• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 3,726 Views, 43 Comments

Equestria's Phantom - RayRox360

Upon meeting a strange young colt seemingly new in Ponyville, Twilight and her friends find themselves in for one heck of a ride as they try to peel back the layers of this secretive colt. So . . . just what is this Danny hiding, anyway?

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Chapter 8: Puddles

Chapter 9: Puddles

"How theheckcan he sleep through this?!"

Twilight let out a sigh of exasperation and shook her head slowly. "Honestly, if the castle were falling apart and the demons of Tartarus were crawling through the floors and windows, Spike would probably just mumble something about it being anungodly hourand howhe can never get a moments peace in this housebefore rolling over and falling right back asleep."

Danny let out a snort, only to wince as another harsh crack of lightning sounded from outside, the room quickly illuminating in blinding white light before falling dim once more.

The teen glanced out the window before turning back towards the mare sitting next to him. "Sorry Spike, I ain't fighting no demons for you." He muttered, Twilight letting out a chuckle of her own. "Nice to know we can count on you." She sniped, Danny flashing her a toothy grin in response.

The pair was currently sitting on the couch in the study, watching the large black drops of rain splatter against the window panes and the harsh winds whip trees back and forth, teasing their destruction with creaking branches and flying leaves.

"So what's with the weather, Twi? The pegasi having a temper tantrum or something?" He asked, turning back towards the mare.

Twilight rolled her eyes (an action she had grown quite accustomed to whenever Danny was in the room). "Despite the brilliant logic behind that assumption, I'm going to have to say no." She said before clearing her throat.

Danny felt his eyes widen.Oh no. That's her 'Pre-lecturing voice clear!'

"Around this time of year, the edge between Autumn and Winter, the pegasi arrange a larger than usual storm to shake down those last stubborn leaves from the trees and clear them away from the area. That way, it's easier to get everything ready for the transition between seasons." She explained, before a small frown grew onto her face. "Don't they do this in your village?"


"Uh . . well my village isn't the biggest, and the town next to us is alotlarger. So whenever they start their season transitions, it affects our village as well." He explained, Twilight gauging his response for a moment before nodding her head. "Oh, alright."

Whoa, that is the fastest I haveeverthought!

The mare turned her head to stare out the window once more, only for another long sigh to trail out of her mouth as she felt something batting her tail back and forth. Turning around, she glanced down and noticed Danny was now lying on the floor, his hooves up in the air as he swatted Twilight's tail back and forth.

"What the heck are you doing?"

"Baking a cake."

"You're . . . I-I don't . . .what?!"

The teen glanced up at her and cocked his head. "What? Don't believe me?"

The mare stared at him with an incredulous look before shaking her head and turning back to the window. Safe to say, the kid was bored.

Which was a dangerous thing.

The last time Danny had been bored, she found him in the kitchen making a fort out of the plates. Begrudgingly, the mare had to confess she ended up joining him inside, but that was beyond the point.

Bored Danny was a dangerous Danny.

Although, she had to admit, she was getting bored as well. The storm had been raging on for a couple hours and still showed no signs of letting up. She sighed and rested her head on her hooves. "What? Got nothing to do for once?" Danny called up at her.

She lifted her head and glared at him. "Well Iwouldbe reading right about now butsomehowmy booksmysteriouslygot covered in jello!" She growled, Danny cracking a sideways grin at her mumbles.

"So how 'bout you? What do you suggest we do, then?" She muttered.

Danny scrunched his nose for a moment of silence before a small grin formed on his face.

"Are yousurethis is safe?!"


Another crack of lightning split the sky as Twilight watched the teen leap into another puddle, the water exploding around him before falling back down to the ground once more. Danny had been busying himself with leaping from one puddle to the next for at least ten to fifteen minutes, completely ignoring the princess's wishes for him to get back inside.

"Aren't you a little old to be jumping in puddles?" She called from the castle doorway.

"Aren't you a little young to be scolding me for doing it instead of trying it yourself?!"

Twilight said nothing as she watched the teen dive into another puddle. This time, mud and grime splattering onto the sides of his face. Though it did little to damper the large grin splitting his face. The mare let out a sigh as she leaned up against the doorframe, turning her gaze to one of the large puddles near the door.

Her ear twitched slightly as she tentatively reached a hoof out towards the puddle, the drops of rain sliding down her fur.

Years ago, when she was still a filly, she wouldn't have hesitated to jump into the large puddle. Whenever it would rain in Canterlot, her and Shining Armor would hold contests to see who could create the biggest splash. He'd always win considering their noticeable size difference, but it never really mattered to her considering how much fun it was.

But now?

She glanced behind her at the castle foyer before turning her head to look back at Danny, who was currently chasing what looked to be a frog . . . . or a very, very ugly cat. She couldn't help the smile that formed as she watched him slip on another patch of mud and land face-first into the sticky substance.

Lifting his mud-covered-face, the teen shook his head, the dirt splaying everywhere as he turned to look back up at Twilight, a large grin still evident on his face. "Would you hurry it up already?!" He shouted, only to jump as another bolt of lightning streaked across the sky. "I'd like for you to enjoy thisbeforeI'm turned to a crisp." He called, keeping his eyes trailed on the sky as he did so.

He gasped and fell backwards as a large splash of water slammed into his face. Pushing the wet strands of hair out of his eyes, he laughed as Twilight's hooves slipped out from underneath her and she landed sideways into another patch of mud.

"This issooounsafe." She chuckled, her wet mane now clinging to her forehead.

Danny merely shrugged his shoulders. "Ehh . . I'd rather be out in the open than in something shaped like a tree during afrikkinlightning storm." He shouted, flailing his hooves in the air for effect, which really only ended up with him eating mud once more.

Twilight rolled her eyes. "It's not even a real tree!"

"It's close enough!" Danny shouted, slamming his front hooves down into another puddle, sending a wave of water towards Twilight, slapping the mare in the face.

She gasped and turned towards the teen, who had quickly hopped away, short black tail twirling in the air mischievously. She grinned wickedly as her horn lit up and a bright pink blast shot out from it, slamming into one of the larger pools of water.

Danny let out a small yelp of shock as a literal wave of water slammed into him, knocking him off his hooves.

Twilight laughed as the teen quickly rose back up to his hooves and charged the mare. She raised her haunches before quickly sidestepping the teen, causing him to slide farther down the street.

Slipping and sliding against the slick grass, he righted himself and turned back around, quickly giving chase to the mare as the two continued to rage war in the pouring rain.