• Published 24th Dec 2017
  • 1,622 Views, 217 Comments

Alone In The Galaxy - Purple Patch

In the field of conflict, Lieutenant Rae Sloane of the Galactic Imperial Forces happens upon an awkward young colt far from home.

  • ...

Worlds Apart

Dinky Doo had always hoped her first visit to Princess Twilight Sparkle’s castle would be a wondrous occasion, one she’d treasure all her life.

Yet now, there was no other place that seemed more daunting.

She sat outside the main study where Twilight, Princess Luna, Fluttershy, Discord and her father had disappeared into.

The little filly was weeping incessantly as the last, plaintive scream of the colt she adored rang in her ears.

He’d rushed in to save her sister. He’d given his life to protect them.

She’d never known a braver and kinder colt in her life. Even before this event, he’d put his own safety on the line for her on numerous occasions.

And now, it seemed, he was gone.

Tootsie Flute sat silently beside her.

She’d said sorry about a dozen times now and Dinky had said it wasn’t her fault about the same number of times.

Tootsie couldn’t help it. As she paced tentatively back and forth, waiting for somepony to open the door and give them a straight answer on what had happened to Pip and if and how they could get him back.

There came a creak from down the corridor.

A thin, tired-looking mare in a plain shawl appeared in the archway. Her coat was a pale-brown while her mane was a wheat-blonde and frizzy, wrapped in a headscarf.

She’d been crying, the red in her eyes was clear.

And as she noticed the two fillies, those eyes creased in distaste.

Tootsie trembled at the sight of her as the mare approached with that venomous look.

Dinky gulped.

It was Nancy, Pipsqueak’s mother.

A mare she knew was, for whatever reason, not fond of her.

“I might have known...” she muttered, her voice raising itself into a growl “My son only goes missing off the face of Equestria, why did I imagine you two weren’t involved?!”

“M-M-Miss Nancy...” Dinky mumbled, shrinking under her glare “I-I’m really sorry, P-Pipsqueak was only playing and...”

Don’t!” she snapped suddenly, holding up a hoof. The two fillies fell instantly silent, standing stock-still, their faces pictures of teary-eyed guilt.

Slowly Nancy lowered her hoof and sighed.

“Just don’t...”

Without a word, she trudged weightily down the corridor, leaving the fillies alone with their worries once again.

Opening the door to Twilight Sparkle’s study, she found a room brimming with confusion.

Princess Twilight Sparkle had been joined by Starlight Glimmer, Princess Luna, Doctor Whooves, Discord and three strange ponies in dark armour and capes who stood beside the Princess of the Night.

The chatter between them had become a mad cacophony as suggestions, denials, accusations, apologies and assurances were thrown from one to another.

Nancy found herself with a headache in moments.

Frustrated, she made her presence known, stamping her hoof on the marble doorway and bellowing.

“Where’s my son?!”

All eyes turned to her.

Nancy, in herself, didn’t look much like anypony in Ponyville. She was one of those ironic cases of being able to stand out largely by how normal she looked in comparison to others. Her accent gave her away immediately. She needed no introduction at this time.

With a solemn expression and a sympathising voice, Princess Twilight Sparkle stepped forward and spoke.

“Miss Nancy...Thank you for getting here. I am terribly sorry about this but rest assured, we are doing all we can.”

“Are you now?” Nancy nearly laughed “Standing around bickering like the cast of a bloody soap opera?!” her face turned scarlet with rage as she yelled, tears collecting in the corners of her eyes.

“My son has completely vanished! Where in Tartarus were any of you?!”

The atmosphere had grown a lot less savoury. More than a few looks of suspicion were cast on Nancy as she fumed.

“The least you could do...” she growled “Is put a leash on those two walking disasters outside!”

“Oi!” The scruffy brown stallion shot her a scowl “We’ll have less of that! Those two ‘walking disasters’ are my daughters!”

“Why does that not surprise me?” Nancy grinded her teeth “If you were any kind of father you’d be staying home keeping them out of trouble! I told you to stay away from my son and what do you do?”

“Now you listen-”

ENOUGH!” A thunderous bellow shook the chamber as Princess Luna stamped a hoof, a dazzling light in her eyes fading out as quickly as it had shone.

“This bickering is pointless.” she said, a great deal more controlled “Now, if we may all remain rational, my...colleague here will explain things.”

“Thank you, ma’am. If I could all have your attention, this can all be made straightforward.” Discord, the bizarre master of chaos, stepped forward, produced a black scroll and opened it out. Through means nopony could fathom, it sprouted a wooden stand and frame and became a blackboard. Pulling out one of his teeth that somehow became a chalk, he began scrawling vague notes and strange diagrams as he begun his explanation.

