• Published 31st Dec 2017
  • 1,039 Views, 6 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Bonds - Masterob

Quick bonding moments in the Spiders and Magic world.

  • ...

Families and Friendships

Later at Sweet Apple Acres, Remy and Applejack have finished their work for the day, though Applejack still looked a little glum. Remy felt bad for his wife, he hated seeing her like this. Once the two made their way toward their home, Remy decided to take that moment to make things right.

"Applejack, you feeling ok?" Remy asked. Silly question but he needed to get her attention somehow.

"I'm fine Remy," Applejack said, trying to sound genuine.

Remy knew she wasn't, he had to get her to talk. "Hey, I'm really sorry if I asked a tough question earlier, I just get worried when I know something's bothering you and you won't talk."

"No, no need to be sorry, yer mah husband, so it's natural that you'd be worried. I'm just not the best at talking about mah feelings," Applejack admitted.

"You've always been an honest pony, so it shouldn't be that hard should it?" Remy asked.

Applejack shook her head, "I haven't always been honest Remy, it was because of that dishonesty that mah parents aren't even around."

"Huh? What does that mean?" Remy asked.

Applejack sniffled a bit, wiping a tear from her eye. "You won't be mad if ah tell you?"

"Applejack, I grew up with dishonesty, you looked past that when you married me, I owe you so much cherrie. So please just tell me what you meant, I'll still be here and still in love with you," Remy said.

Applejack started to feel relieved, glad to have such a great husband. "Let me start by answering another question of yers, about farming. See ah didn't always like it, I wanted to try something different, one of the reasons ah even left this farm to go live in the city with mah aunt and uncle. Because of that ah slacked off to the point where ah ran away into the Everfree Forest."

"Isn't that place dangerous though?" Remy asked.

Applejack nodded, "Learned that the hard way. Mah parents went to get me, and while ah was able to get out...they weren't."

Remy's eyes widened, "So...you think it's your fault?"

"Those vines grabbed mah parents and dragged them into the forest, because ah was too stubborn to be a good farmer. It's mah biggest regret, so I've done everything I could to make up fer it. If I'm the reason Apple Bloom never knew her parents, then I'll do right by her, and be a great older sister," Applejack said.

"Ah, that explains why you're so close, much closer than Rarity and her sister," Remy said. He trotted over and pulled his wife into a hug. "Thanks for telling me, I know it must have been hard. But I love you regardless, I'll do what I can to help ease that pain."

"Thanks sugarcube," Applejack said, returning the hug. "I'd be nothing without you."

"That's not true, you'd be something even if you never met me, I'm the one who's lucky," Remy said.

The two pulled apart and shared a kiss, though the moment was cut short when they heard some tiny hoof steps. They turned to see Apple Bloom and Rumble standing there.

"So, you told him about maw and paw?" Apple Bloom asked.

"He deserved to know about them after all," Applejack said.

"Yeah, I do wanna know more about the parents who raised such awesome ponies," Remy said.

"They would have liked you, dad would be showing you the entire family business, and mom would have gone on about how great it is to have a son-in-law like you. They would be so happy to be grandparents," Applejack said.

"Speaking of which, where's Oliver?" Rumble asked.

"He should still be napping, though he probably woke up and wants his mama, ah should go inside and get him fed and bathed," Applejack said.

"I'll join you, it's fun watching you feed him," Apple Bloom said and then turned to Rumble. "See you tomorrow sugar."

The two shared a kiss as Apple Bloom then went inside with her older sister. Rumble sighed blissfully after the kiss. "She's so amazing, we got ourselves some great fillies Remy."

"Yeah," Remy said, then turned to the forest. "Hm..."

"What's up?" Rumble asked.

"She said her parents were grabbed and dragged into the forest...but that's all she knows it seems," Remy said.

"What are you getting at?" Rumble asked.

"Maybe...they're still in there? Or they escaped and just never came back?" Remy wondered.

"Great as that would sound, I don't think it's possible," Rumble sadly admitted.

Remy tapped his chin, "Maybe I should check it out someday, go in there and-"

"Remy stop," Rumble said. "Look, it's dangerous in there, you're not gonna find anything. You'll just be putting yourself in danger, and I don't think Applejack would forgive that. Just keep being a good husband for her, that's all she needs."

