• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 8,785 Views, 298 Comments

Everypony Loves Rainbow - WaferThin

A day-in-the-life of an awesome pony in a crazy world where everyone is shipped with her. EVERYONE.

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1700: Pinkie Time

Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all.

Sneaking through town had been a breeze. It seemed that everypony was nicely distracted by the huge rainbow explosion I’d set off a little while back. Ponyville was like a ghost town right now; between the darkening sky and the herd that had gone galloping off to Whitetail Woods in search of me—which meant I’d have to find a new training field…again—the streets were pretty empty. All I really had to deal with was sneaking past a couple of the ponies I’d ‘bumped into’ at the café earlier, since they apparently figured I’d stuck around after launching them halfway across Equestria. Yeah, it made getting through town a heck of a lot easier for me—since I didn’t have to really try to hide at all—but on the flipside, it was pretty darn creepy, too.

Creepy wasn’t a feeling I really wanted just now.

As I stood alone outside Sugar Cube Corner, trying to force myself to go in, doubts started doing the rounds in my head. They all basically said the same thing: am I completely insane?! This is Pinkie we’re talking about! What, do I have a death wish or something?

It probably says a lot about me that I found the idea of facing Pinkie even scarier than the whole chased-by-Celestia thing this morning.

I knew the dangers. Pinkie Pie was a great friend, and the absolute best pranking buddy… but she was also terrifying as all heck. If I went in that shop, I wasn’t at all confident that I’d be coming back out again. I mean, no matter how hard I tried to hide… she could always find me. Always.

So did I really want to do this? Just… march right into her lair, like some kind of sacrificial foal?

I knew I didn’t have a choice, though. I wanted to find out how this all started, and that meant returning to the first time it happened—the moment that the world changed for me.

That meant Pinkie.

I still remembered that moment, clear as day. We were just goofing around in the Cakes’ kitchen, making spicy cupcakes to serve to customers as a prank—well, to me it was a prank. To Pinkie, it was more like a light snack.

Halfway through baking, we started a batter-ball fight; like a snowball fight, but… well, with cake batter. Say what you like about Pinkie, but she’s usually a pretty good aim. She’s even managed to beat me once or twice, and I’m like, perfection. This time, she got me right in the face. It was a good laugh, but then she… I dunno, she sorta stiffened for a second, and a strange look came over her.

I know that look way better than I want to nowadays, but back then I just thought she was pulling another of her stupid Pinkie faces. I laughed it off and smooshed some batter over her face, to get my own back. She just kept staring at me, though, leaning closer and staring at the batter covering my mouth. She licked the batter off her own face, then moved in to lick it off my own face, too.

‘Course, I backed off. This was just weird, right? I tried to talk to her, see what was going on, but she just kept coming forward and trying to get the batter.

Didn’t take me long to work out it wasn’t that batter she was after, though.

At first I just thought it was Pinkie, taking our friendship a little further than I was comfortable with. I gave her some space—y’know, to make it clear that I was pretty happy with our friendship as it was—and hoped that would clear this all up.

It didn’t. It just got worse.

And then everypony else joined in.

So here I was, now; back where it all began. The one place I’ve been too scared to go since it all started.

But, wait. Rainbow Dash isn’t afraid of anything, right?


I gulped, took a deep breath, and strode through the door.

I knew that I was in trouble the moment the door closed, and the shop was plunged into darkness.

Okay, I know it was getting late and all, but it was still day time. Shouldn’t a shop be, like, open? ‘Specially one that sells food, since ponies would be getting ready for dinner about now and all.

Yeah, this was definitely trouble. I had hoped for at least a couple customers—not enough to cause me a problem, just a couple, to make Pinkie less likely to break out any of the real craziness that she holds back for when she’s alone.

“Uh… hello?” I called out. Well, maybe ‘called’ is a little too generous. More like ‘whispered carefully, in a high pitched voice’.

…Okay, fine, ‘squeaked’.

Silence answered me.

This was real odd now. Where were the Cakes? This was where they worked, and where they lived! They totally should have been here.

Alarm bells were ringing in my head, but I had to ignore them. I couldn’t come this far and turn away.

So, slowly and carefully, I put a hoof forward, heading deeper into the shop. I kept moving, absolutely silent… right up ‘till I stood on something soft, that squeaked loudly as I put weight on it.

