• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 8,785 Views, 298 Comments

Everypony Loves Rainbow - WaferThin

A day-in-the-life of an awesome pony in a crazy world where everyone is shipped with her. EVERYONE.

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1400: Flight Practice

Okay, this was just getting ridiculous.

I could handle a heck of a lot of craziness. I mean, that was pretty much daily life in Ponyville. This was a place where you got used to visits from royalty or Cerberus, buildings being blown apart by Derpy or dragged halfway across town by Big Mac, crazy destructive antics from the Cutie Mark Crusaders… and Pinkie Pie. Just… Pinkie Pie.

It was pretty clear that living round these parts meant putting up with some weird stuff—and I could handle all of that.

An army of royal guards stationed outside my cloud-house, patrolling the nearby area, and making it pretty much impossible to get back home, though? That was too much.

I guess Celestia didn’t take the whole me-being-faster-than-her thing too well; it looked like she’d pulled out all the stops to try and catch me when I came home. There were patrols on the ground nearby and in the air, I could see pegasi carriages carrying unicorns—probably all ready to magically restrain me—and there were nets hanging between strategically-placed clouds.

Luckily, this didn’t include the one I was hiding in right now. Then again, it hadn’t been here very long—I’d only brought it over from near the Everfree Forest a couple minutes ago.

I was floating gently a safe distance away, glaring at the soldiers between myself and my own freaking house. From this distance, I couldn’t tell if Celestia herself was still there, but really, with this kind of military strength, it wouldn’t change things much. No matter how happy I was to see that the royal guards had forced all those creepy campers away, it didn’t change the fact that I literally had an entire army between me and my bed.

There was also the fact that, no matter how devoted they were to the princess, they’d all go for me the second they saw me. Somehow, I didn’t think having hundreds of soldiers fighting over me would end well. I didn’t want to start an all-out brawl—and probably a civil war—on my own porch.

Well, crud. Now what? It had only just gone noon, but all I wanted to do was just sleep the rest of this day off. It’s not like I had much else to do; barring some kind of random unexpected problem, the weather was all in place for the day, so I had no work to do, and I couldn’t really go hang out with anypony, because… well, you know.

After a moment of thinking, I decided I’d go and practice a few aerial routines. Hopefully, by the time I finished, the guards would have been called back to go… I dunno, guard things or whatever it is they do in Canterlot normally. Not a lot, most likely, given how easy Twilight said it was to sneak into that special book place. What kind of “guard” can’t catch a pair of loons and a dragon with a tub of ice cream when they’re breaking into a huge library full of important and delicate scrolls?

I mean, it’s not like Twi, Pinkie and Spike were trying to break into a hospital and “borrow” a book. Now, that’s real espionage right there.


I shook my head, focusing back on the task at hoof. As soon as I was sure nopony was looking, I shot out of my cloud cover and blasted my way across the sky. Just to make sure I was free, though, I went headfirst into Whitetail Woods.

There was a nice, clear path through the middle of Whitetail, separating the groups of densely packed trees. That’s not what I was aiming for, though. Swerving between the trees took some real agility—something those guards probably didn’t have in all that stupid heavy armour. If anypony was tailing me, I’d almost certainly lose them this way.

Besides, it was a great warm up. I’ve heard about other pegasi flyers who spend loads of bits on specially-designed cloud courses, mazes, and complicated routes, in order to build up the agility they need for some of the most demanding flight routines… and I’ve always thought that they’re morons. Why spend all that money, when you can just go to a forest? In here you had to think one flap ahead, planning out where you were gonna swerve next, and dodging anything that came your way. Compared to this, remembering a flight routine was nothing.

I barrelled straight through the last bit of leaf-cover, bursting into a small, clear field, sitting a safe distance from anything that looked inhabited. This had become my practise field over the past few weeks, after practising anywhere near civilisation became completely impossible. I didn’t mind getting a little aerial dodge practice in the morning, but I didn’t want to be doing it through my entire routine.

I waited for a little while, to make sure I hadn’t been followed, and passed the time with a few stretches. I wasn’t lying when I said that forest flight was a good warm up, but I’d using a whole different skill set with some of my tricks, so working my other muscles beforehand was pretty important. Once I’d finished them, I decided I’d waited long enough and, seeing nothing out of the ordinary, I blasted off into the start of my practise.

There’s nothing quite like flying like that. You’re putting your absolute best into every twist and turn, making every move mean something, forcing it to be better than anypony else can do it. To me, it’s all about proving that you can go that little bit further than anypony, and do it all better, too—it’s obvious, what with me being so awesome and all, but it’s still exhilarating. On top of that, you’ve got the rush of adrenaline, the screaming wind tearing at you, the constant fight against gravity and air resistance for every roll, loop and flip…

Oh yeah. It’s the ultimate high.

