• Published 27th Dec 2017
  • 2,421 Views, 103 Comments

Earth-Chan in Equestria - zack black

The world turned filly. Could you imagine how cold and bitter she must be, having been diseased for all those millennia, just for it all to end in a giant fireball of torture.... Thankfully, she's actually quite refreshed

  • ...

Spring: Judgement

The delicate tweet of song birds filled the room, along with the skitter of paws, flutter of wings, and the occasional muttering of animal noises. It was all a little overwhelming, but manageable this time around. The animals had just as quickly found and swarmed Earth-Chan once she'd been abducted. This time seemed to be a lot more amicable given the severe lack of threat. These little critters, cluttering the rather lavish castle gathering room, seemed to perch and cling, nuzzle and cuddle, all feverishly worshipping the little blue mare in some form or manner. Those who weren't fawning over her seemed to stay within respectable distance, guarding in a sense looking out for danger. Earth was rather elated with the turn of events, but a certain purple horned pegasus still kept a bit of her ire.

It'd been apparent to her that this pony knew nothing of the situation, and to be honest she didn't blame her. The death beams had been overkill though! Sure, she'd been on the verge of accepting death. Sure, she looked scratched and bruised, battered and defeated. Sure she'd been surrounded by what were essentially Apex predators securing their kill... You know, maybe the death beams hadn't been an over reaction at first, but the situation had changed! If she'd just given her a chance to talk before committing mass murder, maybe she'd have her wooden friends! Did five seconds of licking and nuzzles constitute as friendship?

"Okay, so elephant in the room. Why in the hay are you walking around with a 'Want it, Need it' spell on you?" This purple punisher seemed brash, irritated. Ready to yell, but she kept her cool and honestly, Earth-Chan envied that level of control and poise.

Gasps resonated around the room as a council of color seemed surprised by this sudden revelation come to light, every eye on Earth swollen with shock and, wow traces of pity. Pinkie Pie seemed the most over exasperated, floating in the air lightly to emphasize her level of disbelief.

"That's why? Holy moly, that makes so much sense! You hear that fluttershy? Your animals weren't being nasty at all, they were being emotionally manipulated by forms of dark magic!" The pony beamed with joyous relief for her friend, but received a mixture of reactions from her conclave of friends.

"P-Pinkie, yer acting ah touch tone death with that one sugarcube. Y'all know Flutters don't wanna hear that, not to mention ya just gone accused yer new friend of dark magic." The cowpony of the hour seemed rather calm in the presence of Earth, and it bothered her. Fast forgiveness wasn't real, it took time to truly forgive. Well, by her experience it did. As vast as her anthropology was, these equines threw a wrench in a lot of her common sense.

"R-Right, sorry. I didn't mean for that to come out like that... I meant it as a good thing though! It means there's nothing wrong with her animals!"

"But, there's something wrong with the pony instead. Sugarcoat it if you want, but the fact of the matter is, we've got a ruffian among us." White fur, purple mane. Drop dead gorgeous in every since of the word and yet here she was, getting on Earth-Chan's bad side quicker than most. With a disgruntled huff, the pony in prosecution crossed her critter covered arms across her chest as she sat in her royal over sized crystal chair. Pouty wasn't her strong suite and being dwarfed by her seat didn't make her come across very serious, at least by her own critique.


A choir of disapproval radiated from the bunch as a clear social line had been crossed. Honestly, given her repertoire of curses, she thought little of the word ruffian. It was her tone. And the insistence that something was wrong with her. She already knew that, why'd she have to just go and say it like that?

"I would normally take back such a brash thrashing of etiquette, but I think we've sat here long enough without addressing the elephant in the room."

A loud trumpet blast disoriented the room as the powerful toot of one gray bush elephant came on cue as if waiting for it's chance to shine. It was rather deafening to say the least, leaving multiple dazed and holding their ears and rubbing for relief. Said elephant tooted again a little sheepishly this time as it noticed all eyes on itself. Bashfully, it ducked back behind the ground, keeping close to Earth-Chan surely, but doing it's best to get outta the spot light.

