• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 1,622 Views, 217 Comments

Alone In The Galaxy - Purple Patch

In the field of conflict, Lieutenant Rae Sloane of the Galactic Imperial Forces happens upon an awkward young colt far from home.

  • ...

Never A Dull Moment

Pipsqueak was still dozing in the mid-morning hours. He’d been allowed to have Rae Sloane’s bed. He’d asked why she wasn’t at the Storm’s homestead but Parisian had said it was classified. She knew Rae had headed off to the safehouse where a friend of hers, Suui Do, was staying. But she’d gotten in Honor Salima’s speeder alongside a bright magenta twi’lek and a pair of Mirialan sisters. Accompanying them was a speeder carrying Rae’s mechanic friends.

It did seem a large number of people for one house.

Maybe they were going to watch a movie together.

Forren Storm checked on Pip and brought him a Jawa Juice. Whatever a ‘Jawa’ was, the juice was delicious. When he asked if the juice came from the Jawa itself, Forren answered “Hell, I hope not.”

He hadn’t asked what I meant by that.

Pip made his way to the breakfast table and found Parisian looking just as over-rested as he did.

Rae Sloane however, entered looking in the peak of freshness. When Pip made to ask her about her evening, Parisian shushed him, shaking his head.

Gallius Rax was nowhere to be seen.

“So...” Pip asked at last “What’s on for today?”

“Well, I’ve gotta’ see about those two twi’leks who picked you up, Pip. I’m meeting someone in the city who might know. Afterward, the Hellfire arrives on Coruscant so we depart for the warfront from there.”

“I see...” Pip was quiet a moment “So we’re really off to war then?”

“Afraid so. Don’t worry, kid.” Once he was finished, Rae scooped up the little colt and placed him in a redesigned little carrier, slung over one shoulder so that Pip hung beside her hip. There was enough room to tuck his forehooves out and Rae said that if he wanted to get out and walk, all he had to do was ask.

The Dusk Trooper was electing to stay with the ship. So Rae, Parisian and Pipsqueak bid farewell to the Storms, promised to put in a good word for Forren, accepted the packed lunch Pendra had made for them and head off for the mid-street markets.

In the early afternoon, Rae Sloane had brought them to a colourful shop with powder-painted walls and its windows made up of a thin, rubber-like material that fluctuated with vibrant colours. The smell of the place hit them instantly. The shop sold perfumes, oils and incenses. A little droid above the doorway was playing a recorded tune on a bizarre instrument while a motorised fan gently blew the various scents around the room.

Pip wrinkled his nose at the strength of the place but Rae seemed comfortable.

Parisian gave his officer a look.

“Are you trying to tell me something, sir?”

“No, I told you our client’s here.”

“Well, if you’re planning on recommending me something, I already use deodorant, sir.”

Rae raised an eyebrow.

“It’s not working.

A curtain at the end of the store flew open and a creature flew out.

Pip’s eyes boggled at the sight. This alien was certainly a sight to be seen.

It was a pot-bellied, web-footed creature with a snout shaped like a small trunk and a mouth full of tusks like a tiny elephant. Its leathery skin was bright yellow with deep-violet leopard-like rings across its back and down its limbs. It was carried by a pair of skinny, pointed wings flapping rapidly on either side of its grace, somehow making the bizarre creature seem graceful in the air.

Even in spite of its bright colour, the creature was flamboyant to the extreme wearing thick make-up and lipstick, long eyelashes, a curly pink wig with golden bows and accessories and a great glittery crimson tutu bedecked in jewels and a feathery blue muff around its shoulders. At the sight of the visitors, it gave a giddy cry of glee with a voice letting Pip know the alien was a female though low and a little croaky, rather similar to Sweetie Belle’s mother.

“My goodness!” she chortled “As I live and breathe, if it isn’t Sergeant Rae Sloane!”

“It’s Lieutenant now.” Parisian pointed out.

“Oh but of course,.” the alien clapped her clawed hands and beamed “A lovely girl, spectacular...but tardy.” She tutted and tapped Rae’s nose with one finger “Where’s my favourite pair of rosy-cheeks been all this time?”

“Forgive me, Bazatta, I’ve neglected you. One thing led to another.” Rae said, smiling sheepishly with a slight blush.

“Aw, it’s forgiven. You know I can’t stay mad at you. Now give your old Baz a hug.” She flew gently into Rae’s arms and the two hugged with immense smiles. Pip watched as the alien actually kissed Rae Sloane on the lips, how that worked with a trunk and tusks was a mystery to him. Drawing away at last, she gave Parisian a look over.

“Well now. And who’s this handsome fella’?”

“My corporal. I’m showing him the ropes.”

Baz gave her an interested look.

“Just figuratively?”


“Eh, shame. He’s got a nice ass. You take good care of it now.” Baz chuckled, ignoring Parisian’s awkward grimace and casting her eye to the little colt in the carrier.

“And who’s this little pookums?” she cooed.

“Um, my name’s Pipsqueak, miss.” Pipsqueak said, slight unnerve in his voice.

“It’s okay, Baz. He’s never seen a Toydarian before. He’s a straggler. I’m working on getting him home. He’s with me for now.”

“Aw, always the way with you, ain’t it.” She bent down and gave the little colt a nuzzle with her trunk “Don’t you worry about nothing, sweetie. Rae takes good care of her own, ain’t that right. Here.” She reached over under the counter and pulled out a small netted back of what looked like little brightly-coloured gemstones. She bit open the bag and handed it to him.

“Help yourself.”

“Oh, um...no, no, really, I don’t really need any...jewels.”

Bazatta gave a chortle.

“No, no, honey, they’re candy.”

“Oh. Right. Thank you very much.” Pipsqueak tried a purple one. They were hard-shelled but full of a fruity gel that was very sweet and a little sour but nice.

“Freshens up your breath too.” Bazatta added.

“Well, you might want to Parisian a bag then. He could use it.” Rae muttered.

“No, really, I...” Parisian was thrown a bag himself. Sulking discreetly he pocketed it and explained.

“We’re on investigations.”

“Ah, always something with you, ain’t it, Rae.” Bazatta chuckled, sitting down in a hovering seat “What can I do you for?”

“We’re trying to identify a couple of twi’lek girls who we believe have...worked Coruscant’s streets from time to time.”

“Oh yeah.” Bazatta chuckled again “You’re talking to the right bird. Many of them shopped here as early as before the Clone Wars. And at the time, you see,” She winked with a cheeky grin “I had quite an appetite for their trade as they did for mine. Developed a profound and practical interest in such ladies. But to remember their names...” She gestured idly with her hand “Not so easy.”

“Well, these ones are apparently quite unique. Twi’leks.”

“Very nice.”

Rae nudged Pip who described them. Bazatta nodded with interest.

“Yellow and red ripples? Skin-dye probably. You don’t get that cheap. And that purple-spotted shoulder pattern? Very rare. Rings a bell, I’m sure of it...” She chewed her claw a moment then snapped her fingers “I remember now!”

She reached behind the counter again and retrieved a holocron. Pressing it, it showed a variety of holographic still-pictures. She skimmed them.

“Nope...nope...Ooh, you probably shouldn’t see that one...Heh, there’s a funny story about that one I’ll tell you one day...Here we go. Ladies Night at the Outlander Club. Went lovely ‘til some Jedi had to crash the party. Are these the suckers?”

The picture was of Bazatta smiling and posing for the picture. On either side of her were the two twi’leks who’d brought him to Hat Lo and who he’d seen go off on their own.

“That’s them.” he answered “No doubt about it.”

Bazatta seemed downcast, sighing heavily.
“Don’t tell me they’re in trouble again.”

“Well, that may be so but we’re pretty sure they’re just in with the wrong crowd.”

“They always are.” Bazatta threw up her hands “I mean they’re lovely girls, treat to talk to. But eh...they can never seem to find themselves in safe hands.”

“What can you tell me about them?”

“Well, there’s Lunae Minx. She’s got a good head on her shoulders. Trouble is she’s had a rough time of it so...she’s not one to make friends easily. The night life was a goddamn plughole for her. She met bad people then tried to find safety with worse people...” Bazatta shook her head “It takes its toll, this place. I was one of the lucky ones.”

“Yeah, me too. So what about the other one? Vida?”

“Ayy Vida, yeah. Gorgeous girl, cute as a button, but er...not much in the way of brains, you understand. They ain’t hurt, are they?”

“Well, their former employer, Hat Lo, was brought down last night.”

Bazatta scowled.

“Good job too! Him and that sick-minded old schutta, Tas Kee! Couldn’t have happened soon enough.” She slammed a hand on the counter and shook her head sullenly, sniffing loudly through her trunk “Sel Maa shouldn’t have had to die like that. She was always good to me.”

