• Published 7th Dec 2011
  • 4,589 Views, 24 Comments

Fire of the Heart - Dracoliat

When Fluttershy is rescued by Rainbow Dash and falls in love, can she admit her new feelings?

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Chapter 1

"Hey Fluttershy you home?" Rainbow Dash called out as she flew nearer to Fluttershy's small cozy wooden cottage. On the outside were many smaller plants including carrots and tomato plants. As usual all the plants looked perfectly healthy.

As soon as she landed Dash remembered she probably wouldn't hear the response from the shy pegasus pony. Instead of calling out again, she just opened the door gently with her forehead and saw Fluttershy in the living room dusting of her pet's houses.

"Oh, hi Rainbow Dash... sorry about how messy my house is right now," Fluttershy said in her usual quiet voice, as she gestured calmly at her house.

Rainbow Dash's boyd shook with laughter as she looked around the cottage, saying with an amused tone, "this is more clean and organized then I am after cleaning day; It looks fine, really."

"Thank you Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said, her cheeks adopting a slightly more red color as she hid her face by putting the duster away. Her footsteps were almost silent as she went to the kitchen coming back with two large, orange, and succulent looking carrots. She handed them both to Angel who quickly scampered away with them into his small home. "Oh I'm sorry, do you want one Dash?" she asked sincerely looking at Rainbow Dash with her delicate soft eyes.

"Nah, I'm good," Dash said, only a few seconds later her stomach betrayed her and growled in protest. "Actually, could I have an apple please?" she asked, her body shaking with light laughter.

Fluttershy giggled slightly as she went into the kitchen and quickly prepared a apple and came back with it on an ornate plate. She set it down in front of Rainbow Dash delicately before thinking, 'I wonder why Rainbow Dash is here?'

Almost as if she could read Fluttershy's mind Rainbow stopped eating and looked up at Fluttershy her mane blowing slightly because of the wind from the open windows. She was distracted for a few seconds by this new look and blushed before she regained her normal demeanor. "Fluttershy, I was thinking about getting a pet, maybe you could help me?" Rainbow Dash asked before immediately getting back to eating the apple. After only a minute she sat back and rested her hooves lightly on her stomach, "Ah that was good, thanks Fluttershy."

Showing her perfect white smile Fluttershy said, "You're very welcome, now why don't I clean up that plate. Then we can talk about a good, possible pet for you, OK?" she leaned down and picked up the plate with her teeth and quickly brought it over to the kitchen, running the water for what only seemed like a few seconds as the left over apple juice came of easily. The water stopped and Fluttershy grabbed a towel before starting to dry the plate.

The the weirdest thing happened while Fluttershy was washing the plate; a carrot hit Rainbow Dash in the side of the head, as she looked over to see where it came from she saw the small bunny, Angel. Angel just stood there looking angrily at Rainbow Dash at the intrusion. from the kitchen Fluttershy's sweet and sensitive voice said; "Now you play nice Angel, ok?" After that Angel jumped back into his little house and slammed the door shut. Fluttershy thought to herself 'How can he slam the door without fingers? Oh well.'

Fluttershy soon emerged from the kitchen and walked back to where Rainbow Dash was standing."Anyways Fluttershy, I was thinking about something that could fly next to me and keep me company like that, do you know any loyal pets that are good at flying?" Rainbow Dash asked in an eager voice.

'Uh, well lets see, there are cockatrices but those are way to dangerous, then dragons which take to long to grow, of course a phoenix is perfect,' Fluttershy thought before she finally opened her mouth, she took a deep breath before Rainbow Dash interrupted her, and all the air rushed out of her unused.

"On second thought, I gotta get going, sorry about that Fluttershy, maybe you can tell me some other time?" Rainbow Dash asked as she walked towards the door. She stopped and turned around to face Fluttershy saying sincerely, "by the way thanks for the apple, it was amazing," and with that she jumped out of the door. Her wings stretching out magnificently, sending her soaring into the sky.

"To bad she couldn't stay any longer. I wanted her to help me with dinner... Oh well, Angel will you please help me make dinner?" Fluttershy asked the rabbit next to her as he quickly jumped back into his small house. Sighing ever so lightly Fluttershy walked into her kitchen. Her delicate head and pink mane reached out the window, as she grabbed with her teeth, a few apple's from the branch directly outside. She grabbed her special knife made for mouth's and proceeded to make quick work of chopping up the apples and removing the cores. Once that part was done she quickly went outside and put the seeds in her tiny store shed. She had recently learned from Zecora that if you crush certain seeds and other stuff you can make effective, natural medicine.

Walking back inside she brought a few other ingredients with her including pears and a few peaches from the healthy tree.

Back in the kitchen, she added it all together in a stew of warm olive oil and left it to cook. With her soft hoofsteps, she walked back into the living room, there Fluttershy decided to take a load of her hooves for a few minutes. Her frame sank into the comfortable, yet small, plain sofa; she finally relaxed and allowed her eyes to close slowly.