I stopped, perfectly still, not daring to move. Seconds passed as I strained my ears, trying to hear if anything was gonna respond to the noise. Nothing answered, so it looked like I was safe. I glanced down at the floor, and found that I had stood on one of Pumpkin Cake’s many, many chew toys.

Note to self: when being sneaky, look where you’re freakin’ going.

Well, since there had been no response to the toy, I felt it safe to guess that the Corner was empty. Yep, definitely proof that there was nopony here. Satisfied, I turned around and started back towards the door quickly—

There was a giggle from behind me.

I spun, my heart hammering in my ears.

There was nothing there.

I slowly backed towards the door, keeping my eyes peeled. I was sure I heard somepony laugh, but I couldn’t see any—

There was a giggle from behind me.

Whirling on the spot, I flared my wings out, fight-or-flight instincts kicking in.

There was nothing there.

Okay, this situation had jumped straight from ‘downright creepy’ to ‘Oh my Celestia what are you doing GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE YOU MORON’ levels of terrifying.

So that’s what I decided to do: get the heck out of there. I galloped for the door.

Something dropped from the ceiling, landing in a ball right in front of me and making me scream like a little fil—I mean, let out a heroic cry.

I screeched to a stop inches away from the terrifying creature in front of me, which stretched out and revealed itself to be…

…A teenie, baby pony. Turns out that the squeak toy had summoned its owner; I’d been running scared from Pumpkin Cake.

Not that I knew that, of course! For all I knew, it could have been a horrifying, otherworldly monster chasing me! Not very likely, since I was in a bakery and all, but… have I mentioned ‘Pinkie Pie’ and ‘crazy’ yet?

Speaking of pink and terrifying… if Pumpkin cake was here, then who was looking after her?

I got my answer in the form of a horrified shudder and a far-too-bubbly voice from behind me: “Oh, nice work Pumpkin! You cover the door, and Pound covers the air! Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery clever!”

I looked upwards. Sure enough, the other twin was hovering above me. The moment he saw me, he reached out his hooves and made ridiculous baby-noises at me.

“Uh-uh, Poundy!” That terrifyingly cheery voice called out again, closer this time. “That’s not for babies, it’s for momma!”

I sighed in defeat, and turned to face the scariest thing I’d ever seen in my entire life; something that had been haunting my nightmares, and that I’d been trying desperately to avoid for so long now.

“Hi, Pinkie Pie.”

I was greeted with a smile that seemed to be wider than the face it was on. “Heya Rainbow Dash!” she called, waving a hoof. “Good to see you again! Feels like I haven’t seen you in…” she paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. I almost butted in, but then she suddenly did a flip, sticking all her legs in the air.

“…FOUR-ever!” she cried, wiggling her hooves, before collapsing into a quivering, giggly mess.

“Uh… Heh, good one Pinks,” I forced myself to join in, nervously glancing between the laughing mare and the door. “Listen, I just came to ask you a quick question, then I’ll be out of your mane—”

“What?!” Pinkie shouted, and in a blur she was on her hooves again. “Oh no you don’t, missy!” she said, grinning as she stalked towards me. “You’re here now, and you’re not leaving ‘til I’ve got what I want!” With that, she leapt forwards.

I did my best to escape. Really, I did. If it had been any other pony, I could have dodged, easy-peasy—after all, I out-flew the Wonderbolts earlier! I suppose I could put it down to just being worn out from that, and all the other craziness from today, but really there’s no point. This is Pinkie Pie we’re talking about. It really wouldn’t make a difference how prepared I was; when she can somehow shift her body in midair faster than you can think—and to the point where, under any normal laws, she should have broken half the bones in her body—you don’t have a hope in Tartarus.

So I ended up pinned under a horseload of hot pink, while the twins flew in circles around me, carrying… oh, great, streamers. Again. Seriously, I don’t know where Pinkie gets that stuff from, but it’s surprisingly useful for tying ponies up with.

“That’s it!” Pinkie cheered, giving the babies a manic grin. “Fly, my pretties! Fly!”

She leaned upwards, keeping a tight grip on me so that I was pulled up too. That grip was really something else; no matter what I did, I just couldn’t wriggle out of it, yet she managed to keep herself far enough away so that the babies were going around me but not her, flying (though I guess one of them was more levitating than actually flying) under her hooves. The Cakes did a few more laps of me, with Pinkie Pie egging them on the entire time.