“Yeah, I remember...” Rae shook her head and patted Bazatta’s shoulder “Well, we’re trying to make sure they’re kept out of any more trouble. Trust me, I can keep them safe, I’ve done it before.” She gave her a sincere look “Have you got any leads?”

Bazatta shook her head sullenly.

“I haven’t seen ‘em in years. Not since the war ended. But...they did mention they’d picked up work elsewhere. Around Ryloth.”

“No, around Ryloth. Specifically. Which gave me reason to believe the work wasn’t exactly on the level, so to speak.”

Rae sucked her teeth.

“Okay. They couldn’t have gotten far. They’ll probably be on the Corellian Run convoy. Identity checks are more thorough nowadays. I’ll put their names and faces out to have them brought in but don’t worry. I’ll make sure they’re brought in alive and unharmed. The Hellfire’s making dock with Coruscant this afternoon. We’re the first people they’ll send them to. It’s my investigation, I’ll be called them to ask them what I need, conclude the questioning, I’ll send them to you and we’ll keep in touch. Any problems, let me know.”

Bazatta turned and, with a heartened smile, hugged Rae Sloane again.

“You’re too good for this galaxy, Rae. Has anyone ever told you that?”

“Well, I’m too good for Coruscant for certain.”

“Sorry...I’m a little confused.” Parisian piped up “Are we arresting them or not?”

“Sweetie, let me explain.” Bazatta fussed “Back when Miss Sloane was still ‘Sergeant’, she worked the Vice Raids after the Sector Governance whatsit. They went after the crime lords by investigating their working girls. But the...usual methods just meant the crime lords either locked their girls up or killed ‘em to cover their tracks. Rae Sloane did things differently, discreetly, worked with the victims not against them, got them out of the sick world they’d found themselves in. I helped in getting them back on their feet, finding them honest work and kinder, safer company.”

“Baz was wonderful. Suui’s going to be fine with her.” Rae patted her Toydarian friend’s shoulder “We should be good to go. Thanks so much, Baz” Rae kissed the Toydarian on the cheek.

“Don’t be a stranger now.” Bazatta waved them goodbye as the door closed behind them.

Parisian edged over to Lieutenant Sloane and murmured.

“What about the...”

“We know who to ask about that. Besides, if Cad Bane’s scared of who owns it, I don’t want to put her in that kind of danger.”

“Do you think Thrawn is just going to tell us?”

“Not unless I’m...persuasive.”

Parisian sighed fearfully, rather regretting his grandfather’s choice in commanding officers.

They found Cad Bane leaning by the Lupercal, a suitcase full of credits hanging from his hand. At their arrival, he tipped his wide-brimmed hat and swaggered past them.

“Well now, Lieutenant, this has been a highly beneficial venture for both of us but I’m afraid this is where we part ways.” He coolly patted her shoulder “If you need me, I’ll be in the Rominaria District under a pile of beautiful women.”

Rae smirked.

“Sounds like me every other night.”

That made the Duro laugh.

“Well, you’re welcome to join us, ma’am.”

“Alas, it may have to wait ‘til another night.”

“I’ll save a space for ya’.”

He winked and turned his back, walking with a merry spring in his step though that may have just been the jet-boots.

Rae was still smiling as she muttered.


They bundled themselves into the Lupercal, Pipsqueak sitting on Rae’s lap as the Dusk Trooper swivelled quietly round to face them.

“The Hellfire has docked. We may see them at the main shipyard and enter their hanger bay. Moff Froul is expecting us. Admiral Thrawn is there also, waiting to hear the results of our mission and Ardus Kaine will be speaking to us via hologram.”

“Right. Let’s not keep them waiting.”

“Sir,” Parisian piped up “Are you aware that the...act of engaging in the services of private escort women could be taken us unprofessional as an officer?”

“You’re not my mum, corporal.” Rae snarked “And besides, it is completely professional. I don’t sleep with working girls, I make friends with working girls and I sleep with my friends.”

“Sirs, I really must insist you do not speak of these matters in the company of a small child.” the Dusk Trooper butted in.

“Relax, Dusk. It’s not like he knows what we’re talking about.”

Pip looked up with a slightly dour expression.

“You’re talking about prostitutes, aren’t you.”

There was quiet. Rae blinked. Parisian scratched his head awkwardly. The Dusk Trooper covered his visor with his hand and shook his head.

Rae found her voice.

“How...do you...”

“My dad.”

At that, Parisian and the Dusk Trooper shared a glance at each other.

“You mean...your father went out and...”

“Yeah, all the time.” Pipsqueak’s voice was flat and quiet, looking down at his forehooves “Sometimes he’d even bring them home.”

“And...what did your mum have to say about that?”

Pipsqueak shrugged.

“Almost nothing.”


“Well, she yelled at him the second time it happened...”

“And what happened then?”

“She had to go to hospital.”

“...Why?” Rae gulped, fearing the answer.

Pip gave a small shudder and stared into space.

“She hit her head on the kitchen sink.”

Rae swallowed uncomfortably and lifted the Lupercal off the landing platform.

She’d never had a good relationship with her father but this was something else. Her mother had always said that the reason her husband, ex-husband now, and her daughter fought so much was that they were too much alike, forthright, wilful, stubborn and suspicious. Rae remembered her father as just that, a proud but reserved man who was quick to anger and became quicker as Rae got older. But he was never violent and right up until four months after his divorce, he barely spoke to another woman. In some ways, despite not liking him much, deep-down Rae had always respected him.

But this was different. Very different.

She was treading uncertain waters.

“Come on then. Let’s get back to the ship.” she said flatly.

What more could she say?


Lunae Minx was having a hard time pretending to read the holonet news.

It wasn’t that she couldn’t read, it was that she couldn’t focus. Her mind was a thunderstorm.

Tas Kee’s wallet had brought them a cabin for two. Ayy had gone out, promising to get them some way to hide from the routine security checks which had only gotten harsher since the founding of the Empire.

Besides, there wasn’t much in the Holonet News to take anyone’s interest nowadays. With the Empire censoring everything, one wouldn’t find much aside from ‘Everything’s fine. Work as usual. Have a nice day. What massacres? You’re imagining things. Silly old populace. There, there, we still love you.’ Apart from a few notes on Seboca’s sexual harassment scandal and the cover-up the old Holovid moguls had designed for it, there was little to nothing of note.
The door opened. Ayy Vida walked in with a grin.

“I got us a way to avoid the identity checks!” she giggled “I managed to...convinceone of the staff to lend me a key fob to the utility room. They almost never check there. They usually only hover over the door with a scanner for any explosive materials.”

“Yeah, because there’s barely room for one person.”

“Look, it was the best I could do.”

“And I’m not sure I want to know how you convinced him.”

“For your information, it was a droid I managed to hot-wire.” Ayy Vida snapped.

“I’m kidding...mostly” Lunae gave a half-smile “Thanks for the help. When you shocked Kee, it was pretty impressive.”

“Hey, I wouldn’t have gotten far without you.” Ayy sat back and did her best to relax.

Then all at once, they lurched forward in their seats as the convoy suddenly halted just out of orbit of Coruscant, lowering itself to avoid the oncoming space-traffic.

The two twi’leks looked around anxiously as the intercom beeped alive and droned.

“Attention Passengers. We are sorry to inform you that due to a small fault in the engines, the ship has had to stop for the safety of those aboard. It is unlikely this will take longer than thirty minutes to fix but we apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. The refreshments cart will be making its way down the ship in three minutes. If you want the news or some light music. Please press the buttons to the side of your seats. Thank you for your patience.”

“Argh, come on!” Lunae massaged her temples frustratedly.

“Don’t look at me, I just made the droid think I was staff, I wasn’t fooling around with the engines.”

“Of course I don’t think that, Ayy. Don’t you see?” the purple twi’lek stood and glanced nervously out the window “It has to be someone. Someone who doesn’t want us to leave.”

Ayy thought a moment and found she’d rather not consider it.

“Look, maybe it really is just a fault. Those can happen. Or maybe it’s someone else they’re looking for. Or maybe-”

They stopped as they suddenly felt a coarse hand land on their shoulders. Both twi’leks gave a short, scared gasp as they peered at the hands. They were large, grey, gnarled and taloned, the wrists bristling with thin white hairs that appeared more like feathers.

They feared to look round but they knew exactly who it was behind them.

The door opened and through a faint reflection in the window, Ayy Vida saw a man enter and sit down. His face and upper body were obscured completely by a dark, swampy-coloured cloak from which the tell-tale locks of silver-white hair could be seen.

He sat in a relaxed, confident manner with one leg over the other and one elbow over the seat. His voice, however, was low, cold and cruel.

“The convoy will continue on its journey...when I allow it to...” he said flatly “And you will leave my service...when I allow you to.”