Remy still didn't look convinced, he needed to know for sure, if he could bring his wife's parents back to her then that would make her happier than he could imagine. Though Rumble did have a point, he doesn't even know if they're still in the Everfree Forest, he could be endangering himself for no reason. "I...I guess you might be right."

"Just forget about it, focus on keeping Applejack happy, that's all she wants," Rumble said, then readied his wings. "I'm going home, see ya."

Rumble flew away as Remy tapped his chin in wonder. "Still, if there's a chance, I can't just ignore it." Remy sighed heavily, "Bright Mac...Buttercup...If only I could see you both, and thank you for having a daughter like Applejack." Remy then returned to the barn.

At Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie and the others finally got the place cleaned up. It took a while, but Pinkie was used to cleaning up messes fast.

"That was fun," Deadpool said. "Sorta."

"At least it was also tasty," Pound said.

"Let's just get cleaned up, starting with you two, go get ready for a bath," Pinkie said.

"Aw, do we have to?" Pound asked.

"Do as your Auntie Pinkie says," Deadpool said.

The twins sighed and nodded. "Fine."

Maud made her way to the room she was staying at, "I gotta check on my collection, and Boulder too, he might be hungry."

"Oh, and I gotta get Gummy fed," Pinkie said.

"And I...wait I don't have a pet," Deadpool said, then looked sad. "Now I want a pet."

"We'll get you one, don't worry," Pinkie reassured.

"Thanks, you're the best Pinkie, you and your sister," Deadpool said.

"She is the best, my favorite sister too," Pinkie said.

Suddenly Deadpool realized something. "So why is Maud your favorite? I mean what about Marble and Limestone? I mean I get that Marble barely talks and Limestone's a total...not nice pony," Deadpool would rather not say a much worse insult about somepony in Pinkie's family, "But it's kinda weird that you don't spend time with them as much."

"Well, Marble's too shy at times, it's not easy to bring her anywhere, she never talks to anypony, and Limestone...I'll admit, she's not friendly and kinda mean. I love them both too, but they're not the best ponies to bring places," Pinkie said.

"Oh...makes sense...but what if it makes them sad?" Deadpool asked, then felt weird. "When did I get so sentimental about other ponies?"

"I don't think they mind, Limestone doesn't mind obviously and Marble's probably happier not going somewhere she doesn't want to..." Pinkie said, but felt even more concerned. "I hope I'm not making them sad."

"Well...if I had to say...maybe at least invite them out more...even if they say 'no' they'll know you care about them, I think that's the nice thing to do," Deadpool said.

Pinkie giggled a bit, "You're trying at least, that makes me happy."

"Well at least I know how to do that," Deadpool said. "Anyway, we should get cleaned up, before the Cakes come home and realize something funny."

"Right...by the way, think we'll be able to have kids of our own sometime soon?" Pinkie asked.

Deadpool removed his mask for the moment, giving Pinkie and honest smile. "Of course, whenever you're ready to."

Pinkie squeed and kissed Deadpool, "You're too sweet Pooly."

"So are you...maybe it's because you eat a lot of sweets," Deadpool said, causing the two to giggle a bit.

On the way to the Parker-Sparkle home, Johnny and Rainbow Dash are attempting to give some advice to Franklin about Mayday, despite how weird it was for the young colt as Scootaloo laughed a little at his awkwardness.

"Just play it cool, stay near her, give her a compliment here and there, and you'll have her," Johnny said.

"Also don't be afraid to show off, not too much, just enough to get her attention," Rainbow Dash said.

"I-I already told you both, I-I don't like Mayday that way," Franklin stammered.

"Right, sure kid," Johnny said.

"I-I mean it!" Franklin insisted. "She's just...nice, that's all."

"Cute too, go for it kid," Rainbow Dash said.

Scootaloo shook her head, "Poor kid." She turned to Firefly on her back. "Silly huh Firefly?"

Firefly nodded and giggled a bit.

The two arrived and knocked, the door being answered by Trixie. "Oh it's you two."

"Nice to see you too," Johnny said a but smugly. "We brought Franklin over, I thought he could play with Mayday."

"Good luck, Flurry's barely getting her attention," Trixie said.

Johnny sighed, "That girl...anyway he can still try." He leaned down, "Sometimes the ones who are harder to get are the most rewarding."

Franklin groaned and walked inside, gaining Trixie's curiosity. "He looked...kind of annoyed."

"He's got a crush on Mayday, won't admit it, so I'm helping him out," Johnny said.

