• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 1,785 Views, 70 Comments

The Elements of Love - UnweptSchlipps

With a new kind of dark evil surfacing and the Elements of Harmony gone, six other ponies are called upon to deal with the problem. The kind of problem that involves magic shadows, insane mages, and lots of bagels.

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Bearers of Love

The gray unicorn marched down the seemingly endless hallway, surrounded on all four sides by a Royal Guard. He made a show of straightening his tie nonchalantly, even though in actuality, he was utterly terrified. To his right, a pegasus guard wouldn’t stop glaring at him angrily. And if looks could kill, Lucky would have been obliterated into bits and pieces five times over. When the guards came to deliver a message in Las Haygas, the unicorn immediately panicked and tossed a multitude of bagels at the guard’s face, sending him into the Maynn fountain. It’s not my fault he looked at me funny, Lucky thought.

Suddenly, he was harshly shoved in the flank through a large door. He muttered, “Watch it buddy. This suit probably cost more than you.” But then the unicorn turned around to see not one, not two, but three alicorn princesses standing before him.

“Whatever it is, I swear I didn’t do it,” Lucky quickly said, his eyes darting nervously between the pink alicorn before him and the two standing in the back. “I mean…yes, I may have run with some bad groups before but-.”

Cadance shook her head and smiled gently at the misguided unicorn. She told him, “You’re not in trouble Lucky. I just called you in to talk.”

“Oh…” Lucky muttered, his ears drooping and his cheeks turning red. He gave an embarrassed smile, cleared his throat, and continued, “Well then…disregard what I just said, heh. So…with all due respect, what was it you wanted to talk about Princess?”

“Just a few moments. There’s a few more I’m waiting for. Wait there,” Cadance replied, pointing to the table where her aunts waited. Lucky obeyed, and took a chair just a few feet away from the royal mistresses.

He stirred in his chair uncomfortably, unsure of how to address the situation. After all, he was sitting right across from royalty, and surely he couldn’t just nod his head awkwardly and greet them with, “Um, top of the morning.” But, in the end, that was exactly what he did.

Lucky was saved from more embarrassing conversation when another stallion strolled through the doors. Doesn’t look like much, Lucky thought, sizing up the second guest. He looked like just a regular farm-pony, staring in awe at the wonders of Canterlot Castle.

Braeburn gazed at the glimmering silver chandeliers, the majestic throne, and the intricate stained-glass bordering the room. He took in the building’s sheer elegance, something that Appleloosa lacked. It was all so new, in fact, that he had failed to notice the pink princess standing in his path.

Braeburn suddenly collided against Princess Cadance, snapping him out of his thoughts. He glanced up to see the alicorn’s gleaming purple eyes staring right back at him. Then he caught a glimpse of the golden crown on her head, and the cowpony immediately kneeled before her presence, stammering, “Y-your Majesty! Ah-ah’m sorry. Ah didn’t mean to bump into you like that!”

But to his surprise, the pink alicorn helped the stallion to his feet, and answered sweetly, “Although I am flattered, Braeburn, there’s no need for the formalities. Please, you may call me Cadance.”

“Ah course Yer Majesty…Ah mean Cadance.” Braeburn tipped his hat and shuffled over to take a seat next to the gray unicorn. The two sat together silently, not even acknowledging each other with some kind of nod or wave. The stallions certainly couldn’t look any more different; Lucky wore an expensive vest and a tie, while Braeburn wore his simple farm work clothes.

Meanwhile, just outside, three mares walked towards the throne room. One of them, an orange filly, hopped along while examining the stone sentries lining the walls. Scootaloo exclaimed, “Wow! Look at those statues! This place is so cool!”

“Now Scootaloo, please calm down and mind your manners. We’re in Celestia’s Castle, and we have to show her some respect,” a purple mare said.

“Okay,” the filly said rather unenthusiastically. Scootaloo rejoined the other two mares, staying close to her schoolteacher’s legs.

Nurse Redheart eyed the filly tenderly. The nurse had traded in her scrubs for a woolen green sweater, but she still wore her signature cap proudly. She told Cheerilee, “She’s a cute one. You must be proud.”