I can never work out how pegasi like Fluttershy manage to survive going so slow. I know full well that she can bust out some real speed when needed—small things like saving animals in freefall, or catching me so that she can help save the world from a creepy chaos crossbreed—but she’s happy just floating around at a snail’s pace, barely even moving.

How can she resist the wind tearing at her mane? What is it about her that stops her blood calling out for speed, for excitement, for danger… for more? I used to think that that was something natural to all pegasi, but nowadays I’m not so sure. I mean, I can appreciate having a restful glide as much as anypony—more so, probably, since I’m pretty good at the “restful” part—but doing just that? How boring can you get!

Other ponies… I didn’t think I’d ever understand them. Completely aside from the whole falling-in-love-with-Rainbow-Dash thing, of course, which was understandable but still crazy as all heck.

Huh, almost went five minutes without thinking about all that nonsense. Maybe I should start doing even more practice, since it seems to take my mind off that topic pretty well.

I pulled out all the stops that day: the Buccaneer Blaze, the Fantastic Filly Flash, a Death-Defying Dive or two, and even Spitfire’s Super Speed Stratospheric Suplex Stunner.

Hey, don’t look at me. I didn’t name ‘em.

Any other pony would be, like, dead after all that. Me, though? I was a little worn out, but you just can’t keep awesomeness like me down for long. A little break, and I’d be ready for round two. My Clattering Cumulus Corkscrew still needed a little tidying, and I was determined to keep going until I nailed it.

Right up until a streak of gold and blue flame came blazing over the treetops and slammed to the ground in front of me and kicking up a cloud of dust.

Which faded to reveal the captain of the Wonderbolts herself, Spitfire, standing before me in her full flight uniform.

Carrying a second flight uniform in her mouth, which she took in hoof and offered to me.


…Yeah, I think my brain broke right about then.

“Hey Dash,” Spitfire said with a laid-back, confident smile. “Nice moves back there. Your corkscrews need a little tightening, but that’s something we can work on.”


“Oh, this?” she asked, dropping the uniform at my hooves. “Yeah, this is for you. I figured it was about time we got you on the team.” She chuckled a little, pushing her flight goggles up onto her forehead so that she could give me a coy glance. “To be honest, I can’t believe we haven’t signed you up yet. You’re… well, you’re pretty awesome, tell you the truth.”

Okay, this right here? This was a dream come true. This was the moment my entire life had been leading up to. Not only was I being offered a place in the best flying squad since, well, forever, but the captain herself said I was awesome! I mean, I already knew that, obviously, but it’s pretty nice to hear it confirmed by your foalhood idol. I was so excited that I was finding it hard to stay on the ground.

Which probably explained why I was doing some weird little hopping dance of celebration right now.

Huh. Hadn’t even noticed that. Well, now I look like an idiot. I stopped jigging around like a schoolfilly and cleared my throat, eager to thank her—and to make some kind of conversation with her, beyond just going ‘guuuuuuuh’.

“Guuuuuu—I mean, uhm, thanks!” I felt like my face was gonna be ripped apart by my grin. “This is, like, the coolest thing ever! I have been waiting my whole life for this! Did you really like my moves? When’s my first show? Oh, do I get a sweet house to live in? Omigosh, a pool! I want a pool! And…” I might have started gushing a little, but really, could you blame me?

Luckily, being as awesome as she was, Spitfire knew what to do. She pressed a hoof against my mouth to stop me from talking, and smirked. “Whoa there, motor mouth! Calm it down a little.” She stepped back a little, that same smirk on her face. “Don’t worry, we’ll get to all that,” she said, “but first we’ve got to take care of… you know, paperwork and stuff.”

“Oh, do I have to sign on? Sure!” I cried, jumping right into Spitfire’s face. “I can do that, like, now! Where’s the papers? Do I need a lawyer?”

Spitfire giggled, and her smirk dropped down a smaller smile, almost…shy? She pawed at the ground with a hoof. “Well, uhm, I don’t really have the papers with me now, but…” She glanced back up at me. “How about we go eat someplace tonight, and I’ll bring you the papers then? Just you and me, and we can… talk business.”

Wait. Something wasn’t right.

This was the coolest pegasus since… well, me. She shouldn’t get shy. She shouldn’t be pawing at the ground, or looking up at me hopefully, or blushing, or trying to look bashful. She had me wrapped around her hoof right now! What was going…


Oh no.

That look.

Well that was a kick in the teeth.