"You? Helping with romance?" Trixie asked.

"What's that supposed to mean, I'm Johnny Storm, the hottest Superhero in existence," Johnny boasted. "Not just because of my powers too!"

"Yeah, he got me to like him, and you know how hard that would be," Rainbow Dash said.

"The moment you saw him do something fancy you were all over him," Trixie said.

Johnny groaned, "You seriously need a coltfriend."

"Ugh, why do ponies keep telling me that!?" Trixie asked. "I don't want a coltfriend!"

"Marefriend then?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Pretty sure Lightning Dust has a thing for you."

"I don't want to date anypony!" Trixie shouted.

Johnny looked around, "Wow, no one seems devastated, too bad."

"Hey don't say that!" Scott shouted from inside. "I'd be devastated if I were a pony who wanted to date this mare."

"Thank you Scott," Trixie said.

Johnny looked inside, "Um, what are you doing here Lang?"

"My daughter's here, she wants to meet Peter," Scott said, gesturing to his daughter. "But she seems pretty happy with that book at least."

"So much magic!" Cassie said.

Trixie giggled a bit, then turned to Johnny and Rainbow Dash. "So...you two coming in?"

"Make that four," Scootaloo said, getting Trixie's attention.

"Didn't see you there, anyway come on inside," Trixie said.

The three Pegasi walked in, barely acknowledging Trixie.

With Franklin, he seemed to be sitting close to Mayday, but too shy to say anything. Every time he wanted to, he would shut himself up before saying anything.

Flurry Heart could tell he wanted her attention, and she noticed he seemed unusually shy for a pony who just wanted to talk. "Maybe he has a crush on her," She muttered. "This could be my chance to practice." She started speaking loudly, "So, Franklin, aren't your parents scientists as well?"

"Y-yeah, they are," Franklin said.

"Wow, and Mayday wants to be a scientist, isn't that cool Mayday?" Flurry asked.

"Uh-huh, sure thing Flurry," Mayday said, trying to examine something. "Still needs some work."

Flurry looked at Franklin, then gestured with her eyes for him to do something. Unfortunately Franklin was a little confused, much to Flurry's annoyance.

"Offer to help," she whispered loudly.

"Oh, um," Franklin turned to Mayday. "Do you need help?"

"No," Mayday said. "I got this."

"Oh...ok," Franklin said.

Flurry face hoofed, "This isn't working."

As Mayday continued to work, something sparked in the machine and started to smoke, "Great! Stupid machine!" She picked it up and walked off.

"Wait! Where are you going!?" Flurry asked.

"To daddy's lab, I need a better place to work!" Mayday said as she left.

Flurry pouted, "This sucks, I couldn't get her to notice Franklin." She turned to him with an annoyed glare. "Grow some confidence will you!?"

"Huh!?" Franklin said, getting really confused.

"You have a crush on her, so get her to notice you," Flurry said.

"I don't have a crush on Mayday!" Franklin said.

"Yeah you do!" Johnny and Rainbow Dash shouted from nearby, much to Franklin's annoyance.

The day passed by with no further events, the two couples finished their meal and thanked Saffron. They also took the food she made for Rarity as promised and brought it to Ponyville.

They passed by Rarity's house first, Peter knocking and getting Rarity at the door.

"Peter darling, so great to see you," Rarity said, then noticed the others. "Oh, all of the Royalty is here."

"Yeah, Saffron made something for you," Peter said, giving her the food.

"Thanks darling, so I take it you're all going home?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, they're gonna pick up Flurry, she spend a little time with Mayday, the two likely bonding," Peter said.

"Doubt it!" Bobby shouted from inside.

"Bobby!" Rarity shouted, then smiled awkwardly at Peter. "Sorry about that."

Peter shook his head, "First Trixie, now Bobby. Honestly my daughter is not anti-social, why do they think she is?"

"She could use work," Shining Armor muttered.

"I heard that dude!" Peter said.

"Lets not fret, I'm sure Mayday and Flurry had a great time together, I'll see you later," Rarity said, waving bye to them.

Peter nodded and left, making his way home with his family. When they got there, they were surprised to see the extra company.

"Spider-Man!" Cassie said, running over to him. "It's really you!"

"Huh? Who's this?" Peter asked.

"My daughter Cassie," Scott said. "Big fan of yours."

"Oh, so this is her in pony form?" Peter said. "Well it's nice to see you Cassie."