“...We’ve fulfilled our contract.” Lunae murmured shakily, more terrified now than she’d ever felt with Hat Lo “We left the information for you in the safehouse, as you said. Wh-what happened afterwards wasn’t our fault.”

She felt the hand on her shoulder tense but the sitting man just sighed.

“Your job was to acquire the object the Empire found most interesting.”

There was a pause as the twi’leks glanced at each other quizzically.

“Y-you mean the pony?” Ayy Vida asked.

“Oh I’m terribly sorry, was that not the most peculiar thing they had in their possession?” there was sarcasm in the man’s voice then malice “You’ve fulfilled nothing!

Ice-cold tremors ran up and down the twi’leks’ spines.

“The people I’ve hired will be picking you up later to take you to your destination. They’ll cause a scene. It’s about all their good for. If you’re remotely smart, you’ll use the opportunity.”

He got to his feet and spoke in a harsh, resentful tone before turning to leave.

“Get me that creature, whatever it is, before Thrawn can use it. If you don’t, this entire convoy will be blown to space-dust...and you’ll wish you were on it when it does.”


Rae Sloane cricked her back far after walking off the Lupercal. The floors of the Hellfire hanger bay felt steady and familiar under her boots.

It would be another hour until the ship left the docks. More than enough time to get the chaos of last night’s events sorted out.

One way or another.

Parisian and Pipsqueak gathered themselves on the hanger, getting used to the ground not vibrating under their feet or hooves. The Dusk Trooper simply nodded them farewell and headed for the armoury.

Rae couldn’t imagine wearing that armour all day was enviable.

On her way to the command chamber, she found Parjai resting against the wall with one hand, his head lowered against it. He was muttering and groaning, the way he normally did.

“Echo...Longshot...Charger...Brom...Squall...Lumos...Pinter...Graze...Cosh...Who else...who else...”

“Soldier?” Rae gently laid a hand on his shoulder. The clone’s head jerked as he gave a cry of terror under the helmet.

“The Anooba! I can feel its teeth!”


The clone gripped the side of his helmet for a moment and finally straightened up.

“Sorry, sir.” he murmured “Won’t happen again.”

Rae nodded but had a nasty feeling Parjai was wrong.

Some time ago, around the time Order 66 had been carried out, something had just snapped in Parjai. He forgot what his brothers had called him and his memories came out in short bursts. None of the medical droids knew what was wrong with him and not that many officers wanted to waste time on an otherwise-expendable clone.

But Rae wanted to help somehow, whatever that cost.

He was under her command and that meant she went to hell and back to keep them alive and ready to fight on.

Passing by Captain Feanor Rondel and First Lieutenant Taubrey Terradoc, ignoring the nasty looks they gave her, she found the first-class guest quarters and pressed a bell-switch, awaiting the command to enter.


Mitth’raw’nuruodo was deep in thought.

Eli Vanto was playing a small water organ on the desk to the side of his. The ambient tunes cleared his mind.

He’d seen what lied in wait for him.

His mind was a battle. A spiralling wave of oncoming swords in a labyrinth he’d set out to design.

Trapped in his own impregnable deceptions.

The clash of sabres rang through the dome. From above in elevated seats, discerning eyes watched the duel.
The training sabre, silver-coloured felt peculiar in his hand. It shook with each clash met against the opponent’s blade yet never lost its manoeuvrability. He’d been given a light but long-handled model and in days was wielding it as if he’d been born with it.

Yet against his opponent he was faltering.

There was no shame in it though.

The man he faced was a middle-aged man with a short but swept-back hair, high cheekbones and a furrowed brow above steely, discerning eyes half-lidded in intrigue. His russet cloak was fastened by a pair of linked silver brooches over his plain slate tunic and his sabre-hilt was curved for maximum precision. The sabre was swung not like a stick in the hand but a fist, swiping and thrusting in and out, back and forth in the time one took to blink. Spinning and weaving like some graceful dusky butterfly, the master swordsman saw through Thrawn’s every move.

It had been some time he’d felt overpowered.

He saw an opening. As his opponent stood sideways, Thrawn half-thrust half-slashed round to attack him in the back.

He felt tension grip the centre of spine as his foe spun his blade behind him, blocking his strike and spinning round, catching Thrawn across the hands that held his blade and then into his shoulder.

Stinging volts of electricity coursed up Thrawn’s limbs. Falling backwards, losing the sabre, he landed on his back and closed his eyes as the blue sabre shot forward, going straight for his neck.

There was silence.

One of the crowd gave a slow but sincere clap.

Opening his eyes, Thrawn looked up at his opponent, giving him a courteous smile.

“I believe that would be a killing blow, young Thrawn.” he said, his voice deep, booming and refined as he held out a hand to help him to his feet.

“Alas so. My people have lost a unique member of their kind.” Thrawn replied with a chuckle as a grim-faced Pau’an in silver and gold robes collected their training sabres.

“Nonetheless,” a voice similar to his opponents but lighter and more shrewd sounded behind them as Wilhuff Tarkin emerged, still clapping steadily “That was quite the impressive lightshow, wouldn’t you agree, old friend?”

“Quite so, Wilhuff.” the swordsman said with a smile, looking at the Chiss with something resembling esteem “In a non-Jedi, such finesse in both the sword and the mind are hard to come by, or so we’ve led to believe. And a man who can utilise both in unity to such effect is quite invaluable.”

Thrawn bowed his head with a hand over his chest.

“Your praise fills me with pride. It is an honour to test blades with a man of your calibre...Dooku.

The enigmatic Count of Serenno gave a smile as the other onlookers, the highest-ranking and most influential members of the Republic, or what it would become, observed the scene.

“Tarkin...” the grim, croaky face came from Armand Isard “You cannot think to have this...individual privy to the Republic’s most crucial endeavours.”

“Not unless I can think of few more beneficial to them, Isard.” Tarkin answered plainly.

“We take a great risk here, ladies and gentlemen.” Kinman Doriana said austerely, his cane sounding on the floor in a grim drum-beat “But if it pays off, one of the greatest threats, not only to the Republic but all of Galactic order will be shunted.”

“If not...we never met this creature.” Sly Moore murmured “And on his shoulders shall any calamity be thrust upon.”

“Entirely understood.” Thrawn replied flatly as the crowd departed, all major power-players, all forgotten in the crowds yet invincible in their positions...and nearly each one as full of their own ambitions as they were full of distrust for their colleagues.

The sort of people one could count on for being far too occupied fighting each other than they were finding out more about him. As long as he was careful.

Apart perhaps from Doriana, the only one not to fall into this formula, at least not in the same way, was his sparring master, Dooku.

“You are troubled.” he said as the room was cleared “A Jedi knows these things...”

“And how many Jedi act upon that knowledge?” Thrawn answered.

That made Dooku laugh.

“You do interest me, Mitth’raw’nuruodo. Whether or not our paths ever cross again, I believe we can expect most fascinating things from you...in time.”

“For a while, Master Dooku, after your friend Tarkin told me you’d agreed to test my skill with the blade, I exercised the possibility you’d come to avenge the Jedi lost on Outbound Flight.”

“Hphf! Jorus C’Baoth’s loss was a greater benefit to the Order than they realise.” the man said, disdainfully “Not even Masters Ransisis or Difusal are as pompous and narrow-minded as that old maniac. Frankly, I was tempted to send you a letter of thanks.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I was told the Jedi are a brotherhood as close as family, one and all.”

“What you hear about the Jedi is rarely what you can expect to find.” Dooku shook his head “I must be going. Now it is the workings of my own mind that require my attention. But before I leave...” He made certain the Pau’an guard was not watching as he removed a small, thin ivory-coloured box with a grey crystal embedded in the middle and handed it to Thrawn.

Pressing the crystal opened it to reveal a lightsaber hilt, ancient, forged from bronze and hardwood, curved like Dooku’s.

“The blade of Chon Actrion.” Dooku explained “Something of a role model of mine. He was murdered by the Pirate Queen Q’anah some twenty-five years ago. Wilhuff and I saw her removed from the galaxy but the blade is...something else entirely.”

“So Chon Actrion was a Jedi Master?” Thrawn asked.

Dooku smiled before answering.

“Yes and no.”

“Not a Sith?”

“No. You see, he realised there was more to find in the force than ‘good or evil’. He realised keeping the balance is more than just a dragonsnake biting its own tail. He became something so much more than Jedi or Sith. He saw past the despondency that the Republic wallow in and the Jedi fuel. He became one who took the incentive and made the planets turn once more. I hope one day to uncover the truths that guided him. Perhaps then, I will see things for more than brief flashes of pale light in the cosmos.”

He held up his hands, offering him the blade and turned, his cloak giving him the impression of gliding out of the room as he spoke prophetically.

