• Published 27th Mar 2018
  • 1,181 Views, 21 Comments

Pulled into Equestria: The fallen star - TimeLordStudios

When a brony with a troubled past is pulled into equestria and turned into a pony. With no known way out he must figure out how to make a living there before its too late.

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pulled into equestria part 5

Author's Note:

I decided even though its very hard for me to write this way. (To be more descriptive in character actions and story development)to try my best in that category. Hopeful that It will pay off in the long run...sorry for the delay Ps I have also gone back and tweaked the early chapters hopefully they are better now.

Dear my faithful student Twilight Sparkle, I wish for you to bring him to Canterlot at your utmost convenience. We wish to learn more about him and, to see if he speaks the truth about his situation. I need you to drug his next meal with magical narcotics so I may run the appropriate test on his mental, magical and physical health. I await your arrival sincerely, princess Celestia.

In the royal throne room...
{Celestia's POV} " Are the preparations for their arrival ready" she said as she walked closer to her royal adviser.

"Almost Princess, it shall be done in 10 minutes top your majesty." He said as he was checking things off on his clipboard

"That is good..." she said as she watched her servants pull in carts full of medical equipment.

"Parton my intrusion but why do we need all of this medical equipment." He said as the carts were rolling in.

"You'll shall see in due time my faithful servant." I sure hope twilight does her part. Telling her to drug his next meal with narcotics may have been too much but I hope she did for the well being of Equestria.

"Are you alright your majesty, you seem a little distressed." He said as he lowered his clipboard so his gaze can reach hers.

"Am I good ruler...?" She responded slow and subtle.

"Where does this come from your majesty, of course your a good ruler. Your the kindest most loving ruler in all of Equestria."

"In Equestria...I failed my sister. I put my prized pupil in harms way for my own selfishness needs... In Equestria theirs only 2 rulers and I failed the other...I... failed... Luna." I was willing to sacrifice the lives of 6 innocent ponies. The ponies that ended becoming the bearers of the elements of harmony... all because I couldn't bring myself to face her... Again. I had Bad intentions, but got a good outcome and they were none of the wiser.

"No ponies perfect your highness even princesses can make mistakes-Not saying that you do, just that you could." he said as he checked over the the things that had just arrived. "but look at equestria now. Princess Luna is back, your prized pupil has became the alicorn of friendship and saved equestria countless times."

"Thank you..." She said as she then started to resume her royal duties for the day.

"I don't know what I did, but I'm glad to be of service your highness". First it was your majesty, now it's your highness make up your mind both are fine but chose one.

Back to the train...
{Twilight's POV} "Are you feeling alright Blaze?" Of course he isn't I drugged him for Celestia's sake, quite literally.

"I'm fine. Just A little drowsy that's all." ut oh its already taking affect. at this rate he'll pass out before we get there. "Thanks for asking though. I appreciate the concern. That spell must took more out of me than I originally thought." That's probably why Its taking affect already he was already drained of most of his energy. I should of thought of that before, calculating the dosage.
"I...I'm feeling pretty nervous about meeting the royal sisters. In the alternate universes they resort to drugging and vivisection. I'm glad that I came through as a pony and not as a human the vivisection only happens to the humans to see the differences between human anatomy and pony anatomy...sorry." He's right about one thing they did drug him-They had me drug him.

"What are you sorry for?" She asked me with a worried expression.

"For rambling on about things I shouldn't have to worry about...And bringing up things that may give you nightmares if you look up the definition." I said as my ears started to fold.

"Like what...what is the word that my knowing should bring harm." I said trying to tease him but it looks like I've failed to do so.

"I brought up vivisection..." he said as he looked out of the window.

"And what's that. Trust me I can handle it." If I could handle discord, the changelings, king Sombra and Tirek I should be able to handle what ever this is.

{Blaze's POV}"Well if you say so." I said meeting her gaze "Just remember you asked for it. It is...it's when you preform surgical operations on a living creature for the purpose of experimentation and scientific research. And trust me it's something you do not want to see." She asked for it now lets see how she handles it.

"I...I see why now...gggrraahf" is she gagging...no- she's throwing up..."cough...cough...gggrrruuuf" She threw up again.

"Are you alright I'm sorry I shouldn't have told you about that. I should of said no... do you want me to open up a window or something. "She me gave a quick nod. "Lets see here if I grab that and that there we go that's one... that's two... that's three. is that enough." I said as my horn started to spark due to lack of focus.

"Y-e-ah" she said dryly. "cough...cough!" She needs some water and fast. But how am I supposed to get her some water...she then answered my question By summoning a bottle of water along with cleaning supplies.

"how are you able to use your magic in that state? I asked as she chugged down the water down. She is tougher that I gave her credit for... magically but not as much mentally as I hoped for. then again even in the show she wasn't mentally strong as she had many breakdowns especially during 'lesson zero'. that one hit a little to close to home with my own mentality so I thought she could handle it. but I forgot that she snapped out of it and looked down apon herself for those actions. to never repeat it...

"After you opened the windows I was able to clear my mind enough to summon what I need." she said while cleaning up her 'accident' and after she was done the cleaning supplies disappeared with a small pop.

"Now you see...Why I said sorry and now I have another reason to be so..." I said woozy

"No... I'm sorry I should of taken your word for it...I was bound to come across it eventuality with my pursuit of knowledge so don't feel bad." she said as she closed the windows with her magic all at the same time.

"Easier said than done" I said before blacking out.

{Twilight's POV} "Blaze! "I yelled as I caught him in my magic before his head hit the ground. "I...I'm sorry too" I said as I lowered the rest of his body to the ground.

At Canterlot train station...

Why did he have to pass out right before arrival...Now I must carry his unconscious body to princess Celestia... I don't like doing it but I might have to use my status to get through without being questioned. If it comes to that I will...I have to right?
I then picked him back up in my magic and carried him out the train cart.

"Look! It's princess Twilight... and she's carrying somepony." I didn't even make it 5 seconds in without being called out.

"Noth- nothing to see here continue on your day as normal." I yelled as I ran passed the the group of curious ponies, towards to the royal palace.

{random pony POV} "...Is that princess twilight -Why is she carrying an unconscious stallion is that her boyfriend or something"...I said as her gaze followed Miss Sparkle, as she ran towards the castle.

5 minutes later as she was nearing the front gate of the Canterlot castle...
{Twilight's POV"... At ease soldier." I yelled as the guards went to block me off. Not knowing who was trying to enter.

"ye--yes princess right away." Realizing that it was princess Twilight who was running towards them. They quickly responded back, as they made way for her to pass through...

"I don't think Cadence has to put up with this stuff."she mumbled quietly to herself as she made her way to the entrance..."Princess Luna? What are you doing here? Are you here to escort us, or to talk." Twilight said questioning Luna.

"We are... I mean I'm here for both to ask thee..."Luna said trying not to use her early modern ponish.

"Luna don't thou worry about using proper ponish with me just be thee." twilight said using the same outdated dialect.

"We are grateful for your understanding miss, Sparkle now shall thee follow us to are thrown room. my sister is expecting you."

"Didn't you say that you that you have a few questions for me." Twilight asked while walking beside Luna.

"I do miss Sparkle though The bigger ones shall wait for now...I- want- to- know...Do you believe his story about him being from another world?"

"Yes...Yes I do...Wait how do you now about that? Did Celestia tell you or did you stumble in to it via dream-walking."

"If you must know It was both and from what I've seen it's without doubt he's not from here...the fact that he's still sane is remarkable...May I see him."

"What are going to do to him Luna." Twilight asked with her mind poisoned by what happened on the train. Maybe he was right...No he was he was right about the drugging so what would they do to him...run tests...that's what the letter said.

"What do thou mean do you think i'd bring harm to him..."

"What!! No no of course not" Twilight said as sweat dripped down the side of her face.

"Don't lie Twilight Sparkle we see it something he has said has led to your distrust towards us And we only want to help him."

"Then why have me drug him-!!"

"WHAT DOES THOU MEAN. DID CELESTIA TELL THEE TO DO SO." Luna boomed in her royal Canterlot voice. wait Luna didn't know... Does that mean celestia is... no anything but that refuse to believe that she's corrupt she just made a mistake yeah that has to be it...right

"Yes its right here. In ink and try not to yell so loud. You don't want to wake him up do you?" Twilight said as she showed Luna the letter that celestia had sent her last night.