• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 2,321 Views, 18 Comments

The Equestria *Girls* Shinobi - mattchilly

Sent to the Equestria Girls verse and going back to high school isn't so bad when I've got the combined power of several of my favorite fictional ninjas.

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Chapter 1: A Normal Few Days or Time to Start the Adventure With a Bang!

The night air was crisp with a slight chill to it as I leapt from roof to roof. Not surprising really with winter staring next month. Stopping on the edge of a small restaurant I put to fingers to an ear and disgusting my voice to sound deeper said. “See anything on your end Grackles, Peacock?”

“I freaking hate that codename.” Peacock muttered.

“Nothing so far Crow. Everything’s quite.” Grackles replied. “I still wish you’d let us know exactly who you are though.”

“First rule of the Shinobi. Don’t get caught. There for no one must know who I am under my mask. Not even you.” I replied with a smile. Currently I’m wearing a dark blue long sleeved and hooded jacket with all the metal pieces covered in black tape, dark blue sweat pants and shoes that I died dark blue. Underneath my jacket I’m wearing a black long sleeved shirt and some chain mail I’d made a month after being sent here. Taking inspiration from the ANBU I also had a dark blue mask that I’d carved in the shape of a crow’s head and black gloves. I’d also sewn in some hidden storage seals into my jacket, pants, and gloves. The reason I was smiling was that while Peacock and Grackles may not know who I am but that didn’t stop me despite all their attempts to find out while I’d figured out exactly who they who they were within two weeks of being sent to this world. I’m positive this confused them as I was the one to approach them for this job by leaving a letter with my offer to work for them on Peacocks desk one day. I would have been a vigilante regardless until I was done with a few projects but now I got paid for it! “So everyone else’s is having just as quiet a night as I am?”

“That’s right.” Peacock said as I kept my senses open for anything out of the ordinary. “Fire and Sky did have to help a runaway but that’s about as exciting as it’s gotten tonight.”

“Better a quiet night then one filled with trouble.” I said before noticing something. “Hold that thought looks like I’ve got something.” Three figures were walking down the street each with a large black bag over their shoulders and wearing black outfits, but that didn’t hide the slight sheen of fire arms strapped to their legs and back.

“What’s up?” Grackles asked.

“The figures, all heavily armed. Looks like I’m stopping a robbery tonight.” I said.

“We’ll alert the authorities.” Peacock replied as I heard her start to type something. “What’s their target?

“Glittering Art, jewelry store. Half way down 5th street. Northern part of town. Across from the ‘Sizzling Pan’ restaurant.” I said as I leapt across the street to land of the jewelry store and pulled released one of my tonfa and a shuriken from their storage seals.

“The police are on their way. You have sixty seconds.” Peacock said. When the one I assumed to be the leaded tried to pick the lock I threw the shuriken destroying his lock pick.

“IT’S THE BAT!” One of the trio said as he pulled out a hunting rifle.

“That Bat’s just in comics you moron!” The leader said but he also grabbed his shotgun as their friend pulled out a large revolver. The three thieves looked around but left the spot between the three of them open.

Silently dropping into that spot I grabbed to of their heads and slammed them together knocking the two out. The leader turned to see what the noise was but all he got was a Tonfa in the gut and a punch in the face knocking him out too. “Aww you think I’m Batman… I’m actually slightly honored but no. No part of me is the Bat.” I whispered retrieved my shuriken and jumped to the roof just as two police cars turned the corner their sirens blaring.

After putting my gear back into their storage seals I decided to stay and watch and saw the first man who climbed out of the car was a tall muscular man with greying hair. Seeing the three thieves he actually growled. “This has to be the work of the no good Vigilante!”

“You mean the one people are calling the ‘Shadow Bird’?” One of his friends asked.

“Who else? At least Spitfire and Soren stay around after they assist us with something.” The older man said as put cuffs on the wannabe thieves leader. “They have respect for their old comrades even if they’re ‘too busy’ to be part of the squad now.”

Deciding I heard enough I left. Once I was a few blocks away I smirked. “I wonder how that guy would respond to knowing that the ‘Shadow Bird’ is on the same payroll as Fire and Sky. And really? The ‘Shadow Bird’? Couldn’t they come up with something better? I tell ya there is no originality these days.”