“Now, as a god of chaos, I am a practitioner of what is called ‘trans-dimensional’ magic. It is a well-held theory that beyond our plain of understanding, there are literally countless worlds each with their own rules of existence. In some ways much like ours and completely contrary in other ways, I am able to enter and exit them at my whim. Now, these worlds are as susceptible to chaos as any other and one such world has recently come under an absurd amount of chaos.”

He glanced around to see if everypony was paying attention. Most of them looked completely stumped.

Shrugging, he continued at his leisure.

“This world, as far as my foresight has recognised, is not so much a plain of earth and sky but an immense universe, far greater in width and age than our own, where life is dominated by crossing of space and stars. Planets upon planets, each with their own systems and species, constantly fought over for control by light and dark magic which, like the trans-dimensional rules, are like ours in some ways and contrary in others.”

“But...but this is impossible!” Starlight piped up “We...We know reality. There’s never been anything more than our world. Reality isn’t travelling through space, fighting aliens and evil empires, its...”

“Walking, talking magical horses?” Discord interrupted “Don’t be so narrow-minded, Starlight, it doesn’t suit you.”

Too confused to respond, Starlight stepped back and watched, perplexed, as Discord carried on.

“Now, these universes grow in strength the more attention they receive from what is known as the ‘Outer-Dimension’, headed by a celestial government that adds to and ages this dimension, ours and all others, the progenitors if you will. Beyond any of our understanding. Only one draconequus ever ventured there and returned, coming to the conclusion that they are perhaps equal in creativity and chaos to us!”

“What are they called?” Twilight asks.

“We knew them as ‘The Fanbase’.” Discord continued.

“You mean like...” Starlight asked, her face a picture of puzzlement “Like Daring Doo?”

“Precisely. It works along those lines. They literally play the audience to our antics and shower their favour upon those that entertain them. And like any fanbase, their favour is...unpredictable, diverse and forever changing like the wind, beautiful in its own way. Our own dimension has received their attention for years now. It comes and goes. And this dimension of space and stars I speak of has long received the same.”

He continued his strange scrawling.

“But recently, Outer-Dimensional activity has caused changes in this dimension’s state of being. Something about an almighty Mouse King, I dunno’. But the change is so great, it threatens to split the dimension in two!”

“Can a ‘fanbase’ really be that strong?” Twilight asked.

“You’d be surprised.” Discord cast her a sage glance and continued.

“Wait a minute...two connected dimensions?” Starlight said slowly “Like...The Crystal Mirror?”

“Exactly, a permanent dimensional portal, very powerful, can only be created when the fanbase is at its most focused. At least, that's the theory.” He cleared his throat “Now, while this takes place, this dimension warps and twists with its fanbase against itself, becoming nigh as chaotic, and reaching out to its equals. Dimensional portals spring up between our world and theirs to bring either the wonder or the horror the fanbase sees in the changes made to this dimension. When I saw the signs, I was quick to try and control these portals, gave me a few sleepless nights, I can tell ya!” He rubbed a dark bag under his eye “But, evidently, they got the drop on me and, regrettably, young Pipsqueak fell into one of these portals.”
He spun round and looked to his audience.

“We will now be taking questions, provided they aren’t ‘How Meta Can You Get?!’

“So...Where’s Pip?” Luna asked.

“In the dimension of space and stars.” Discord answered “There’s no telling whereabouts precisely but if I can recover, trace and copy the form of the portal he fell into, we should be able to locate him and, hopefully, recover him.”

“How long will that take?”

“Hard to say.”

HARD TO SAY?!” Nancy’s voice was back, staring daggers into all those present “You mean to tell me my baby colt is stuck in another world and you bleeding clowns have NOTHING?!”

“Stay your tongue!” An enraged bark came from the leader of Luna’s armoured guard.

After a pause, this guard removed his helm and showed himself to be a dark-grey batpony with colourless eyes, a white mane and a battle-scarred face, speaking in a more measured manner.

“Apologies...Miss Nancy, but I must ask you to remain calm. We will do all we can, you have our word and the word of all those gathered. But irrationality will solve nothing. We understand your grief but, for your son’s sake, you must have trust in us and allow us to work on recovering him as carefully and securely as possible, when the consequences could more severe than any of us could imagine.”

The weathered Trottingham mare stood stock-still, her chest rising and falling as she breathed heavily. Slowly, she trudged over to a marble bench, sat down and hung her head in her forehooves, making small, strangled noises that came from one struggling not to cry.

“I just want him back...” she mumbled “I just want my son back safe.”

“He will be. You have our word.” Princess Luna said with earnest, turning to her guard as Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Doctor Whooves tended to the bereaved mother.

The Eternal Knights, Luna’s personal bodyguards, most able operatives and dearest friends, removed their helms and saluted before their Princess.

