• Published 2nd Feb 2018
  • 2,322 Views, 18 Comments

The Equestria *Girls* Shinobi - mattchilly

Sent to the Equestria Girls verse and going back to high school isn't so bad when I've got the combined power of several of my favorite fictional ninjas.

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Chapter 4:Gaining Allies and A Fast Forward To The Inevitable.

As I sped away from Fekikugakure with my mask in its proper place a few questions bounced around my skull. “Was the Shredder in charge of the Foot? How did the Foot contact the sound? Why did they target the girls? Did they know of my existence?” And finally, “Who should be the first shinobi I try to get to join Fekikugakure?” This continued on until I was at the beach on the northern part of Phoenix Country looking out over the ocean to see the southern part Fire Country in the distance. Just as I was about to make my way over to the Main Land I got an update from a clone who’d found the home on the Lin Kuei. With a small smirk I activated Kamui and teleported to an ancient palace high in a mountainous region in the deep within the Land of Earth, but much to my surprise two people were waiting for me. Kuai Liang and Hanzo Hasashi, Sub-Zero and Scorpion both in their Mortal Kombat X attire.

“Ah so you are the man The Marked One told us about. I am Kuai Liang leader of the Lin Kuei and this is Hanzo Hasashi leader of the Shirai Ryu.” Kuai said as he and Hanzo did a polite bow.

Returning the bow I said. “I am Kohtaro Hanzō. It is an honor to meet the two of you.”

Kuai gestured to the side where a table with cups and a tea kettle waited. “Please sit, we have much to talk about.” Nodding I removed my mask and joined them at the table.

Once we all had taken a sip of the tea I asked. “When I arrived you mentioned someone called ‘The Marked One’, who is he?”

“No one knows exactly who he is, but all who call themselves Shinobi know the legends of the one who carries the Mark on his arms and face.” Hanzo said. “It is said he is the creator of ALL Ninjutsu throughout the Realms.”

“Two years ago he came to Hanzo and I in our dreams telling us that exactly a week after Orion meets Mars, one with the mark of a smoking feather will come to us asking for our aid.” Kuai explained. “Now this isn’t as big as you might think for my own mentor once spoke to him but about what I do not know.”

I nodded but what Kuai told me didn’t stop me wondering how this ‘Marked Ninja’ knew about me. “So why have you come to us?” Hanzo asked.

“Two weeks ago I was living as a civilian while I was getting things ready for the Hidden Village I was creating, then much to my surprise the Foot Clan appeared and set bombs to blow up the school that I attended. The only reason I could think of is that they were trying to assassinate one of my friends because of a few abilities they’ve gained recently but I don’t know who their target was or how the Foot found out about them but I’ve got a small lead and got some people working on it.”

“The reason I’ve come to find you is that I’d like to make an alliance between the Lin Kuei, Shirai Ryu and Fekikugakure.”

“What would this alliance entail?” Kuai asked.

“The usual helping out if we’re in trouble and if possible you could send someone to Fekikugakure to teach my Genin and I could come here or the Shirai Ryu temple to teach a few of your trainees.” I said releasing four scrolls from a hidden seal and handing two to Kuai and Hanzo each. “The one with the symbol for my village in red ink is my proposal and the one with the symbol in black ink is a way to contact me once you’ve made your decision.”

Both nodded and put the scrolls away. “What do you plan to do now?” Hanzo asked.

I grinned as I put my mask back on. “There are a few missing-nin that I feel deserve to rise from the ashes and prove that they shouldn’t be missing-nin.” I said simply before bowing one last time and used Kamui to teleport away.

—Meanwhile in Fekikugakure. Evening Star POV—

My new sisters and I listened to a clone of Father who told us to call him Zwei-Sensei as he started with the lesson on basic Fūinjutsu, but unlike most of the others Zwei-Sensei had somehow cut his hair so it was much shorted and had dyed it so it was dark red “Before we begin the main thing to remember is patients and precision. With Fūinjutsu if even a single line is out of place then the seal your making either won’t work correctly or simply fail to activate. Now because you’ve already got the basics of calligraphy down we’ll start with drawing a single use storage seal with a pencil. This way you can get acquainted with drawing seals before we move to the pen.”

Next to me I heard Aurora and Eclipse groan and plant their heads on the table. “Huh, would you look at that.” Blossom chuckled as she and the others started working on the seal. “I would have expected Spectrum or Pinkari to react like that not the former principles.”

Spectrum shrugged. “Working with a pen or brush isn’t that enjoyable but for some reason I’m not that bothered by it.”

Pinkari giggled. “And I just find Fūinjutsu really interesting.”

“Good for you.” Eclipse said as she got to work. “I just want to get back to Bukijutsu and Genjutsu practice.”

“Taijutsu here.” Blossom said. “I’ve always enjoyed seeing the payoff of good old fashioned hard work.”

