• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 16,716 Views, 422 Comments

Rise of the Harmony Kingdom - cornholio4

After the fallout in the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight ends up overthrowing the Storm King.

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How Not to Do Diplomacy

In the carriage set being driven by two Pegasus guards, sat Shining Armor and Princess Cadence. The still technically engaged couple had an awkward silence between them as they were looking over the opposite sides of the carriage. They were both also feeling a bit of the cold due to only having blankets to warm themselves.

Shining decided to break the silence by asking "so are you warm enough? I could give you my blanket..."

"I'm fine." Cadence stated bluntly not even turning to face him as they both gave a sigh at the same time. Cadence took a deep breath and said "Shining, do you think the issues between us are ever going to be fixed? Even once we find Twilight, will that change the fact that we have barely been on speaking terms for about two years? Say we do find Twilight and all is forgiven? Are we supposed to go to our wedding while ignoring everything that happened?"

Shining took a sigh himself and wanted to say that everything would be fine but he felt that if he did his heart would not be in it. "...You're right... Perhaps it would be best if we go to some counselling, go over our issues and decide if we have really want this to continue. We can't exactly go back to how things were before..."

Cadence was about to respond when one of the guards told them to look down there. They looked down and their eyes widened when they saw the Crystal Empire surrounded by what looked like an army standing guard. "You don't think King Sombra managed to assemble an army and take back control already..." Cadence asked and Shining had no answer.

The carriage dropped down in front of the entrance with the Armada going into battle ready stances at the sight. Looking determined Shining and Cadence got out of the carriage and went up to the creatures.

One of them came forward and Shining asked "are you King Sombra's army?" The creature then shook his head and Shining decided to be more forward. "I am Captain Shining Armor of Equestria here with Princess Cadence. I demand to see your leader!" Shining told him giving his best threatening look he could muster.

The creature then looked to another one and told him "Sam, I need you to go and get Commander Tempest."

"Right away Ralph." Said the creature walking away and the two Equestrians batted their eyes at their strange names. Then a minute later Sam came back with Tempest and they were shocked to see a unicorn with a broken horn.

"Private Ralph, Private Sam, please go back to your posts while I deal with these tourists." Tempest told the two creatures who gave a salute as they did so. Shining and Cadence were indignant at being called tourists. Tempest gave them a look telling them to explain themselves and they got over their shock.

"I am Captain Shining Armor of the Equestrian Royal Guard and this is Princess Cadence. We are here to lend assistance to the Crystal Empire." Shining explained trying to make himself look important only for his helmet to fall off earning a giggle from Cadence.

"Well please go back as your assistance is not required. I am Commander Tempest of the Harmony Kingdom and we have this all under control." Tempest stated to the eyes widening of Shining and Cadence.

"The Harmony Kingdom? Those warlords that have been invading and expanding themselves over the lands South of Equestria over the last year and a half?" Shining shouted at once and then began marching towards Tempest before Cadence could stop him. "You are probably invading the Crystal Empire right now! Expansionist invaders who could come to Equestria next..." Shining told her looking quite ready to fight.

Tempest then humourlessly laughed in his face. "Expansionist nothing. We are merely good Samaritans who have been freeing our lands from the late Storm King's clutches. Do not judge us for details which you don't know." Tempest responded with strict firmness in her voice.

"You are the ones twisting the name of 'Harmony' by using the phrase in your name. Your leader probably just backstabbed the Storm King since there is no honour in thieves. You probably want to continue invading but I won't stand for it!" Shining told Tempest with a smirk. Princess Cadence was standing there looking like she wanted to slap Shining on the head several times and tell him to shut up before he digs himself deeper.

Tempest made Shining go back in fear with her horn lighting up. "Don't you dare insult my Queen like that again! She was the first creature to show me kindness in a long time. Plus you have some twisted priorities, don't you? Equestria didn't care when the Storm King was conquering his lands but only when our new management wants to save the Lands... Only then do you consider us a threat? No wonder you lot were dumb enough to get invaded by Changelings." Tempest told him coldly.

Cadence jumped at it and any reminder of the Invasion was a sore spot for Shining. Shining then charged right at Tempest with her ready to fight. Cadence wanted to intervene but she did not need to as Shining was thrown away by a hippogriff wing.

Cadence glared at Shining when she was helping him up, "Let me do ALL the talking from this point forward!" Cadence told Shining with a look that dared him to argue. Shining only gave a slight nod.

They turned to see Queen Novo glaring at them along with Princess Skystar who was waving at Tempest. "This is an unexpected surprise Queen Novo, Princess Skystar." Tempest stated with a bow before the Hippogriff Queen.

Queen Novo gave a smile to Tempest making the two Equestrians pause realising Queen Novo must be familiar with the Harmony Kingdom. "Leave now, once I have calmed down I will be generous and talk to my queen about letting you lot lend a hand." Tempest told Shining and Cadence when faced with them again.

Shining wanted to argue but Cadence went in front of him. "We give our humblest apologises and we hope to come back again once we are ready to discuss political relations." Cadence told Tempest as she walked back to the carriage along with a glaring Shining.

"Please give Princess Celestia this message about when the Storm King invaded my home and it was up to the Harmony Kingdom to help me and my subjects: THANKS FOR NOTHING!" Queen Novo coldly told them making Cadence and Shining gulp.

They saw Tempest turn around and paused when they noticed the symbol on her armor. They looked to the symbols of the armor of the Guard as well. There was a larger one on a nearby airship. "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Shining asked as they symbol really was familiar to them.

"We better let my aunt know about this at once." Cadence responded knowing this was the first clue to Twilight's whereabouts they had in two years.

Cadence herself had a sneaking suspicion why their flag would be like that and who their Queen was...

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter is a bit short compared to the others.