• Published 22nd Dec 2017
  • 6,786 Views, 841 Comments

The Nameless Queen (Legacy) - AniMun

You are a newly spawned changeling queen. It is your job to establish and care for your hive. Will you be subtle or hunt for love? Will you find allies among other changelings hives and ponies or conquer them all? A comment driven story

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Chapter 9.5 Changeling Parenting For Dummies (3K Views Special)

Nameless sat defeated at a table at Sugarcube Corner, her heavy bags under her eyes adding at least a couple more years to her usual old mare disguise, a side effect to the very stressful past month she went through since she returned from Manehattan and her eggs hatched. Who would have thought that looking after fifteen larvae would take so much work?!

“Hello, Ms. Enigma! How’s your evening going?” asked Pinkie Pie, who bounced to her table with her usual energy, an energy that Nameless envied to no end at that moment.

“I haven’t collapsed yet, so I think it has been nice,” you grumbled. “Pinkie? Could you bring me a big milkshake with extra vanilla, please?”

“Of course! Big vanilla milkshake coming right up!” Pinkie bounced back behind the counter with a big smile.

Now to wait for Derpy and Dinky. I wonder why she insisted so much on us meeting here… Not that I’m complaining, really, I need that milkshake… Nameless thought, slumping on the table with a pained moan as she felt her back aching. Tiredness crept up to her as her eyes slowly fell shut, and as she drifted to sleep, she couldn’t help but give a small smile as she recalled the past weeks.

Only a week had passed since her eggs hatched. Nameless had spent the entire time in the Hatchery, looking over her offspring but she wasn’t alone, almost half the hive took some time off to rest and recover. They couldn’t help themselves but to come by every now and then to watch the little grubs, some even almost refused to live the Hatchery. Even though the workers were working hard to build a new Slime Pit for the hive, Phengaris would take every opportunity she had to sneak back to the larvae’s side, much to her co-workers’ annoyance. Nameless couldn’t blame her though.

As the days passed by, the tiny larvae grew and grew, almost doubling in size. Nameless could feel their weight increase every time they piled up on her as she lay down next to them. She was amazed by how fast changelings grew! Was it because of the surplus of supplies her hive had? She didn’t know, but she really wished they would take their time to grow up. She loved watching them cutely wiggling around the room too much to see them growing so fast!

Nameless would ask her drones to bring her some books from the library to pass the time while she stayed there. They would try to assure her that they would take care of the younglings so she could return to her bed to sleep but she was having none of it. A sizable pile of books had gathered there by the end of the week. Besides her usual reading topics, she also asked for a couple of foals stories for her to read to her children. They would fondly fall asleep every time they heard her sweet voice telling them old pony tales.

She woke up one morning like any other, sneaking out of the Hatchery. While her grubs were still asleep to tend to her morning routine before returning to wake up her children, however this time, in her groggy state, she forgot to close the door behind her. She proceeded with her morning rituals oblivious to her mistake. She took a nice and warm bath, combed her mane and stretched out her sore muscles a little bit, giving her wings a few buzzings. Feeling refreshed, she finally made her way back to the Hatchery.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the wide-open entrance to her most valuable chamber. She rushed inside in search of her babies, but all she could find were books scattered around.

“Children? Where are you?! Children!” she called out. No reply. Immediately she sent a warning of danger through the hivemind, waking all of her drones with a kick. ‘My children are gone! We have to find them!’ She mobilized her search party, who swiftly scattered throughout the hive, searching every nook and cranny inside and out.

A good couple of minutes had passed and she could swear she had seen their shadow or heard their giggling around corners but every time she would run up to them, they vanished. She was beginning to question her sanity when she finally had an idea on how to find them. Concentrating, she sent out a ping through the hivemind and waited for an echo. Since her babies were already connected to the hivemind, she would probably be able to locate them through it, at least in theory.

She caught up the faintest of feedback around the throne room, but couldn’t pinpoint their exact location. Due to being so young, their minds haven’t really developed their presence on the hivemind, so locating so many larvae would be almost impossible that way. But that wouldn’t keep Nameless from trying! She kept sending pings every thirty seconds or so, following their general direction in an intense game of hot and cold. She tried almost all the rooms in the castle ruin, getting warmer and warmer until she finally reached her chambers in the library.