“Like him, Mitth’raw’nuruodo...you may become more than simply Jedi or Sith...Perhaps you already are.”

The bell on his door rang and Admiral Thrawn’s scarlet eyes opened.

“Would you please get the door. Eli?”


Rae Sloane entered carrying Pipsqueak in her arms. Parisian Froul followed behind.

Admiral Thrawn stood, pressed a button on the desk and brought up the holographic image of Ardus Kaine. The man looked dishevelled.

“Thank the stars. I was sick to madness of Batch and Tigellinus ranting about how the other’s buggered up the campaign already.”

“Language, Kaine.” Thrawn butted in “There’s a child present.”

Kaine rolled his eyes then ran a hand over his hair, making it look slightly less Tarkin-ish.

“Please tell me there’s some good news.”

“In a manner of speaking.”

The door opened and Grand Moff Therbon walked in. She gave Sloane an intrigued smile but her goggles masked her emotions, if indeed she had those. She towered over Kaine and even stood at least a head above Thrawn.

Rae Sloane didn’t mind admitting that, ruthless mass-murdering war-hound she might have been, Suadela Therbon looked damn good in that suit.

“Speak.” Therbon said plainly.

Rae related the story, allowing Pip and Parisian to fill in the blanks when it came to what the colt had seen during his kidnapping and who Parisian had spoken to.

The three senior officers were quiet for a while.

Then Kaine spoke.

“Well, it seems as though you’ve done a great deal more than was expected, Lieutenant, and we commend you for it.”

“One thing puzzles me, sir, if I may inquire...”

Kaine gave Thrawn a look. The Chiss nodded.

“Ask within reason.”

“The documents the Dusk Trooper was tasked with delivering. Now, obviously not letting them fall into the wrong hands was crucial but...what I’m confused about is why they were even there at all. Information about officers of the Empire, in solid form, passed around Coruscant in a box anyone could just up and steal? And then there’s that business with Pip’s collar. A tracker. On an item of clothing he was given at the Eriadu Banquet. I didn’t expect to get any answers out of Gallius Rax but...I can’t help but wonder...”

“Your concerns have merit and they do you well here in the Empire but I assure you, Lieutenant, we have it in hand.”

“No you don’t.”

All eyes looked to Pipsqueak who was looking up at the officers with a face that showed little more than mild peevishness.

“You had no clue. No promise that you’d get that information back. It could have gone wrong in loads of ways. And who were the men coming to steal it if they weren’t Hat L-”

“I’m sure you have many questions but I believe the best thing for you is well-earned respite.” Ardus interrupted, a slight tightness at the side of his lips “Lieutenant Rae Sloane, High Command will see you well-rewarded for your attainment. If you have anything specific you’d wish for, name it and, within reason, it shall be yours.”

Rae sat down, her face locked in a grim smirk.

“That is a very generous gesture, your Excellencies. And there is something I would quite like from you, if you’ll grant it.”

“Of course.”

The young woman took a deep breath, leaned forward in her chair and took the plunge.

“It’s not a huge ask, really, but what I’d really like from all three of you is for you to cut the crap!

There was a moment’s pause. Ardus Kaine’s mouth hung open. Admiral Thrawn’s scarlet eyes were wide. The side of Therbon’s lips twisted in indignation. Eli Vanto stared boggle-eyed and between them, Pipsqueak and Parisian Froul looked as though they were ready, and very willing, to be swallowed up by the ground.

Ardus Kaine found his voice.

“I’m sorry?!”

“So you should be!” Rae Sloane was not put off. Her face was showing clear signs of fury “You put confidential information in the middle of a danger-zone, knowing criminal elements would be after it! You’ve put the livelihoods of Honor Salima, Wulff Yularen and who knows who else in mortal peril, officers crucial to the security of the Empire! Under normal circumstances, I would be obligated to report all three of you to High Command before you could even tug your collars in terror!”

“I’d just like it made clear that my commanding officers’ opinions on this matter are not necessarily my own.”

“Shut up, corporal!”

“Yes, sir.”

“Now listen-”

“No, you listen!” Rae was on fire, pointing an accusing finger as the astounded Moff Kaine “It is only fortunate that Pipsqueak was present to ensure the documents stayed with him! Every action that waylaid enemy elements acquiring this information was by his hand...or hoof. But you know, I don’t think that’s an issue, because I reckon the whole thing was a set-up, a lure. You want someone to raise their head above the waters. And if any enemy revealing themselves is so important for you to put so many of the Empire’s key personnel at risk, I want to know who it is pretty damn quick because now, thanks to your good selves, we’re on their list!

“Lieutenant, please calm yourself.” Thrawn put up a hand “There was never any risk, our operatives were carefully placed but for security reasons, you could not know of the full-”

“No.” Rae interrupted Thrawn who lowered his hand in a way that looked almost she’d hurt his feelings “Let’s get one thing very clear. You want me to do something dangerous, I’ll do it. Fly through an asteroid field? Bench-press a sandcrawler? Go bareback with a Hutt?! Fine! I’ll do it! But not until I know why the bloody hell you want me to! Do you understand?! I do not go into battle blind under any circumstances! If you withhold relevant information from me, I cannot perform to the best of my capabilities! Which means the potential you see in me, which I do still very much appreciate, will be wasted! So before you ask me to do anything else...sirs...you will tell me where this comes from!”

And with a flurry of her hand, she retrieved the strange pendant from her suit-pocket and slammed it on the desk.

Thrawn peered at it while Ardus Kaine spoke through gritted teeth.

“You realise that you are beyond the limits of insubordination, Miss Sloane! And speaking of such matters compromises Imperial security!”

“So does putting it in a bloody box!” Rae retorted “If compromising security was as important as all that, you’d have killed all four of us the moment we landed in the Hellfire, if not sooner! My insubordination is the least of your worries! So for the last time, who does this belong to and what do they have to do with you?!”

“That is enough!” Kaine snapped, turning to Therbon who edged her hand toward her blaster “In fact, that’s morethan enough! Lieutenant, you-”

He stopped as Thrawn held up a hand while the other picked up the pendant and slowly examined it, seemingly fearing what he’d see. As he held it to his face, his scarlet eyes closed in grim resignation. He showed it Therbon who gave a long inhale through her nostrils in apprehension. Then he rested it on a screen connected to the holoprojector so that Ardus Kaine would see it. The Moff’s face fell bleakly and he quietly groaned.

“That’s not...” Eli Vanto murmured “...is it?”

“I fear so.” Thrawn said gravely, turning at last to Rae Sloane.

“Lieutenant, your summary of the situation, though brusque, is accurate. As such, provided you conduct yourself, we will explain to you the events that lead us to requiring such discretion in regards to your objective.”

“Thank you. That's all I really wanted.” Rae Sloane sat back down, put her hands together and ignored Parisian Froul collapsing unconscious on the floor.

“Until we say otherwise, this information does not leave this room.” Therbon began.


Thrawn sat down, massaging his temples. Ardus gave him a look.

“Should we really be telling her this?”

“I hardly see the point in keeping it a secret. She’s seen the insignia. He’ll come for us soon. She needs to be ready.” The Chiss looked up and spoke frankly.

“Around six years before the foundations of the Empire, I was part of a secret project that several senior members of the Republic were organising between them outside of the eye of both the Senate and the Jedi, establishing an education and training foundation called the Academy of Elite Military Arts, or AEMA, on the planet Lehon close to the Unknown Regions. At the time I was a Chiss Ascendancy Officer serving as an unofficial diplomat but I had been in contact with Kinman Doriana and the then-Chancellor Palpatine, who were concerned about the growing influence of the Jedi. Our goal was to train a group of alumni who would become the first explorers of the Unknown Regions and the Far Outside.”

“Finest minds the galaxy could find.” Therbon said.

“Priority was to curb the influence the Jedi had on the Republic military, ensuring the Unknown Regions would be explored by neutral parties who would not bring the battle between Jedi and Sith to my homeland and the worlds around it. We hoped to usher in an age where conflicts would be judged on reason and strategy, not superficial forecast based on semi-nebulous philosophies.”

“I mean, what sensible people treat war with such...insincerity?” Ardus Kaine asked, shaking his head at the past.

“Therbon and Kaine were indirectly connected, acting for their commanding officers at the time.” Thrawn explained “Unfortunately, the project was compromised.”

“By who?” Pip asked, struggling to keep up with the explanation.

“A student.” Rae supposed.

“Precisely. A brilliant but unscrupulous young man transferred from the Carida Military Academy. I took an interest in his capabilities but I fear it was my hope to utilise his potential that distracted me from the fact that he was already utilising it himself...in a very negative manner.” He shook his head “He hacked into the entire system, diverted funds, equipment and information to his private holdings, fled the establishment after sabotaging the mainframe and informed the representatives of those we were hiding the project from. AEMA was compromised, our assets were up in flames, he left the second-highest-performing student, Amilyn Holdo, with a crippling injury that debilitated her mentally...”

