• Published 31st Dec 2017
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Spiders and Magic: Bonds - Masterob

Quick bonding moments in the Spiders and Magic world.

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Dates and Training

The romance between Peter Parker and Twilight Sparkle has almost no equal. The two would do just about anything for each other, from the simplest task to the most daring of adventures. Whether it's fighting side by side or just enjoying a nice date with each other, there is no argument that the two enjoy each other's company.

There are many reasons why Peter and Twilight make a great couple, though it would be too long of a list to make. Some things are better shown.

One major thing that makes them a good couple is balance, the two balance each other. Peter helps Twilight find balance in her studies and some fun, while Twilight helps with his emotional balance.

The two make a decent superhero team as well, having already saved the multiverse on occasion. They also make exceptional parents, as shown by their love and care for their daughter, Mayday Parker-Sparkle.

Peter and Twilight care for many, especially those they call family, which includes Peter's Aunt May, Twilight's little brother Spike and her big brother Shining Armor along with his wife Cadance, their niece Flurry Heart and their sister-like roommate Trixie Lulamoon.

Twilight of course considered all of her friends like family, they meant so much to her like she meant to them. Of course they all loved Peter just as much, just as he loved them. Before them, Peter had little idea of true friends. Even among other heroes he was sometimes felt out of place.

Things have gotten much better so now Peter feels happy not just around Twilight's friends, but now reunited with his hero allies, he feels more of a bond. He's happy to have put his rivalry with Johnny aside for a buddy like relationship, happy to have an older brother figure in Logan, have another bond with Bobby, and even bond with others like Remy and Janet, two he hadn't really interacted much with.

Plus Twilight is very fond of these heroes, she's grown to like Janet despite her initial mistrust, though that was mainly since Janet was dating Spike. Over the months the two slowly got along, though Twilight is still a little put off by Janet's sarcastic attitude, even though she should be used to ponies like that by now.

She also bonded well with Johnny, and the two enjoy each other's company. At least when he doesn't say anything to annoy her, fortunately Johnny's learned how to not anger Twilight to the point of her chasing him around Equestria. Twilight has been nice enough to help Johnny and Rainbow Dash take care of her daughter and teach them to find ways to reduce her temper tantrums.

Peter and Twilight do a lot with their friends, and for their friends, even for their family. But lately they've been wanting to do something special with each other, a sentiment that the other couples seemed to share.

Peter and Twilight were off to go on a little date together, though they won't be going alone as Shining Armor and Cadance had also made plans to join them. Peter and Shining weren't too happy at first, they just wanted to be alone with their wives and not do a double date. But Twilight and Cadance insisted, then promised Peter and Shining that they'll each get their alone time with their wives afterwards.

Janet liked the date idea and decided she wanted Spike to take her someplace nice. Spike gladly agreed to that, wanting to spend time with Janet. So due to that, that meant Trixie would be watching over the foals. She already had Mayday and Hope, but out of insistence from Twilight, also had to watch over Flurry Heart, the reason being that Twilight knew Flurry would want to spend time with her cousin whom she loved deeply.

The family is seen at the train station one morning, Peter and Twilight are about to leave while Trixie and Mayday see them off.

"Once the train arrives, Flurry should be getting off while me and Peter go on board to meet with Shining Armor and Cadance," Twilight said. "You can take the fillies home, Spike and Janet should still be there for a little bit before they leave."

"Though it's kinda weird that they're doing this at the same time we are, I'm surprised they didn't join us," Peter said.

"Maybe Janet's just being a little competitive, that's a little odd but I've kinda gotten used to her odd personality," Twilight said.

"Having Pinkie Pie as a friend would help," Trixie pointed out. "It's no surprise why the two got along so well back when Janet was staying with her."

"Anyway she and Spike will be off soon, try to keep yourself busy and don't get too bored," Peter said.

"When am I too bored?" Trixie asked.

"Well you do occasionally lie around and complain quite a bit, maybe get a coltfriend to keep you busy," Peter said.

Trixie scoffed with a roll of her eyes, "I don't need a coltfriend to have excitement in my life."

Peter shrugged, "Up to you." At that point the train had pulled up. "Looks like our train is here, let's get going Twi."

"Right," Twilight said, feeling a bit giddy, "Kinda excited, going on a double date along with my brother, maybe the two of you can bond a little more."

"I'm not exactly expecting anything grand," Peter admitted. "But I'll try."