Sending a prayer to Mother, she burst through the library’s door, and what she saw surprised her to no end. Her little larvae gathered by one of the shelves, changing into random objects they saw around the library to allow their brothers and sisters to stack up on them, building a crude staircase so they could reach some books at the top. The structure wasn’t that stable though, and soon enough it began to wobble as the little grubs tried to climb to the top.

In a swift movement, Nameless flew to their side, holding their staircase with her magic. Now with the balance restored, the last little grub made its way to a faded light purple book, pulling it from the shelf and holding it proudly towards Nameless.

“Humn?” she inquired, picking up the book with her magic as her children began to change back to their normal selves. Inspecting the book, she found it was the magic theory book she had asked the night before through the hivemind before going to sleep.

“You wanted to fetch the book for me?” she asked in surprise, to which they nodded happily.

“Awww, thank you, my dears! I love you so much!” she squealed, scooping them into a big hug, feeding them enough love to last a week in the process. Despite the massive fright she just went through, she couldn’t bring herself to scold them, recognizing their achievement in not only managing to shapeshift for the first time but also dodge her entire hive in the process, a great skill for a changeling to have.

Little did she know that things would only get worse from that moment forward...

Nameless slumped awkwardly on her black crystal throne, a secret present her precious drones so generously made for her. The crystal sprouted from between the old thrones of the two pony princesses, melding them together into a bigger and mightier throne worthy of an Archqueen. Now Nameless could claim to have a full-fledged changeling hive!

Tired, she found herself almost falling asleep on her throne when a youngling zoomed above her out of nowhere, forcing her to dodge. It has been a little more than a week since her little larvae shapeshifted for the first time and now they developed into cute little young nymphs. She was so overjoyed to see her children grow for the first time, especially since she didn’t have the chance with her brothers and sisters because they had plenty of time to incubate beforehand, skipping directly to fully grown drones after her first encounter with the timberwolves. But there was one thing she wasn’t counting for… their wings…

Ever since they started buzzing they haven’t stopped! The entire hive was total mayhem with over-energetic nymphs flying all over the place! Nameless and her drones tried their best to contain them, but the little buggers proved to be formidable opponents, draining the hive of its energy. Thankfully, Nameless opened the Healing Spring for all to relax and recharge, otherwise, they would be all passed out from exhaustion by that point.

Derpy… help me… she pleaded through the hivemind, lying lifelessly on her throne.

I’m sorry, my Queen, but I can’t help you with this one. When I adopted Dinky, she was already a filly, I have no idea how to look after nymphs… Derpy said apologetically.

“Mother, please save me from this cruel fate!” she cried out loud, striking a rather dramatic pose.

As if answering her prayer, Nameless felt a very strong and very familiar presence nearby that shot her up straight on her hooves. A few seconds later, she could hear someone knocking on the hive’s door.

“Nameless, my dearie, auntie has come to visit!” She heard Sicaria’s voice echoing through the hall, like the sweet song of her salvation.

Nameless made a mad sprint to the front door, yanking it wide open. “Sicaria! I’m so glad you’re here!” she yelled with a crazy smile on her face like she just escaped from a mental asylum.

Sicaria took a step back in surprise. “Wow, what happened to you, girl?”

“Kids! Come meet your auntie!” she called her drones, who stopped in their tracks to look at the newcomer.

Sicaria’s eyes lit up with stars as she saw them. “My nephews!” She ran right past Nameless, flying straight to the nymphs with wide-open arms. They tried to flee from her but capture was inevitable, no one could escape her spine-breaking hug.

“Oh, Mother, it has been so long since I last had nymphs buzzing around my hive! They’re all so adorable! I want to take them home!” she cried, embracing the struggling nymphs even tighter.

The idea appealed to Nameless for a fraction of a second but was quickly brushed off, instead, something else sparked her curiosity.

“You don’t lay eggs anymore?” Nameless asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Not really. I’m still able to, of course, but changeling anatomy is a curious thing, it’s almost as if it knows that the hive is at full capacity so it halts involuntary egg production. Pretty neat, right?” she giggled.

