• Published 31st Jan 2018
  • 851 Views, 4 Comments

Testy Testing - Razor Blade the Unicron

Starlight has been testing out new spells in the Friendship Castle. Amethyst Star is getting sick of her misfires.

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Tenacious Testing Tends to Test Tolerance

Author's Note:

A huge thanks to Winkdude for editing!

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Princess Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

To Princess Twilight Sparkle,

Recently there have been complaints filed to the mayor's office all relating to large flashes of light and beams of magic emanating from your castle. I understand that you may be fighting some sort of ancient evil that very well threatens our safety and way of life, but considering that your friends have been sighted around town not participating in this implies otherwise. If I am mistaken, please continue attempting to calm down the ancient evil enough until you can give them a friendship speech or hear their tragic backstory and then proceed to reform them. If I am not mistaken, then the circumstances are much different.

Considering your actions involving the spell that switched around your friends cutie marks, temporarily altered the townsponies memories (including my own), and then after fixing your mistake and altering said spell turning you into an alicorn, the flashes of light and beams of magic may very well be of your doing. If so, then I request under the clause of basic safety precautions that you consult a book on what you can set up to prevent any of these strays beams from affecting anypony's belongings, property, and/or well being. I assume that you already know which books have these safety precautions listed in them, and highly suggest that you look over them as review.

If these flashes of light and beams of magic are neither due to you trying to stop an ancient evil nor due to you yourself in any way, then the next likely option would be your student Starlight Glimmer. If these actions are of her doing, please give her a book that details the basic safety precautions to use if testing out magic spells. Then give her a lecture on property damage, hospital bills, tax rates, and how Mayor Mare can only handle so much paperwork.

Finally, if none of the previously stated notions are correct, and instead these flashes of light and beams of magic are the doing of Trixie Lulamoon, please mention to her that after enough offenses according to the law she can and will be arrested. That is all.


Amethyst Star.

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

To Amethyst Star,

Firstly, I would like to mention once more that you do not need to refer to me my title of Princess, and I would even prefer if you didn't. Secondly, I deeply apologize for the flashes and beams of magic. These have been occurring because Starlight has been practicing some new spells she has been reading about. I did give her a book on standard spell testing in a lab, and briefly spoke with her about respecting other ponies' safety.

After rereading the latter you sent to me, I noticed that you mentioned that if these were the fault of Trixie that she could be arrested. I was under the impression that she had been cleared of any charges from the incident involving the Alicorn Amulet.
If she has not been, then I request that her charges are to cleared if possible.

Finally, I would just like to clarify what your cutie mark is. I believe that it was three diamonds, but please correct me if I am mistake.


Twilight Sparkle.

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

To Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you for clarifying who was causing the flashes of light and beams of magic, but I request that you still lecture Starlight as stated in my first letter. I understand that she assisted in reforming the entire Changeling Hive and also saved you, your friends, and Equestria's leaders, but she still has much to learn. The safety of others being high up on that list.

Trixie had never been charged of any crimes during the time that she was under the influence of the Alicorn Amulet other than being involved in the blackmarket, which was removed from her record on Princess Celestia's request after the awards ceremony. However, she has been charged with disrupting the peace on far too many occasions, and the only fine that we can charge her with involves an equations which calculates in her income, which ends up equaling zero since she has none. Since these are public offenses and not criminal ones, these cannot be cleared, though they currently have not affected her in any way.

I'm not sure why you questioned about my cutie mark, but it is indeed three diamonds.


Amethyst Star.

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

To Amethyst Star,

Starlight has to learn from her mistakes, and if I just tell her what to do she's never be able to learn. I'm sure that everything will work out in the end.

I had been wondering about you cutie mark since I was confused as to why you were one of the mayor's assistants as opposed to something such as a jeweler. If you feel as if you're misinterpreting your cutie mark I know of three wonderful little fillies who could help out with that.


Twilight Sparkle.

P.S. Wait, Trixie has no income?

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle,

I understand that you wish for Starlight to learn from her mistakes. But having her do so at the risk of other ponies' safety and property is one of those times that as a mentor you need to step in and explain to her what she's doing wrong. I recall that Princess Celestia did so for you after the incident involving the Want It, Need It spell.

I do not work at the mayor's office, and just assist with my own free time. While I am in fact an apprentice jeweler, my cutie mark actually represents my acute sense of detail and organization. I do not require the aid of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Finally, Trixie has no income because she has no registered job. To the best of my knowledge she makes all of her money from donations given to her after her shows, and pays no rent since she lives in her caravan.


Amethyst Star.

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Starlight Glimmer
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

To Starlight Glimmer,

Recently I have been in contact with Twilight Sparkle over your misconduct involving testing new magic spells. I would like to request that you actually read the book she gave you on safety precautions. That is all.


Amethyst Star.

Starlight Glimmer
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

To Amethyst,

I don't know what I've done wrong, so please just tell it to me straight! If I've hurt anypony or anything please tell me right away and I'll help out as much as I can. I thought that Twilight only gave me those books for when I next worked on spells with Trixie.

Apologies in advance,


Amythest Star
17 Oak Lane

The Cutie Mark Crusaders
CMC Clubhouse

Hello Ms. Amythest, this is Sweetie Belle of the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We heard that you might be wondering about your cutie mark! If so, you can just ask us to help out! We've helped plenty of other ponies (and even a griffon!) so it would be no trouble!

From Sweetie Belle

PS This is my first time writing a letter without Rarity looking over it. Did it do a good job?

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Starlight Glimmer
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

To Starlight Glimmer,

Thank you for your quick correspondence to my letter. Twilight is yet to reply to the last one that I sent her, and I was unaware as to how poorly she had dealt with the situation.

