her brother Bloom trotted into the house. "Don't be so sure about that Big Mac."

"Why?" asked Big Mac as a concerned creased formed in his brow.

"Simple," began Bloom grabbing a large platter of cookies. "According to Granny all girls who are big eaters and love sweets are the mischievous aggressive type. Who enjoy teasing, surprising, and ensnaring their dates, so please be careful with her."

"Um, Bloom." muttered Big Mac gazing at the growing mound of cookies his sister was gathering.

Stopping her harvest Bloom turned to her brother giving him a wink. "I confirm and deny nothing, but there is a reason Granny told me." Having said her part both Apple Bloom and half the apple snappers vanished upstairs.

With unease resting on his mind from his sisters words Big Mac tried to distract himself by getting back to work. Opening the parcel Apple Bloom had brought he gave a sigh of relief. Despite the accident the bouquet was still in perfect condition.

Prancing around the piles of outfits littering the hidden chamber the princess felt like she was going to explode. Every fiber of her being trembled with anticipation. This long week couldn't have ended sooner. Rummaging through a pile of ribbons she pulled out one that was a vibrant red. Twirling several times around the room like an ice skating ballerina the princess fell down dizzily in front of the mirror.

Rolling around on the floor she giggled and squealed in a manner unbecoming of the ruler of Equestria. When was the last time she had felt this light hearted, joyful, exhilarated? Coming to a sudden stop Celestia realized that she had gotten tangled up in her ribbon.

"Looking saucy there, I approve." came the voice from behind the glass. "Big Mac won't know what hit him if you go like that."

Pulling herself up the princess gazed at her image of Summer Crisp standing in the mirror. It was an alien feeling seeing a reflection that wasn't really her. "Sadly Summer, we both know this ribbon outfit is to risky."

Giggling uncontrollably Summer hid her face behind her mane. "You say that, but you still do plan on wearing it again."

Finally free of the ribbon Celestia began to weave it into her hair while she braided it. "I can't lie to you Summer and you can't lie to me. So I won't even try to deny that."

"Yet you insistently argue with me." pouted Summer crossing her arms. "I bet you're the only one who argues with me this much."

Celestia momentarily stopped working on her hair. "To be fair I'm the only girl that has a sentient inner heart to argue with."

Looking back it was hard for Celestia to tell when Summer first appeared. Years of isolation had driven her into many conversations with herself. She couldn't tell if it was magic, being an alicorn, or just sheer insanity, but every once in awhile as she talked to herself a voice would start talking back. This time around the voice turned out to be Summer Crisp. Celestia had no doubt that these occurrences were the only things that had kept her sane over the centuries. Well as sane as talking to voices in your head could be.

"So then my inner most heart," smirked Celestia returning to braiding her hair. "What type of trouble should we spring on our stallion tonight?"

Author's Note:

Started off writing this as a short chapter how'd it end up so long?:facehoof:

Well I'm off to write a short story about Celestia's secret society now. Should be fun.:pinkiehappy:

Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter should be out next week. Comments and critiques are always welcome.