“Says the man calling himself ‘Crow’” Grackles snarked. “And calls us ‘Grackles’ and ‘Peacock’. Isn’t that right Peacock?”

“So anything else I should know Peacock?” I asked smirking.

“I. Hate. Both of you!” Peacock growled.

“Could have been worse Peacock. I could have used ‘Parrot’ or ‘Flamingo’ for your codename.” I chuckled. “Well unless you have something that’s the end of my shift. Talk to you tomorrow.”

“That’s fine. Talk to you tomorrow Crow.” Grackles said also chucking at Peacocks cry of rage.

Reaching under my hood I pulled the communicator out of my ear and placed it in a storage seal. (Time to head home for the night.) I thought before Body Flickering away.


I checked my watch as I waked down the street in the form I used when going to school with my Transformation Jutsu and while my form was faked my outfit is real. I’m currently wearing bright red sweat pants, a black shirt with a fire like pattern on my tennis shoes with the same pattern as my shirt and a bright orange jacked and hidden though out my outfit are storage seals containing some of my equipment and my ‘Shadow Bird’ outfit. My hair is bright crimson with yellow streaks in it so even my hair looked like fire, unlike a certain bacon haired classmate, and if anyone bothered to examine my dark brown eyes they’d see the look of someone who knew far more then he let on. "Fifteen minutes till school starts." I thought as I walked up the steeps to Canterlot High School. "Which means I’m right on time."

“Hello Bright Inferno. Glad to see you’re early as always” I heard and looking up I saw Principle Celestia.

I shrugged and when I spoke I disguised my voice to make it sounded younger and higher pitch. “It’s easy enough to get here by foot and not be late if you leave early enough.”

“Well hurry along to your class Inferno. You don’t want to arrive at school early only to end up late to class.” Principle Celestia said.

“K, have a nice day Principle Celestia.”

“You too Inferno.”

Walking down the hall I smiled. "Good morning… Peacock." When I made it to class I took my seat and pulled out a small book and went over a few notes for class. “Morning Inferno.” Looking up I saw the schools top athlete Rainbow Dash sit down in her set next to mine just before the bell rang. I also saw three of her friends in their seats, Rarity Belle, Applejack and Pinkie Pie.

“Morning Dash, spend too long on the field again?” I asked.

“You know it.” She said with a grin. “Have to keep my speed up somehow.”

“Now if only you could take the rest of school as seriously.” I smirked as the math teacher Mr. Cranky entered the room.


Walking into the lunch room I walked over to a couple of tables that had been pushed together and pulled out my lunch box. “Howdy Inferno.”

“Hey Aj.” I said as Aj and her friends Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer sat down around me.

“I noticed you never have any of the cafeteria food, why is that?” Rarity asked.

“I prefer to make my own food.” I said with a shrug.

“That’s fair. So what’d you bring with you today?” Sunset asked.

Grinning I opened my lunch box to reveal some salmon sashimi and yellow tail sushi, a roll with roasted pork, lettuce, and tomatoes, and a couple rice balls. To drink I had some water I’d mixed a some vitamins into.

Sunset shook her head. “Why you always have so much to eat I’ll never understand.”

I simply grinned as we started to eat our lunches. During lunch Twilight said. “Have any of you heard of the Shadow Bird?”

“Isn’t he that new vigilante?” Fluttershy asked.

“I heard he literally appears out of the shadows.” Pinkie said.

“I heard that he can command crows and ravens.” Rainbow said and upon hearing this I couldn’t help but smirk as I chewed on a piece of sashimi.

“That would be interesting if it was true.” I said after swallowing my food.

“And completely impossible.” Twilight said.

“And yet you have a talking dog.” Rarity said.

“…shut up.” Twilight muttered.

“You wanna know what I heard at my job?” Sunset said making everyone really curious. “I heard that Police Chief really wants to get his hands on the Shadow Bird no matter the cost. Something along the lines of the Shadow Bird making him and his men look bad and that he has a plan to bring him to justice.” Before anyone could say anything to that the bell rang signaling that classes would start again soon.

