• Member Since 19th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen February 2nd


Not checking in here. I may post stories because my patrons are nice and like ponies. Otherwise out of the fandom, sorry peeps.

Comments ( 27 )

Well, this sounds like fun. I'm curious as to just how "demented" this ends up being. Probably not enough to fulfill my own personal tastes, but I'm interested nevertheless.


Well, I don't know what you're into! By my standards this is more "weird" than actually depraved, depravity is in the title mostly for the alliteration. :twilightsmile: But my standards may be a little off, I've had somebody call what I thought was the tamest fetish fic I've ever done "extreme content" so... dunno!

Oh, hey, a new story from SPark! Ooh, what could it be? Some saucy romance, a touching slice of life, perhaps even a foray in the philisophical question of the meaning of life? Let's see!



:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: The hazards of a "nearly anything goes" commission policy. Although to be honest I did have fun writing this one. In that "oh god, what am I doing?" kind of way.

I can see a few of my buttons might be pushed by this. I'll give it a read and see how ya do with it!

I scared, mommy!

*Keeps reading anyways.*

Cool, a new fic from SPark. Discord, perversion, it's been done but those can still be interesting.

*reads trigger warnings*


Several of those are on my nope list.

I am tagging it individually at the top of each chapter, if you want to read some kinks and skip others, just fyi. :twilightsmile:

Such simple traps. I mean, for a den of iniquity, asking them to masturbate themselves is... You can do so much better Discord.

Make them get each other off.


Ha haha. If it had been all my idea (which it wouldn't have been) they probably would have. But I must write what the customer orders.

Sounds similar to Discord's Dungeon of Indignity (not sure if I'm allowed to link it since it's not SFW). Wonder if this is the same commissioner looking for a second take on the concept.

You're right, this is weird.

I wouldn't be surprised!

Told ya! And we're only just getting started! :pinkiehappy:

Fun read so far, I will be looking forward to what will happen next.

I suppose the whole situation was initially meant to be a prank. Hence the lack of anything truly dire, harmful, or permanently degrading.

Only Discord...

I still like the idea of Celestia and Luna in latex bodysuits...

I think I'm going to go back to imagining that.


Thanks! I'm glad some people are enjoying this one. I mean, yes it was a commission, but I did still write it, and it's always nice when people like my writing. :twilightsmile:

It's a shame that the ratio for this is so bad because I personally think that this story is a barrel of fun.

I've actually been weirdly fascinated by how close it's stuck to perfectly 50/50 all the way along. Like... usually the haters notice and downvote right off, then get bored and wander away and the upvotes take over. The fact that obviously new haters are finding it whenever it updates is just... wow people, get lives! :pinkiehappy:

Edit: :trollestia: The person who downvoted me for that particularly needs to get a life!

The chapter I've been waiting for.

I hope they stay in those diapers forever!

No it's not over there still must be more diaper mush coming


Where's a shrug emote when you need one?

Not even a declaration of prankitude? Discord, you're losing your touch.

I wanted more too. You're not alone. I liked it though!

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