• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 1,785 Views, 70 Comments

The Elements of Love - UnweptSchlipps

With a new kind of dark evil surfacing and the Elements of Harmony gone, six other ponies are called upon to deal with the problem. The kind of problem that involves magic shadows, insane mages, and lots of bagels.

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These Past Few Months...

From the writings of Ms. C. Cheerilee…

I’m not entirely sure why I’m writing this. Perhaps to distance myself from the things happening outside. It’s a futile attempt of course, but it’s better than nothing. I’m surprised the guards gave me this piece of coal and some parchment. I guess you can’t really break out of prison with them…which is a shame.

That cruel harpy Shade has kept us locked up for a month now; we haven’t seen the sun ever since we were dragged here. Not that it would matter anyway. As much as I can tell, the Shadow has spread far past the horizon, and every inch of land in between has been swathed in darkness. We’ve been given a view of it all, atop this cursed tower, where no one can help us.

Soarin has been sharing a cell with Scootaloo. But whenever Soarin attempts to try and comfort her, she just shies away from him and sits alone in the corner. The poor thing. It’s almost as if she’s given up on everything. To think of the cruelty of that statement, to think of all the horrors she’s seen! Seeing her completely drained of her will…it’s something that I can’t bear to watch. I don’t think Soarin can either. He’s blamed himself for all this, for being a pawn for Shade’s wicked plans. But no matter how many times I tell him it’s not his fault, he won’t listen.

Braeburn and Redheart share the cell next to me. The two have begun to bicker at each other, even though at times they don’t even remember what they were fighting about. Until a week ago, Braeburn has been spewing out denials and utter lies, saying that “it ain’t that bad”. But it finally hit him, and since then he’s been so irate and frustrated. Redheart hasn’t been any better. Sometimes she just lashes out in anger only to break down crying, as though those emotions pent up inside of her has finally come flooding out.

But the worst by far is Lucky. He just sits same spot by the barred window, staring out blankly. Whenever I attempt to talk to him, he just responds with, “It’s over...” Every night I hear him thrashing about in his bed, no doubt having nightmares about this whole catastrophe. And sometimes, when all is quiet…he weeps. And I have no choice but to watch him, a once confident and energetic stallion, break down like a young foal. It’s as though he’s…he’s…I can’t even bring myself to describe it.

I love him. That’s what makes this so difficult. Seeing the one I love shattered…it makes my heart want to shatter as well. I love him, l love him, I love him, I love him. I feel like I have to keep saying that every single day. Because as time wears on, I fear that I will forget what it feels like. How scary is that? Forgetting what it’s like to love and be loved? Already I am starting to wonder. After all that we’ve been through, all the trials we’ve face together, all those times when he helped me…I want to be there for him. But I’m starting to feel numb…

I can hear our captors coming up the stairs now. This is highly unusual, considering they’ve already delivered our meal of stale bread and stagnant water. It looks like this will be all for now…

Cheerilee stuffed the parchment underneath the piece of styrofoam which functioned as her bed. She glanced over at Lucky, who sat against the wall, his head leaned back and his eyes closed. A part of her wished to wrap her hooves around him and kiss him. But instead, she simply crept over to the bars to peak at the guards marching up the stairway.

The only other pony to stand up was Soarin, who besides Cheerilee, seemed the most sane out of the group. His wings were still messy and slightly off kilter, but he had been slowly recuperating during this month of captivity. However, meager rations made it extremely difficult for him to get stronger. Cheerilee could see that Soarin’s muscly legs have shrunk, and some of his ribs were visible.

The pegasus tried to give a small smile, and Cheerilee returned the gesture. “Think they’re bringing up some extra snacks?” Soarin said hopefully.

“If only we were so lucky…”

The dungeon gate swung open, clanging loudly against the stone wall. The sound of clopping hooves echoed through the cells, catching the attention of Braeburn and Redheart. Finally, the Shadowmares came into view, their dark heads adorned with Crystal Pony armor. They did not carry any food or water. Instead, they dragged along a cloaked figure, who was limp in their grasp.