"...Rarity's right, we might as well start with the obvious crimes at hoof." The multi-appendaged purple leader seemed to want to cut straight to the point.

"I didn't steal his soap!" Raising her voice, Earth seemed intent on making this all very clear, starting with what she thought was her biggest offense.

"No no, we didn't all come here just to talk about soap. We came to talk about, in no particular order, Theft, destruction of property, running from authorities, and disrupting the peace with dark magic." Reading from a small file she seemed to have on the subject at hand, the purple one threw the vanilla folder to the middle of the table with a bemused look before letting out a sigh. "Luckily for you, you've got a few ponies here vouching for you so I feel like the real conversation lies with stealing the blanket and the whole magic charm you've had up."

She seemed to resituated herself in her own seat, probably just as uncomfortable with these oversized chairs as she was. Without much to go on, Earth-Chan muddled over the memory of what this pony's name was before letting out a breath. She couldn't remember. Had it really ever been told to her in the first place? Her memory was short. She was feeling a little short. Everything was short, blast these forsaken chairs!

"I would really like to um.... apologize about the blanket. I think it was cozy, and given how new I was to everything when I received it, I kind of clung to it for comfort."

"While you were running away? And obviously you weren't too attached because I don't think I saw it on you in the woods."

"The whole bail routine was kind of by impulse too. I'm not going to lie, I've been running on impulse since I got here. I don't know where I dropped it, but when we're done here I'll go look for it." She had to admit it, nothing seemed planned out. She wasn't necessarily old enough in this new body to really bother with plans yet, but if anything was for certain, her own knowledge and wisdom had escaped her in all this excitement. "I shouldn't have ran like that, but... it was complicated. I didn't have all the answers to... to... Brighty? I didn't have the answers to all of the officers questions, but he kept asking them."

Quirking a brow at that, purple addressed back. "Well, it's his job. Honestly, I'm glad you at least regret it, but you should really apologize and talk it over with him. Those are some bad terms that you really need to mend yourself. That said, the topic of unanswered questions segues back into my first question quite nicely." With a stern look, she honed in on the critter clattered pony with a seriousness unparalleled by any pony Earth had met yet. "Who are you, where did you come from, and who put that spell on you?"

Wincing, Earth looked around. Each pony had different levels of intrigue, from naïve and curious to distraught and mistrusting, she seemed to have a collective hold on everyone's attention. She met eyes with Pinkie and pondered what she should say. Where she should start. Running the scenario in her head a thousand times, she couldn't think of a way to explain it. What she had to tell them was the truth, she was bad at lying anyway. But, if the whole truth seemed like a lie, what was the point of even talking?

Staring at Pinkie Pie for what felt like eons, Earth breathed a sigh as she began to accept the choice she was going to make. "It's a little... difficult." That was true. So far so good.

"The whole story usually is, but it's what we need to move forward, so..." The purple royal nodded her head in an indication to keep going. The blue mare was a little intimidated by that consistent gaze everyone had trained on her, but some soft nuzzles from one of the squirrels gave her a bit of strength to get the ball rolling eventually.

"Okay, we'll go in order I guess. My name is..." Smirking over to Pinkie the two shared a moment of amusement as she introduced herself with her temporary name.

"What?" Quite a few heads tilted at the mention of her name.

"I said my name is..."

"Who?" An unnamed owl seemed keen on interrupting at such an odd time, was she really going to have to say it again?

"My name is Earth-Chan!" Feeling a little flustered as she yelled that last part out, she took a second to collect herself a bit before continuing. "And I'm a um... Okay... look. You have to understand something. What I'm about to say is going to be hard to digest. Seriously, I expect you to think I'm crazy after hearing this."

Clearing her throat, Twilight pierced her wavering resolve with a simple monotoned retort. "Earth-Chan, let me be quite frank, we've dealt with personality switches, cloning pools of water, the god of chaos himself destroying reality, an all out wedding war, a magic sucking centaur fight to the death, and literal communism. Then we have our introduction to you being a random pony who came out of nowhere, committed enough crimes in the course of one day to have a pony hunt set out for her, and all while walking around with a rather powerful charm spell stuck to her like glue. Try me."