“We are at your command, your grace.” Lord Commander Midnight Blade, the batpony, declared.

“I’m glad to hear it. While this search is in effect, I am granting Discord permission to enter the House of the Rising Moon on Sunless Isle, your base of operations, to better conduct whatever magic must be used to begin this ‘dimensional travel’. Now...” she took a deep breath “You, my knights, have some experience with dimensional travel, journeying across time and space as the Draconequui and the Time Turners are wont to do.”

“Our experience isn’t exactly...extensive.” Fletcher Fray, the elegant green unicorn forgemaster, admitted “But it should suffice as long as Pipsqueak isn’t there for too long.”

“Regardless, we’re ready, willing and able.” White Wolf, the tenacious dark-blue pegasus beastmistress, declared “Anything gives us trouble, it’ll be thankful we’re worlds apart.”

“Opening and travelling through a portal will take a great deal of time and resources but it should indeed be possible.” Midnight summarised “It might help if we had prior record to this. Mr Discord?” He called out to the Draconequus who twisted his head right round to look at them, his body snapping round to follow suit.

“Moi?” he asked.

Trying to ignore the mad god’s antics, Midnight spoke.

“Is this level of chaos unheard of to your knowledge? Or has this sort of...incident ever taken place before?”

Discord rolled his eyes.

“Oh, if you think this is bad, last time this happened a dozen years ago, longest day of my life!” he griped “I was closing portals for months! I found myself surrounded by a bunch of googly-eyed, floppy-eared duck-faced freaks doing terrible zebra impressions and a skinny, angsty muffin-top yelling about how much he hates sand!”

“Hates sand?” Midnight asked, perplexed.

“You’ve no idea, on and on...” the draconequus groaned, holding up one hand to mouth an impression “Wah-wah-wah! Grr-grr! Me so edgy! No-one will ever understand the pain I feel! The pain that comes from the sand on my buns! It’s coarse, it’s rough, it’s irritating and its gets everywhere!

“Hey, so's Fletch after a few ciders but I don’t hate him.” White Wolf chuckled.

The green unicorn gave his compatriot a bemused glare.

“You’re not funny, Wolf.” he muttered, ignoring Wolf’s cheeky grin and Midnight’s muffled snigger.

“Regardless, that could help us.” the Lord Commander adopted his more serious tone “We journey to Sunless Isle. There we’ll have access to magics and devices that could easily speed up our search for the colt. I shouldn’t have to remind you...” he kept his voice down and checked before assuring them.

“Master Pipsqueak is very dear to our Princess. She owes him a debt of faith and friendship for the kindness he showed her on the night of her return which...avoided the unpleasantness we may have caused if she’d been shown none.”

The Eternal Knights hung their heads at the memory while Discord tutted.

“Ooh, some naughty secrets Little Miss Twilight never put to letter?”

Midnight sighed.

“We’ll talk about it later. Right now, we’ve got work to do.”


Pipsqueak had sat quiet and unmoving on Rae Sloane’s bed for the rest of the voyage. Rae had been trying to reassure him he was safe after his run-in with Crodd but she too had hardly looked in the best of states. She could be heard in the conjoined storage room furiously striking a small punch-ball set she’d installed in there some time ago. Normally she’d use the ship’s fitness suite but there were times when she needed seclusion and this was such a time.

The door whistled open, causing Pip to jump, spinning to face whoever entered. To his relief, it was just Parisian Froul.

“We’ll be landing in five minutes.” he announced before glancing around to spot only Pip. Listening out for the sounds of his lieutenant with her punch-ball, he sighed and turned to the colt.

“She ran into Crodd, didn’t she.”

“Y-yeah...” Pipsqueak murmured “Um...Who is he?”

When he’d spoken of Veers, Yularen and other officers, Parisian Froul had puffed out his chest and regaled Pipsqueak with wonder and praise.

Now speaking of Crodd, his voice lowered and his tone was utterly grim.

“Grand Moff Croesus Crodd is the head of the Velcar Oversector, bordering the Seswenna Oversector Grand Moff Tarkin controls, the twin Imperial colonies of the Outer Rim in the known galaxy. The two draw their lineage from the Quintad, the ruling families on Eriadu, the planet on which the Forward Command Base is placed, an industrial powerhouse and the Empire’s bastion here in the Outer Rim. The Crodds and the Tarkins were always enemies and Wilhuff, at a very young age, actually managed to implicate the Crodds in high treason and had the whole pack of them exiled. As you can imagine, Croesus has been looking to get even ever since."

He cleared his throat, looked to either side of him for some reason, and continued.

