• Published 4th Jan 2018
  • 1,698 Views, 102 Comments

In Twilights Shadow - MinuetteColgate

Well, Lost some memory of before, woke up, found out i was sharing a body, and that when im in control, we're vampiric, and when shes in control, we're epic.

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Chapter 1- Well this is new...

A bed. That was the first thing I noted when I came to. Now, usually this isn’t exactly strange, as when one would fall asleep, one assumes they would fall asleep in bed, and wake up as such. This however was problem for me. Putting aside the fact that the bed is much comfier than what I should have with my dirt cheap, low end bed in my dirt cheap, low end apartment, my memory is telling me this is impossible.

“Oh man, I musta really been downing the booze last night” I groaned in a voice that was most certainly not my own. It took a few moments for my mind to catch up to this fact, but when it did, I totally didn’t freak out, scramble, and proceed to chin-plant the floor.

After regaining my composure and sitting down, I started rationally going through what’s going on.


It was at this moment I realized something, and doing something, my fears were realized. My *ahem* “plumbing” had changed. This of course bought my thought processes to a screeching crash, where the driver was then rocketed out of the car, proceeding to go splat against the wall if the track. During this time, I actually realized I could see my surroundings.

“Ooooooo, pretty crystals” I slurred out in my shut down state of mind. The place I was in though was accurately described as such. It was a bedroom, with a Royal touch to everything, made out of a purpley bluey crystal. There was a bed in the corner, a set of window doors that led out onto a balcony, a wardrobe, a dresser and mirror a set of big wooden doors that led further into the abode, and a hidden away door near them into what I would assume is a shower.

After once again regaining my natural thought processes, I decided to crawl my way over to the mirror, in order to get a look at my obviously changed self. What I saw, was purple. A dark lavender would probably be more accurate, but purple still works. I seemed to have an adorable snoot(yay for manliness…pfft whatever) and a horn, sticking out of dark blue hair with one purple, and one pink stripe going through it. The hair was very spiky, but not a mess, and actually looked pretty awesome, and OH MY MEMES ARE THOSE MY EARS NOW! It seems I had horse ears. Looking upon my eyes, I noticed they were a brilliant shade of crimson red, looking almost like they were flowing with power round and round and round in circles and circles and circles. It made me laugh as I remembered a dumb video I saw on the Internet’s one time.

“MY LORD! I look like one of those cartoon ponies from that show I watched a few years back! If my friends saw me they would be laughing their butts off. Well, maybe except Joel, he would be squealing in delight” I started to invigoratively say to, well, myself.

Oh yeah! Myself. I should probably talk about that. My name is Theos Sammunds, aged 16, Homo Sapien, of the male biology, giving no time of day to if people think I’m manly or not, playing to many video games, lover of the internet and its horrendities(is that a word? It is now) and general “weirdo” whatever that means, and regardless of what I said earlier, not one to ever drink alcohol. I mean, carbonated drinks are just soooooo much better, don’t give hangovers, make you hyper, and in my personal fact, taste better. Did I mention sugar is amazing. Actually, I just noticed something wrong with the image I see before me. Twinkle sprinkle(or whatever her name is, its been five years for crying out loud) shouldn’t:
1) Have crimson red eyes(they should be lavender)
2) Have fangs(pretty sure ponies are herbivorous, and thus have a lacking need of canines)
3) Have bat wings( if for some reason they did make her a, what was it…Alicorn, yes I believe so, it would have been pegasi wings)

In fact, with what is shown as my own random dabbling in the fandom(AKA surfing the internet and randomly coming across this stuff) then I looked like what would be called a vampony, or vampire pony, version of twilight. GREAT! Now I feel like I’m in a bad fanfic. Luckily, that can’t be true, or I would be having an existential crisis right now. It was at this point, I felt a scratching in my mind.

‘Huhn, what’s going on?” I heard the original owner of this body say inside the confines of my(her?) mind.

“Whatever it is, its not my fault” I try to calmly say, and panic rising in my(our?) chest.

“WAIT, why can’t I move? What’s going on? Why do I look like that? How did my mouth speak to me? Wait, who are you, and why are you in control right now?! What did you do to me?!” I could feel and hear her anger and panic rising with each question, no doubt already blaming me.

“Well, I was walking home from an outing with my friends at the pub, when I left, and started walking home. Next thing I know, I’m waking up in your bed, in your body. Believe me when I say I’m just as confused as you. And since I felt pain earlier when I totally didn’t chinplant the floor, I know this isn’t a dream.” I explain in as monotonous as her voice could get, trying to relay the memories directly to her, which seems to have the desired effect. She goes quiet for a bit, probably thinking over what I’ve said, so I leave her to it. By the time she starts speaking again, I’ve chalked up to knowing how to move as muscle memory, after all, it is her brain I’m using.

“I… believe you. Those memories were real from what I can tell, and you seem to be giving off genuine confusion from what I can read from your mind.” She says, which brings a wave of relief running through our body, “I’ll start the introductions. My name is Twilight Sparkle, I am equestria's fourth alicorn princess, title yet not known, and my special talent is magic.”

“Well, can’t be rude to royalty now can I? I am Theos Sammunds, regular human being with no special talents or titles to speak of, from the wondrous and horrible city of the tree of coven, also more widely and properly known as Coventry, of the planet earth, and to make things even more awkward between us…Male.”

“Wait wait wait wait…you’re male?” she inquired, and I could almost hear the pity drop like a needle in a library. Kinda fitting simile if my memory holds right.

“Yepsedoodles,” I replied as nonchalantly as I possibly could, before adding “Ya don’t have to worry about me screaming about my ‘manliness’ going down the drain, just note its going to make things slightly awkward.”

“Oooooookay then…” she stated in a manner that stated she was not convinced, silly pretty purple pony princess. Don’t you know that I never lie! Only so that when I need to I’ll away with it, but still, I NEVER LIE! Peh.

“So what now?” I interrogated(really running out of said words here) which of course was the words the world needed to hear to be a McGuffin, cause the sun chose that exact moment to start shining through the window, directly on to us, which started an unbelievably painful process, to which I was of course, screaming my head off to.

“What’s wrong?!” I heard my host say in a panic, to which I replied with a screech. Of pain. Because sunlight. I somehow managed to keep my focus on the mirror in front of us, and saw something quite grossing, except I don’t get grossed out easily. Our eyes seemed to have bulges along the veins, as their colour changed from the crimson to violet. The fur coat seemed to grow a few shades lighter into actual lavender, the mane and tail seemed to groom themselves to be more flat and less spiky, the muscles visibly became less lithe, and the wings started bleeding out as feathers took the place of the leathery substance in the wing, turning in normal pegasus/alicorn wings. By the time the pain had died down, I was laughing my head off in pain.

“Can we go again mummy?” I stated in an innocent manner in my pain riddled state of mind, and promptly fainted