Earth nodded along with her lists and began to develop a sense of ease as all the wackiness piled up enough to make it all feel a little mundane at this point. Maybe what she was about to say would be taken well. These girls seemed to have their share of experiences, what's one more.

"Well, thanks. That actually helped a lot. Okay, so I'm an entire planet converted into a single life form. I was going through a bit of a heavy fall out with the inhabitants of my surface and was chosen for... revival. All against my will, I was flung from my orbit in another galaxy all the way here and shrunken down and shaped into what you see me as now. Only recently have I learned that the only reason all of this happened is because my creator, the Universe itself, has some kind of conscious, took a liking to me specifically, and decided to resurrect my corpse for no specified reason. The spell could be a lot of things, and have a lot of power to it, but I'm not really sure what it is, what it does, or why it's bad. But, if I had to name a culprit, his name would be Unity."

She'd gone in feeling rather confident. She left a bunch out expecting some follow up questions to really jump start this conversation. It felt great to let this out of the bag. Lying, secrets, they simply weren't her thing. She'd felt sheepish at first, but by the time she was half way done, she'd gotten giddy with the relief all this came with. That said, the conversation she'd been hoping for was delayed.

One second, two. No one was talking. They were all just staring. Mouths hanging. Silent.

Three second, four. With a tilt of her head, she'd started feeling a little self conscious if the comfort of fuzzy critters weren't there to keep her going.


Letting out a sigh, she'd take a beaver and placed it in front of herself as she began to dote on it with a steady stream of hooved pets. "You said try you...."

That seemed to stir some of them and with a shake of her head, Rainbow of all ponies was the first to speak. "So wait, you really expect us to believe... like, any of that?"

"Well, ya!"

The breath-taking Rarity was next to regain her senses, wriggling her head a bit as if she'd been stunned. "We all surely didn't meet like this to hear the ravings of a loon, right?"

Puffing out her cheeks, the pets Earth gave Mr. Beaver were given a rather rough tinge to them as she frowned deeply at the name calling and cried her rebuke in earnest. "I told you it would sound crazy! Look, it's true, every word. I swear, no, Pinkie Promise! I'm not lying!"

Fluttershy was next to gasp from her trance, looking to Pinkie pie for any read on how to take this. The pinkest of ponies gave no hint herself, still in the throes of shock. The yellow cup of feathers had a desperation to her, almost like she wanted to say something, but had no words to make. Rainbow seemed to come to her rescue as she took a stance where none would. "Ponyfeathers! And I'll prove it too. We knew you might pull something like this, but tough luck. Our girl AJ is the Element of Honesty! She's basically got lie detection down to a tee, she'll tell us how it really is, right AppleJack?"

Both pegasus' turned to gauge their friend, only to be sucked into another fit of surprise as said apple mare continued to wear a face of shock.

Finally, yellow found her words. "A-AJ?"

Flickering her ears lightly, Applejack quickly waggled her head, assuming the same wet dog motion everyone else seemed to be resorting to. She cleared enough static to speak, but she still seemed a dazed by the mental sandwich she'd just been force fed. "Ah-Ah can't r-really tell ya'll. Everything ah have to work with jus kinda tells me she at least believes everything she's saying, down to her core. But, it just... can't be, right?"

"Well why not? Anything and Everything is possible you know." With a small sip of tea, the lord of chaos made himself known to the conversation in no special way besides presence alone. Not there one second, then there the next he'd finishing his sip and pull the cup away before dropping it to the floor, letting it shatter with little respite, only because the mess never ended up existing in the first place. "All of the time."

Author's Note:

Sup guys, thought I'd take a trip down memory lane and start posting again. Here's to opening new doors with old hobbies! What's everybody been up to?

Comments ( 3 )

Amazing story so far. I wonder what Discord is going to do next. Also I hope that Earth calls out Twilight for her complete overreaction on killing those wolfs.

Pleased to see this one updating again. Welcome back. :)

Thanks, it's nice to walk around here again.😁

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