“What? Oh sorry, I’m not her mother. I’m just her teacher.”

“Well where is her mother then?” Redheart questioned.

Cheerilee immediately looked away and pretended to clear her throat. But seeing as though the nurse was expecting an answer, the teacher began, “Oh…ahem…well you see...oh look, it’s the throne room! We’d better not keep the princesses waiting!”

The teacher quickly burst into the room, slightly surprised to see Cadance standing before her and not the other two sisters. She was about to bow respectfully, but Cadance interrupted, “There’s no need, Miss Cheerilee. Please take a seat over there.”

With almost everypony present, Cadance was anxiously awaiting for the final member to arrive. But the seconds soon turned to minutes, and minutes…an hour. By now, the pink alicorn began to tap the ground, biting her lip impatiently. She locked her eyes on the empty chair at the table, her thoughts going back to her ruined kingdom. But nonetheless, Cadance had to play it cool, and she retained her calm demeanor in front of the others.

She told them quietly, “We only have one guest left, but apparently he’s running a bit late. I wonder where he-.”

Right on cue, a light blue blur bursted through the ceiling, spinning wildly into the marble floor. He skid along the polished ground on his stomach before coming to a stop at Cadance’s hooves.The stallion was dressed in his formal blue attire, with his sleeves rolled high and his tie hanging loose. He might have looked quite dapper, if it wasn’t for the cherry filling splattered all over his collar.

Soarin' quickly hopped upright, wiping off a few crumbs lining his mouth. He sputtered, “Sorry I’m late Princess! A little bakery had this awesome cherry pie in their window and I had to…”

Soarin' saw the others’ narrowed eyes glaring right at him. He attempted a cool smile, trying to divert their attention from the giant gaping hole he had left in the ceiling. He raised a hoof in greeting and said, “Um…'Sup?”

“Yes, well, I suppose we shall get a few guards to fix that,” Princess Luna spoke. “But until then…Cadance, ‘tis your turn to speak.”

“Thanks Auntie,” the pink alicorn replied, relieved to finally get this important meeting underway. She addressed the six figures sitting idly before her, “I suppose you’re probably wondering why I summoned you here. And trust me, I will explain the entire situation soon. But it's important that you first come with me.” Princess Cadance made her way to a spot by the throne. She casted a magical spell on the chair, and with a click, the throne raised up to reveal a secret passageway. “Don’t be shy,” she said kindly, beckoning them to follow. Although all six exchanged confused looks, they all stood up and followed the alicorn deep into the recesses of the castle.

As the group treaded through the dark hallway, Cadance iterated, “Perhaps you have heard of the Elements of Harmony, yes? They are the symbols used by the Royal Sisters to keep peace across the land. They have bearers as well, and some of you probably know them personally.”

She led them into a stone room, almost barren except for a large stone altar in the middle and two carvings in the wall. One depicted a six-pointed star surrounded by five orbs, each containing a different design. The other looked similar, with six orbs and a heart replacing the star. For some reason, each orb was blank, as though whoever had made the carving had left it unfinished.

As the six ponies took their place around the stone altar, Cadance continued, “Well, there is another set of Elements. A sort of…extension of the first six if you will. They are called the Elements of Love, and they are used to spread compassion and understanding throughout the land just as the Elements of Harmony spread peace and tolerance. And also like the Elements of Harmony, they need bearers.” She cast her kind gaze upon each of the six and stated, “And those bearers, my little ponies, are you.”

Cheerilee exchanged a surprised glance with Redheart, with Scootaloo caught in the middle. Braeburn whispered something to Soarin', who just raised his eyebrows. Finally, Lucky uttered what everypony in the room was thinking. “You can’t be serious.”

“I understand that this may come as a shock to you all,” Cadance replied patiently. “I have personally selected each and every one of you. I have seen you do great things for your friends, family, and even complete strangers. And you all embody one of the six Elements better than anyone else.”

