• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 16,669 Views, 422 Comments

Rise of the Harmony Kingdom - cornholio4

After the fallout in the Canterlot Wedding, Twilight ends up overthrowing the Storm King.

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Reactions part 1

It was the morning in Ponyville and Rainbow Dash woke up as the Sun shined through her cloud window. She grunted as she got up and began to get to work on her morning routine. She got ready and got her and Tank's breakfast salad all taken care of. There was a knock on the door and she answered it.

There was Derpy Hooves doing her mail delivery. "Hello Derpy, I don't suppose there is anything about Twilight in the news today?" Rainbow Dash asked, having asked the question to Derpy every day for the past few years.

Once again Derpy shook her heads and gave the parcel and morning newspaper to Dash. Dash gave a thank you as the Mail mare then left. She placed the parcel on her table and opened it.

There were two brand news copies of the latest Daring Do book, one was for her and the other one will be for Twilight WHEN they find her again. After all these years the search had not been going very well. All they could do was keep an eye out for any hint of her and continue their requests for information.

"Come on Twilight, please give us a hint already to where you are? How am I supposed to make it up to you if you are not even here?" Dash screamed in her head in agitation.

Things hadn't been the same for her or their friends without the sixth member of their little group around. Especially with the circumstances behind the last time they had met.

There were words they needed told to her and apologises they had to make. She knew this situation at the wedding was not handled well at all but she knew who deserved the most blame:

She made solemn vow that if she ever saw the Changeling Queen ever again, well then she would make sure she had regretted even coming up with her invasion plan in the first place.

She put one of the books on the table, that was for her later. Right now she needed to get Twilight's to the library with the others that had been released since her leaving.

She got to the library which had been run by Spike ever since they got back to Ponyville. However she stopped when she saw the door which had one of Twilight's search posters on it, was wide open.

She had wondered what was going on when Cheerilee came over and told her "you should have seen Spike rushing through that door. He seemed excited but would not stop to say what was going on." Dash's mouth was wide opened as Cheerilee left to start the school day.

Dash shook her head thinking she would worry about the dragon later. She went to the table and put the book on the stack with the other Daring Do books to give to Twilight.

She then spotted on the same table was a letter that seemed like it came from the Princess. However she caught a glimpse of a particular T word and read the entire thing from the beginning:

Dear Spike

I bring wonderful news. I assure you that I am most serious when I say that we may have found our first clue to Twilight's location and what she had been doing for the past few years. I will explain everything when you and Twilight's friends arrive in Canterlot. Please be prepared as this involves a task which may take a few days.

Sincerely Princess Celestia

Rarity had intended to take a long lie in bed to get some extra beauty sleep but she was woken up by being shaked incredibly hard before her usual time being awakened. At first she thought it would be Sweetie Belle wanting help from something.

Instead it was Spike who looked as if Princess Celestia had passed a law stating that he was to be given Equestria's entire gem supply to eat. She could not remember him being so happy.

She had no time to ask or even demand an explanation for what he was doing before he told her to come to the library with her going away stuff. He then left without a word.

Thinking it must be serious she went to work assembling her stuff and sighing at the dresses she had made patterned after her missing friend's mane patterns and Cutie Mark. The line was a success but she was unable to enjoy it until she had the pony that had inspired it back by her side.

There was a sad feeling to the ponies they knew that got along with Twilight when they got the news. Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle had tried various tasks related to becoming Cutie Mark Crusaders Twilight Trackers and countless times she had to stop them from trying to venture out on their own quest to find her.

She had gotten to the library to see Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack already there. By the looks of things, they had no more knowledge on why they were there than her.

Before Rarity could point out Rainbow Dash was not there yet, Spike then ready out his latter from Princess Celestia. There was a minute of silence before Spike was hounded by the four ponies wanting to see the letter for themselves to make sure this was for real.

Pinkie Pie had been planning the biggest party she had ever for Twilight's Apology Party when they found her. She spent several hours working on the details to make sure it was perfect for Twilight when they found her. All her happiness and smiles didn't seem complete the last few years due to not having all her friends with her. Especially since it was not good terms when they last saw her.

Fluttershy was going to give Twilight the biggest hug ever when they found her. She would sometimes stare a picture of her on her table lamenting on their friendship. She even surprised herself when she actually snapped at Angel when he tried pushing the picture away. This surprised all the animals as she had never done that before to Angel.

To say Angel was stunned would be an understatement.

Applejack was excited at the prospect of having her honorary family member back. She would INSIST that Twilight spend the next Hearth's Warming Eve with her and her family. The last words said to her kept haunting nightmares.

Then suddenly they heard a crash to see Rainbow Dash there with her bags. "What are you girls waiting for? Let's get to Canterlot ASAP! I will fly you all myself in my arms if I have to!" Rainbow Dash shouted stomping her hooves on the floor.

Author's Note:

Sorry again for the length.

I can't wait for the MLP Movie to have its DVD release on the 12th here in the uk.

Plus I saw the trailer for Them's Fightin Herds. Hope for a future console release. To be honest (I said this or two pages on the group's forum) last I heard before seeing the trailer of this project was literally after I heard Lauren Faust joined the team as designer after he cease and desist letter. I didn't hear of the new characters, story or title until I saw Lauren's Twitter showing the trailer.

I honestly thought the project was cancelled. I guess that's my fault for realising it actually takes time to develop video games..... unless your Scott Cawthon. I do want to write stories of the game after its released though.