“Huh, interesting. Is there a way to purposefully stop laying eggs for a while? Don’t get me wrong, I love my babies, but I don’t think I can keep up with that rhythm…” Nameless asked, sitting on the floor close to them.

Sicaria landed next to Nameless, nymphs still in her arms. “Yeah, it can be a grueling task, no doubt. I can teach you some tricks to help you with that.” She gave her a wink.

“Thank you.” Nameless smiled. “Say, how is Cicah?”

“Heheh, busy, and stressed out, just like you,” she jested. “She really wanted to come with me, but she had some duties back at her own hive that needed her attention. She asked me to tell you to visit her soon though.”

She giggled. “Yes, I will.”

The two spent the rest of the evening chatting. Sicaria’s hugs proved to be an effective weapon at calming the nymphs, who were so tired after their struggles that quickly fell asleep. After putting the kids to bed, Nameless took Sicaria to the Healing Spring, where she got to meet with her other drones and resume their conversation.

“Ahhh, you should look into investing in a water heating system. If you manage to heat up this marvelous, crystal clear water spring, I think I would never be able to leave!” Sicaria said, submerging her head underwater for a couple of seconds before coming back up, shaking the excess water off her mane.

“That sounds like a good idea, though I’m afraid that if I were to do so, I would never be able to leave either!” They laughed.

“Say, have you heard from any other hives recently? I was thinking about putting myself on the map, you know? Meeting my other aunts,” Nameless asked, swimming to the edge of the pool close to Sicaria.

“Actually, I did! Apparently, my sister Mel, the Archqueen of the Bee Hive ran into some sort of problem as of late,” Sicaria said, turning to Nameless.

“Oh? What sort of problem?”

“I’m not sure. But, you see she and Kami, the Archqueen of the Wasp Hive, were as close as two can be. I know for a fact that she’s trying to help Mel. If you manage to solve their problem as well as you did mine, you’ll be getting two allies for the price of one!” she explained.

“Humn… I guess I should pay them a visit,” Nameless wondered.

“If you’d like to meet them, Mel’s hive is located in the Hayseed Swamp, I can send word of your visit in advance to help sooth Kami’s overprotective side,” she joked.

“Thanks, I would appreciate that.”

About a month has passed since her eggs hatched, and Nameless’ children have grown into adorable young fillies and colts. They’ve begun to help the hive in their assigned work class and have learned a lot from their older brothers and sisters but still, despite all of that, Nameless’ trials were far from over.

Because she would never leave their side as larvae, the young nymphs had difficulty sleeping alone. She tried everything, reading a bedtime story, putting them to sleep with other drones, she even asked her drones to bring some food from Ponyville to see if they would sleep better with a full belly. Nothing worked. So every night, she gathered everyling to sleep with her in her chambers, which now have been converted into a massive pillow pile to make room the little grubs. Since then, there hasn’t been a single night where she managed to sleep all the way through.

She stumbled her way to Twilight’s library to finally reunite with her pony friend after spending such a long time secluded in her hive. Straightening her saddlebags with her magic, she knocked on the door.

A light purple magic glow enveloped the doorknob as it opened. Twilight let out a gasp of excitement upon seeing her friend. “Ms. Enigma! It’ so good to see you again, please come in!”

Nameless made her way to the closest chair, sitting down with a tired smile. “Thanks, Twilight. Here, I brought some books, I’ve been reading those and I thought you would like them.” She fetched the books from her bag and levitated them to Twilight

Twilight took the books in her magic, bringing them closer to take a look. “Ohhh, Magic Theory and old Transmutations! They sound great! I can’t wait for us to try some of their spells today!” she cried excitedly.

“Sorry, dear, but I’m a bit tired from my family visit, I’m afraid I only came for a quick ‘hello’ today,” Nameless apologized, having no energy to deal with magic mishaps what so ever.

“Aww, it’s okay, let me get us some tea. Spike, could you make us some tea, please?” she called.

“Us? Oh, hello, Ms. Enigma. Sure, right away!” The little dragon waved you hello before making his way to the kitchen.

It didn’t take long for Spike to come back with two cups of mint tea for you and Twilight. He served you your drinks and returned to the second floor.

“So, what happened while I was gone?” Nameless asked, taking a sip from her tea.