“Gone in a bit bizarre last we checked her.” Eli Vanto butted in “Prone to paranoia and life-threatening behaviour. Personally, I reckon he got close to her. Then he stabbed her in the back.”

“Yes, thank you, Vanto.” Thrawn interjected “And finally, to conclude the sorry state of affairs, Jedi Masters Coleman Trebor, Tarados Gon and Joclad Danva arrived beside Senators Garm Bel Iblis and Lexi Dio to declare the project at an end and its key members charged with deception and conspiracy to commit violent acquisition of power...” He sighed “I volunteered to take full responsibility. I was an outsider in all of this and I had been meaning to break from my own tired and narrow-minded organisation for some time. I was summarily deported from the Republic and brought to my home to face several serious charges. I concluded the fiasco sentenced to exile on a swampy, temperate hell, brought low at my most vulnerable and with a valuable means to Galactic unity up in cinders before my eyes...I believe I’m safe in saying it was the low-point of my career.”

There was a moment of silence.

“So who was this student? And what did he do afterwards?”

“Last I heard he had set up a criminal syndicate operating in the Outer Rim. It was our suspicion that he had started aiding the Separatist Holdouts, no doubt brought into contact with them in the wake of the chaos, and those suspicions have now been confirmed. His name...” Thrawn spoke darkly, the closest Rae had ever heard him sound genuinely murderous.

“His name...was Tyber Zann.”


“This was not what we had agreed, Berec!”

The eyes on Mon Mothma were wide and blazing. The Chandrilan Senator stood in her long sheer-white robes and silver diadem like an ivory pillar, bearing down at the dusky mountain that was Favon Berec.

The bearded, scar-faced man’s arms were folded and his voice was quiet and condescending.

“It was not. Nonetheless, we did what we could and we got what we needed.”

“You put an innocent woman to torture and death! A woman who was my friend!” Mothma shrieked.

“She would have betrayed us!”

“You don’t know that!”

Berec’s good-eye twitched as he took a step forward, staring the young woman in the face.

“I know more about betrayal than you ever could, Mothma! And a great deal more about war!” he snarled “If the traitor Riyo Chuchi had come to us sooner, say...when you first contacted her, then that would have been your business. Unfortunately, she didn’t. And that was my business. And I’ll thank you to leave me to it.”

“Berec, don’t you understand?” The sonorous but conscientious voice of Malé-Dee spoke up “Should we walk down this path, the tears from the eyes of innocents shed in this time will run ever more red. We must remain apart from our foes to bring about a better age.”

“Not to mention, of course...” the snide voice of Malé-Dee’s aide, Nower Jebel, cut in “The very serious possibility of escalation of this conflict. If we make our issue with them actively violent, well...we haven’t the means to assume position as a warring faction.”

“Yes, I’m aware.” Berec growled “A problem easily fixed by granting me leave to act as an active combatant.”

“We are far less likely to grant that privilege now, having seen what you do with it!” the fiery Terr Taneel spoke up.

“Is that right.” Berec gave a scoff “Very soon, you’ll have no choice. War is in the air. Very soon, the Empire will strike back and when that happens...” He drew himself up and yelled to all those present “...You will want a man of action leading you, not a chattering flock of schoolgirls and old men endlessly prattling over the civil liberties of idle hands and useless mouths!”

And with that, he stormed off, ignoring the harsh looks the remaining members of the Delegation of 2000 cast him.

“We have made a mistake trusting that man.” Mothma said gravely.

“Senators, do you not realise he may have a point?” The sharp, austere figure of Elenwen Juben walked into view “Surely now, with the Empire growing ever more bloodthirsty, is it not time for us to take the initiative?”

“We are not the Empire!” Mothma retorted “We do not see formal protest as an excuse to take lives!”

“And has that way of thinking not cost us enough by now?” One of Juben’s aides spoke up and walked forward, a young woman, barely old enough to have come out of university, wearing a tight-fitting beige command uniform. Her skin was pale, her face flat and spotless, her bright-orange hair neatly combed to shoulder-length and her feline eyes wide and wild under eyebrows so thin they could have been drawn on by a red quill.

“Personally, I think it’s time to take the fight to them and show the galaxy that there’s a right way and a wrong way and choosing the latter costs them dearly.”

At this, Juben’s other aide, another young woman wearing authentic Alderaanian armour of lavender and indigo and her face hidden by a helmet with breathing apparatus, spoke caustically.

“Bail Organa would never have consented to this. It goes against everything Alderaan holds dear.”
Juben and her red-haired associate cast her a dismissive eye.

“When I want your opinion, Div’Rah, I’ll ask for it. And by then, I’ll have lost my mind.” Elenwen sneered before turning back to the Delegation.

“What Commodore Timberly Abra has said must have some merit. Bail Organa made the decision to combat the Empire non-violently and...well...that was the last anyone heard of him, was it not? In his absence, I move to support Favon Berec in aggressive negotiations.”

Mon Mothma shook her head.

“Out of the question, for reasons I should not to explain.

There was a pause and then with a dismissive shake of her cape, Elenwen Juben and Timberly Abra departed with their noses in the air. As Div’Rah moved to follow them, she noticed Mon Mothma’s nod and returned it in kind.

There were far more detrimental factors at work than the still very far-away Empire.


“Incredible.” Parisian said breathlessly as the Hellfire approached the crown of the Imperial Outer Rim Fleet “There’s no other word, incredible.”

A massive vessel, at least twice as large as any Star Destroyer, glinted in the blackness of space. Immense and overwhelming yet somehow sleek and elegant. Like a great aiwha.

“The Vengeance-class Dreadnought Fantasia?” Rae Sloane said with wonder “Quite a sight. They’ve really put their all into this, that’s for sure.”

“It’s not perfect.” Glandon Froul chuckled on the bridge “But it’ll do for now.”

He pressed the button on the communicator and spoke.

“This is Moff Glandon Froul of the Hellfire requesting permission to connect with the fleet.”

“Copy, your Excellency.” the deep, oily voice of Terrinald Screed spoke through the comms “Permission granted. You are obliged to send a command ship to headquarters for summary debriefing.”

“Righto, old sport.” Glandon replied and summoned his officers.

Pipsqueak, Rae Sloane, Parisian Froul and Patchwork Platoon were brought over to the ship in a carrier shuttle. Rae Sloane stood by the doorway, facing the squad observingly.

At last, Sergeant Culic Denwarren gave his Lieutenant a look and asked wryly.

“So, ma’am...You want to tell us how last night went for you?”

“Depends.” Sloane answered flatly “Do you want to remain anywhere at the moment besides inside of this ship?”


“Then there’s your answer.” Rae turned to peer out the window while Culic Denwarren gave Parisian Froul a quizzical look. The young corporal glanced at his CO then held up six fingers with a cheeky grin.

Around, the platoon muffled giggles or gasps. As Sloane looked over her shoulder with a stern eye, the platoon snapped to attention in their seats without a hair out of place.

All the while, Pipsqueak just wondered what in the name of Luna they were talking about.

The carrier landed and the immense hanger bay of the Dreadnought greeted them.

As Pipsqueak, Rae and Parisian made to take in the sight, they were stunned by a sudden cacophony of loud voices as a special forces carrier loaded up with its occupants.

Rae gave them a look and groaned.

“Stars above! Not those maniacs!”

“Why, who are they?” Pipsqueak asked as a group of seven stormtroopers, each in their own unique garb and gear, prepped themselves for the upcoming mission with some good old-fashioned yelling, pounding the ceiling of the ship with their fists with every word.

“Who are we?!”


“What does that stand for?!”


“Where are we going?!”


“Who are we killing?!”


“Why are we doing it?!”



Rae and Parisian shook their heads at the spectacle.

“There is such a thing as too eager.” Parisian muttered.

“If they keep up like that, there won’t be much of a ship to take them to ‘Frak knows where’.”

“Just wait ‘til you see them in the field. They’re quite something.” They found Shayla Paige-Tarkin standing before them with an eager smile “Glad you’re back. Uncle Will’s very pleased with your work.”

Uncle Will?” Parisian whispered dumbfoundedly.

“Thank you, ma’am.” Rae shushed him “Is Director Yularen also here?”

“Yeah, he’s already been talking with Thrawn. We’re in Sector Nu. Follow me.”

The two followed the young Imperial Senator, taking the elevator up several stairs, passing by training floors, armouries and finally reaching a lounge area for higher-ranking officers.

If the place hadn’t been decorated by Thrawn himself, Rae would be surprised. The hall was full of art replicas and holographic models. Classical music played through speakers.

Natasi Daala met them with a smile.