Her horn began to glow with a deep purple magic. First it flowed from the carving to her horn,then suddenly, Cadance directed the magic towards Soarin'. At first, it took all his willpower to keep from jumping back in surprise. But then a warm feeling overcame the pegasus, travelling through every corner of his body. His heart rate slowed, and every muscle in his body felt as relaxed as they could be.

The love princess said, “Love is full of sacrifices. One must be willing to give up a part of themselves for the sake of another. Soarin', your willingness to carry a burden for the betterment of others, even if it means physical harm, has earned you…the Element of Self-Sacrifice!” On cue, one of the orbs in the carving lit up, casting a bright light on the dim room. The glowing soon subsided, revealing a new carving in the orb in the shape of a winged lightning bolt.

The pegasus gaped at the marking and uttered a single word, “Rad.”

Cadance turned the magic to the schoolteacher, and recited, “In true love, there is a flame. A spark that gives a pony the will to do whatever they can for another. Cheerilee, your complete devotion to your students and love for what you do makes you…the Element of Passion!” Another glow, and another new carving. This time, in the shape of a flower.

The cowpony’s turn was next. “In love, one cannot have secrets. One must always be able to tell the truth, as well as see the truth. Braeburn, your uncanny ability to see past the veil of lies and deceit, as well as the ability to stay true to yourself, earns you…the Element of Truth!” Braeburn watched as his cutie mark joined the others’, taking some comfort in knowing his cousin had gone through this before.

“With love, a pony is able to know what another is going through, revel in their joy, and comfort them in their pain. Nurse Redheart, your ability to feel another’s happiness and despair, as well as ease their sadness, gives you…the Element of Understanding!” The medic saw her cutie mark appear on the wall, acknowledging it with a polite nod.

When Lucky’s turn came along, the look of anxiety was plain on his face. But like Soarin, he felt the magic rush through his veins and began to calm down. That, plus Cadance’s naturally soothing voice, allowed the gambler to relax. “When it comes to love, there is much to be unsure about. But one has to be able to push aside uncertainty and leap into the unknown, believing that there’s goodness ahead. Lucky, your uncommon belief that fortune will come your way even when things seem grim makes you…the Element of Faith!”

Finally, the alicorn turned to the filly, smiling compassionately while saying, “And little Scootaloo. True love is able to pass through trials, put behind the hardships, and stand against the tests of time itself. And your ability to keep trying even after what seems to be failure earns you…the Element of Perseverance.” This time however, unlike the others, the orb remained blank. Scootaloo couldn’t help but look at her flank sadly, feeling just a slight bit embarrassed.

But nonetheless, Cadance continued, “Each of you represents an element that true benevolence needs to survive. Without any one of these, compassion ceases to exist. Together, you are the Elements of Love!” Upon saying this, the now-completed carving exploded in a flash of light that enveloped the entire room. The flash swallowed the group in its warm embrace, and a magical gust of wind flowed throughout the stone chamber.

When the light died down, each of the six found a mystical circlet wrapped around their necks. Each of the golden artifacts had a jewel matching their cutie marks, practically glowing with magical power. The newly-crowned Elements of Love were in absolute awe, trying to grasp the newfound power thrust upon them.

Scootaloo marveled over the beautiful necklace, fawning over the flawless emerald embedded into the gold. But then she said, “This is cool and all but…now what do we do? Go around and kiss everypony we see?”

“I’d be down with that,” Soarin commented.

“No Scootaloo. There is a reason as to why I’ve chosen you now,” Cadance answered solemnly. “You see, I need you all to defeat a deadly unknown force threatening to swallow the land in darkness.”

Lucky uttered, “Oh cool…wait. What?”

What...is...up my loyal readers? Hope you liked the elements I picked out. I suppose you could pair 'em up with the existing Elements of Harmony, but I'll you guys decide how that would go. Also, SHOUTOUT to my pre-reader Frenchie! Thanks for the help and the advice, and everyone better give him a looksie! Seriously, or else...
Anyway, remember to track, favorite, like, and comment. And as always, keep on flying bronies; keep spreading the love!