As for the damages from your misconduct, most aren't too major. Several broken doors and windows, as well as burn marks on he floor. I will attach copies of the reports that were submitted to the mayor's office.

However, I would like to personally request that y

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Carousel Boutique
6 Maple Way
Ponyville, Equestria

To Rarity,

I would like to request that you keep a closer eye on your younger sister, Sweetie Belle. She, Scootaloo, and Apple Bloom all barged into my house yelling about how they could help me to interpret the meaning of my cutie mark. Through a series of letters between Twilight Sparkle and I, she had questioned if I understood mine. To the best of my knowledge we have only mentioned this non-verbally, which implies that at least one of the three have been looking at other ponies' mail. They are too young to realize that is actually a crime, so I hope that you would be able to inform them of this in a more delicate way.

Also, Sweetie accidentally tore a hole in my good dress, and I was hoping that you could patch it up for me. I would drop it off at the boutique myself, but it will take me some take me some time to clean up the mess they made.

Amethyst Star.

Amethyst Star
17 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Starlight Glimmer
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

To Starlight,

I apologize that you recieved an incomplete letter from me, as I had to deal with the Cutie Mark Crusaders. In the midst of the insanity, one of them had managed to stuff the letter in the envelope and then put it in the mailbox just as Ditzy arrived.

As I had been saying before, I would like to personally request that you come over to my house as to help with some of the damages that you caused. My table being a splintered mess is agrivating enough, but each individual splinter flashing different colors is still quite distracting. As much as I have tried to dispose of them, they keep coming back, and I have run out of headache medication.


Amethyst Star.

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

You spoke with Starlight, didn't you?

I understand that it may seem easier to just point out what somepony is doing wrong, but that makes it much harder for them to learn more their mistakes! If Starlight doesn't learn, she won't improve, and I don't want her to stay trapped in the past. After all, staying trapped in the past is how she went crazy with sadness, formed a cult, stole my friends' cutie marks, and travelled back in time to change the past!


Twilight Sparkle.

PS Do you know of any jobs in Ponyville that Trixie can obtain?

Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight, could you do me a favor and just think about what you're saying?

In case you haven't been fully reading the letters I've sent you, ponies' personal safety is at risk! Property damage is bad enough, but physical dangers are just too far! Starlight can preform self-levitation,crystallizing spells, teleportation, transfiguration, super speed, self-duplication, invisibility, and mind control! And now added that she is teaching Trixie teleportation and transfiguration (don't even ask how many complaints there have been of her turning things into teacups) Ponyville could fall into another state of chaos!

So bravo, Twilight. Your complete lack of common sense and decency to others' safety and well-being would make Discord proud.


Amethyst Star

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

I am not lacking common sense! Nor do I lack any decency for others' safety and well-being! I just wish for my student to learn as I did, with your mistakes teaching you more lessons about the world!

Twilight Sparkle

PS Don't say his name! He might come and mess up the library again!

Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

For the sun's sake Twilight, please just make sure that Starlight and Trixie aren't going to cause Ponyville to implode!

Amethyst Star

PS I'm running out of stamps, could you send me some in your next letter?

Starlight Glimmer
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Twilight, are you doing okay? You keep checking the mailbox every half hour, and this was the only way I could find to communicate with you. Are you and Amethyst still arguing about how much I owe in property damage? I fixed as much as I could, but I do still owe her a new table. Trixie offered to give me some gems she had to sell for bits, but I remember that I gave them to her so that she could buy meals for next week.

Sorry, got a bit off track there. Well, anyways, do you think that we can just talk? I mean, teachers are supposed to check in on their students, right?

Worried for your well being,


Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Mayor Mare
3 Maple Street
Ponyville, Equestria

Dear Mayor Mare,

I deeply apologize on behalf of Twilight's actions on Tuesday, as they were most likely due to an arguement that she and I were having. She insists that she is at fault, but I take the blame for her.

The good news is that she has sent a letter to Princess Celestia requesting bits to help fix everything up on the clause of "it was an accident". The bad news is that she can't tell which of the teacups is Starlight, but I'm sure that it will be resolved by Saturday.

On a different note, I suggest that we start a small charity to help out less fortunate ponies in our community. This is definitely not because I can't afford to give Trixie free gemstones and it's completely saddening to see her begging.


Amethyst Star.

Twilight Sparkle
Friendship Castle
1 Crystal Road
Ponyville, Equestria

Amethyst Star
12 Oak Lane
Ponyville, Equestria

Hi, it's me again.

I just wanted you to know that I ordered you a new table.


PS Hey, do you think that we can stay in correspondence? Writing all those letters was pretty fun...

"How's it going, Trixie?" called Twilight from the map room.

"Trixie is still yet to determine which teacup is Starlight!" she called back. "But Trixie finally realized what the lesson is!"

"That's great! What did you learn?"

"Trixie learned that the wellbeing and safety of other ponies is something that you should always consider! Especially when your best friend is doing dangerous magical experiments!"

A moment later, a sapphire in the shape of a five-pointed star smacked Trixie in the back of her head, and she slid unconscious.

"Amethyst!" chastised Twilight, placing down the pink ruby that she had been carving into the shape of a six-pointed star.

"What?" asked Amethyst innocently. "She said that she needed lunches this week. Besides," She took a sip of tea from a teal and lavender cup. "She turned my new table into a teacup."

Comments ( 4 )

This was amusing. And I found myself really agreeing with Amethyst in her letters XD

The epistolary format leads to some rather stilted reading at times, though I did appreciate Starlight lampshading the ludicrousness of Amethyst and Twilight not actually talking to one another at some point in the conversation. All told, this could use some polish, but the plot was a fun one. Thank you for it, and best of luck in the judging.

Author Interviewer

Oh, that was fun. :D

oh that was good xD

i still wonder how the cmc/sweetybelle got into the mail hmm

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