"Now, Tarkin’s closer to the Emperor than any other Moff but Crodd has a great many friends elsewhere in the Council, the Intelligence Bureau and the Interior Security Bureau known as COMPNOR. His own web of influence he hopes with which to outdo Tarkin. Crodd’s built up something of a personal sub-Empire. His own Sector Army isn’t officially recognised by the Emperor but his contacts grant him the necessary authority. Under him, the Brimstone Anvil Command consist of an army and fleet led by many members of his own family but is nonetheless joined by very powerful figures across the sector.”

“So...he’s dangerous?”

“Oh, incredibly so. At this stage, perhaps one of the most dangerous and powerful men in the Empire. Why do you ask?”

Pip was almost shaking as he, appropriately, squeaked.

“I...I think he wants to hurt me...”

There was a pause. As Parisian mentally kicked himself, he backtracked.

“Well...that is to say...in his own Sector, certainly, but here, with Tarkin and so many others around, I-I...ah...”

“You’re not in any danger, Pip.” Rae Sloane emerged from the storage room in a plain black vest similar to what Thrawn and Veers had worn when they sparred. Sitting herself down on the other side of the colt, she ruffled his mane fondly.

“I’m not going to let anything happen. Crodd’s scum. That’s all you need to know. And here, with us, you’re safe from scum.”

Little Pipsqueak gave a small sniffle, looked up at his two guardians with wide, hopeful eyes and smiled.

“Thanks...” he said quietly.

“Okay...” With the colt suitably calmed, Rae threw on a shirt, jacket and cap nonchalantly “We’d better get to the hanger if we’re landing soon.”

“Righto.” Parisian nodded, getting to his feet “Is it my turn to carry Pip or will I?”

“I think it might be better if he walks for this round. You know how Tarkin gets when the march is out of order.”

“So...who’s Tarkin?” Pip asked again “I’ve heard a lot about him. Who is he and what does he do?”

“Well...That’s a bit of a loaded question.” It was Rae who explained this time “Grand Moff Tarkin is the head of Imperial operations in the Outer Rim. He’s a close personal friend of the Emperor, has a long and dedicated service record and...is not a man you try the patience of under any circumstances.”

“So...he’s dangerous as well?”

“Yeah but don’t worry. I’ve been working under him for a while and...let’s just say I know how to handle him.” Rae gave him a smile. Exiting her room, she, Parisian and Pipsqueak made their way down the corridors to the hanger.

“So what are Moffs? I thought they were insects?”

Parisian chuckled at the colt.

“Not moths, Pip. Moffs.” he explained “You see, the Empire is divided into sectors of solar systems under Imperial control. A Moff is a Sector Governor, responsible for the political, social, economic and military matters within. For instance, my grandfather’s the Moff of the Umbara System where we found you. With the Galactic Senate dissolved, the Moffs have been given far more power and can get away with almost anything provided they do their job in the process. They’re a...diverse bunch. Some can be very decent chaps, some less so. Grand Moffs command Oversectors, multiple sectors of high priority. Tarkin and Crodd command the two in the Outer Rim, Seswenna and Velcar. The word Moff itself, I remember hearing, is taken from an old Rakatan word meaning ‘Lord’ or ‘Master’.”

“I always forget with you, Parisian. Ask a question, and you get more answers than you ever thought possible.” Rae said, shaking her head.

Parisian gave an awkward look as they opened the doors to the hanger elevator.

They found two men waiting for them. Both tall, fairly young men in officer’s uniform. The first of them had a light grey garb, almost white, black hair reaching just down to the back of his neck with a faint beard. The second of them had a far darker garb, just turning artichoke-green. His hair was light-brown, short and slicked back, combined with a trim moustache.

Neither of them looked happy to see them.

At their sight, Rae and Parisian saluted. Pip, instinctively, did the same, wondering he silly he must have looked.

“Captain Rondel.” Rae said “First Lieutenant Teradoc.”

“Lieutenant Sloane.” the first man, Captain Rondel, said slowly, just enough to sound like a sneer “Corporal Froul. It’s about time you two got here.”

“This is unacceptable!” First Lieutenant Teradoc snapped “The regiment is due to disembark at Forward Base, the entirety of Imperial Command will be present, and you imbeciles are too busy fooling around with wildlife to be bothered!”

“Sir, I assure you...” Sloane said, noticeable distaste for the two in her voice “I was informed in good time and headed here as soon as possible. I’d like to point out, my room is substantially far from the elevator.”

“Excuses. You bring a lot of those wherever you go, don’t you.” Rondel said, his lips tweaking into a derisive smirk “Well, whatever the case, I’d like the animal placed in storage.”

Pip’s eyes widened at the thought but, before he or Rae could object, Parisian spoke up.