“Welcome aboard the Fantasia!” she laughed.

“Hi, Nat.” Rae hugged her then spoke in a darker tone “Crodd’s not here, is he?”

“Afraid so. Hanging around Pestage. He’s not with any retinue. Just him and one of his lieutenants. Labryn Thurg. Big, bald man with blue lips. You’ll know him when you see him. He hasn’t given us any trouble so far but...he’s been asking about Pip.”

Rae gave Pipsqueak a worried look.

“Don’t worry. Wilhuff’s putting the matter on the shelf for now. Your work in Coruscant’s scored well with the Grand Moffs. I think you’re alright for now.” she assured her before ruffling Pip’s mane. She caught the eye of Shayla who was giving her a look that could curdle milk.

Awkwardly, Natasi cleared her throat and smiled.


“Did my uncle send for something, captain?”

“Er...probably.” Daala nodded and left, giving Rae an apologetic shrug.

The Lieutenant straightened her collar bashfully.

“You and Daala...don’t get along?”

“Gosh, no, what on earth would make you think that I had any problem with the head of my family having it off with some low-rate strumpet who’s nearly half his age?”

“A better question, niece of mine, would be how exactly it was your business?”

The four jumped as Wilhuff Tarkin appeared behind them, wearing his usual courteous face and faultless poise.

Shayla looked down slightly sulkily and muttered.


“Give her some time. You two might benefit from a mutual bond. You have more in common than you think.”

“Really?” Shayla sounded sarcastic.

“Yes. Complete nuisances, the pair of you.” Wilhuff Tarkin shook his head before turning to Rae Sloane with the characteristic ‘Tarkin-Smile’.

“Sterling work on Coruscant, Lieutenant Sloane. I’m certain there are many who will breathe a sigh of relief knowing Hat Lo’s sort have been reduced in number. Though certain concerns have been brought up regarding your liaisons with certain underworld elements.”

“Sir, I assure you, my relationships with women of an old profession are purely for matters of local intel.”

There was a pause.

“I was referring to the bounty hunter, Cad Bane.” Tarkin said sternly “What’s this about women of an old profession?”
“Oh, nothing, sir. Nothing.” Rae straightened up “Moff Froul organised payments from one party to the other and the truce we’ve made with the Black Sun will only make things more convenient.”

“True enough. In future, however, you will consult High Command wherever necessary.”

“Wherever necessary, sir. Understood.” She and Tarkin disagreed on what constituted as ‘necessary’ but that wasn’t something he needed to know just yet.

“Now then...” Tarkin and Shayla stood eye to eye with Rae, Parisian and Pipsqueak, both in the same rigid stance with one arm propped up by the other with a hand over their chin in an evaluating manner.

Rae couldn’t help but smile at the likeness.

“Your methods, though somewhat unorthodox, have found success. Not a great deal longer than an hour ago, we were informed by Judicial Forces that two young female twi’leks matching the description of the two you were searching for were detained on the Corellian Run Convoy and are being brought here as soon as possible. You will be able to question them in Sector Xi connected to the upper levels. Please your suspicions are not waylaid by sentiment.”

“I have it on good authority, sir. The two women aren’t connected to our foe. They may well know something that can help us but to do so I will give them protection of the Empire. I don’t think fear tactics will work for them. They’re more scared of their boss than they are of us.”

Tarkin’s face was flat while he weighed her words.

“To do would require utter conviction that they have no connection with harmful forces. If that is indeed your theory then it would not be out of the question for them to remain under our guard, unharmed, for the duration of-”

He was interrupted suddenly by the ornate doors flying open and a booming, bombastic but distinctly female voice filling the room uncomfortably.


To Rae Sloane’s astonishment, both Tarkins paled in horror as the Grand Moff pressed two fingers against his brow and moaned, his face pulled tight with discomfort, the most amount of emotion she’d ever seen him show.

“Oh hell.”

Shayla, meanwhile, groaned audibly.


Rae and Pipsqueak stared as a towering mass of flesh, held together with black sequinned dress, navy-blue feather boas and excessive jewellery and topped with a monstrosity of a hat with all manner of plumes and furry-tufts hanging off it, lumbered towards them like an oncoming asteroid. It was a woman, human, middle-aged and large, which was about the extent of the kind things one could say about her. Her face was powdered to near-ashen. Her hair was bundled up high like some enormous grey snake. And her features were the kind that could only have been laid upon her by the underside of a spade with some considerable force. Whisking some strange feathered stick around her as she thundered towards them, she reminded Pip of some kind of navy-blue turkey in the later-stage of rabies.

“Shayla!” she squawked, her eyes like a pair of smoking keyholes “Stop slouching! You’re a Quintad Lady!”

Shayla, who had been standing as straight and poised as her uncle, rolled her eyes discreetly.

Rae stood perplexed at the sight and uttered blankly.

“Who, or should I say, what is that?!”

Tarkin looked up and cast her a dismal look that seemed almost apologetic.

“That...would be my wife.”

Rae and Pipsqueak’s eyes boggled at his answer as Wilhuff and Shayla spun round with sickly smiles and buffeted the hellish storm that was Lady Thalassa Tarkin.

“Thalassa, ahem, dearest.” Wilhuff began “Is...is something troubling you?!”

“It’s a calamity, Huffy, dear! A calamity!”

Huffy?!” Parisian gaped out the Tarkin family’s hearing.

“I preferred ‘Uncle Will’.” Rae muttered.

“And...what exactly is the nature of this ‘calamity’, treasure?”

“I have turned the first-class bedchamber over top to bottom and I simply cannot find the slightest drop of Essence of Cavryion! The refinement of the perfumes supplied to me stop at Nlorna of all ghastly things and your...” she gestured disdainfully to the Mon Calamari stewards struggling to follow up behind her “...Sea-Monkeys are just as useless as ever! They haven’t the brains between them to fill a scurrier’s skull!”

“Auntie, Ackbar and Raddus try their best.” Shayla piped up indignantly.

“Shayla! What have I told you at least a hundred times!” Thalassa snapped, her black-painted lips tight as a knot “Young ladies like you should be seen not heard!”

Shayla sulked.

“Yes, auntie...” Out the side of her lips, she added “...whilst ladies your age are better off not being seen but are constantly heard!

Tarkin cleared his throat to mask Shayla’s stealthy insult.

“Darling Thalassa...You are aware, I take it...that we in an Imperial Dreadnought on the borders of the Outer Rim?”

Thalassa Tarkin sniffed loudly and drew herself up in a haughty fashion.

“Huffy, dear! There are other members of the Quintad who would not make such excuses!”

Tarkin cleared his throat again, louder and hoarser.

“How right you are, darling.” he said through clenched teeth ‘And there are other members of the Quintad who would not have such wives!’

“Well, I’m certain I can make some arrangements. Let me speak to my secretary” He looked about “Captain Daala?”

The young woman who’d been trying to hide herself throughout the debacle stood up and saluted.


“Would you be kind enough to order in a shipment of Essence of Cavryion for the Officer’s Quarters? Look for trade in the Tion Cluster. They should supply them. Transfer the bill to my estate.”

“At once, sir.” Spinning on her heels, she marched off to her office outside of Tarkin’s.

“I really think that secretary of yours is far below standard, Huffy.” Thalassa fussed “Any number of your nephews could suffice, it would be good for them to find work under you, their parents do worry for them you know.”

“Yes, dear, as you’ve told me many times.” Wilhuff said tiredly, missing out the part where, in his opinion, his nephews could barely find their own rectums without a map “I really must be getting back to my duties. Unless perhaps you’d like to make the acquaintance of another young aspirant who perhaps my nephews could learn well under. Lieutenant?”

Rae Sloane snapped to attention, passed Pipsqueak to Parisian and saluted.

“Lieutenant Rae Sloane, your ladyship” She said smiling.

Thalassa Tarkin eyed the woman in a bizarre way in a manner that could only be replicated if she had observed a womp rat doing its business in a particularly precious part of her garden.

Sloane held out her hand to shake.

“It’s an honour.”

“I hardly think so.” Thalassa tossed her feathery collar and turned her back on the Lieutenant, calling back to her husband.

“Do hurry, darling. You really must spend more time in the lounge with me. You really are working too hard.”

And with that, she departed the way she came in much the same manner.

Wilhuff Tarkin and Shayla Paige-Tarkin gave a weighty sigh as the doors slammed shut.

“The trick to enjoying your work,” the Grand Moff growled “...is having a private life that’s a great deal worse.”

“I never thought a man like him would have a wife.” Pip whispered to Parisian.

“You’d think not. But it seems, in fact, he has quite a lot of wife.” Parisian giggled.

One look from Tarkin, the man he presented himself normally, shut them up. With his wife gone, he spoke as sternly and slyly as he often did.

