• Published 4th Jan 2018
  • 1,698 Views, 102 Comments

In Twilights Shadow - MinuetteColgate

Well, Lost some memory of before, woke up, found out i was sharing a body, and that when im in control, we're vampiric, and when shes in control, we're epic.

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Chapter 4- "Startling" Revelations

I awoke with a shudder of excitement. Today’s the day. I could barely contain myself. I’d finally be tested to see whether or not I could go to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns! I got out of my bed and looked down at… my two hooves and hands… no… that can’t be… what am I saying? That’s how I’ve always been. I got off the side of my bed and looked around the bedroom. It was exactly as I left it. The bookcase was a mess along with my desk, and my head could not seem to be able to decide whether or not this annoyed me.

“If only my parents and brother didn’t stop me studying, I would feel so much more prepared right now,” It was at this point, some part of me was screaming about not having a sibling, but couldn’t for the life of me figure out why. “Hmm, maybe the excitement really is getting to me,” I giggled out.

I then proceeded to get dressed, getting put of my PJ’s and into a T-shirt that was white except for the sleeves which were blue and some jogging bottoms. Wait, since when did clothing become a thing past special occasions…Pffft what am I saying, the idea of not wearing clothing is indecent, and quite honestly ludicrous, unless your one of those people who like to do that, or are in the privacy of ones own private space, or if its beyond your control, or…I should really stop going off on a tangent.

“Twilight, huney! Breakfast is ready! Its your favourite! Pancakes!” came a motherly voice from downstairs. Part of me recognized it, while another was saying the voice was that of a stranger. In my head, I decided it was best to investigate this recognised/strangers voice before jumping to conclusion
So I hurried downstairs. Upon reaching the table which was giving off one of the most pleasant smells, I noticed two more…antrhopomorphic ponies. One, the female one had white fur and mane/tail, the latter two havig large purple chunks in them. She was wearing what looked like a shirt with a vest around it, and a skirt that came down to her halfway through her shins. The other had a white button up shirt on, with jeans that were in surprising good condition, and had suspenders on at that. On his head was a fedora. He had a blue coat and a darker blue mane and tail. They were both unicorns.

“So how’s our little magician doing today?” the male one asked, rubbing my head.

“Great, Dad!” I said before I could stop myself. “I’m just so excited for today! I’ve been studying for weeks!” He merely smiles as some parts of me noticed so much wrong with that statement.

“Of course you have” giggled the other one, which a part of me was saying was Mum, while another was screaming stranger danger. She then set out pancakes for us all, and we started digging in. Well, I dug in like a carnivore to a meal, while Mum and Dad just ate more reserved. Something felt wrong even in my eating, like I wasn’t supposed to be eating this enthusiastically. I just chalked it up to nerves.

“Where’s Shining?” I inquire, haven’t just gulped down the entire last pancake in one, not without chewing of course.

“Oh, he had guard training to go to. He said he’d see you when you both get back.” Replied the one now known merely as Dad. “Speaking of which we might as well get going shouldn’t we?”

“Mmmhmmm, I said as I hurriedly placed my plates on the washing board, and made my way to the door of the house. After waiting a small bit for my parents we departed.

Nothing much happened between leaving the house and reaching the school I believe, though I do have a hard time remembering. We were currently waiting outside the test room, waiting for my turn. I could feel every minute tick by.

“Will Twilight Sparkle please enter the classroom!” a voice bleeped over the intercom. I gingerly made my way over to the door. I swear Mum and Dad said something, but my brain could not at that moment fully comprehend what, just that it was meant to be encouraging. I entered the testing room and saw a surprise in front of me. It was a small cart, coming up to about my hips. What surprised me was what was on it. It seemed to be a dragon egg. It was purple on the bottom, and seemed to fade to green at the top. All the facts about dragons I knew came rushing through my head, but the main thought that caught me off guard was ‘HA! It looks like a chao egg'. Needless to say, I was worried about my mental state of wellbeing at this point. All I could make out from the judges from behind their table in their table was that they too were anthropomorphic ponies, and that they were adults. I was really having a hard time getting any sort of lock on them, to describe or even properly see them. One then started to speak.

“Your task is simple. Hatch the dragon egg. You may begin.” He said, his voice reverberating through my mind. And so begin I did. I first scanned the egg, which came back normal, stating that the egg was healthy and ready to hatch. I looked around the room for anything to help and saw nothing. It was then I thought ‘if the egg is ready to hatch, from what I know from my obsession with dragons, it should just need to be heated up, right?’. I started focusing, felling a wave of power inside my horn. I felt the threads of magic inside reform into a matrix. I continued this, and started to make the second matrix with which to start the he spell. Something felt off. I suddenly started panicking. ‘what if I fail?! What will happen then?! Will I be thrown out?! Maybe to the streets?! Maybe out-'


A loud sound was heard and I felt a rush of power as uncontrollable magic went flying everywhere. I somehow managed to hold on to logical thoughts long enough to realize the I was having a magical surge, before I blacked out.

Coming to, I found myself in a void, with white-green particles flying around. Looking down, part of me was curious about the form I now held, while another part seemed embarrassed. I was wearing the same clothes as before, just enlarged for my now adolescent body, and seemed to have two large mounds in my view directly connected to me. Before I could continue my inquiries into this form/embarrassment at what I was seeing, a voice echoed deep within the void.

“So this is the form your essences have chosen… interesting” stated the voice in mild amusement as I looked up and saw… well, an eye…an orange eye… surrounded by gnarled teeth in all directions, which moved as it spoke.

“Where am I? What do you mean?” I shouted, terribly afraid, but also thirsty for knowledge. The eye seemed to get a glow that I somehow knew as mirth.

“Simple little ones…this is your dream. As for what I mean, the Theos Essence and Twilight Essence have chosen a form that is both of them in one. You see, time is getting short. What you must realize, my champions, is that your essences are not unified, but are not at war. You will slowly lose yourselves before you become the Twilight/Theos amalgamation. If you do not unify yourselves, you both will die, and both will live. But enough of your personal calamities, I have come to you for a reason. The Twilight Essence’s world is being corrupted by the other hrfbhbfjajhfbt, not that you can understand what I’m saying, but they are in ,mortal comprehension, gods. They themselves will use champions of supposed myth to corrupt the world, have been doing so for so very long, though only your Princesses know about it, and their monster hunters. You are my champions, and you too, will stop them.” It said as if there was no room for argument.

“Who are you to command me?” I said, now starting to feel sleepy.

“Simple. The architect.” Were its last words before the world once again faded to black.

We both awoke with a start, and I quickly felt my control receding to Twilight. We both simply sat there, taking in what was said to us. It was hard to comprehend. We both knew how real that was.

“We’re dying” I heard Twilight whisper. It never really struck me before, but that was a very possible thing that could happen to us.

“And we need to save the planet…from Gods.” I said, not quite believing, but having a hard time disproving.

It was on these dark notes, that my host got up to start her day.

Author's Note:

Oh wow. Its been a while. I'm sorry to say I have been going through a really rough patch as of late, and its been emotionally strenuous. The and exams coming up. Hard times have befallen me it seems. I hope you enjoy this while I try to figure out where to go from here. Also, got to love me some Eldritch Abominations.