“Out of the question, Captain...It grieves me to say.” his militaristic tone betrayed nothing “My grandfather insisted Pipsqueak is taken with us.”

“I couldn’t give a damn what your grandfather wants.” Rondel’s tone turned vicious in an instant, before stopping himself, realising what he’d just said.

Parisian gave him an inquisitive look.

“Is...that...right?” he said. Rae gave him a smile as Rondel tried to backtrack.

“No, no, what I...meant to say was...”

“Perhaps you’re on the wrong ship.”

“Shut up!” The captain snarled, jabbing a finger at the Corporal before sighing, brushing his hair out his face.

“Fine, keep the animal under control and do not speak of it without permission. It causes any trouble and you are both history...” he gave a pause to let his warning sink in “Now fall in!”

Without another word, Rae, Parisian and Pip walked on, passing by ranks and ranks of stormtroopers lined up in single-file, standing at the ready in rigid discipline.

“Who was that?” Pip whispered.

“Our commanding officers.” Rae answered “Feanor Rondel and Taubrey Teradoc.”

“Are they dangerous too?” the colt asked.

At this, Rae gave a derisive snort.

“They wish.”

“They won’t be a problem, Pip. They just hate the fact that they have a common-born woman in their ranks.”

“And hate the fact that she’s doing pretty well even more.” One of the stormtroopers, Denwarren by the sound of him, whispered behind them.

“Lola...Sayu...” Parjai was muttering quietly under his helmet “He was on...Lola...Sayu...”

“Shut up back there!” Taubrey Teradoc snapped as he and Rondel marched to the head of the regiment.

With a great whistle and a jet of vapour on either side of it, the hanger bay doors opened as the Hellfire docked at the Forward Command Base.

Pip gazed out. A great assembly of faceless, ivory troopers, their spotless officers in their uniforms and, atop a great overlook, a congregation of the most bizarre creatures he’d ever seen, all in gaudy robes and applauding.

At the head of the assembly, a group of decorated officers stood before them, all standing tall and proud with their hands behind their backs in expectance. Crodd was no-where to be seen, Pip was thankful to realise, but the man standing at the very front of them was a pale, gaunt individual with a grey-widow’s peak, sunken cheeks and a grim, unsmiling visage.

Pip had known more than a few angry old ponies back home. Trottingham had once been famous for its hellish mines, mills, foundries and work-houses overseen by the greedy and scheming Elite Industrial Guild in their tall top hats and lack of regard for those who slaved under them. Numerous stories went about how the Princesses and a few of Trottingham’s greatest heroes destroyed their stranglehold and opened the town to the rest of Equestria and its slower but far more compassionate methods of progress.

If ever those joyless fellows found themselves in human form, a great many of the old men standing at the head of the assembly were making a very good impression.

“Hut!” Captain Rondel bellowed as the regiment disembarked.

Chaos broke loose. Pip found himself separated from Rae in the time it took to blink as the masses upon masses of identical, unrecognisable stormtroopers marched in lockstep out the hanger bay doors, their steps deafening and threatening to crush the colt underfoot.

Stumbling wildly, too confused to form words and unlikely to be heard over the din, Pip flailed around, tripped and fell under the enormous grey ramp the troops were walking down from. His head ringing and his heart pounding, the little colt curled up in a ball, hidden in the shadow, and hoped it would all be over soon.

Rae Sloane found herself glancing round desperately in their march, trying to find some way to search for her missing ward whilst staying in ranks. Parisian was attempting the same, though was clearly far less willing to incur the ire of Imperial High Command. Rae felt her brow dampening as the troops lined up, she and Parisian taking their place at the head of their platoon. Parjai was silent, standing without an inch out of place. The Dusk Trooper seemed to have materialised beside them in his strange armour, standing just as straight.

If the army stood any more still, they could be mistaken for statues.

Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin cast his steely eyes across the company. A look from him was capable to sap away at a man’s strength. Rae had endured it several times and, while she’d demonstrated at every turn she was made of sterner stuff, she did to feeling more than slightly unnerved.

Nonetheless, his tone was cordial.

“Sentinels of Umbara, the Empire thanks you for your service this day. May you find the remuneration you have earned here on Eriadu, the shining jewel in the Outer Rim. I welcome you all but must hereby remind you...” His raised voice was enough to overpower any shot from the most demented individual. Tarkin’s presence was dread authority personified. “Never grow lax in your victory. War is ever imminent and you, as soldiers of the Empire, must be ready to march to battle whenever and wherever you are called. The rewards for your service are glorious to imagine. The punishments for neglecting it, hellish to experience. Never forget.” And with a nod from him, the troops dismissed.

‘Pip...’ Rae was yelling in her head, turning back to the Hellfire ‘Find Pip.’