I could already feel the disappointment rising, but I had to get out of there before it completely took over. I started backing away carefully.

“Eheh… actually, Spitfire,” I said, glancing behind me, “I really have to… erm…” Come on, brain! Think up a clever lie! “…Ah, go… wash my… socks! Yeah, that’s it. Gotta keep them socks clean, y’know?” Really? That’s the best you’ve got, brain? I don’t even wear socks.

If anything, Spitfire just looked more eager. “Oh, really?” she gasped, her smouldering eyes widening. “Me too! Maybe I could just come to your place and… share your washer?” her eyelids lowered slightly, and her voice took on a gruffer tone as she started stalking towards me. “Maybe we could show each other our socks, y’know? I’d love to see how you look in yours.”

…Huh. This was an entirely new level of weird, and considering I didn’t like any of the previous levels, I was gonna get right out of this one.

“Sorry, Spits, but I gotta split,” I said, chuckling nervously at my own rhyme, before jumping into the air. Before I even flapped, though, I knew I was gonna have a problem. After all, she was bound to come after me—it’s just the way things go with me these days—and, being the captain of the best flight team out there, I was expecting to have a real race on my hooves this time.

What I didn’t expect was her to whistle loudly, and for four more Wonderbolts team members to burst out of the woods and start racing towards me as Spitfire rose into the air herself.

Despite the whole situation being pretty much my worst nightmare, I still felt a little admiration in me. Now that was leadership. She’d gotten her whole crew to wait in the forest, even though they all must have been as desperate to catch me as she was? That’s the kind of dedication and loyalty that I could admire.

Too bad I had to let them all down. Still, I wasn’t gonna turn down an opportunity like this. Racing against all my foalhood heroes? Heck yeah.

“Catch me if you can, slowpokes!” I yelled, blowing a raspberry back at some of the best fliers in the world, before rocketing away.

The best thing about racing is that it’s nothing but speed. Oh, sure, you throw in tricky courses and some rules about special manoeuvres and it becomes about agility and reaction times too, but at the baseline it’s still about being faster than everypony else.

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m really fast. Regardless of how much I idolised my pursuers, I wasn’t gonna let anypony take my speed record away from me. Besides, Spike managed to beat them back when he went all greedy, and I wasn’t gonna let that shrimp of a dragon one-up me.

When I looked back a few moments later, the Wonderbolts were maintaining a decent pace, and were actually managing to keep up. They were doing better than Celestia, in fact, making me a little disappointed that I wasn’t the only one who could fly faster than a goddess. I could tell from my quick glances back at them that they were spreading out, too; looked like two were heading off to the left, two round to my right, leaving just Spitfire barrelling straight after me. What, were they trying to flank me? Hah, yeah, good luck with that—by moving away from me, they’d just made it even less likely for them to ever reach me. I started piling on even more speed anyway, since it would just be embarrassing to get caught in such an obvious move…

…Wait a sec.

I looked back again, and counted five Wonderbolts.

Weren’t there, like… ten of them?

I realised what was happening. Spend enough time around Applejack, and you start being able to tell when something’s being herded. That’s what was happening here; Spitfire and her team members were corralling me, encouraging me to go straight ahead. No doubt the rest of the team was gonna pop up somewhere ahead with a net or something—and just after thinking this, I saw a couple of small clouds waiting up ahead in the distance, looking just about close enough together to stretch a net across.

I suppose I could have dropped down into the treeline, lose them in the dense forest, and then make my escape. I could even have just shot up, or turned around; I was pretty confident I could move faster than Spitfire’s crew, and I could shake them off, given time. There were plenty of options, now that I thought I knew their plan, and any one of them would have probably been a smart move.

I wasn’t feeling smart right then. I was feeling pretty darn angry. Not only were my heroes chasing me down, they were trying to herd me! Me, Rainbow Dash!

“Oh, you wanna play hardball?” I shouted futilely into the wind, narrowing my eyes. “Alright then, you asked for it!”

Like I proved at lunch, it takes a whole heap of muscle or magic to hold down a regular Dash. I hadn’t yet met anything that could stop a raging mad one, though. Definitely no nets that I’d ever heard of, at any rate.

I pushed myself harder and faster. My vision narrowed down to just the gap between the two clouds as I hurtled towards it. Everything left my mind except for the desire to go faster. I didn’t care about staying hidden, and I didn’t worry about what I’d do after this. All I could feel was anger and adrenaline.

Like I said earlier, pulling off a Rainboom takes a lot of working up to; it’s not something you can just do willy-nilly. Luckily, I’d had one heck of a warm-up, and I had all the motivation I needed in the form of a boiling rage.