“Oh, we had a couple of accidents here and there. Poor Applebloom contracted a nasty disease called ‘Cutie Pox’ after meddling with some of Zecora’s ingredients. Thankfully Zecora was able to cure her before things got too dangerous,” Twilight said, taking her own sip of tea.

“Ah, good. It’s always nice to know that we can count on her in this sort of problems.”

“Sure is. Also, my friend Rainbow Dash got her first pet the other day.”

“Is that so? What pet did she get? A falcon, perhaps?”

Twilight giggled. “Funny enough, she got a tortoise.”

“A tortoise? But doesn’t she live in a cloud house? How would she be able to keep the tortoise?” Nameless raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“We actually managed to get a flying contraption for him so he can follow her up to the clouds, it is a pretty interesting machine.”

“Oh, I see.”

The conversation went on for a few more minutes as they updated each other on the going ons. The sun was about to set when Nameless took notice of the time. “It was nice chatting with you, Twilight, but I must leave for today, I hope you enjoy the books.” She gave her a smile, packed her things, and got up.

“Goodbye Ms. Enigma, hope to see you soon!” Twilight waved her goodbye.

Fastening your saddlebags back on, you made your way to Sugarcube Corner.

Now to see what Derpy wanted to talk with me about.

Back in the Ponyville school, Derpy awaited patiently for Dinky at the exit. A couple of minutes later, the school bell rang and the students stormed out in a hurry. Dinky walked out of school with some of her friends, upon seeing her mother, she waved them goodbye and rushed to her side, snuggling against her chest.

“Hey, sweetie, how was school today?” Derpy asked, picking up her daughter’s saddlebags.

“It was fun! We had an arts and crafts class today!” Dinky said enthusiastically.

“That’s great. Say, Ms. Enigma is back in town but she looked a bit tired, how about we go meet her in Sugarcube Corner to cheer her up and I get you some milkshake?” Derpy offered, knowing that Dinky wouldn’t refuse a milkshake.

“Oh-oh, can I get a big one?”

“Now now, if you get a big one you’ll have trouble sleeping. I’ll get you a medium one, deal?”


Derpy and Dinky strolled their way to Sugarcube Corner, but along the way, Derpy felt a sinister chill running down her spine, her eyes shot up straight as she looked around worriedly. She could feel a terrible presence nearby, a familiar presence…

“Why, hello there, Forty-two.”

Author's Note:

There it is, the baby chapter! :yay: (And this time it didn't take 5 months to come out :derpytongue2:)

Even though it was a shorter chapter, I hope you enjoyed this little sneak peek at changeling infancy! :raritywink:

But all is not well in paradise. It seems that Nameless' hive may have gotten on the map earlier than she would have liked it.

What could have happened to Derpy? You better be ready for another adventure, 'cuz it's time to find out!

Queen Choices!
1) Go by yourself. You should investigate by yourself while your drones protect your hive and nymphs from possible danger. (Chance of being caught: 15%/ Danger: 40%)

2) Take a group of drones with you. With one drone of a kind to keep you company, you'll have a well-balanced search party. Your drones back at the hive can take care of the nymphs, however, they'll be a bit overworked if they try to build something. (Chance of being caught: 20%/ Danger: 30%)

3) Take all your drones with you. Your nymphs proved to be very resourceful bugs, they can take care of themselves while you wield the full force of your hive. (Chance of being caught: 40%/ Danger: 20%)

Hive choices! Warning: Hive choices only available if Queen choice 3 was not selected!

Gatherers (unit one):
1) Gather love.

2) Help the Workers. (successfulness rate: +10%)

3) Watch the nymphs. (Causes Resting)

Gatherers (unit two):
1) Gather love. (Fatigue: 15%)

2) Help the Workers. (successfulness rate: +10%) (Fatigue: 15%)

3) Watch the nymphs. (Causes Resting)

1) Scan the area (Search the Everfree Forest and Ponyville for possible intruders.)

2) Help the Gatherers. (successfulness rate: +15%)

3) Help the workers. (successfulness rate: +15%)

4) Watch the nymphs. (Causes Resting)

Workers: (successfulness rate: -30% if any changelings taken)

1) Build Barrack. (Unlock the advanced unit: Guardian [fighter]/ Slowly heals warriors) (Fatigue: 45%.)