"You know deep down he likes you, he's just too stubborn to admit it," Twilight said. As the doors opened, the Crystal Empire couple stepped out. Twilight was the first to greet them, "Cadance! BBBFF!"

"Twiley!" Shining Armor said, rushing over to greet his younger sister with a hug.

Peter also walked over to greet the two. "Hey Cadance, and Big Brother-in-law Best Friend For-"

"Don't," Shining Armor warned.

Peter did a light chuckle as he shrugged it off, "Typical Shining Armor, though that's one thing I like about you, when you don't like something, you stick by it."

"What kind of admirable trait is that?" Trixie asked.

"I don't know, just popped into my head," Peter said. "Anyway there's somepony missing, where's my favorite little niece?"

"Uncle Peter!" Flurry Heart eagerly shouted, rushing to Peter with a hug of her own. "I missed you so much!"

"Aw, same here," Peter said, bringing her closer for the hug.

Flurry looked around, "Where's cousin Mayday?"

"At home, your Auntie Trixie's gonna take you to see her," Peter said.

"I'm sure she'll be very happy to see you," Twilight said.

Flurry Heart hopped excitedly towards Trixie, "Can we go see her now!?"

"Yes, we can, though if I'm honest I'm not sure why you're so excited to see Mayday. Great of a child as she is, she doesn't seem to get along well with other foals," Trixie said.

That caused a little confusion from the other ponies.

"What are you talking about Trixie?" Twilight asked. "Mayday gets along well with other foals."

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Mayday not being nice to anypony," Cadance said.

"It's not that she isn't nice, she's just not very sociable, lately she seems attached to that lab Peter built," Trixie said.

"Mayday's just being herself, nothing wrong with that," Peter said.

Trixie shook her head slightly, "Just make sure she doesn't stay too anti-social, it's already a bit troubling that she's being home-schooled, this limits her social life."

"Eh, it's not like you make that many friends anyway, I know from experience," Peter said, rubbing his head sheepishly.

"I never exactly made that many friends either, but I turned out alright," Twilight said.

"Huh? You did make friends, you just kinda forgot about them," Shining Armor reminded, much to Twilight's annoyance. "Well, it's true. I at least remember your friend Moon Dancer."

"I've spoken with Moon Dancer, she's doing fine, she's not mad about me not showing up at her party," Twilight said, then lightly whispered. "Not anymore at least."

"Trixie, just let Mayday be herself and stop worrying too much. I'm sure she'll give Flurry attention, she usually does," Peter said, and looked down to his niece. "Isn't that right Flurry?"

"Yeah, cousin Mayday always gives me her attention eventually," Flurry said.

Trixie looked curious, "What do you mean 'eventually'?"

Peter groaned in frustration, "Can we forget about this please, we need to get on the train, I think the conductor's getting impatient."

Twilight noticed the conductor pointing to his watch and gesturing them to move. "Peter's right, we really do need to get going." Twilight turned to Trixie, "Mayday will be fine, and if you need any assistance, just go get Pinkie Pie."

"Sure thing Twilight," Trixie said. The group boarded the train with Trixie waving good-bye, then turning to Flurry. "Let's get you to your cousin, who 'eventually' gives you her attention."

Flurry looked kinda confused by Trixie's tone, "Is that a bad thing?"

"Not exactly, I just wish she could be a little more friendly, especially to her cousin whom she is suppose to love," Trixie said.

"She does love me, she must since she always stops doing what she says is 'very important' to spend time with me, even if she gets a little mad about it, but she never gets mad at me at least," Flurry said.

Trixie sighed as she walked Flurry to the Parker-Sparkle home, "That filly, I love her dearly but I really want her to have it better than her parents did, and myself for that matter."

Elsewhere at Celestia's castle, Cap is walking and talking with Princess Celestia in the halls.

"Everything is still looking alright, no signs of imbalance anywhere," Cap said.

"Are you certain about that?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, Doctor Strange has checked on both sides, plus with assistance from Thor's Godly magic and the science provided by Tony and Dr. Richards, we can safely say that there's no signs of trouble in the dimensions anywhere," Cap said.

Celestia nodded slightly, "Seems as if things are much better than I originally thought, still I can't shake the feeling that something could go wrong."

"If anything happens, that's what we're here for," Cap reassured. "Even if not the Avengers, Doctor Strange and his sorcerer allies can help, especially since they know more about this stuff than I do."

