• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 2,421 Views, 103 Comments

Earth-Chan in Equestria - zack black

The world turned filly. Could you imagine how cold and bitter she must be, having been diseased for all those millennia, just for it all to end in a giant fireball of torture.... Thankfully, she's actually quite refreshed

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Author's Note:

This is the first fic I've ever committed to. I hope you excuse the clear signs of a novice at work. I expect to get a lot of feed back on grammar and the such, but for the most part, I'd love to hear what you all think of the concept. I really want to get Pony Earth-Chan started. I didn't find any made yet and I guess... well, as they say, be the change you want to see in the world. Or, something. Hehe, I think that was Gandhi. Maybe.... Probably. Could look it up, but who can be damned at a time like this? Bed time!

The decision had been made, there was no argument or objection. The Universe itself willed it so. As alive as any planet, any star, the Universe was just as cognitive as any being, so it knew when something was truly, and utterly unfair. Heck, the Universe had indirectly created the concept of right and wrong with a simple explosion of matter. Who could tell it any different? No one, and it liked that immensely.

What the Universe didn't like however is the tragedy of Earth-Chan. There were so many planets to keep track of, usually the Universe ignored them and let the commandment of physics and time watch over it's children of creation. The Universe knew negligence wasn't the answer, but any sufficient answer was met with catastrophic possibilities. It was best not to tamper with what already was. So much easier to let it's own life cycle play out, standing as a simple omnipotent observer, watching life come and go with nothing extraordinary really occurring, all except for Earth-Chan that is.

There was a sense of sadness that spanned all across the Universe when it thought upon Earth-Chan and her predicament. The Universe had no word to describe such tragedy. Well, maybe one. Human.

Of all the planets that spanned the entirety of it's infinity, of each solar system that spread across galaxy upon galaxy, the Universe had seen plenty of self destructive species inhabit it's creations. Plenty of violence, plenty of greed and aggression, plenty of naive beings thinking themselves into oblivion and taking it's creations with them. Nothing new happened to Earth-Chan that the Universe hadn't seen before. It would be impossible. Nothing has happened without residing within the Universe therefore nothing could trick or surprise the Universe. It had quite literally seen it all. Or so it thought.

The Universe could hardly predict the reaction Earth-Chan would have to the human populace. Where most of it's children of creation would get angry, sad, or maybe a tad resentful towards the Universe itself, Earth-Chan went a different route. A peculiar route. Earth-Chan embraced the Humans, and tried to make contact.

That had baffled the Universe, and more than once it had tried to intervene with Earth-Chan's decision. It went against the nature set in place. It destroyed the distance that had always been there between planet and surface life. It was abnormal and bastardizing.... But, it was also exciting.

The Universe couldn't deny that it had slowly adopted Earth-Chan's curiosity. What would happen if a planet tried to close the gap between it and it's populace?

So, against the Universe's better judgement, it allowed Earth-Chan to continue with her experiment, if one could call it that. The contact Earth-Chan made was sloppy. It had to be said. Every single attempt Earth-Chan made ended up being misconstrued as some sort of act from this 'God' character the humans had invented. What was mildly amusing at first soon backfired on Earth-Chan. Her messages were being used by the humans for a cause for conflict. It ruffled the populace each time she tried. Soon, intense divides started to form. The populace were at war.... This was saddening. It showed too. Earth-Chan had a growing sense of regret filling its being as things began to spiral out of control.

Still, Earth-Chan persisted. For decades, then centuries, and millennia and on and on. The contempt was rising. Soon, the Universe decided it was time to put a foot in. A connection was made, and for the first time since the beginning the Universe spoke.

"Child, why do you pain yourself? I grow weary just watching. I can only imagine what you feel inside."

This in of itself caused another stir. The Universe became unbalanced from this interaction. Chaos started to fall upon multiple systems at once. Galaxies starting to darken, utterly collapsing under the weight of this poor decision. The Universe had to draw back. It had to disconnect the connection and quickly.

But, before it could, it heard a response. A soft gasp of time and consciousness. It was a voice. A voice that should never have been heard. An interaction that suddenly corrupted the concept of distance. A voice that would ring across the Universe as a sense of anguish like nothing ever experienced before. It's mere presence highlighting the loneliness that the Universe hadn't truly acknowledged in all of it's cycle.

That voice carried with it words of passion, words of regret, mixtures of both, with sadness rearing its head. No anger, it noticed. Truly tragic in every sense of the word.

"I want to be friends... I want it to work." Earth-Chan had so softly answered, just before the connection had cut.

The Universe could never make such a connection again, least it destroy itself in the process. But, even so, it felt drawn all the more to such a small planet. Now transfixed upon Earth-Chan and her attempts to befriend her own living populace.

It got worse.

Each war resolved began a new one. Conflict never ended, but instead evolved constantly. The Human race seemed to be at a constant state of upheaval. Earth-Chan eventually stopped trying to make contact, seeing as she had only worsened her own situation. How hard it was to watch the curiosity of such a sweet little planet transform into a root of depression. The elements within' Earth-Chan began to roam wild only causing the Humans to grow more desperate. They'd begun to villainize Earth-Chan. Talk of abandoning her for Mars-Chan began to become quite common. It was a fantasy to leave Earth-Chan before she died and took them with her. It was disgusting.

The Universe had to stress itself not to act. It tried to send sensations in waves, to persuade Earth-Chan to purify herself. To rid herself of humanity before it was too late. But, nothing seemed to get through. That, as well as the possibility that Earth-Chan was just ignoring the Universe altogether. Clinging to some misguided hope.