She dreamed she was in a large forest and all of her friends were there, however the one that really seemed to stand out was Rainbow Dash who, as she usually did, was showing of her tricks. Then it all changed so suddenly, the small animals around the meadow ran away, and her friends did the same as a foul smell filled the air, smoke was covering the forest and there was a fire, as she coughed from the smoke she woke up.

The scene she woke up to was almost no different then the one she had just left. There was a heavy gray smoke in the air, and the unmistakable smell of fire. She jumped of the couch, disoriented, she acted quickly and told each animal in turn, "Come on, it's time to get out now," coughing in between each breath from the toxic smoke.

Once all of the animals were out she sank near to the floor and crawled to the kitchen, she saw that the pot of dinner had caught fire and made the wooden walls near to it catch also. It was still a pretty small fire but still. The heat quickly made large beads of sweat gather on Fluttershy's face.

Fluttershy stood up and without thinking took a very deep breath, she started to cough loudly before trying to blow the fire out, only to squeal as a hot ember barely missed her ear while another ember landed on her head and fell of leaving a small burn. The fire got a bit smaller from her blowing but strangely the heat only intensified. She breathed again and coughed even louder before she blew causing more embers to spread, but the fire seemed to have gotten even smaller that time. 'Come on Fluttershy you can do it,' she told herself as she took one more deep breath and blew as hard as she could, the fire seemed to have gone out. She finally assumed that it would get cooler now. She smiled at her work until she realized if anything it was rapidly getting even hotter. She breather deeply as she tried to find the new fire only to figure out, she hadn't noticed the flaming doorway as she entered the room. Now there was no way out, she yelled as loud as she could yet only making a small squeal, "please somebody help me!" Her eyes started to get watery as she continued to cough. She soon was on the floor and coughing uncontrollably.

Fluttershy looked up at the roof as a loud thud came from it. Her eyes started to get heavy and she heard a loud crunch noise. Something was picking her up and out of the heat and smoke of the fire. She opened her eyes a bit to see Rainbow Dash holding her. She fell unconscious completely.

Finally she breathed in fresh air and coolness, but she still did not stir, she was in a half awake place where nothing makes sense; however from that place she heard somepony yelling, "Fluttershy, open your mouth and breath, open and breathe, FUCK, she's not breathing!" Then the weirdest sensation someone pulled her mouth open and put their lips on hers, she was sure it was a dream at this point. Her tongue went forth and instinctively tasted the lips that touched hers, they were nearly indescribable. They tasted as if an angel had touched them, they were sweet but not overbearing and at the same time they were strong and forceful. As her tongue touched the lips again they drew back in surprise and then came onto hers again breathing into her deeply she coughed as she started to regain consciousness. They breathed again and her eyes flickered open for a split second, she couldn't make sense of what she saw. She woke up, her eyes worked furiously taking in many things at once, but the most obvious thing was Rainbow Dash kneeling next to her, their lips touching.

"Um, Rainbow Dash, I'm awake now," Fluttershy muttered past the kiss and Rainbow Dash's eyes flicked towards Fluttershy's before she drew back faster then lightning and blushed a bright shade of red, but as usual Dash turned away to try to hide it. Fluttershy's own cheeks resembled cherries. After a few awkward moments Fluttershy said in a whisper, "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash, I thought it was all a dream, I really did, sorry."

Looking back at her friend Rainbow Dash extended her wing and helped Fluttershy up. Supporting Fluttershy on her right shoulder they slowly walked to the town and finally to the doctor, along the way not speaking at all, Fluttershy's thoughts were reeling, and Rainbow Dash's blush didn't stop, it only got brighter as the silence persisted.

Soon enough Fluttershy felt like she was in heaven again, she lay on perfectly white sheets that were so soft. They hugged her body as her mind drifted back to the kiss, that she now had figured out, was simply to save her life. She convinced herself she had no feelings like that for Rainbow Dash but somewhere in her heart of hearts she ached because she wanted it again. Her mind faltered slightly as she fell into a deep sleep not dreaming at all; she was to tired to dream.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and saw soft pink eyes looking down at her only a few inches way from her face. She squealed loudly at the proximity of them, quickly the eyes backed of, before the pony with the pink eyes said cheerfully, "excellent your awake, the doctor will see you in a few moments," Without saying another word, she ran of.

Fluttershy quickly took in her surrounding and found nothing particularly interesting. It was completely white and bland the only real colored thing was a brown small table next to her with a clipboard, a letter, and a vase of flowers.