—11:00 pm—

I was in my ‘mission outfit’ sitting in my home that was hidden three miles outside of the city going over some plans I’d need for tonight. Much to my surprise a group of mafia or in this case yakuza goons were moving a shipment of electronics through the city. They were planning to load them onto a ship at the docks tonight at two. Over the past three day’s I’d checked the place out to the point I knew everything about the layout of the building, where the crates I wanted were, the names, gender, looks and abilities of the two hundred guards that rotated their shift every hour. The main thing that surprised me was this group was from the Shimada Syndicate. This meant that both Overwatch and Talon might be active. I’d have to find a way to contact Overwatch soon but I’d have to keep an eye out for agents from Talon agents though. Don’t want to run into Reaper and Widowmaker to soon but if Sombra found a way to hack my stuff… well all I can say is it’s a good this this is more of an small isolated outpost that I could easily abandon and everything really important is kept in very well hidden storage seals on my person at all times.

Looking at the clock I noticed the time, stood up cricked my neck and Body Flickered away. Once I reached the docks I crouched down on a roof a bit away from my target while I put the communicator in my ear just in case. (Better take care of the job before my shift starts.) But as I observed the guards who were all in the same black tux and sun glasses I saw that instead of the normal fifty guards per shift there were a hundred and each had military grade equipment. (They could have just doubled the watch due to them shipping out tonight but considering what Sunset said I doubt that’s the only reason. This smells like a trap.) I pondered what I should do. On one hand If I let the Shimada Syndicate go without a problem other groups might think I’m scared of them and hire them to move cargo through the city more often. This would have the effect of drawing in more crooks that would pretend to be part of the Shimada and things would get busy around here.

On the other if my hunch about this being a trap was right then Police Chief Iron Will had bargained with the Syndicate to try and capture me then I would have to fight both the Syndicate and the police.

“You’re out early Crow.” Grackles said.

“I don’t just go out when I’m on the clock Grackles.” I said. “Besides there’s I wanted to ask you and Peacock. I’ve heard a rumor that Iron Will wants to get his hands on me no matter what it took and had some sort of plan. Do you know what that plan is?”

“I’ve heard that same rumor but unfortunately I have no idea what that plan might be.” Grackles said.

“Well keep your ears and eyes open for anything.”

“Will do. I’ll also let the others know to look out for anything interesting. I’ll leave you to your devices until your shift or if something happens.” Grackles said before there was a small *blip* as Grackles cut the connection.

(Let’s see. Iron Will lives alone so there’s a possibility no one’s there, then there’s these guys.) My head slightly jerked up as an idea stuck me and I grinned. (Time to confuse not only these guys but also Iron Will.) Forming the correct hand seal “Shadow Clone Jutsu!” Around me twenty two clones appeared. One left to search Iron Will’s home on the off chance something was there the rest spread out around the area each pulling out a different weapon. Most had tantos or bo staffs one pulled out a two handed katana while I pulled a video camera and handed it to the last one before pulling out my tonfa’s. Once all my clones and I were in place we swooped in and easily took care of the goons and just as I suspected police sirens blared just as the last goon was knocked out.

Moments before the cars came into view my clones dispelled themselves. Five cars drove out of one of the buildings and blocked off the walk ways. Out of the cars came Iron Will and eleven other police who pointed their guns at me. “Who knew that the infamous Shadow Bird was really just a stupid teenager. Not that it maters you are under arrest, for assault, battery and the use of dangerous weapons.”

“Before this continues am I allowed to ask a question?” I asked.

Iron Will smirked. “I don’t see why not.”

“We both know that these are members of the yakuza, and yet I don’t see any of you moving to arrest them. Not to mention that crime has dramatically gone down since I showed up. So why are you so focused on arresting me when I’ve done nothing but help you? And don’t bother giving me the ‘I’m making you look bad’ BS. Considering everything that’s happened I know there’s more to it than that.”

Iron Will thought about it for a second before saying. “It’s not like the court will believe you any way’s so I don’t see the harm in telling you. You see many of the people that have been arrested over the past for months have been… giving generous donations to me and my men here, and now that they’re behind bars with such damning evidence our funds have been drastically reduced.”

