• Published 21st Jan 2018
  • 490 Views, 32 Comments

PBB: A Pirate's Life - AntiBronyBenSwolo

Sonata Dusk has turned to the Dark Side for revenge, and Adagio is the only one who can stop her. Who'll help her out on her adventure, however, is quite a surprise. Savvy?

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Chapter 18

This has become one of the worst days of my life. Not even me losing the first Battle of the Bands is worse than this. Don't believe me? Well then, would you rather lose a precious siren gem, or have your boyfriend or girlfriend injured by someone who hates your guts? The thing is that both things have happened to me. Mango Mad was injured by Captain Flash Sentry and I thought I would never see him again as Ariel and I escaped to Middle Earth with nothing but Mango Mad's ring. He told me to keep this golden ring safe at all cost, and that this ring is just as precious to him as the Siren Gem was to me. It must have had some sort of strange power to it, but I was too depressed to care.

Ariel and I made it to the pub where Mango Mad taught me how to fight in a pub and we had ourselves a few drinks of water. I was surprised to see that the pub had root beer of all things, but then I remembered that Mango Mad might have supplied them with such drinks. Ariel put her hand over my sulking body as this caught the eye of the bartender, who was a young dwarf with long curly black hair, a short beard, a scottish accent. The bartender introduced himself as Chris Aleofstorm, and asked me what the problem was. I explained it to Chris and he said that Mango Mad was a close friend of his, and that his sacrifice will not go in vain.

He then gets out of the bartender's room, revealing his small stature, and whistling loud enough for all the pirates in the pub to hear. He explained that there is a new threat in town, that threat being Flash Sentry, and that he has injured Mango Mad. He explained that we're not sure if he's alive or not, but if he is confirmed to be dead, then Sentry is hereby cursed to deal with not one, but all of the pirates that have assisted Mango Mad and have been assisted by Mango Mad. I almost let out a tear of joy as all the pirate roared out in agreement as they all pulled out their swords and readied their ships. Chris then put his hand on my shoulder and asked me to lead the way.

As I got to Chris' own ship and crew, which Chris let me temporarily captain, Ariel asked me if she could borrow the portal Mango Mad gave me for a second. I did so, and she left for a good 5 minutes before coming back and increasing our fleet size by 2 (and a half, maybe). In those 5 minutes, I counted the ships to see if it would be enough to take down the Singing Spaniard. Seeing as it was able to take down theCursed Shell, that proved to be a problem. It would be best to prepare a fleet in case Flash pulled the same trick on us. Just then though, Captain Sentry appeared, and fulfilled my prediction of a fleet. But what I failed to predict was that Sentry's fleet outnumbered ours.

All the pirates looked still and frightened that they might all die during the firefight. I, however, found hope in all of this. I grabbed the rope bridge to the crews nest to grab everyone's attention, and I just sang. I just sang the song Mango Mad and his crew sang to defeat Ariel before she became my friend. As I sang the song, the crew became mesmerized and started singing along. As the crew of Chris' ship started singing along, the crews of the other ships started singing along and raising all of their black flags. I relaized that not only did I get my singing voice back, but I got my power back. And I didn't use it for personal gain this time. I knew I'm making Mango Mad proud, wherever he is.

As soon as the entire fleet was put under my spell, the Singing Spaniardstarted sailing forward, with three of our ships sailing in to take it down. Two of them went to the side whereas the third one made a 90 degree turn and aimed it's starboard at the front of the Spaniard. I could very faintly hear Flash yell "FIRE!" as the Spaniard fired her weapons at the opposing ships. The ship at the front fired it's starboard cannons at the front, but not before Flash ordered his crew to hijack the ship and blow itself up from the inside. The remaining pirates in our fleet were slightly less confident in taking down Flash and his orc pirates, but still confident enough for the song to still be in effect.

As soon as those three ships were sunk, two following orc pirate ships came sailing past Captain Sentry and at our fleet, preparing for an attack. I decided to counter this attack by having my current ship sail up against them. Chris and his dwarven crew loaded the cannons with an oil covered cannonball that will light on fire when the cannon is fired. The orc ships were preparing to sandwich us, but our counter was to load the Port cannons and steer the ship so that the ship trying to shoot at us from our starboard side, we would end up shooting from our port side instead. Our plan worked and this caught the other orc ship off guard, so we just straight out blasted them with everything else we had.

As soon as I saw the Singing Spaniardagain, I took out a spyglass and saw Flash Sentry snarling out at my new crew in anger. I could see him yelling, but we were so far away that no one except Flash's orcs and uriks and whatnot could understand him. I then asked Ariel what would be the best thing to do to capture Flash. Ariel had no clue, but as we were about to start the fight, Mango Mad's ring started glowing yellow with big white letters on the ring. I couldn't read what the lettering was saying because it was in some other language, but I think it was influencing me to sail straight into battle and fight Flash Sentry face to face. As soon at I noticed that, I was holding onto the helm sailing our ship over to the Spaniard, ready to attack. What's the worst that could happen?