"Ah, your awake I hear Ms. Fluttershy?" A kind sounding voice rang throughout the room as a earth pony with a white coat and glasses on entered. "Well that shows that your friend Ms. Rainbow Dash did something right, without her, you would probably not be here right now," he said before he continued, "oh I'm sorry my name is doctor Card, if only we could meet in better circumstances. Now I will not lie to you, what your friend did, how she swooped in and rescued you, is one of the bravest things I ever heard, and I have been a doctor for over twenty years now. Now, onto more serious matters." His face turned grim and he picked up the clipboard, "first know that you inhaled a more then lethal amount of smoke, however thanks to your friend's bravery it the negative effect have been reduced. Unfortunately not even that got rid of all the effect. Smoke was already sticking to the inside of your throat, as if you were breathing it in deeply. Why would you do that?" he asked.

"Um, I was trying... to blow the fire out," Fluttershy responded in a shy whisper. The doctor stood there for a second before his hoof shot up to his face making a loud slapping noise. Slowly he dragged the hoof down his face.

"For your future reference, don't try to blow a fire out, Ok? Now as I was saying, there is still smoke leftover in your body, and I will not promise you that everything will be OK. You took in to much smoke too quickly and even if you are OK, it will be very painful for at least two more days. The last thing I need to tell you is, you very well may owe your life to Ms. Rainbow Dash. right now, if it wasn't for her fast acting and knowledge, you would be deader then disco. I suggest as soon as you can, thank her.

Ok your evaluation is over, however to increase your chances of getting well you need to stay here for two more days. I heard your house broke down so your friends already took care of your arrangements, which they will explain," he finished and stepped out of the room.

As soon as he was gone Applejack ran up to her followed by Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and finally Rarity. "oh, wow, you look awful!" Pinkie Pie shouted before Applejack gave her a quick glare.

"It's true she may not look as good as normal, but she by no means looks awful," Rarity stated.

After a few more nonchalant comments about Fluttershy's looks Twilight Sparkle hushed the others, "may I remind you all, we only have ten minutes to explain?" At this everypony went quiet and Twilight spoke again, "sorry Fluttershy I have very important studies right now, so that's why you can't stay at my house."

Next applejack stepped forward and said, "As ya may already know, it's applebucking season and m'ah family needs all the help they can get to harvest it all in time, so sorry I can't take you."

"Sorry my deary but my hooves are full of fabric constantly, recently. I would be of no use to you, so we decided it would best if you could spend time at sompony else's house." Rarity said with a slightly guilty frown on her face.

Pinkie Pie said in her normal high pitched, overly excited voice; "I have nothing but parties going on, and I offered to take you in, but the doctor said 'parties are not good for recovering ponies' so I can't." Pinkie Pie's impression of the doctor was spot on and put a smile on Fluttershy's face before Pinkie Pie said, "Oh and we decided while your living with your new host I will be taking care of all your cutesy wootsy little animals."

"And since that leaves only me, you can probably guess who your gonna be staying with. But don't worry, you'll love my place. There are plenty of animals up there, like birds and... well there are a lot of birds, you get what I mean," Rainbow Dash said, "So, ya, I already have a cloud and everything all ready for you; The worker pegasi made it this morning while you slept. So as soon as the doctor says we can go, I'm busting you out of this place." She walked away once she was done explaining and stood by the wall.

"Thank you all so much for your kindness, I really don't deserve such nice friends. Especially you Pinkie Pie for taking care of my friends. But are you sure you can handle it?" Fluttershy asked cautiously and slightly scared.

"Of course I can handle some cute little animals, after all animals love to party, and I love to party, so we'll get along great!" Pinkie Pie yelled loudly making Fluttershy's ears cringe slightly.

In the corner of the room as she usually did Rainbow Dash had struck a cool pose with her arms crossed as she leaned on the wall.

"Ok it's time to go, you have to let Ms. Fluttershy get some rest!" doctor card shouted into the room as he walked in. Rainbow Dash was so surprised by the shouting she lost her balance and fell onto her back. "Ms. Rainbow Dash, if you keep doing that you'll be in that bed soon enough," doctor card said jokingly causing everypony in the room to start laughing as they walked out of the door. Soon the room was empty except for Fluttershy and doctor Card who walked up to Fluttershy's bed and said, "I'm sorry but today I can't allow you to eat anything. That would not be good at all, so with that, good night Ms. Fluttershy," he said quickly and walked out of the room turning of the lights.

Fluttershy just laid there for a few seconds before she realized exactly how much she really owed Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy soon started to guilty for making the entire process that was saving her life, so awkward for Rainbow Dash. 'Even though I don't feel that way for Rainbow Dash, why do I wish it would happen again?' She asked her own mind as she fell into a blissful sleep.

Again, in her dream, she felt those same firm lips on hers, she felt not her tongue, but instead another tongue tasting her own lips, she opened her eyes and saw Rainbow Dash's eyes looking into her. With all her might she threw herself onto Rainbow Dash, her tender hooves around Dash drawing her in closer. The truly strange part was that her body seemed to be acting of freewill even as she knew that she shouldn't be enjoying it, she couldn't help herself.

She woke up and found herself crying deeply at the dream. Simply because even though he rational mind told her it was crazy she knew it wasn't any less true. She was in love completely and irrationally with Rainbow Dash.