“We may attend to the gathered intel on the bridge. Director Yularen and Admiral Thrawn are waiting.”


Admiral Thrawn observed the bridge.

Culture was everywhere. Most prominently, Human High Culture.

It puzzled him, in truth, to have little real opinion on the matter.

Even in the Republic, humanocentricism had been prevalent, especially after the rise of the alien-led Separatist movements. And the Republic had always, obliviously or otherwise, revered their founders who were often human.

In Thrawn’s eyes, the only things that were unacceptable in an empire is that which was detrimental to their efficiency.

How detrimental humanocentricism would be had yet to be seen.

And it would depend on how far he would let it go.

Catching sight of Grand Admiral-Moff Octavian Grant, he strode forward, getting ready, as was his pastime, to make friends and influence people.

The Tapani prodigy was admiring a small hovering model replica of an ornate battleship behind a glass case in a way that looked nostalgic. As he saw Thrawn approaching, his eyes rolled and he swallowed as if tasting something bitter.

“Oh, it’s you.” he said dismissively “Is there something you want?”

“Nothing too important, sir.” Thrawn began, his voice calm and courteous “But I couldn’t help but inquire...is this the proper design of the Assault Frigate Dragonglass? The same one the distinguished Odysseus S. Grant flew through Pelagon, destroying every frigate House Pelagia sent against it, leading the Imperial Reconquista of the province?”

That did it. At the sound of Thrawn’s words, Octavian Grant’s face brightened.

‘Step 1. Praise but do not flatter. Invite camaraderie but do not beg for it. Approach as a friend not as a lackey.’

"You’ve heard of my father?” Octavian asked.

“I read his holocrons in my academy years.” Thrawn answered “The surprise attack he accomplished against Mazi Zhetor and his Ithorian reinforcements during that eclipse in Chapter 21 is a particular favourite.” He gave the model another look “So is this the exact model?”

The Tapani noble gave a bashful chuckle.

“Well...technically no. You see, when my father presented his victorious fleet to the Emperor after the Pelagian Uprising was put down, he’d had repairs made to these wings here...” he pointed them out “You see, as they are now, they’re plain metal but, if you recall your books, they were damaged on South Pelagon...”

‘Step 2. Know what it is you speak of but ask for confirmation.’

“Against Count Tinzen Paddox’s Polypheme, correct? Though I could be mistaken.”

“No, no, you are quite correct. The Polypheme, what with the Pelagian’s mania for honour and tradition, attacked with large manual cannons without sensors or automatic targeting. It was their way to have the commanders launch the killing shot. So what my father did was turn his ship sideways and allow the vast crystal array on the outer wings to effectively blind the Polypheme’s gunners.” he guffawed “Brainless oafs. But of course the smaller turrets then shot at the crystals but by the time the gunners could see properly, the Imperial fleet had cornered them and blasted the scoundrels into the depths. But after that, the outer wings were cracked and dull and had to be re-fastened with standard materials.”

He sighed “Sad, really. I remember seeing them when I went aboard its test run. I was just a boy then. They were so beautiful. I used to stand on the quarterdeck and watch the wings turn all sorts of colours in the sun.”

‘Step 3. Exercise indulgence not as a luxury but a curiosity.’

“It does sound quite majestic.” Thrawn murmured “Perhaps once this war concludes, you may have the opportunity to make them as much a marvel as they once were.”

“Ah well...” Grant shrugged bashfully “You know what they say about replicas.”

“They were an element of the glorious days of old, Grand Admiral. What is the Empire if not those days come again?”

Octavian Grant gave the Chiss a look unlike any he’d given him before. More than just gratitude or impression but as close it came to actual rapport.

“Do you know, Thrawn, if I may call you that, I believe you might well have a point. I’ll speak with the Tallann Master-Shipwrights when I can. See if it’s possible. You know...I had my doubts about you, Admiral, but...” He placed a hand on his shoulder “You seem a decent chap. I should be off now. Teshik wants to discuss the strategies for the coming battles.”

“Of course, sir. Give him my regards. It has been a great honour to learn from you.” Thrawn said sincerely as the Grand Admiral departed at last.

‘Step 4. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.’

“His Excellency Tarkin has arrived.” An attendant sounded at the door.

Thrawn smiled, felt the wheels turning in the cosmos, and turned.

Though in similar garb, Admiral Thrawn and Director Yularen could not have looked less similar other than the smile they gave Rae Sloane as she entered.

“Welcome, Lieutenant, to the gem of Cerulean Spear Command.” Thrawn said grandly “The Dreadnought Fantasia.”

“The face of the future.” Tarkin added.

“If so, I’m not sure it’s one I want to be part of.” Yularen finished brusquely “I’ve never liked ostentation at the best of times. And everywhere I look around the craft, I see dangerous extravagance.”

“Well, Delian Mors did have some amount of say in the design of the piece. Last I saw, she was with her attendants in the pool area.”

Yularen rolled his eyes.

“Come now, Yularen. Let us attend to the matter at hand.” Tarkin interjected, placing a hand on the holoprojector in the middle of the room.

Yularen found a set of images. Criminal ID Images.

“We’ve found the three individuals who found you in the warehouse.” Yularen explained “The Human’s Docor Danstan from Axxila. The Zeltron is Drazala Nuwaan and the Wookiee goes by the name of Thracca. We have information that they are part of a criminal gang from Nar Shaddaa known as the ‘Maldovar Boyz’.”

“That’s ‘Boys’ with a ‘z’, in case you weren’t already tired of today.” Thrawn said dismally.

“They are led by a young man named Radds ‘Goldenboy’ Burl.” Yularen pressed a few buttons to bring up his picture.

A smug, scruffy-looking, blonde-haired boy barely older than Shayla smirked at them. He wore a metal head-band with a Huttese claw sign emblazoned on the right of it. Aside from that, he was an unremarkable creature.

“They’re small-time, particularly when you consider the sort of people you find on Nar Shaddaa, but they are wanted criminals with a history of violent behaviour. In fact they’re first serious crime was beating four off-duty stormtroopers to death. Danstan there used a knife.”

“Coruscant Police haven’t seen them since you reported the attack. It’s likely they are operating galactically, faster than we can properly track.”

“Cad Bane reckoned they’d come after us personally.”

“Then they’d be bigger fools than we could ever anticipate.” Tarkin said dismissively.

“Nonetheless, the fact we could not anticipate it is worth considering.” Thrawn added.

The Grand Moff rolled his eyes.

“Regardless, we shall keep you informed of events but...I’m afraid Grand Moff Crodd has called upon the Inquisition to seek out these particulars.”

Rae winced at the thought.

“Will they be involved in my questioning of Ayy Vida and Lunae Minx?”

“No. At least not immediately.” Yularen answered “On the subject, the ship carrying them here docked about two minutes ago. They’re waiting for you in Sector Xi.”

“Right.” Rae Sloane saluted “Sirs. I will return with beneficial news. And I aim to acquire it painlessly.”

“Best of luck, Lieutenant.” Tarkin may have been sarcastic. It was difficult to tell “But just remember, we punish the criminals, not indulge them. This is no longer the Republic.”

Rae Sloane made her way warily to Sector Xi, a very un-decorative part of the Fantasia.

She found Natasi Daala talking through a commlink, no doubt having lost her patience ordering Essence of Cavryion.

“Where you going?” she asked.

“I’m gonna’ go to a dark room and scare somebody.” Rae said plainly “You wanna’ come with?”

“Oh hell, yes!” Natasi grinned.

“Look, they haven’t really done anything wrong.” Pipsqueak butted in.

“It’s okay, Pip. We’re joking.” Natasi ruffled his mane “We’ll just be asking questions. They haven’t done anything to warrant much more.” She ran a hand though her own hair “Anything to break up the monotony, really.”

As they turned the corner, there came a series of odd squeaks and Pip jumped as a group of small, black box-shaped droids on tiny wheels hurtled in, circling around the little colt.

Rae chuckled.

“Don’t worry, Pip. They’re Mouse Droids. Messengers and floor polishers. They won’t hurt you.”

One Mouse Droid with its implements at the top coloured white and magenta stopped in front of Pip and did a series of shunts and spins that seemed almost playful. Pipsqueak giggled at its antics, jumping at it and chasing it round in circles as it tried to catch its tail. Falling down, the colt laughed merrily and the droid gave a little squeal that sounded like amusement.

“I think that one likes you.” Natasi chuckled.

“Humans, Twi’leks, Droids, what girl can’t he charm?” Parisian sighed.

Pipsqueak nuzzled the little droid with his muzzle and smiled.

“I’ll call you Minnie.” He chirruped “Minnie the Mouse Droid. We’re two of the same. We don’t let being small bring us down.”

Rae couldn’t help but feel touched by the sight.