“Steady there, Pumpkin!” She ordered. “Good job, Pound! One more pass… now, streamer out! Let ‘er go! Detach streamer!”

On cue, both babies released the streamers they were carrying in their mouths, leaving me completely bound. Pinkie fell backwards dramatically, making an explosion sound effect with her mouth, before going back to Basic Pinkie Pie Mode: non-stop laughter. I went straight to Basic Dealing-With-Pinkie-Pie Mode: rolling my eyes and waiting for her to stop.

“Oh, that was a great one!” she chortled as she stood back up, wiping away tears with a hoof. “And here I thought we’d have to use something lame, like ‘use the horse’!” She said this in a deep, melodramatic voice, then stared at me with an eager grin, clearly expecting me to understand.

As per usual, I didn’t.

I tried to get back on topic. “Yeah Pinkie, that’s great and all, but I really just need to ask you something—”

Pinkie gasped loudly, then leaned in closely. “Ooooh, can I guess what?!” she asked, and before I could answer with an absolute no, she started listing off ideas. “Is it the secret ingredient for my super-awesome-special cupcakes? Is it my favourite colour? Is it the location of the map? Is it the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow? Is it where I’ve hidden the trigger? Is it…”

This is normally around the point where I’d shut Pinkie up by either distracting her or shoving a hoof in her mouth. Since I was tied up, though, I couldn’t really do much to stop her. Luckily, it seemed the twins were just as fed up as me; the squeak toy I’d stood on earlier rose up, lit by the glow of Pumpkin’s horn, and forced itself into Pinkie’s mouth.

Even Pinkie knew she’d gone too far if Pumpkin was ready to give up a toy to shut her up. She gave it a thoughtful chew, before spitting it out and scrunching up her face. “Ewwww, baby drool! Icky!” She stuck out her tongue and started wiping it down with a hoof, which got the babies laughing.

“Yeah, this is real heart-warming and all Pinks,” I interrupted her performance, “but I really do need to ask you something.”

“Oh, fine then!” Pinkie said wearily. “It’s all ‘me, me, me’ with you, isn’t it Dashie?” She huffed a little, and then span me around and started dragging me off towards the stairs.

“Uhm…where are we going?” I asked nervously. Being tied up was bad enough; I didn’t want to get dragged off somewhere I didn’t know on top of that.

“Oh, I’m just gonna take you up to my room,” Pinkie explained, before leaning over and looking at me from upside-down. “Y’know, so you can ask your question, and we can have some…‘alone time’.” She wiggled her eyebrows as she said this, leaving it pretty clear what she meant by that.

I suddenly remembered, oh yeah, she’s freaking terrifying! All of that fear that I’d forgotten during the regular Pinkie madness came rushing back. I tugged at the streamers desperately, but they wouldn’t come loose no matter how hard I tried. How did babies learn to hogtie a pony this well, anyway? What, was Applejack giving them lessons? I gave up on the bindings and turned back to my captor.

“Actually, Pinks, I think I’d much prefer to stay down here…”

I got no response, and she kept dragging me away from the freedom of the door. I tried to wiggle away as we reached the stairs, but I couldn’t do anything. Darn that iron grip of hers!

“Nuh-uh, baby-wabies!” I heard Pinkie coo, and I looked back into the shop to see the twins were starting to trot over, giggling. “I said, ‘alone time!’ As in, ‘not suitable for ikkle-wikkle pony-wonies! And besides, I promised-womised the Cakes that I’d take good care of you while they’re on vacation-wation!” Well, that explained why the Cakes were gone and the shop was shut. Still, all this baby talk was making me feel sick. Like, really sick. Like, baked bads sick.

Pinkie let go of me for a second. “Here you go, Cakey-wakeys!” she cried, and a couple of things flew over my head, towards the babies. They stopped for a second and sniffed them, before eagerly gobbling them up.

“There,” she said in a satisfied tone of voice, and she picked me up from behind again, dragging me up the stairs. “Those should keep you distracted…wacted… for the rest of the weeked….meekend?” Pinkie fizzled out, mumbling a little. “Oh no! Dashie, I’m running out of rhymey-whymeys!” She stopped, then giggled. “Oh wait, that was one! Gee, I dunno how Zecora does it-”

“What did you throw at them, Pinkie?” I asked desperately. Not so much because I actually cared, but because I really wanted to keep her from breaking into another endless series of horrible rhymes.