I pushed forwards, gritting my teeth and fighting the ever-increasing air pressure.

A net flew out from cloud on the left, and was presumably caught by a pony hiding behind its partner.

I felt the world stretch around me as I neared the sound barrier.

The net went taut a second before I hit it.

Then I pushed on through, and the world exploded into colour.

Kudos to the ‘Bolts Spitfire had put on net duty; they kept hold of the net, even as I blasted through both it and the sound barrier. Most ponies would probably run for their lives from the massive multicoloured explosion, but they stuck to their jobs, and I could admire that kind of dedication.

It’s a pity that a bit of the net apparently got caught on my tail or something, pulling the two pegasi teams behind me at an insane speed, until they smacked together in the middle of my slipstream and tumbled towards the ground.

I hurtled away, leaving a rainbow trail of awesomeness, an enormous shockwave, five comatose ponies and the entirety of the Wonderbolts team behind me.

By Celestia is it good to be this awesome.


A little while later, I was relaxing on a small cloud hanging a little distance above the Everfree, which seemed safe enough seeing how nopony ever touched the weather out here.

Well, I say “relaxing”. More like, “coming to terms with the fact that my dreams have just been crushed.”

It was almost funny how much different it felt this time. When the town first started going nuts on me, it was pretty annoying. Every time one of my friends had fallen under this spell, it’d been a whole other level of frustrating, but I could still live with it. This, though? This was my entire life. My one goal, the thing I’d been striving for ever since flight camp.

I kicked out at the cloud below me. It was a stupid dream, of course, and I should have known right when this all kicked off that I’d have to give it up. Sure, having everyone love you would be a great way to make sure you sold tickets, but not many aerial shows where everyone in the audience, security, and the flight crew itself was trying to kidnap one of the performers end well.

Worst of all was how uncool this whole thing was. The leader of the Wonderbolts herself shouldn’t ever look like that—all shy and embarrassed and lame—no matter how unbelievably awesome the pony she’s talking to is.

At least she’d actually tried to ask me out on a date first, instead of just skipping straight to the “try-and-kidnap-me” part like everypony else did.

To be honest, if it wasn’t for all this nonsense, I’d probably have said yes. Not just because of the guaranteed spot on the best aerial team in the world, either. I mean, the two most awesome pegasi in Equestria, together? I’d at least be willing to give it a shot, if only because it’d be really cool.

Problem was, how could I tell if anypony was really interested in me, since everypony reacted the same way? This… I dunno, curse or whatever… how could I tell between the ponies who only felt this way because of it, and those who were actually interested in me? It meant that, even if I ever did feel that way about a pony, I’d have no way of being sure if they felt the same.

Not that I ever would, really. I hadn’t yet met anypony awesome enough to handle the Rainbow.

I sighed in defeat, rolling over onto my side and staring down at the forest below me. The Everfree itself kinda reminded me of my life right now; uncontrollable, wild, and a complete mess.

Not that I didn’t try to control it at first, mind you. I mean, I’d looked for an answer back when all this craziness first started. Did some research, tried to see if something like this had ever happened before, and what could cause it. That’s actually where most of my ideas about what could have set all this off came from. Then, of course, my research partner tried to lock me in my own house so that she could have me all to herself. That kinda put me off a little.

I kept meaning to hit the books again, but… well, some of those books are really big and tough-looking, and sometimes they bring friends too—reference guides and dictionaries and other stuff. I didn’t want to pick a fight with them without a great big egghead on my side, backing me up… and since Ponyville’s egghead queen was out of the question, I was pretty much out of options.

Well, maybe it was time for a different kind of research. Maybe I had to go it alone, and look for the answers in my own life, instead of in history books.

I sat up on my cloud a little, thinking it through. Enough was enough, right? This was all just going to end up with me running from lovesick ponies for the rest of my life, wasn’t it? No matter how much I tried to ignore it, it wasn’t gonna go away. If I wanted to try and live my life the way I wanted, I was gonna have to force things back to the way they were.

And I thought I knew just where to start; the place I’d first noticed anypony acting weird, the place where it had all began. The first time I’d ever realised that someone was looking at me in that weird, stupid, lovey-dovey way that’d become such a commonplace part of my life now.

It was gonna be hard, scary, and probably really dangerous… but if I wanted answers, I had to start there.

I glanced up at the sky, and was relieved to see I still had a few hours of daylight left. Hopefully, the fact that customers were still there would stop anything too crazy from happening—even though I knew it probably wouldn’t.

With a new determination I leapt down from my cloud and started trotting across the field between the Everfree and Ponyville, heading straight towards Sugar Cube Corner.