They stopped in front of Braeburn’s cell, taking out their keys. When the cell opened, neither of the captive ponies made any attempt to escape. The guards tossed the shrouded figure inside, slammed the door shut, and promptly trotted away without a word. The unknown pony thudded against the ground, and lay motionless.

“Is…is he dead?” Soarin asked.

Braeburn poked the body, and to his surprise, it began to twitch. The figure let out a painful groan, slowly getting to his hooves. “Where am I?” the masculine voice muttered.

He flipped back his hood to reveal a messy blue mane, with a large white horn protruding from his forehead. His light blue eyes were narrowed, darting around the room suspiciously. His chest was puffed out and his legs were like trunks, cutting an intimidating figure. “I said, where am I?” the stallion repeated, this time in a commander-like tone.

“What does it look like, partner, a fiesta? This is prison,” Braeburn responded, keeping his eyes trained on the ground.

“I feared so.” The stallion wrapped his hooves around the bars, trying to stare out into the hall. “Then this must be the Crystal Tower Dungeon, correct?”


Shaking his head, the unicorn responded, “Can’t believe I almost didn’t recognize this place."

“You’ve been here before?” Soarin asked.

“Yeah. Was here for a year. One of the most impenetrable dungeons I've seen."

Soarin raised an eyebrow, backing away from the bars. Pausing for a moment, he finally asked, "So you were here...I mean, you're not a...a..."

With a snicker, the stallion replied, "Oh sorry. I was a guard, not a criminal. Probably should of mentioned that first.”

“A guard, huh?”

“Yeah. Sent here when I was a grunt. Celestia figured the Crystal Ponies could use some help.” The former guard turned his head towards the cowpony. “And who are you fellows?”

“This ain't the place fer formal introductions, partner,” Braeburn muttered bitterly, clawing at the stone with his hooves.

“Don’t mind him. We’ve been in here for a while now. It’s been rough.” Cheerilee stood up, struggling to give a welcoming grin. “I’m Cheerilee, those ponies you’re sharing a cell with are Braeburn and Redheart.”

“I’m Soarin,” the pegasus called, waving. “Back here is Scootaloo.”

The stallion’s eyes widened when he saw the little ball of fur curled up behind Soarin. “Wow…she’s just a child…” he whispered, shaking his head. “And what about that one behind you, Cheerilee?”

The grin disappeared from the teacher’s face, replaced by a melancholy frown. Looking at her cellmate from the corner of her eye, she replied quietly, “Oh. That…that’s Lucky.”

“We’re the Elements of Love...if that means anything,” Soarin quickly added, trying to draw stallion's attention.

The statement certainly did its job, as the cloaked pony’s ears perked up, and his eyes brightened. “The Elements of Love? You’re the Elements of Love?” he inquired, a smile playing on his lips. The others nodded. “Amazing! I’ve heard stories…Cadance told me she was going to Equestria to find you!”

“You know...Princess Cadance?”

“Well of course. I love her to death. I…I hope she’s alright,” the stallion said solemnly, his voice tender and compassionate.

Soarin was surprised to hear such words come from a huge, daunting stallion. “What did you say your name was again?” the pegasus asked, his eyebrow raised.

“Oh, sorry. I never did." He pulled off his cloak, revealing a bright blue shield with his family crest emblazoned on his flank.

"I’m Shining Armor.”

“Do not worry Cadance! We are immortal! She cannot kill us.”

“That may be true. But when I’m through with you…you’ll wish you were dead.”

These voices rang throughout the dreary Shadow Castle hallways. Two princesses, the rulers of the sun and moon themselves, were being dragged out of the throne room by large shadowy beasts. They had dark magic surrounding their wings and horns, rendering them completely useless. Celestia and Luna had no choice but to limp away, while Cadance watched from afar, unable to bring her eyes off the floor.