2) Watch the nymphs. (Causes Resting)

If you'd like to create a changeling for the story, learn about the game rules and mechanics or check all the details about the character's statistics, you can find all of it within the Support Page!

I hope you like the chapter! :yay:


Chapter edited by: EverfreePony

Comments ( 33 )

Queen 2, Gatherers One 1, Gatherers Two 3, Warriors 1, Workers 2
The workers NEED a rest badly to restore efficiency and it would be best for Queeny to have a varied amount of options if it turns out to be needed.


Queen-2 better to have back up just in case. It would also mean she has an independent set of hooves to tackle what ever issues she encounters. Not sure how well the new nymphs will that her absence though.
G1-1 refreshed and ready for duty. Keeping the love supply topped up.
G2-2 though I would say this is really 3 but the gatherers should watch the young more than the workers as they are less tired
War-1 with the queen away there is a definite need to ensure any hostiles are found early before they can cause an issue. (Especially if Derpy manages to raise the alarm. I wonder if she is about to be told about the upcoming wedding attack?)
Work-2 definitely in need of a break. With the queen away there is a definite need to keep an eye on the young ones.

I do hope that Derpy has alerted any warriors in the town to her confrontation regardless of if the encounter ends peacefully this is a real threat to the hive that they need to be aware of so they are in position to rescue her and Dinky should she need to escape. Will it escalate to Enigma if she is closer?

Queen- 2
Gatherers (1)- 1
Gatherers (2)- 3
Workers- 2

Queen: 2

Gatherers (unit one): 1

Gatherers (unit two): 1

Warriors: 1

Workers: 2

queen 2
gatherers 1
gatherers 3
warriors 1
workers 2

Should do well right now

  1. Option two (2) for the Queen.

    Option one (1) for Gatherer unit One.

    Option three (3) for Gatherer unit Two.

    Option one (1) for the Warriors. {recon is always useful!}

    And option two (2) for the workers. With how hard they've been working, let them rest and spend time with the nymphs.

Cost/benefit balance suggests Queen 2 to be the proper choice. The others increase danger more than reduce discovery risk, or vice versa.
Gatherer Unit One should help the Workers, as their project seems rather important right now.
Choice 2 for them.
Some group needs to watch the nymphs, so Gatherer Unit Two should take the opportunity to recover. Choice 3 for them.
Warriors should be on alert, scanning the area for intruders. This new presence isn't trustworthy like the ponies. Choice 1 for them.
I'm really sorry Workers, but we absolutely need those barracks. At least Gatherer Unit One is available to assist. Choice 1 for them.

Queen 2 - better safe then sorry
Gatherers (unit 1) 2 - the workers need a helping hoove sense they work so hard
Gatherers (unit 2) 3 - someling needs to make sure the little ones stay out of trouble and protect them if need be
Warriors 1 - if trouble is a brew'in then it's better to catch it before it gets to the hive
Workers 1 - as much as I want to let them rest getting the barracks up and running takes priority

Queen - 2
G1 - 1
G2 - 3
Warriors - 1
Workers - 2

Queen: 2. Going alone is NOT a good idea. Leaving the hive and the children unprotected is too irresponsible to consider.
Gatherer 1: 1
Gatherer 2: 3
Warriors: 1
Workers: 2. They would be too understaffed to work safely. Besides, they need the rest anyway.

Q: 2 G1: 2 G2: 3 Wa: 1 Wo: 1
We think it's time to bolster defenses. Whoever took Derpy (and presumably Dinky) without raising suspicion is quite dangerous, especially since we have insider knowledge that they know her.
Keep going! ;)

Queen 1 or 2, G1 1, G2 1 or 3, War 1 or assist Queen, Work 2

We really need diplomatic units or units that can speak for the Queen when it comes to interactions with other hives. Maybe have them so in tune with the hivemind that we can speak through them like a radio or something? Main reason I feel that is needed is because all these meetings are preventing us from remaining with our hive, something quite problematic when it comes to maintaining our cover.