“Sloane!” A bark from behind her caused her to spin round. The eyes of Captain Rondel and First Lieutenant Teradoc were boring down on her.

“I’d like a word in private. You too, Corporal. The pair of you, immediately.”

Gritting her teeth, Rae looked to them, then back to the Hellfire, then back to them again.

“Sir, I need a minute, I think I left...”

“I said immediately, Lieutenant!” Rondel barked, eyes beginning to blaze.

Cursing Rondel and herself, Rae slowly turned away from where Pip was last beside her as she and Parisian followed their Captain with hearts gripped by worry.


Pip’s voice was barely louder than a squeak.

His head was still pounding from the stampede he’d narrowly avoided but now the silence was growing far more foreboding.

He was alone in the darkness. If he left, whole yards of station stood between him and wherever Rae had gone. He didn’t want to think about who he might run into if he left his hiding spot.

Rae would come back for him, he knew it.

Peeking his head out, he chanced a look at his surroundings.

The place was deserted. But he knew it would take a great deal of time and trotting for him to cross the station and find Rae. In that time, anyone might enter and spot him.

He felt cold, like there were eyes already on him.

Looking up, he felt a chill grip his heart.

Someone was watching him from the walkway up above. The woman in the black robe who’d been with Crodd.

He knew at once that she’d seen him. And faintly, ever so faintly, he thought he noticed a smile concealed under her hood.

Above him, there were footsteps. Huddling up with terror, clutching the bottom of the ramp as he backed into the corner, the hooded woman disappeared as, above him, voices were heard.

Both were female and sounded young. One was low and somewhat growly, the other was high-pitched and seemed close to crying.

“Look, we just grab them, find the ship and leave. Simple!” the first one griped “Just so long as you can keep it together!”

“But he saw me!” The other one whined “He saw me in the corridor!”

“Yeah, that’s what happens when you stand around whining, Ayy! Anyway, he’s no-one important. He’s a stupid talking animal they picked up from Umbara. No-one’s gonna’ listen.”

“But he felt sorry for me.”

“Ayy, we don’t have time for another con!”

“No, I mean he genuinely wanted to help me, Lunae.”

“That’s great, Ayy. We got a zoo exhibit helping us. I swear I'm working with a plank of damn wood! Now shut up and let me do the talking.”

There was a slight gap just at the bottom of the ramp Pip could just peek under.

There was the Twi’lek girl with the yellow and red skin from earlier. Beside her was another Twi’lek, pale lilac in skin with indigo blotches along her head, shoulders and back and with a more stocky build to her, wearing similar garb as her companion. Walking across the station, they stopped and turned to an approaching officer.

“Halt!” the officer called out, not threatening but certainly stern “Identify yourselves.”

The officer was a short but shapely young woman in a khaki officer’s uniform, her long copper-red hair tied in a ponytail slung over one shoulder. Beside her was a young stormtrooper, his helmet removed, with short brown hair and an awkward expression, clearly hesitant to point his blaster at them.

“Please, madam.” The twi’lek named Lunae bowed her head and spoke in a slower, quieter and more sultry voice than before “We are with Moff Mors’s entourage but...we got separated. When the troops disembarked we were...in the bath.” she gave a small giggle at the officer who eyed them humourlessly “If you could show us where she is staying...”

The officer rolled her eyes.

“Very well. Sergeant Ian Takan.”

“M-me, Captain?” the stormtrooper asked.

“No, a completely different Sergeant Ian Takan. Yes! You!” The officer snapped sarcastically “Please escort these two ladies to the Moff of Ryloth’s quarters.

The trooper’s face lit up with eagerness.

“Yes, ma’am!” he said “If you ladies would like to follow me.”

“Thank you, sergeant.” The yellow and red Ayy Vida held his hand as the two were led away “You know...you have very nice muscles, sergeant.”

“Thanks...Nice to hear you say so.”

“Give me strength.” The officer facepalmed, Pip assumed that was the right word, as the sergeant and twi’lek girls disappeared through one of the station doors.

At the sight, Pip gave a small giggle.

The effect was instant. The officer’s eyes snapped open and she fixed her sights on the Hellfire.

Pip’s eyes widened as she marched forward, an expression of anger and suspicion on her face, and drew a blaster, a small thin specimen but no less mean-looking than any other Pip had seen.

She called out, her voice hard and fierce.

“Right! You in there, whoever you are, you’re not welcome here! You’re trespassing on a restricted area! For the ignorant, that means death! Now, because I’m nice, I’m going to give you to the count of ten before I fry you wherever you stand! One...Nine and a half...”

“Wait! Wait! Don’t shoot!” Pip found himself screaming from the shadows, shutting his eyes tight as his little hooves shook. He felt himself breaking down “I’ll come out! I’ll do whatever you want...j-just don’t sh-sh-shoot me...”

