• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 490 Views, 32 Comments

PBB: A Pirate's Life - AntiBronyBenSwolo

Sonata Dusk has turned to the Dark Side for revenge, and Adagio is the only one who can stop her. Who'll help her out on her adventure, however, is quite a surprise. Savvy?

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Chapter 17

Oh my goodness! This might as well be the best day of my life right here. I outsmarted Aria and laid a trap at my Geonosian factory so that when Aria and her pathetic excuses of friends come to destroy it, they'll be no match for me and my minions. I can't believe she fell for that for realsies. I'm holding back laughter at this. And Adagio thought I was an idiot. Granted she also called Aria an idiot as well as me, but I just proved myself smarter than her. Might as well call this the end of our little feud here, cause I played my final move against my fellow Dazzlings in this war I created in the first place.

Enough bragging about how smart I am, time to reveal what this is all about. Basically, I've prepared defenses all around my Geonosian Factory so that when Aria and her Businessmen friends come to destroy the factory, they'll not only be heavily outnumbered, but they'll also be heavily outgunned. I've prepared some heavily modified tanks with stereo cannons that will project my singing voice at them, causing them to fall under my siren spell. Then again, it would be very foolish of me to prepare a trap and NOT have some bait, wouldn't it? Well, fear not, because I've got some bait prepared in mind: Question.

Basically, I found out that there were 6 heroes who managed to escape my siren spell, so I sent my droids out to capture every single one of them. Only one of them still survives my spell, but he wouldn't be so lucky if Aria hadn't found a weakness in my droids in the first place and captured Lord Grievous. However, I have managed to lock up Moon Night aboard my ship due to a mental health issue, and Cyborg and Flash are now under my spell. All that remains is the webhead, Spider-Man, and the leader of the rebel group: Question. I decided to face them both with a little help from my mind controlled toys.

Basically, I led Question and Spider-Man to an abandoned warehouse and had a mind controlled hero, a woman by the name of "Black Canary", sing a supersonic song to attack Spider-Man and his black spider-suit. I figured super-sonic frequencies would be the weakness of the symbiote, so Black Canary would be the person to deal with Spidey. Meanwhile, the faceless detective pointed a blaster at me, hoping to scare me off. I then activated my lightsaber, proving his desicion to be a deadly mistake. Sooner or later, both of them surrendered and succumbed to my spell. I was aware of Aria's victory at Wakanda, but I used this to my advantage. I decided to have Question tell Black Panther the location of my Battle Droid factory, and to make Panther stoked about it. I watched the conversation and let out a hiss of my power.

Once I got back to my ship, however, I saw an old friend of mine fight Adagio on a pirate ship of sorts. I was super confused at this turn of events because I did not expect Flash Sentry to become a pirate like Adagio did. It got stranger even when I saw the two of them fighting. It didn't even look like they were under my spell, they were just fighting. They basically sailed around, shooting each other with their cannons, and eventually, Flash got the drop on Adagio and got her captured. It seemed like Flash got himself a ghost friend as well to help him out with whatever he was doing. I decided not to intervene until I got the information I needed on what was going on.

I decided to watch them some more so that I figure out what was going on. I saw Flash's ugly looking pirate crew put Adagio and his pirate friends in the brig to rot. It looked like Flash was planning some revenge of his own. I sensed that Flash wanted revenge on the Dazzlings for putting the entire school under his spell. If only I could tell him to get on my level of seeking revenge. I also sensed that Flash wanted to kill Adagio, Aria, and I in order to fulfill his revenge. If he wanted revenge on me, he should have gotten an actual army to fight me. My lightsaber and my Force Powers would cut through his rusty rapier and destroy him in mere seconds.

As I continue to stalk Adagio and Flash, I see that Adagio and her pirate friends escaped the brig and tried to take the longboat to safety. Flash wasn't dumb enough to not notice that, so he caught up to Adagio and fought the three pirates one at a time. He eventually stabbed one of the pirates, mortally wounding him, and Adagio practically flipped and held the pirate in her arms and started crying. I would be crying too if I knew what was happening aboard that ship myself. The pirates then disappear in a flash of green, and my droids calculate their universe destinations. I won't remain confused like this for long.

I then decided to send a thousand B1 battle droids to Middle Earth to find Adagio, capture her, find Flash Sentry, capture him, bring them both to me, and finally figure out what the heck is going on. Did Adagio get himself a boyfriend or something? Is Flash now jealous that Adagio has himself a boyfriend while Sentry is now single? One thing for sure is absolutely certain about this stalking: I really need to catch up with Adagio and Aria more often instead of cooping myself in my ship for so long. Then again, I do get free tacos. And sooner or later, I'm gonna get the answers I need for figuring out what Adagio is doing.