• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 1,299 Views, 16 Comments

The Dawn of War - Iron Revolution

This is one of my first stories, so please bear with my somewhat contrived storylines

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Chapter 2

I sat there stupified, unable to comprehend what I had just read. I slumped in my chair, dropping the letter as I fell back, my expressionless face staring at Rainbow. The gradual building silence was shattered by Rainbow’s sobbing. “No! You can’t do this to me, not right now, not like this!” She screamed at me, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

I sat up, resting my hand on my face. I looked over at Rainbow, trying my best to make a comforting expression, “Rainbow, I’m going to need you to do me a favor, I’m going to need you to be strong for us right now, there is a phone in the back room, you need to call up the rest of your friends, everypony is gonna need to hear this.” She simply nodded, slowly got up and left the room.

I sat back down, running my fingers through my hair, my thoughts eating at me like a cancer. What am I going to do? What am I going to say? This is the first time I’m going to meet her friends. And even If every thing did go off without a hitch, what would I tell them? “Oh hi, as you may know I’m a close friend of Rainbow’s. And I know she’s been through a lot lately but you know I’m just gonna ditch her in her time of need, and not probably not come back!” Jesus, what am I going to do?

With all these thoughts, I almost didn’t notice that Rainbow still hadn’t come back and sit down. “Rainbow? Where the hell are you?” I looked all around the house before I heard a knock at the door. I slowly walked over, all the while wondering where the hell Dash was. “Yeah, hello?” I said annoyed. “Um, hi my name is Twilight Sparkle and my friend Rainbow Dash came here to talk with an old friend. I’m assuming thats you?” She said dryly. “Yes I’m Iron Revolution, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” I outstretched my hand only to be met with an icy stare of distrust.

“Um, please come in and sit down it might take a while for the others to come, I’m assuming you’re not the only one she called?” I said making my way towards the kitchen, “Would you like anything while I’m up?” She yelled from the den, “I don’t need anything.” “Okay then, I’ll just make tea.” I said placing the kettle on the stove. When I came back to the den, she was already set to interrogate me.

“So, what have you done to her? When she called me she sounded upset.” I quickly interjected, “What are you trying to say? Are you implying that I hurt her?” “No I never suggested that, I’m just wondering.” She said skeptically, surveying the room. “Please Miss Sparkle, I actually expected better from you. When Rainbow spoke of you I expected you to be far more trusting, and frankly more concerned with your friend, rather than with interrogating me.” I said dryly, with the kettle going off in the background. “If you’ll excuse me Miss Sparkle, I believe you tea is ready. I’ll just be right back with it, what flavor would you like? I personally prefer rasberry.” She just stared at me with an expression of disgust, surprise, and anger. “I’ll just get you rasberry.”

I walked off and came back as quickly as I left. Once I came back, she looked like she was about to explode. “Now listen here you two-faced bastard! What the hell have you done with her?” She screamed with her eyes absorbing all light from the room.I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared, but I mustered up what courage I had, so I could defend myself, “I haven’t done anything with her! Do you actually think I would hurt her like this!?! I am not a monster like you might think I am!” I returned in the same volume. She was surprised by my outburst, she was about to speak again, but was interrupted by a knock at the door.

“Ah, that must be somepony else.” I said casually walking off, “Oh and if you could do me a favor or two, you see that letter on the floor, by the chair?” She merely nodded in response, “When you read that, you’ll know why she was so upset, and also she appears to be missing from the house.” “What?!? And you haven’t gone searching for her?” She quickly interjected. I turned to her and said, “I was about to, but then you came here and started falsely accusing me and interrogating me.” She sat there, with a shocked expression on her face, I could never tell you why though. “If you could just think of some places that Rainbow would fly of too, that would greatly help my search effort.”