There was a pause. Under the gap, he noticed the woman had put away her blaster and was slowly approaching, her face far less fierce than before, more confused and concerned than anything else.

“Who are you?” she asked in more measured tone “How old are you?”

“S-s-seven...” Pipsqueak answered.

The officer brushed her hair in befuddlement, betraying a certain amount of guilt.

“Okay, well...Sorry I scared you. If you come out and behave, I’ll get this whole thing sorted out and you can be on your way. Okay?”

“Okay...” Pip answered back as he slowly emerged.

The officer was kneeling in front of where he’d been hiding and was now staring in surprise at the colt, her bright green eyes wide, her mouth slightly open.

Shaking her head, she blinked and spoke.

“Alright then...Not what I was expecting.” she said flatly “I’ll hazard a guess you’re not from here.”

“No...” Pip mumbled “But I was with Rae Sloane...Um...she’s a Lieutenant.”

“Ah yes.” The officer smiled knowingly. Pip realised she looked really rather pretty when she smiled “I’m more than familiar with Lieutenant Rae Sloane. You’d best come with me. Tarkin will want to see you before you go drawing attention to yourself and...I’m probably the best chance you have of getting you on his good side. If you don’t mind being carried.”

“Okay...” Pip remembered his manners “Thank you very much, madam. You’re very kind.”

“Heh...Only when I can afford to be.” Pip didn’t really know what she meant by that but he found himself scooped up and carried in both her hands like a newborn. Ordinarily he would have felt degraded but, in the current circumstance, with this young lady helping him from such a terrifying state of uncertainty, he felt very comfortable.

“So what’s your name?”

“My name’s Pipsqueak, ma’am.” He answered “Rae’s taken me on as the platoon’s mascot.”

“Without consulting the Grand Moff evidently. Not to worry, I’ll sort that out.” The officer gave him a warm smile “I’m Captain Natasi Daala, Grand Moff Tarkin’s personal attendant.”

“So...you’re like a...secretary.”

“Sometimes. Other times I’m like a bodyguard, sometimes like an informant...but otherwise I am whatever he needs me to be.”

Carried along at her prompt but gentle pace, Natasi Daala walked through an open door to find her superiors.

Grand Moff Tarkin was conversing with Captain Ozzel from earlier along with two others.

One was a middle-aged angular man with slick brown hair streaked with silver and a slightly pointy look to his brow, nose and mouth. The other was a broad, bulky fellow with a thick brown beard and a calm expression.

Both of them wore dark grey with silver straps over their shoulders.

Ozzel was blustering as Daala entered, seemingly unaware of Daala’s entry.

“I tell you, Tarkin, you must be informed! It is crucial something is done about this! This Grand Admiral Thrawn is nothing more than an alien!

Grand Moff Tarkin’s voice was dripping with derision.

“Yes, thank you, Ozzel. I was not aware.”

“Oh well, it’s quite simple. It’s the blue skin, you see, that’s how you can tell...”

“He was being sarcastic, Ozzel.” The bearded man said flatly.

“Oh...” Ozzel gave them a puzzled look “Are you sure?”

“Captain Ozzel,” Tarkin sounded tired “Now, you know I prefer the company of humans as you do but Thrawn is a very capable asset and, I assure you, absolutely loyal. He serves us well which is, by and large, all we need from him. Minister Doriana and Lord Vader personally vouch for him and both I and his Imperial Majesty are convinced of his dedication.”

“Well...You never know, sir.” Ozzel bumbled “In any case, surely it’s a sign of weakness to rely on such a creature. We, his natural superiors, cannot possibly kowtow to this outsider!”

“In my book, superiority is rarely ever natural.” the bearded man said emotionlessly “Skill and experience. That is the measure of superiority. And Admiral Thrawn has that in abundance.”

“There is merit in your words, Teshik.” Tarkin added “Exactly how welcome Thrawn is among us is...debatable. But in terms of potential, there are few better. We must have him.

“Yes, but...”

“Look at it this way, Ozzel,” the thin man interjected, patting Ozzel on the shoulder “Thrawn is a most capable alien, one of the most capable. Who better to command him than us? Is it not enough to simply be secure in the knowledge that, as a human, you are naturally superior? Don’t give him the satisfaction of getting heated. Who cares for all his praise and posture? He’ll never be anything more than an alien.”

“Yes, I...I suppose you’re right, Delvardus.”

“In any case, Ozzel, it would be far more profitable for you to focus on your own efforts to the Empire before objecting to those of others, whatever their species.” Tarkin fixed the preening Ozzel with a steely glare.

A pause in the conversation reached, Natasi Daala spoke up.