That vision never left Cadance’s mind the entire month she had been held captive. Now she sat in that same throne room, her head and her ears drooped low. The light from her normally sprightly eyes were gone. A pair of guards stood on either side of her, prepared for the off-chance that she might decide to escape. Unfortunately, they would not be getting such satisfaction.

Finally, a voice called from behind, “Cadance. I’m so glad you could drop by.”

Without turning around, the alicorn replied, “I don’t think I had a choice in the matter.”

“It’s not very polite to turn away from the one you’re addressing.”

“Neither is taking one’s family and kingdom and turning it into a barren wasteland.”

Expelling a sigh, Shade muttered, “Very well. I suppose I should come to you.”

There was a muffled swish, and when Cadance opened her eyes, she found Shade standing before her, black smoke dispelling from her hooves. “There are others who will stop you,” Cadance said, her eyes hardened.

Shade crept towards her nemesis, a cynical grin plastered on her dark face. Every step she took, she left a black swirling circle in her wake. Her striking purple eyes glared straight into Cadance’s soul, and she uttered, “You’re not referring to those…Elements of Harmony were they? The Shadow is spreading across the continent, Cadance, and Celestia isn't around to prod them along anymore. They're probably fleeing the country right now. And if they haven’t been swallowed already, they soon will be. Just like everyone else.”

Shade rubbed a hoof along Cadance’s chin for good measure, but the alicorn quickly shrugged it off with a grunt. “How old are you, Shade?” she replied through clenched teeth. “You are but a child! Don’t tell me—”

Suddenly, a pair of hooves grasped her jaw shut. A snout was thrust into Cadance’s face, close enough for her to feel Shade’s breath crawling down her face. It was surprisingly warm. “Do not. Call me. A child,” the Shadow Queen whispered, relinquishing her grasp.

The pink princess rubbed her stinging jaw, which had been slightly darkened by Shade's touch. “Okay, okay. But that still doesn’t change a thing.” Cadance attempted to step forward, but was quickly stopped by two pairs of shadow tentacles jutting from the guards, which grabbed onto her hooves. She let out a tiny gasp, but managed to maintain her stolid expression. “You are still young, with much to learn. How can you say that this is what you want?”

“Please don’t give me a clichéd speech about my age, princess. I’m not a confused teenager who wants someone to talk to. All that matters is that I’ve had my sights set on revenge for a long time.”

“This isn’t revenge!" Cadance shouted, pounding the floor angrily. "This is murdering innocent ponies who’ve done nothing to you. You have me, why kill everypony else?”

For the first time, those striking purple eyes seemed to falter. They blinked for a moment before being directed to the ground, unable to meet Cadance’s own glare. “It’s…it’s an unfortunate consequence,” Shade whispered.

Taking advantage of the sudden change, Cadance retorted with a smirk, “You don’t sound so sure about that.”

“Silence!” Shade yelled, her eyes swiftly lighting back up with fury. Pointing her hooves to the doors, she ordered, “Guards. Take her away.”

"What happened? I thought you wanted my company?"

"I said, silence!" Shade's voice echoed through the black chamber, as mist flared up from her stomping hooves.

The Shadowmares put their tendrils around Cadance and slowly began to lead her out of the throne room. But as they turned around, the shadow princess and the love princess locked eyes. “I’ve seen a lot of things these past few months, Cadance. You’re not the only one,” Shade hissed. Then, she quickly disappeared into her own shadow, leaving Cadance to be escorted away.

However, as she exited the throne room, the alicorn couldn’t help but be puzzled by what she had just heard. Glancing down at the floors of her once-glimmering Crystal Castle, a pair of striking purple eyes remained emblazoned in her mind. But they weren't the cold eyes of a murderer.

After years of foalsitting, Cadance knew what those eyes said, even if Shade didn't know herself.

Comments ( 2 )

Yay!!! You updated!!!


3054475 Just suggested your story to Wanderer D's review team.:pinkiehappy:

Let's cross our fingers.:raritystarry:

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