G1 - 1

G2 - 3

War - 1

Work - 2

Derpy felt a sinister chill running down her spine, her eyes shot up straight as she looked around worriedly. She could feel a terrible presence nearby, a familiar presence…

“Why, hello there, Forty-two.”

Oooohh ****! :pinkiegasp: :rainbowderp: :twilightoops:

If that's who I think it is... then **** just got real!

As for choices;

Queen: 2. If it's who I think it is then our Queen is going to need back up.

Gatherers Unit 1: 1 But be on guard.

Gatherers Unit 2: 3 Watch those nymphs!

Warriors: 1 If it is who I think it is then they may not have come alone.

Workers: 2 better to have the extra eyes on our young.

Queen - 2.
G1 - 1
G2 - 3
Warrior - 1
Worker - 2

As the days passed by, the tiny larvae grew and grew, almost doubling in size. Nameless could feel their weight increase every time they piled up on her as she lay down next to them. She was amazed by how fast changelings grew!

Producing many new drones in an short amound of time can be useful to bolster numbers.
How long until they will get their jobs?

They would fondly fall asleep every time they heard her sweet voice telling them old pony tales.

Maybe try to get your hoof on old changeling tales. They might be interested in those, too.

“Humn?” she inquired, picking up the book with her magic as her children began to change back to their normal selves. Inspecting the book, she found it was the magic theory book she had asked the night before through the hivemind before going to sleep. Inspecting the book, she found it was the magic theory book she had asked the night before through the hivemind before going to sleep.

:twilightsmile:: "I'm proud of your children. Thay have an good taste in books."

“Ahhh, you should look into investing in a water heating system. If you manage to heat up this marvelous, crystal clear water spring, I think I would never be able to leave!”

Better not! That may be the doom of the entire hive.
Remember about The Chair?

Good chapter!
I enjoyed reading it.

As for the choices:

Queen: 2
This is probably the best compromise.
But what does "Danger" mean, if it doesn't mean "Chance of being caught"? If she doesn't get caught there shouldn't be any danger, or did I miss something?

Hive Choices:

Gatherers (unit one): 1
Gatherers (unit two): 2
Because love is tasty! :heart:
We are using both units, since the workers are resting, so helping those won't do anything. (Except resting even harder? What would that even mean?)

Warriors: 1
Guarding the area is what guards are supposed to do, right?
(The ending of this chapter implies we will need those guys soon.)

Workers: 2
Get rest. (Assuming they can; the queen tried and failed to rest and watch the nymphs at the same time.)

Queen - 2
Gatherer 1 - 1
Gatherer 2 - 3
Warriors - 1
Workers - 2
What happened to Derpy can not be good, the Queen will needs back up. The warriors need to scout the area for trouble. The workers really need a break.

Derpy is critical to your hive! a team with 1 Changeling eatch seem to be the logical choice. 'Queen CHOICE = 2' - we need food all the time so gathering unit one needs to get love supplys. 'G-U1 =1' - Gathering unit two can help building since you seem to need soldier boost sonner than later it seems... 'G-U2 =2' - Since we have problems a Territory scan would make sence. 'War-U1 =1' - The worker need to build the Barack for the growing troubelsome events to come. 'Work-U1 =1'.

We are almost thinking alike. I wonder what will happen next.

I think the Hive is save enough to leave the larve alone. It would be extreamly dangerous and hint on absolut stupidity to harm a queens Offspring especially before the huve isnt scouted/scaned its potencial what cant be dont by anyone - yet.

Queen choice; 2. You need some drones back at the hive, and you're fairly powerful on your own.

Hive choices;

Gatherer 1; 1. gather love.
Gatherer 2; 3. watch the nymphs.
Warriors; 1. scan the area.
Workers; 2. watch the nymphs.

Very sad this story never ends. :fluttercry: My pc i broken currently but i download the great story for the future to re-read it ones my pc is fixed.

Good luck in the future. :twilightsmile: Thanks for everything. :eeyup:
Happy X-Mas and happy new Year. :pinkiesmile:

We will muss you dearly :pinkiesad2:

can you tell me how you read it without your pc

To those who may stumble upon this story:
Have a look at this Blog Post from the author.

hope you get the inspiration to [eventually] update this story, please and thank you

This story Author has returned today to the community :yay:

To be continued :twilightsmile:

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