“Oh Willy?” she called cheekily from behind Tarkin who sighed in frustration.

“Daala, you are not to call me that in uniform. If I’ve told you once, I’ve...”

He stopped as he beheld the little colt in the Captain’s arms, who gave him a smile.

“Hello, sir.” he chirped.

For a moment, Tarkin simply stared at the colt, one eyebrow raised, his lips pursed in uncertainty.

“What’s this?” he said at last.

“This is Pip.” Natasi answered “Say hello to Pip, sir.”

There was another pause. Wilhuff Tarkin was, evidently, not a humorous fellow.

“Are you trying to be funny?” he asked, glaring at the pair.

“No, sir, wouldn’t dream of it.” Daala said plainly “I just wondered if you’d like to know he’s with Lieutenant Sloane, under her supervision. Just to avoid any awkwardness at the dinner this evening.”

“I did not agree to...” Tarkin started before sighing, struggling to keep his authoritative tone “I’d like no nonsense from anyone, least of all from the animal. Is that understood?”

“Absolutely, sir. I’ll be on my best behaviour. I promise.” Pip assured him.

“I wasn’t asking...” Tarkin sighed again “Fine...I was informed of this unknown life-form from Thrawn. He's quite a bit smaller than I imaged considering Ozzel wants to have the creature processed and locked away in maximum security.”

Daala shrugged.

“Ozzel’s a buffoon.” she replied.

“A fair point.”

“I say, look here-”

“Don’t interrupt, Ozzel.” Tarkin held up a hand, silencing the blustering captain “If Rae must bring it...him along, then so be it but if we find anything untoward about the creature...”

“I’m sure she’ll get the message. In the meantime, weren’t you going to pay her a visit?”

“I believe so.” he straightened up and gave what could have been a smile at the young woman “If you’ll accompany me, Captain.”

“It would be a pleasure, sir.” Natasi gave him a look that reminded Pip of the looks Miss Cheerilee, his schoolteacher, would give Big McIntosh, Applebloom’s gigantic older brother. He’d never quite understood the meaning behind it.

“I told you Miss Sloane would impress.”

“Thank you, Daala. I don’t need to be reminded. She is indeed performing well.”

“Frankly I’m surprised she got anywhere with Ozzel leading them.”

“Excuse me, I’m standing right here!”

Daala and Tarkin turned to Ozzel with looks of annoyance.

“What do you want? A medal?” Daala snapped.

Ozzel’s bluster dried up immediately. Behind him, Teshik rolled his eyes while Delvardus gave a quiet chuckle.


“That will be all.” Tarkin barked as the officers dispersed. With a sigh, he and Daala walked with Pip to where Sloane had been led.

Pip’s ear pricked as Daala whispered, not knowing whether he was meant to be listening or not.

“Delvardus was looking at me when I entered.”

“Yes, I’m aware.”

“He looked at me when I left as well.”

“He’s not a problem.”

“He’s your brother-in-law.”

“I don’t need to be reminded.” Tarkin’s voice was low and near devoid of emotion before it took on an earnest tone “I told you...Natasi...You’re safe with me. Remember.”

Their voices were quiet, not just out of a wish to stop others hearing.

There was genuine affection in their voices.

“I will...Wilhuff.”

Pip tilted his head and mumbled off-hoofedly.

“Are you two...”

“Not your concern.” Tarkin snapped quickly.

Out the corner of his eye, Pip saw Natasi Daala give him a wink.

Author's Note:

This may be the last chapter I make for maybe the next month. I'm half-way through my term and, while I'm not doing badly, I don't want to fall behind at this stage.
Hard to say.
Hope you all enjoyed it. For those of you who haven't read my previous fics, the Eternal Knights are the OC guest stars of my three earliest and most vocal supporters on the site. Thank you all. :raritywink:

Presenting the fanbase from the creation's viewpoint.
:derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2: Mind Blown! :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::derpytongue2:
Discord The Master Of Meta!

Nancy's not bad, she's just been through some very tough times and it's left her more than a little protective.
Introducing Tarkin. I know I've made him seem a lot more human than usual. I hope you'll forgive me.
Maybe he's just keeping well-mannered while the senators are here.
Teshik and Delvardus I was advised to give some attention to. Two of Tarkin's chief lieutenants.
And Natasi Daala, the woman who will one day carry on the Empire's name in the face of another war between Jedi and Sith.
She's an interesting character.
Ian Takan is a character from Bronycommander's The Empire Today. I promised one of his OCs a cameo. Hope I did good. :pinkiehappy:
Sigh...This is way too much build-up for a Senatorial Dinner, it's turning into the goddamn Phantom Menace!
Don't worry, things will happen soon. Please be patient.
And thanks for reading. :twilightsmile: