• Published 27th Mar 2018
  • 1,181 Views, 21 Comments

Pulled into Equestria: The fallen star - TimeLordStudios

When a brony with a troubled past is pulled into equestria and turned into a pony. With no known way out he must figure out how to make a living there before its too late.

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pulled into equestria part 1 :Edited and revised somewhat

Author's Note:

PS; please let me know how I can improve{edit; The first 2 parts are bad I know. But it actually gets better as I progress through the story so please hang in their don't count the story out yet if you read this thank you and sorry for wasting your time.:ajsleepy:


I don't know how it happened or why. The last thing I remember was watching mlp. When out of nowhere I was engulfed by a flash of multicolored light.
When I came too I immediately knew something was wrong as my body structure was drastically changed. I looked around staring at my new body which had taken an equine-like shape. Screaming frantically I tried to pull myself up upon my hoofs but I stumbled back to the ground.
“... Wher- where am I? What am I? Am I a pony? Am I in Equestria?!"
I screamed as I attempted to calm myself down.
"Am I dreaming, this can’t be real I-it can't." But it was... I looked around again but this time looking for a path or a sign to point me in the direction to civilization. There I might find somebody or somepony to help me.
”Hhmmm let’s see here are there any signs or paths to follow... aha there's a path." I mumbled to myself as I slowly forced myself off the ground to my feet hoofs.
As I started to visualize walking as a four legged animal. I 'trotted' to and, along the dirt path slowly getting used to moving around in my new body.
"Man they make it look so easy."
I mumbled to myself out loud. As I neared the end of the path I saw it... The one place on my bucket list that was out of reach, but not anymore. Its Ponyville, as I entered a new wave of dread came over me how will I go home? Is this my new home? It's every brony’s dream to be here but, what now I don't know how to make a living in Equestria...
Then out of nowhere a pony with a cotton candy-like mane that I soon recognized as Pinkie Pie appeared. snapping me back into reality.

Chapter 1

"Hi there, are you new here?? You must be new..." Pinkie asked curiously. Bouncing up and down.

"I am... I am- but not just new to Ponyville though." I said cautiously, knowing how Pinkie Pie usually greats new arrivals.

" Oh so your a traveler huh- sounds pretty boring~ if you ask me." She said holding out the 'boring way longer than necessary.

" No I'm not a traveler... I'm new to Equestria as a whole." I tried to explain.

"Ah ha good one, it’s not like you were sucked into a portal to Equestria while watching something related to it, that's silly" She laughed sarcastically with a large grin... Wait how did she... Pinkie sense just roll with it.

"Actually that was... Actually that is exactly what happened to me Pinkie."

"Hey how do you know my name." She said looking like she already knew the answer.

"Well-" Y'all are all famous all around equestria.

"Wait! let me guess, are you a psychic." She said cutting me off.

"LISTEN!! and I'll tell you." I yelled. Though louder then I meant too, it still worked all the same.

"I'm listening, you don't have to be so mean." She whined with a pouty face.

"I'm Sorry Pinkie I didn't mean to yell that loud." I said apologetically.

"Its all~ good, you must be really stressed out." Thanks for stating the obvious.

"I really need to see Princess Twilight, I'm not from this world and, I need help. I know a lot about equestria but, in a broad sense. Only what’s on the surface... Only the icing on the cake."

"ooo~! what flavor is it. hope it's chocolate!"

"PINKIE, this is serious Please!! focus." I pleaded. I honestly brought this one upon myself with the cake analogy but, it was so worth it.

"Right sorry where was I... here we are." she said as she tried to recall our conversation. "Huh? What do you mean your from another world?" She ask with a confused smile. "Is this some sort of prank? If so you'll need to try harder than that to fool me." Just Pinkie being Pinkie...Stay calm.

"No! no! no! no! This is no prank I'm telling you the truth, My world is the place you communicate with when you do what we call breaking the fourth wall." I said desperately. Practically begging her to believe me. "There is a show in my world that features all of you and, all off the known world to pony kind." I said pausing to take a breath. As well to plan what to say next. "I know a lot about the mane seven." I said trying to recall the names of the main cast. "Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Starlight Glimmer, and you Pinkie Pie and-..."But before I could finish was I was trying she cut me off.

“Follow me.” She yelled as she bounced away speedily. She could of at least gave a heads up before... hand? hoof.

"Wait up!!" I yelled upon death ears. As I 'galloped' as fast as I could without tripping over myself barely able to keep up. For what felt like 10 minutes of non stop running she finally came to a stop... There it was... There I saw it- it's Twilight's castle. It was a lot bigger than I expected it to be. “Yo-u... Coul- couldn't you slo-w down a bit cou-ld y-ou." I gasped between breaths.

“We're here~” She sung in a slightly musical tone... “Sorry didn't know you were out of shape most ponies are in shape around here.” She said with a smirk.

“I'm!... I'm not from Equestria though, Remember!” I said trying catching my breath.

“Ooopssy~ sorry I forgot.” She chuckled.

“No worries it’s probably hard to think of me as something else when I look just like one of you.” I said as my heavy breathing started to calm down.

“You said it, not me.” she said almost laughing...Almost.

“She's here right? Can you take me to her?” I asked as I walked towards the door beside her.

“Sure!!..." She said as she stopped right in front of the door. "O~ silly me I forgot to ask you for your name that isn’t like me at all.” She said staring into space.

“Its Joseph, but most people call me Joe.” I explained with a proud look on my face.

“That's a weird name…” She replied with a strange look on her face.

“Hey! It’s a common name in my world!" I said with an hint of anger. "But, I guess I need to come up with a pony-like name if I'm (going to stay here)stuck here.” I said as my voice ignored my positive input. probably still sore about the whole name thing. I'll get over it when I come up with a new name I guess.

“Do you have a mirror that I can please borrow. I really need to see what I look like.” I pleaded trying to end my internal monologue before it takes a dark turn.

"There’s a few in the castle you can stop by one on the way.” She explained as she opened the crystalline door.

"What no mirror emergency stash.” I whispered to myself causing me to chuckle slightly. “Sounds good as long as you don't leave me behind, Pinkie.”

“Okkie-dokie~, right this way…” she said with a large grin. She is going to do it... I just know it.

As I followed her inside I decided to look around while trying to keep track of her. As we approached a set of mirrors I called out to her to wait for me but I then realized she was already gone. As I mumbled a few choice words under my breath as I looked into the mirror...“I'M A UNICORN! HOW DID I NOT REALIZE THIS BEFORE HAND!?before hoof?...” I yelled while trying to regain composure. “So I'm a unicorn with a reddish coat, and a orange and white mane.” So I became my OC... Neat! “I guess I can call myself Blazing star..." I said thinking that If I had became my OC might as well use the name I gave him. "Now where did Pinkie get to?-” I said to myself in a reassuring tone...

“There you are! I'm over here, Joe.” she yelled with a the largest grin I've ever seen to date.

“Oh- alright be right there, Pinkie.” I said As I clumsily galloped towards her. “I told you not to leave me behind!...” I yelled sternly but not to loud just in cause the princess was with her. “Anyways did you at least bring Princess Twilight with you.” I asked with a stern look.

“Sure did! And, sorry but you move really slow.” She said as her large grin grew even bigger than before.

“I've been a pony for about an hour! I'm surprised that I can even stand-even let alone walk.” I blurted out...Now that think of it. How was I able to learn how to use my new body so fast...and too such of a degree in less than an hour.

“So you wanted to see me." Twilight asked as she trotted into view." Joe, was it?” She asked skeptically.

“Yes, Princess... Did Pinkie brief you on the situation or will I need to explain it.”

“She did, though it might be best for you explain the situation in more depth...Follow me.” She ordered looking slightly confused But, I can't blame her. As I followed here to the planning room at least that's where I thought see was taking me. As she entered the room I followed shortly behind. There I saw it-The Cutie Map, it looked so much cooler in person- in pony...

“Come take a seat.” she commanded as she took a seat herself.

“Where to Princess?” I asked looking confused.

“The seat right across from me.” She ordered. As I took my seat she wasted no time to get started. “So you say your from another world. Then prove it then.” She ordered assertively with a smile.

“Wait-How do you want me to prove it?... Never-mind, I got one how about I expose you. Meaning I tell you something only you and anyone- anyPony who were involved should know. A secret of sorts.”

“Go on." She said hesitantly as her smile slowly changed into a look of concern and unease.

“Yes Princess.” I said adorning her lost smile... This is going to be fun. “At Starlight's graduation, you did not know what to do when Discord said she was above simple friendship lessons...So you went to Celestia for advice and, learned she had the same fears about making decisions for you.” The look on her face was priceless. “Sorry but that was the first one to come to mind.”

“How did- how do you know all that? Did Discord tell you?” She asked slightly embarrass and worried about her security.

“No he did not tell me anything, as I haven't even seen him yet and I'm glad about that... Anyways back on topic. To put it frank, the world I'm from is the world that Pinkie Pie communicates with what we call breaking the fourth wall.” I said choosing my next words carefully. “You probably- most likely see her talking to herself but, that's not the case... She seems to be the only person- only pony who notices my worlds presents…via the audience which is us...”

“Alright!.. I'm going to gather my friends you stay here.” She said cutting me off.

“Wait- wasn't Pinkie Pie here?” I asked confused.

“She was but,- she was only on break had had to go back to work at the sugar cube corner.”

“But-... but why.” I asked confused.

“They are only excused from work when they are summoned... and- their employers and, family members all agreed to the terms of release soo… I'll be back with my friends.” She yelled as she left the room. Wow somepony is embarrassed.

“Hey Twilight what's goin-." Starlight asked cheerfully, completely oblivious about what's going on...

“Sorry Starlight, but keep him company,- keep an eye on him.” She yelled cutting starlight off as she left the room.

“So what’s your problem.” Starlight asked with a smirk look as she trotted towards me.

“Not from this world... and, No before you ask if I'm from that Canterlot high and/or this worlds human world." I said slightly agitated... “Sorry didn't mean to snap at you. I... -I'm just really stressed out.” I said apologetically.

“It's ok we all get a little stressed out around here...Trust me I'd would know.”

“So do I.” I responded weakly.