Under my masked I frowned. “Bribes. I should have known.”

“Please ‘bribe’ is such a filthy word.” Iron Will said.

“It doesn’t matter what word you use. All of you are dirty cops and will be brought to justice.” I growled as I moved a smoke bomb to my hand without Iron Will or his friends notice.

“So what are you going to do? If you attack us or run we can put out a warrant on your arrest. Face it you’ve lost.”

I smirked knowing I had two aces up my sleeve and I heard a beep in my ear. “I’ve been watching everything that happened Crow. I hope you know what you’re doing.” Grackles said.

“So sorry to disappoint you but I have other plans for tonight. So I’m afraid that you won’t be able to stroke your ego that much tonight you poor excuse for a officer! Heck with how bad you are it’s no wonder not even cat’s like you!” I said as I threw the bomb to the ground and Body Flickering away the moment I was fully obscured.

“KILL HIM!” Iron Will commanded making all the dirty cops unloaded on the smoke and threw his hat to the ground in rage when it cleared and revealed that I was gone. “DAMN HIM!”

“What do you plan to do now Crow? I mean now Iron Will has a legitimate reason to try to…wait. What’s this?” Grackles asked. “How in the world… Crow I don’t know how you did this but all I have to say is. You clever son of a bitch.”

From my place on top of the pier’s lighthouse I chuckled as I saw Iron Will and his cohorts leave while leaving the yakuza members where they were. "Time to finish the job."

—Next day, first period classroom—

“Inferno did you hear what happened last night?!” Pinkie asked.

“No I didn’t. What happened?”

She placed a newspaper on my desk. On the front page it showed Police Chief Iron Will in cuffs with the headline. Shining Newcomer Shining Armor Arrests Iron Will

“Turns out Iron Will’s been taking bribes from over a dozen criminals that the Shadow Bird had put behind bars. That’s why Will was so determined to arresting him.” Pinkie explained as Twilight walked up.

“You talking about Iron Will?” she asked.

“Yupperuny.” Pinkie said while I nodded.

“Who would have thought that he wasn’t only taking bribes but helping to cover up a few murders and rapes.” Twilight sighed. “My brother was so disappointed when he learned that. Shining Armor saw Iron Will as a hero for when Iron Will managed to stop that serial killer six years ago.”

I didn’t respond to that and mealy thought about the ledger my clone had found under Iron Will’s bed that had very detailed information on all of Iron Will’s ‘donators’, crimes he’d hushed up and other shady deals he’d made. One of which was with hiring said killer to take out a Privet Eye who was getting to close to discovering what Iron Will was up to. “At least he can’t abuse his station anymore.” I said with a grin.

—Three days later. After school—

After everyone but the principles and my friends went home I walked through the halls with a large box in my arms while Sunset pushed a cart with thee more boxes on it. “Thanks for helping Inferno.”

“No problem. Happy to help.” I said before I heard the faint sound of cloth on tile around the corner. I stopped suddenly which made Sunset stop. Slowly putting the box down I peeked around the corner while making a motion to tell Sunset to stay quiet. My eyes went wide as I saw a group of ten people in a black and grey outfit with metal armor on their gloves and boots and a very familiar red symbol on their chest. "That’s the Foot Clan! But how?!"

“Sir. The rest of the bombs are in place.” One said through hand signals.

After weighing my options I nodded to myself. Turning I grabbed Sunset and holding her in a bride style body flickered away. Reappearing in front of our friends I was glad to see the principles. I put Sunset down just before Celestia asked. “Inferno, Sunset where did you come from?”

“No time Peacock, Grackles. Everyone grab hold of me NOW!” I commanded with my true voice making Celestia and Luna look shocked.

“But how…” Luna started.

“NOW!” I ordered. “Or would you preferred being blown up?!” When they heard that everyone rushed to fallow my order. Once everyone had grabbed hold we disappeared in a flash of yellow light moments before the bombs exploded utterly destroying the school.

Author's Note:

Like the Archer of Twilight I've been thinking about this for quite some time and finally decided to write it down. The Token will be made in t

Techniques Used:
Body Flicker

Shadow Clone

Flying Thunder God