"How familiar is your world with interdimensional travel?" Celestia asked.

"Somewhat, Thor's father Odin does watch over the 9 realms, and Doctor Strange is in charge of at least protecting the realm we live in," Cap said.

"9 Realms? How do these realms differ from our world?" Celestia asked.

Cap scratched his head, "Like I said, they know more than I do. My way of helping this world is just by throwing my shield at the danger." Cap did a light chuckle after that, with Celestia at least smiling a bit. "Look don't worry so much, I know this is a big change, Thor was unsure the first time he experienced this type of change."

"Thor is quite the individual," Celestia said. "I've seen him around here quite often trying to pep up my guards, and teaching them strange sayings. I swear I heard a guard of mine say, 'By Celestia's great horn!' or something."

"Yeah..." Cap said, smiling to hide the awkward. "Thor can be a bit...enthusiastic about certain things and it can rub off on others."

"Is that all you have! Put some spirit into it!" they heard Thor shout. They walked toward a balcony where they saw Thor training some guards.

"Huh, looks like he's doing some training," Cap said.

"Yes...wait wasn't training the guards your job Steve?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, but Thor insisted on helping, things are slow in Asgard so he's been coming here to keep busy," Cap said.

"By Celestia's glorious wings, I command thee to give it a greater effort!" Thor shouted.

Celestia slowly turned her eyes towards her wings, flapping them slightly. "My...my glorious wings?"

Cap stiffled a laugh as he lightly rubbed his head, "Well...they are really pretty."

Celestia's eyes widened a moment, then turned away with a blush, "Much appreciated...still, I don't think I want that to be a saying."

"It's just his way of showing his appreciation for you, it's a compliment," Cap reassured.

"I do appreciate that, but still..." Celestia said.

"Might as well get used to it sister," they heard Luna say. At that moment Luna flew beside the two. "He's quite the energetic one, I thought he'd be a little more serious, though if that's his way of being serious then it must have a different meaning in Asgard."

"Has he used you for an expression?" Cap asked.

"He did reference my mane once, though it's mostly been my sister, and one time Princess Cadance," Luna said.

"I see, though I figured you'd be more ok with this, after all you're close with Peter, and he's even more energetic," Cap said.

"Peter's eccentricities are a bit more...charming than Thor's," Luna said.

"Really? This is the first I've heard of it," Celestia said. "You insist he's childish. Then again it was your way of hiding you little crush on him."

Luna blushed angrily, "Sister! Not in front of The Captain!"

"You can just call me 'Cap', or 'Steve' since your sister does as well. And I heard that you had feelings for Peter once, it led to some intense stuff back in our world," Cap said.

Luna sighed, "Nothing I'm proud of, anyway my feelings for Peter are beind me, he's got a wife and daughter now anyway."

"Well..." Cap said. "If you struggle again, you can talk with Logan, he's had similar troubles, he might be able to help."

"I've tried talking with Logan, he's not very social," Luna said. "Not too unfriendly, but still not social."

"Do you have anypony you like Steve?" Celestia asked.

"I've had my fair share of admirers, though things do get complicated," Cap said, rubbing his head shyly. "I can barely hold a friendship, let alone romance."

"Friendship? If you have Friendship troubles, you can speak with Twilight," Celestia said.

"It's fine, I don't wanna bother her if I don't need to," Cap said.

"It's no bother, it's what she loves to do," Celestia said. "Any friendship is worth saving."

"You got that right," Cap said. "Alright, I'll take you up on that."

"Might have to wait, Twilight's busy for the moment," Luna said.

Cap looked across the area, seeing a great view of Equestria. "Such a beautiful land, and a great chance for many of the heroes to enjoy themselves. Never thought this could result in those marriages." Cap chuckled a little, "Maybe ponies just make great wives for superheroes."

"Yes, I guess having a Superhero husband is an exciting idea," Celestia said, hiding her blush again. "I'm glad Twilight and her friends found that happiness."

Cap tapped his chin, "Twilight and Peter did start something amazing, I'm sure they have more adventures to come, but what of the others? What adventures will they have?"

A the three began to wonder, they jumped at the sound of thunder hitting the ground nearby.

"Keep on your hooves!" Thor commanded a frightened guard.

Cap groaned, "Maybe he should relax a bit though."

Author's Note:

Friendship building in Equestria.