"You have cool books here," Cassie said.

"They're my wife's," Peter said, gesturing to Twilight.

"If you like them, I can lend you some," Twilight said.

"Wow, that'd be great, thanks miss," Cassie said.

"It's Twilight honey, Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said.

Shining trotted over to Flurry, "Ready to go home dear?"

"Yes daddy," Flurry said.

Shining looked around, "Where's Mayday?"

"In the lab, something she was trying to make broke, then she got mad and left, just when this boy was flirting with her," Flurry said.

"I wasn't flirting!" Franklin said.

"Well if you did, then maybe she would have liked you more," Flurry said.

Peter's ears twitched, "Nopony better be flirting with my daughter!"

"I wasn't! I swear!" Franklin said.

Johnny chuckled, "Wow, not ready for her to have a coltfriend?"

"Would you want Firefly to have one?" Peter asked.

"Well she's like a year old," Johnny said. "So hard to compare right now."

Shining Armor trotted to Peter, "Your daughter seriously needs to be more social."

"Would everypony stop saying that!" Peter shouted. "She's fine!"

That caused an awkward silence among the ponies, to which Scott was the first to break it. "So...now might be a good time to leave, alright Cassie?"

"Can I come back tomorrow, where there's more time?" Cassie asked.

"Sure, not a problem, would it be Peter?" Scott asked.

"No, that's fine," Peter said, still feeling a bit annoyed. "She can come over if she wants."

"Cool!" Cassie said. "Alright, let's go daddy!"

The two left, though not before Scott said one final good-bye to Trixie. "See you later Trixie."

"Sure thing Scott," Trixie said.

"Well this was a great trip wasn't it," Johnny said with obvious sarcasm. "Let's go Franklin."

Franklin stood up and approached Peter and Twilight, "Tell Mayday I said 'bye'."

Peter glared suspiciously, "Why? Still want to ask her out?"

"You have the wrong idea!" Franklin said.

"Peter," Twilight lightly scolded, then turned to Franklin. "I'll tell her you said 'bye'."

Franklin nodded, feeling more relieved and left with Rainbow Dash and Johnny.

Shining Armor and Cadance also said their good-byes.

"Let's do this again soon," Cadance said.

"Can I see Mayday again?" Flurry asked.

"Sure, if you want to," Shining said.

"She'll be more social, I promise that," Twilight said.

Peter groaned, "She's fine as she is, let's not make a big deal."

Shining shrugged it off and left with his family, leaving only Peter, Twilight and Trixie.

"You seemed to have enjoyed yourself Trixie," Twilight said.

"Scott's not a bad guy to talk to," Trixie admitted. "He's a good father, I like that about him."

"We should bring him by more," Twilight said. "But for now let's relax, I'm kinda tired."

"I'm gonna check on Mayday," Peter said, going to the lab.

Trixie watched Peter leave, then focused on Twilight, "You sure Mayday will be alright?"

Twilight sighed, "I really don't know, I was like that at her age, so hopefully she'll come to realize she needs friends too."

"I just want what's best for her, I don't want her to end up lonely like I was," Trixie said.

"I know, you and the others are caring at least, I appreciate that, but Peter probably doesn't wanna see it, or he sees something else entirely," Twilight said.

Trixie thought that over, hoping that whatever was happening would be temporary.

At Fluttershy's cottage, while Fluttershy and Logan finished tending to the animals, ready to prepare for dinner and bed, Laura was off sitting under a nearby tree, looking into the night sky.

Something about Equestria's night seemed pretty cool to her, maybe she can feel the slightest magic in the air, cringe-like as that sounds, plus it reminds her that she can finally relax.

She felt grateful inside, no longer having to worry about her past, she has a future with Fluttershy and her family. She's very excited at the idea of Fluttershy having kids, so she can be a big sister.

During this, she heard a familiar voice. "Relaxing yourself?"

Laura turned and saw Lightning Dust, "Sup Dust, how are you?"

"I'm good," Lightning Dust said. "Just observing the night like you are."

Laura moved over so Lightning could sit next to her. Laura loved having Lightning around, she's one of the few that can make Laura feel happy. The two sat close to each other, almost cuddled together as they looked into the sky.

"Hey Dust, question," Laura said.

"Yeah?" Lightning asked.

"What do you think it will be like when Fluttershy has kids?" Laura asked.

"Huh? Um, cool I guess?" Lightning asked. "Are you worried about her being a mom?"