“OI!” Zwei-Sensei barked from right behind Blossom. “Stop talking and get back to work!”

“Yes Zwei-Sensei.” Everyone chorused and returned to the class but despite trying to focus on two questions stayed at the back of their minds. “When is their family going to wake up and what is their father doing right now?

—Back with Kohtaro—

(Hmm who should I see first? Target one is in the Land of Hot Water and the other’s heading to Iwa) I thought as I ate a couple rabbits that I’d cooked over a fire. Then I got an update from a Clone in the Human World. Jerking my head up I stared into the woods a small smile appeared before cleaning up my small camp and using the Flying Thunder God Jutsu to teleport to Manehattan. I reappeared in next to a large warehouse with a couple clones relaxing around a manhole cover.

“Sup boss?” One sitting on a wooden crate asked.

“Not much mostly just wondering why none of you are fallowing them.”

“Are you kidding?” Asked a clone who was eating a hot dog. “There’s no way any of us are going down there. It stinks WAY too much for that and you’re the one with whose mask as a built in filter. You want to talk to em so bad you do it.”

“Gee thanks. Glad to know I have such helpful clones.” I said rolling my eyes. “Wait here. If this goes the way I think it will then you’ll be getting a new assignment.” Opening the manhole and dropping into the sewers. As I made my way through the sewers I was glad I’d put seals on my outfit to prevent fowl smells from sticking to it. Tracking my targets was refreshingly challenging as footprints were few and far between while the natural smell of the sewer hid just about all other scents. Once I’d made my way to the Turtle Lair I saw the mentor of the Ninja Turtles Splinter meditating next to a pond of water. Deciding not to interrupt him I sat down in front of him and started to meditate myself.

After about an hour Splinter said. “It is rare when we get visitors and it is just as rare when someone chooses to join me when I meditate without me telling them to. For that I must thank you.”

“Calming one’s spirit is important in our line of work. If anything I should be thanking you, I haven’t had a chance to do so in a few days.” I said.

Splinter nodded. “Well you are most welcome and what is your reason for coming here?”

“My name is Kohtaro and I’m creating a Ninja Village in the Elemental Nations called Fekikugakure or the Rising Phoenix Village and I would like to invite you and your four sons to join Fekikugakure.” I explained.

“How do you know of my sons?” Splinter asked raising an eyebrow.

Under my mask I grinned. “Who do you think I tracked to find this place?”

“I see, and what would we do as part of your village?” Splinter inquired.

“You would, be one of my advisors, a teacher at the Academy and if you’re willing you’d have a seat on the Ninja Counsel.”

Splinter looked at me for a moment. “There’s more to this isn’t there? What are you not telling me?”

In response I simply took off reached to the back of my helmet with both arms and activated the locking mechanism keeping the visor in the helmet, once I pulled the visor away Splinter looked shocked at my crimson eyes.

“A Sheikah.” He muttered then gave a small bow. “It would be an honor to work alongside the Sheikah. “

Putting the visor back on I handed Splinter a scroll. “This will let me know when you and your sons are ready. I look forwards to seeing you in Fekikugakure."

—many years later—

A small girl stood next to her Great-Grandmother as the two looked at a memorial stone. "Great-Great-Grandpa was an amazing man. Wasn't he GrandMa Kari?"

Pinkari last living daughter of Kohtaro smiled down at her Great-Grandchild Gleaming Armor Uzumaki. "Yes he was my little Gleam of Hope. Yes he was." As the two walked away a single sunflower pettal blew past them and landed on the stone.

"Here lies Kohtaro Hanzō. Bane of the Shredder and Orochimaru. He who healed Kaguya Ōtsutsuki of her Madness and loving Father of nine. May his soul watch over us and when the time is right rise may he be reincarnated and rise again like the Phoenix his legacy truly symbolizes as everyone deserves the chance to rise again and show that no one is truly bound by past wrongs."

Author's Note:

And here's the end of "The Equestria *Girls* Shinobi" I had more plans for this story then I did for "The Archer of Twilight" but both stories ended up meeting the same fate.

Also as a small apology I'm planning to upload all three chapters of the Yu-Gi-Oh story I started once they've been gone over and edited. I don't know if or when I'll continue it but I hope you'll enjoy it non the less.

Comments ( 6 )

Hey is a reboot or something for this because the idea is hella awesome and I would lobe to see another maga fanfic out there. (More then one crossover working perfectly together.)

I do want to do one but sadly I just haven't felt like working on any Solo stories. I'm not really sure why

It's ok, beside its your story so you do whatever you want with it.

Thank's for understanding though if I do another Naruto based Displaced I'll mostly likely go with someone who's WAY less OP then Hanzō lol

Ok, and when/if that happens I will read it.

Managed to see this fully.

Though not liking how Spike was left out hard.
With how the girls get to be shinobi but Spike is left completely in the dark.
Especially with not knowing what Twilight is now.

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