“Everlasting gobstoppers,” she said, shrugging slightly, apparently thinking that it explained everything. We reached the landing, and she started pulling me towards her room.

I’ve gotta be honest, I was impressed that Pinkie was able to carry me so easily. She wasn’t even struggling at all! Man, she must be much stronger than she looks—you can’t really see that much muscle on her body—

Stay on target, brain.

Pinkie Pie tugged me through the doorway and into her bedroom, which was just as party as you’d expect, but wasn’t nearly as pink as you’d think. She lifted me up and threw me onto the bed, then became a blur as she ran around the room.

“Omigoshthisisgonnabesogreat!” She babbled excitedly, hurling seemingly random objects over towards me. “We’re gonna play board games, and plan pranks, and—oooh! Pin the Tail on the Pony! It’s been aaaaaaaaaaages since we played that! And we can eat snacks, and share childhood stories, and— ” she broke off into a stunned gasp, before gently picking something up. She turned towards me slowly with a crafty smile, before revealing—

“Spin the Bottle!” Pinkie yelled, punching a hoof in the air, before chucking the bottle over too, which thankfully landed nowhere near me. “Oh, it’ll be such great fun! I mean, I know it’s just the two of us so it’s a bit redundant, but it’ll still be awesome! I’ll go first, and you can dare me to kiss you, and then it’ll be my turn, and I’ll get you to tell me the truth about that one time, at flight camp— ”

“PINKIE PIE!” I yelled in frustration. Volume seemed to be the only thing that got her attention when she’s like this.

“Yes, Rainbow?” she asked, batting her eyelids.

“Look, Pinks, all I wanna do is ask you a simple question! No games, no pranks. Just a question. Okay?”

“Oh yeah! I forgot, you said something about that.” She seemed to seriously consider the idea, squinting thoughtfully and rubbing her chin, before leaping forward to land on the bed. “Depends on the question, silly!” she said, rubbing a hoof on my head. “Like, is it a serious question like, ‘how far is it to the nearest cookie’? Or something silly, like ‘where are the bodies?’

“…Bodies? Ugh, never mind.” I had to cut to the point, or this was just gonna go nowhere. “Look, do you remember the last time I was here?”

Pinkie frowned for a moment. “I dunno Dashie,” she said thoughtfully, “That was an awful long time ago…”

“Yeah, I know, that’s kinda why I’m here.” I sighed. “I just want to get a quick answer from you, about—”

“Forty-two!” Pinkie shouted, beaming at me.

“…Say what now?”

“Forty-two, silly!” she repeated, looking at me as if I was the one who had gone completely crazy. “It’s the answer to everything, you know.”

“…Great. Look, something happened the last time I was here. It happened to you. Remember?”

Pinkie stared off into the distance with a real strained look on her face, like it was almost hurting her to think that far back, and sticking her tongue out in concentration. It would have been funny, if it wasn’t so important to me.

And if, y’know, I wasn’t all tied up and stuck on her bed, too.

“I remember…” she began. “…We were in the kitchen, making some super-tasty-spicy-mazing cupcakes! And then…” she faltered, looking sad. “…I dunno, I got sorta… tingly, I guess. And then you left!” She turned to face me again, almost looking angry. “I had something really important to tell you, and you just flew off!”

I perked up when Pinkie started talking about her ‘tingles’, but that look nearly scared me right off. Still, I’d come this far; I had to push further. “What do you mean by ‘tingly’?” I asked.

“I dunno, sorta…combo-like?” she said. “Y’know, Pinkie Sense style, only my whole body this time! And not in the ‘doozy’ way, though it was a doozy; just… y’know, different. And then I looked at you…” Pinkie made eye contact with me again, and I could see that I was losing her; her eyes started going unfocused, and she smiled dreamily. “…Everything just sorta… fitted, y’know? Like, it was where you were supposed to be, and I was supposed to be, and… I dunno, just… nice.”


“Yeah. Nice.”

This was getting me nowhere. “C’mon, Pinks!” I pleaded. “You gotta give me more! Did it feel like a spell? Did you eat something weird? What!?”

“I dunno, it was like… there was someone in my head, saying that this was right! That this was how it should be!”

Alright, now we were getting somewhere! “Who was it, Pinkie? Who?”