World War 1, the first sign. It was apocalyptic to watch such savagery of blood and gore. This was to be expected though. And again, something the Universe had certainly seen before, but all the same, it was different with Earth-Chan. The connection made all those years ago still haunted the Universe, making it hard to not sympathize with it's Child of Creation. The compassion it held for this child was like none it'd ever experienced. It was a curse, but one it clung to. It didn't take long for the Universe to realize it had begun to harbor the same misguided feelings for Earth-Chan that Earth-Chan held for humans. It was a stretch of a comparison, but for some reason it made sense. Logic was iffy when it came to Earth-Chan and the Universe didn't care. It wanted Earth-Chan to be better, to feel better. It wanted her to regain her curiosity, that sense of spirit that she once had towards the beginning of her cycle. The Universe had become infatuated with it's memories of her. And that was a problem.

The Universe became unsteady as time passed, watching, wishing, and all too recently feeling. These feelings were not for it to have. Omnipotence did not coincide with feeling very well. There was only so much it could take and that was not a limitation worth keeping. It threatened the cycle. And the responsibility of creation meant the Universe must safe guard the cycle. It just made sense to survive and thrive. It was existence. But, now something more had entered it's thoughts. Earth-Chan started to rival the importance of the cycle. And that was unheard of.

World war 2, another blight happening far too quickly. It was rapid succession. This was horrible. A new sense of frustration rose from Earth-Chan soon after the last pool of blood was spilled. What the humans thought as world changing history was just another bruise left on the surface of their planet. But, this war came with scars too. Two deeply cut scars, defacing a single country. It was a devastating blot of fallout that disfigured Earth-Chan. It maimed her. And Earth-Chan had had enough. What followed could only be described as a tantrum. A venting of what was possibly the most repressed expression of anger Earth-Chan had ever felt. Record breaking Earthquakes, Hurricanes, and Tsunamis wrecked havoc across the populace. Resources dwindled, lives were lost in droves, and wars continued as if the humans themselves ignored Earth-Chan's feelings. Discontent towards her had reached it's peak. They didn't care about her anymore, no matter how angry she got. Her influence on her own populace had dwindled to nothing. Her experiment had failed.

At this point it was a race against the clock. The Universe had to decide what to do. The second sign had come and past, three being the telling number. Everything happened in threes. This next World War would be it. The sequel to end all sequels. It was time to make a choice. There was nothing to be done to save Earth-Chan. Something the Universe lamented heavily upon. Something that would probably hurt it to the end of it's cycle. Maybe even after the cycle in the time beyond time. It ripped the Universe apart thinking about what could have been done. But, something could be changed. Something had to be changed. The Universe was not going to let Earth-Chan's story end here. The cycle be damned!

That's right, it didn't care about the Cycle anymore. Earth-Chan deserved another chance. A fair chance! Something! The Universe would not settle for nothing to be done. It would rather end itself. And before long it began to hatch a plan. Something fair. Or at least something that felt fair. It quickly became a balancing act of what strain the Universe could handle without it's commandments being undone completely. It had to be meticulous else it would darken everything and bring about nothingness. That didn't bode well. Even in this chaotic state of mind, the Universe was not suicidal. It wanted to live, it wanted to thrive, and it wanted to see Earth-Chan smile. Who said it couldn't have all three? It made the rules! It created this sandbox of creation, children of creation young and old. It started this! It held possession of the highest decree! The Universe would have it's smile!

World war 3....

A choice was made. The decision was final.

Earth-Chan began to tear apart as scar after scare covered her in her entirety. She was mangled in and speckled with fire and char. Her blue and green beauty slowly tainted a dark black coal color, with red sprinkled like a confection of horror and death. Her radiation levels rivaled that of a sun, something unseen in millennia. Any sense that once resonated from the Child was now muffled and muted completely.

The Universe could only keep working, even as it twisted and contorted with grief. It could do nothing to save it's Child. The Child it'd held so closely. A Child that it'd actually connected to. This first relationship, crumbling before it. The Universe shivered and stirred trying desperately to keep it's feelings in check. This would not do. This simply would not do! This was filthy, disgusting injustice that just Would Not Do!

A destination was found.

The Universe roared in pain.

The sacrifice to get the smile it craved was a heavy chunk of it's cycle given up.

The Universe screamed, senses of power and deep pain rippling through all of space and time.

The screaming continued....

....And eventually stopped.

The Universe refocused. All too quickly blocking out the corpse of a planet once inhabited. All too quickly trying to forget.

Instead, it honed in on a new planet. A different planet. A living planet with better inhabitants.

Suddenly, the Planet known as Equis had a new guest.


A blue earth pony mare laid in a meadow, belly down in a tall patch of grass. Sleeping soundly for the briefest of seconds before being stirred by an itch. The itch was actually quite bizarre. Itches hadn't been a thing before...

Shuffling around, the itching began to grow as more and more grass touch her fur.

Suddenly, the little pony let out an unrelenting sneeze, blasting a folly of grass into the air before slowly whisking back down onto her mane nearly blending in with the makeshift splotches of green that covered her head. Each green splotch resembled certain familiar shapes of her other form. Continents painted onto a otherwise blue ocean of mane, easily reflecting the surface she once adorned.

The little pony slowly opened her eyes to a brilliance of color. Another concept that had once been lost to her. Being aware of pigmentation is one thing, but to experience it was something else entirely.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaah!" The mare screamed at the top of her lungs, taking in the first big breathes of true fresh air and holding it for quite a few seconds.