• Published 8th Dec 2011
  • 1,299 Views, 16 Comments

The Dawn of War - Iron Revolution

This is one of my first stories, so please bear with my somewhat contrived storylines

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Chapter 5

I sat there, stone-faced and broken, my mind slowly trying to piece together what had happened just a couple hours before. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t feel. This can’t be real! I thought, This has to be a dream, just a bad dream. I kept trying to force myself to wake up from this nightmare, but no such luck would befall me.

“Listen kid, it won’t be long before we reach the base, but we’ve hit a snag. We’re short handed and command just sent orders to pick up more recruits.” My stomach dropped and my face contorted to a look of sadness and rage. Great, now they’re pinning their responsibilities on me! I wanted to scream. Not two hours ago, I was ripped away from my life to serve their cause. Now I have to bear the responsibility of doing the same to people and their families.

I head the noise of doors opening and slamming, then the pain of sunlight striking my face at full force. “Come on kid, get your ass outta the car,” Then man on the right said said. “Yeah, we got work for you to do,” the one on the left said. As my eyes adjusted to the newfound light, I finally got a better look at my handlers.

The two were nigh identical to one another. Both were very tall, burly men, with shaved heads. Save for weaponry, they were dressed as if a firefight was going to break out as we spoke. “Wow, a real life Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum!” I said sarcastically trying to mask my true feelings.

“Hey, don’t push us! We will not hesitate to report you for desertion if provoked.” Tweedle-dee said. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t scared. He was obviously the alpha of the two goons. Tweedle-dum quickly followed his threat with a quick “Yeah!” Now that kind of behavior only re-enforces my assumption.

“Okay, okay. I understand. What do you need me to do?” I asked submissively. “That’s better,” Tweedle-dee stated sternly, “What we need you to do is this. We are running low on supplies and gasoline, we need to restock if we are to make it back to base.” I rose my hand to ask a question.

Tweedle-dum giggled and Tweedle-dum slapped him response. He scolded him, “Cut it out you mook!” ‘Dum lowered his and said, “Sorry boss, I didn’t mean ta.” Dear Celestia, it was like watching a re-run of The Three Stooges. “If I may ask sirs, I don’t see a town anywhere near here,” I asked, trying my best to sound innocent.

Tweedle-dee shot me a look and said, “Listen kid, the nearest town is a couple miles out of the way. I’m gonna need you to make the trip up to town, while we stay here and try to radio ahead to base, okay?” I smiled and nodded. I would do anything to finally get away from these two brutes, and it seemed like now was my chance.

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