Pinkie leaned in closer. “You, Dash,” she breathed. “It was always you…”

And with that, I knew I’d lost her. Her eyes closed, her lips puckered together and she slowly bent over towards me.

Overall, it hadn’t been a total waste of time. I guess I’d learned a little bit, at least. Not that I could really use it, mind you. Still, it was better than nothing.

Well, nothing for it but to make my cunning escape.

…I said, cunning escape!

…Oh come on, I must have had an escape plan! I didn’t just march into the lion’s den without coming up with a way out first, right?


Oh crud.

I went straight back to panicking, fighting against the streamers tying me up. Pinkie was getting closer and closer, and I was no nearer to getting away. I was completely trapped, and there was no way out!

C’mon, brain! Do something!



I realised a second later that I’d actually done that one out loud. Pinkie was staring at me in confusion.

“I mean…uh…cook something!” I flustered desperately. “Yeah, that’s it! I’m, uh… really hungry! Can’t do anything with you on an empty stomach, y’know?”

Pinkie looked at me suspiciously. “I dunno…”

Time to turn on that famous Rainbow Dash Charm. Y’know, the normal kind, not the one that turned ponies into crazies. “Pleeeeease, Pinkie? Just for me, your…ugh…‘Dashie-washie’? I’d really appreciate it…”

Pinkie kept looking at me for a moment, before breaking into a smile. “Okay, Dashie, but only for you!” She bounced off the bed, and trotted over to the door, before turning back and giving me eyes across the bedroom. “I guess you’ll owe me one after this, huh? Don’t worry, I’ll be back to ‘collect’ soon!”

She headed out of the door, and I sighed. I’d bought myself a few minutes, and it was almost worth the taste of vomit in my mouth after using that baby talk. I started wriggling against my bindings, but stopped when Pinkie suddenly reappeared in the doorway.

“And just to make sure you’re safe, I’ll leave my guard alligator with you!” she announced, shaking her mane until Gummy dropped out of it. With that, she headed downstairs.

I stared at Gummy.

He stared at me.

“…Is it alright with you if I try to escape now, little guy?”

He kept staring. I decided that his silence was a yes.

Right, good job brain. We’ve got some time. Now let’s get the heck outta here!

I started tugging frantically at my hooves and wings, desperate to loosen the streamers. Seriously, where the heck did Pinkie get these things? They were like steel!

I tried squirming, and wriggling, and shaking. I even flopped to the carpet and started dragging myself along, trying to rub them loose. it was no good though; no matter what I did, the blasted things just wouldn’t come loose. I clearly wasn’t getting out of them through force alone. If only I had something else I could use, something I could trap the streamers between, and then sorta grind my way through them! I could get Gummy to chew through them, except he didn’t have any—

Oh, right. Teeth.

I practically broke my neck bending around so I could start chewing through them. It took a while, but finally I got my hooves free. I got to work on the ones around my wings, but froze when I heard singing.

A moment later I heard hooves on the stairs. Pinkie was on her way back up! I definitely didn’t have time to get the bindings off my wings, so I needed a plan, and quick.

What did I have to work with? Balloons, and birthday cakes, and giant candy canes, and barrels, and more streamers, and more balloons, and party outfits, and…

…A great big cannon, conveniently pointing at the ‘pegasus door’ Pinkie had in her wall, as a quick route into her room for me.


I ran to the door, throwing it open, then sprinted back to the party cannon, grabbing one of the massive candy canes on my way past. I practically leapt into the cannon, shoving myself into it rear-first. It’s funny, the thing barely looked like it was large enough to hold me, but it was actually pretty roomy, almost like it was bigger on the inside. I put it down to being something that belonged to Pinkie Pie.

Speaking of Pinkie, she walked into the room, focusing on the tray of treats she had balanced on top of her puffy mane. “Hey Dashie, what was up with the weather today?” she giggled. “For the first time in history, it started raining mares! What was up with that?”

She looked up, and saw me in the cannon. The tray slid off her head as she looked at me, shocked.

“Sorry, Pinks!” I called, giving her a mock salute with my free hoof, reaching round and whacking the firing button with the candy cane I held in the other one. “I hate to bail on ya, but I gotta fly!”

For a second, everything was frozen. I stared at a dumbstruck Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie stared at me.

Gummy stared off into space.

Then my backside exploded, launching me across Ponyville and into the darkening sky.