"No, total opposite, I'm excited about it, I wanna be there for Fluttershy and her kids, the idea of having little kids looking up to us seems awesome," Laura said.

"Wow, seeing you excited for something, the only other times you seem excited is when Limestone comes by, how are you two doing as a couple?" Lightning asked.

"Good, still trying to figure some stuff out. She has her farm to think about, and I don't think I wanna leave Fluttershy," Laura said. "Or you for that matter."

Lightning Dust blushed a little, "That's nice, but don't let me stop you from being with someone you care about. Though if you really did start to miss me, I have no problems going with you."

Laura looked surprised, "Whoa, really?"

"Don't look so surprised, I care about you more than anything else, where you go I wanna follow," Lightning said.

"Heh, you're an alright friend Dust, glad I met you," Laura said.

"Funny, that's not how you felt at first, amazing how things change," Lightning said.

"Lots of things can change," Laura said. "As long as it's not you not being there for me."

"Like I said, I care about you more than anything, I'll never not wanna be with you, I really love you Laura," Lightning said.

"Love you too Dust," Laura said, pulling her into a side hug. "And I'll always be there for you."

Lightning again started to blush, she briefly nuzzled again Laura and continued looking into the night sky with her.

Back at Celestia's castle, Thor was walking through the halls, almost ready to call it a night when he noticed Luna putting up some flowers. "Ah, hello Princess."

"Evening Thor, done with your training?" Luna asked.

"Yes, the guards will be as strong as the ones of Asgard," Thor said.

"That's great, question, why were you referring to some of the Pegasus ponies as Valkyries?" Luna asked.

"Oh, because they reminded me of the warriors in my home that rode on Pegasus ponies, it was a fun little joke on my part," Thor said.

"Huh, that's unusual," Luna said.

"Perhaps yes, anyway you seem to be putting up flowers, I know you're a night pony but surely you don't need such decorations," Thor said.

"It's to create a more relaxing atmosphere in the night, to help ponies dream better," Luna said.

"Ah, that's great, nice little detail then," Thor said.

"I know right?" Luna said, the looked glum. "I just wish my sister could show that appreciation."

"Huh? I'm sure she appreciates it, why wouldn't she?" Thor asked.

"I don't know honestly," Luna said.

Thor patted Luna's back a moment, "Well keep doing what you're doing, anyway I'm off."

As Thor left, Luna felt herself smiling. Guess he's a much more decent guy than he thought.

Also in the castle, Sunset Shimmer is seen with the portals spell, working diligently on them.

"Why is this so hard!? What makes Ryu's world so much harder to access!?" Sunset shouted, groaning a bit. "Damn...how can I find him again?" She continued to research, though felt some doubt in herself. "Does he even want to see me again though?"

What she didn't realize was that in his training dojo, Ryu was seen meditating, thinking about the Superheroes, about battling against Spider-Man again, and about the mare who befriended him.

"Hm...how long before I battle Peter again? Or meet with Sunset Shimmer?" Ryu looked up from his meditative state. "I yearn for a chance return to Equestria, difficult as it may be."

Ryu stood up and began to power his chi, he then did some quick strikes in the air, further practicing his skills.

"Perhaps I should go see Chris and Dante, they'll provide more of a challenge," Ryu said. He grabbed his bag and set off on another journey.

Many across the worlds were wondering about something, whether in the same world where Mega Man is seen polishing his Mega Buster, also wondering when his next fight would be, or in Future Equestria, where Sweetie Belle wondered if she would again see the past, and if her son would ever meet his father.

Even in The Dragon World, the Saiyans known as Goku and Vegeta continued to train, having found new motivation to do so. They hoped to reach the level of The Gods and fight the strongest opponents. Perhaps those opponents could very well be Peter and Ryu, time would tell soon.

The future had interesting things to behold.

Author's Note:

Setting up for more eventually. Hopefully everything played out well.

Comments ( 6 )

Great story. All the moments between the superheroes and the elements and their families are heartwarming and sweet. And the cap/tia budding is pretty good.

Hey, would pairing Soarin and Carol work?

That sounds interesting.

One thing, will Tony be rebuilding his other suits like mark one like how he had for his first five suits in his house or the Iron legion?

Yeah, they'll be Pony style. He'd mainly be using his usual suit but he'll also have everything else ready, including the Hulkbuster and his Superior suit.

Great, sounds interesting.

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