“Okay, Pip. Best let ‘Minnie’ go about her business. Come on.” And with that they walked on, ‘Minnie’ giving a cooing squeak that sounded like a goodbye.

They found the interrogation room of Sector Xi to be a modest affair. The two Twi’leks were sitting next to each other in thin, tight positions on a large, low cube that made for a chair for those being interrogated.

Around them were stormtroopers of varying uniforms, all helmeted. Their leader saluted and spoke.

“We received your orders, Lieutenant. They were caught on a convoy out of Coruscant on the Corellian Run. Thankfully, it came out of flight due to an engine failure and we were able to board it quickly. They put up no resistance.”

“Good work. Corporal Froul?” Rae turned to Parisian “Could you take these men and women to the armoury and show them the soldier’s lounge?”

“Righto, sir.” the young corporal saluted.

“Four of us will remain here. Security measures.” their officer said, holding up his hand “Admiral Thrawn told us that whoever they’re working for can’t be underestimated.”

“Very well.” Rae snapped her fingers and Parisian led ten men out of the room down to the lower decks.

Ayy Vida gave Pip a small smile but did little to hide her anxiety.

Rae Sloane stood with her arms folded and spoke plainly.

“Right, I am Lieutenant Rae Sloane. This is Captain Natasi Daala. I’d rather not shout. You are not currently under arrest, merely under judicial concern. I advise you to remain that way. I am here to ask some questions about your employers. You are here to answer them. We do not currently believe you are involved in what may be criminal behaviour but I suggest you do not start now. Refusing to answer truthfully, or at all, will get you arrested. This process will not take long, only as long as it needs to be. Please do not make it longer. The less cooperative you are, the more of a bitch I will be to you. If you exhaust my patience, which is not as hard as it sounds, you will be entertaining far less agreeable interrogators. Have we got that clear?”

The two twi’leks kept their heads down.

“Yes’m...” Ayy Vida murmured.

“Good.” Rae sat down on a chair facing them “First off, does Tyber Zann operate off of Ryloth?”

There was a pause.

Lunae Minx raised her eyebrow.

“...huh?” she asked.

“Tyber Zann. Your employer.”

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Do not lie to us.” Natasi Daala craned her neck in a manner she must have learned from Tarkin “We’ll know if you do and you won’t like what it gets you.”

Pipsqueak stood up and spoke.

“Ayy, Lunae, Hat Lo and Tas Kee are gone. And we know about whoever this Tyber Zann is. Thrawn can stop him. You don’t need to be scared of him anymore. But please, I don’t want you to get hurt.” he looked up at them pleadingly “Rae can get this done without anyone being sent to prison. She knows people who can help you. But we need to work together. Please?”

The two twi’leks stared at him.

Ayy Vida’s eyes looked doubtful.

Behind them, the captain of the stormtroopers cleared his throat and spoke.

“Captain Daala?”

The woman looked up.


“There’s something you should know...” he gestured to come closer.

Sighing, Natasi Daala marched over and leaned forward.

“What have you got to tell me?”

“Just wanted to tell you...” he whispered, pausing a moment.

“You’re gonna’ look pretty hot when you get that suit off.”

Natasi looked up.

“I beg your pardon?!”


With a high-pitched grunt of pain, Natasi Daala jerked and fell limply to the ground, knocked senseless by a blaster-butt to the back of the head.

Rae and Pipsqueak gasped.

“What the hell are you doing?!” she bellowed as the stormtrooper removed his helm.

A familiar face she’d only seen in recently in a hologram stared back at her, smiling cockily.

“Hey babe.” Radds ‘Goldenboy’ Burl sniggered.

The hand that made to draw her blaster found itself grabbed. A stocky stormtrooper removed his helmet to reveal a pale, flabby Klatooinian with an ugly, toothy grin. Another stormtrooper at Rae’s side removed her helmet to reveal the Zeltron, Drazala Nuwaan, looking craftier and meaner than ever.

Rae’s heart hammered against the inside of her chest as two words escaped her.

“Pip! Run!”

A stun baton jabbed into the side of her hip sent her arching back in pain, convulsing with electric agony before slumping to the floor.

The colt, too confused to think properly, made for the door.

‘Get help!’ his thoughts were screaming ‘Get help quick!’

It so happened that the stormtrooper captain had deposited his equipment at the side of the door and before Pip could reach it, something had leapt out the bag.

A strange alien, about Pip’s height, with mottled green skin, a swollen, puffy chin and two eyes on stalks, carrying in two hands a small shock-stick.

“Heh-Hah!” he snarled “Goin’ somewhere, small-fry?! Not on my watch, not happenin’, no siree!”

Before Pip could quite process what was going on before him, he felt the prongs of the stick punched into him and he jolted, eyes boggling and forehooves twitching as a rail of volts shook through him, sending him falling unconscious in a smoking, twitching pile of fur, the Zilkin holding the shock-stick doing a lively, cackling jig over his unconscious body.

Parisian Froul made his way silently to the armoury.

At last, the rows of guns and munitions greeted them.

“Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, make yourselves at home.”

A man in heavy trooper armour, odd for occasion but Parisian supposed convoy searches might necessitate heavy carrying, turned to him.

The corporal noticed locks of slate-grey hair escaping out the corners of his helmet.

“Sir.” he cleared his throat “You do know hair of such length is against Stormtrooper Corps regulations. You might want to see the regimental barber while you’re here or you might get put on...”

He stopped as the heavy trooper removed his helmet.

The snarling, one-eyed face of a grey Wookiee was leering at him menacingly.

“Oh...” Parisian Froul said flatly as the creature’s fist came down upon him.

“Whoo! Badass! This is gonna’ make us Chunet stars overnight!” Radds and his crew whooped as one before their leader pressed his commlink.

“Okay. Boss dude? We’re in. This Dread did ‘Nought’ see that coming...huh?”

There was silence on the other end of the comms.

“Cause, like, Dreadnought...‘nought’ see that co-”

“I get it. It just wasn’t funny.” the reply came, brusque and growly “Just follow the plan. Our benefactor has supplied your door overrides. Isolate the Imperial high commanders. Lock down the armoury. Ensure no-one can get in or out.”

The speaker’s eyes gleamed as his infiltrator pod cut through the weaker underside of the Fantasia’s bridge, just between it and the main deck, avoiding the turret’s gaze with it’s small size and scan-proof lining. He entered the tertiary exhaust vents beside his larger, more acrobatic friend.

“Before long, provided you can do what you’re told, the leadership of the Fantasia will be removed before the Empire even knows what’s going on...”

He gave a deep breath, vigour coursing through him like lightning.

“And I...will have...Thrawn.”

The spotless blue fingertips lifted themselves off the water organ as its player sat back in his chair and looked up in focus.

Eli Vanto took his feet off the desk and eyed his Admiral.


The scarlet eyes of Mitth’raw’nuruodo were wide and resolute as he gasped, as if in trepidation.

He’s here.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the wait.
Hope you enjoy it and I hope I haven't taken Thrawn's backstory too far.

Yes, the Maldovar Boyz are going to get annoying.
Which is why we're very glad the 'Hip Rebel Kidz' aren't the heroes this time round.

Thalassa Tarkin is based off all manner of dominating, embarrassing matriarchs in the Jeeves books. Aunt Agatha and so forth.

The Fantasia is kind of a metaphor for Disney Canon.
It's got quite a few flaws, pretty over-the-top and a bit too eager to please but it's still impressive.

Some scenes based off New Tricks. If you haven't seen that yet, start now. Not kidding.

Elenwen Juben and Timberly Abra are based off highly-unlikable heroines in Phelous's Reviews.
Elenwen is based off Michelle from Pulse 2, played by Georgina Rylance.

And Timberly is based off Dodger from Cry Wolf, played by Lindy Booth.

I hold no grudge against the actresses. On the contrary, they did pretty well with the bad material but really, the films are pretty bad and the characters they play are written dreadfully.
Maybe it's just repressed rage but hey, I go for characters I dislike in old, obscure movies, not modern, hyped-up movies. Safer that way. The actresses have moved on to better things and you can safely take apart the concept itself, not the person.
I would also like to point out that Timberly 'Abra' is not a dig at JJ Abrams. I hold no grudge against the man.
Abra was used in the magical sense of 'Abra-Kadabra' only because it sounded whimsical.
End of.

SCAR Squad get prepped for the morning.

Part of me's afraid of making Tarkin too human.

Minnie Mouse Droid.
In Loving Memory of Russi Taylor (May 4, 1944 - July 26, 2019)
Your Legacy Is Safe With Us

Music from Simpsons Hit and Run, Sherlock Holmes, Three Kingdoms: Total War, Souten Kouro, Skyrim and Star Wars: The Clone Wars.
I hope you enjoyed it, please let me know what you think and have a nice day.