• Published 12th Feb 2018
  • 10,259 Views, 127 Comments

Floof is for Snuggles - The Abyss

Rainbow develops her winter floof, but it’s bigger and fluffier than ever this year.

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Bonus Chapter: The Floof Thickens

With the sun shining in through her windows, Twilight woke up with a short yawn. Rainbow’s floof was still nestled up against her cheek, and she could have sworn that it had gotten softer and floofier during the night. Rainbow softly snored away, twitching in her sleep. The tips of her wings trembled as a small grin grew on her lips.

A silly idea popped into Twilight’s mind. While she loved snuggling with Rainbow and nuzzling her floof like it was the best thing in all of Equestria, she pushed herself up and out of Rainbow’s embrace, taking care to not wake her up. After shooting a wistful glance at Rainbow’s floof one last time, she sighed and crept into her bathroom, shutting the door as quietly as she could. She used a quick spell to dampen the noise that she would make so that her plan could come to a perfect fruition, then turned on the shower.

She couldn’t help but let a silly grin slide on her face as she stepped underneath the shower head. Picking up the special bottle of body wash, she sat down and squirted half the bottle onto the pitiful amount of floof she had, then vigorously rubbed it in. She held the bottle up with a spell, her eyes darting across the back until she found the directions. “For best results, let the body wash soak in after a good lather, then wash it off within two minutes,” she read out loud. “Repeat twice a day for a week to achieve proper fur floof.”

Twilight rolled her eyes as she moved out from under the warm stream of water. “So that’s why Rainbow has more floof than me... I’ve just been washing it off after a minute!” she said with glee. “But I don’t have a week, I have a few minutes. Hm... Aha!” Tossing the bottle aside, she rubbed the body wash onto her breast until her limbs grew weary, then lit her horn, amplifying the effects of the body wash.

Her horn grew hot from effort, sweat dripped down in between her eyes, and after a couple minutes of holding the spell, she finally released it, panting softly. She moved back under the stream of water and washed away the body wash, helping the process along by wiping it away with a hoof. Oh... my... gosh... she thought as her breath caught in her throat. She didn’t even have to look down to know that she had achieved her most base desires; her floof felt bigger than Rainbow’s by a long shot.

As the suds slipped from her breast, she glanced down, her eyes going wide. What once held a pitiful, embarrassing amount of floof now held floof at least twice as floofier as Rainbow’s. “If she doesn’t love this, she’s crazy,” she said with a giggle. She turned off the shower, used her magic to dry herself off, then she pulled open the bathroom door as slowly as she could, wincing at every little squeak the hinges made.

Twilight crept back over to the bed and gingerly climbed back in, using her magic to pull the curtains shut a little bit so that they could resume snuggling and sleeping if Rainbow desired to do so. Unable to keep a silly grin off of her face, she nuzzled Rainbow’s floof with her cheek, loving each and every single second of it. Rainbow stirred awake with a soft groan. “Hey Dash...” Twilight giggled, her tail swishing about on the sheets as she slipped back under the covers. “Notice something different about me?” she asked, her rump wiggling about in excitement as she pushed her breast outwards, using her upper forelegs to make it seem floofier than it was.

Rainbow lifted her head, blearily blinking a few times. She rubbed her eyes as she looked up at Twilight, then when she saw Twilight look down and point at her breast, her eyes went wide. “Woah... you have a lot more floof than I remember,” she said, her voice sounding rather hoarse.

“Yep! I used more of the body wash and used a simple spell to make my floof just like yours!” Twilight said, her voice full of mirth. She nuzzled Rainbow’s floof again, then lay down on her side, staring right into Rainbow’s eyes. “So... remember how you said you wanted me to help you solve your little floof problem?” Rainbow nodded as she laid her head back on the pillow. Twilight opened her wing and laid it across Rainbow’s back, applying a little bit of pressure as a sign for her to scoot closer to her. “If you wanna nuzzle my floof, you can see just how soft, warm, and awesome floof can be,” she said, feeling her cheeks heat up as she blushed.

“Uh...” Rainbow was simply mesmerized by the sheer amount of floof on Twilight’s breast. It puffed out rather distinctly from her breast, looking like she had glued a pillow onto her fur.

“Rainbow, my eyes are up here,” Twilight said with a sly smirk.

After a few seconds of silence, Rainbow shook her head and blinked a couple of times, then looked back up into Twilight’s eyes. “Huh? Sorry, I wasn’t listening.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Yeah, obviously. Wanna try snuggling with me and my floof?” she asked, applying a little bit more pressure to Rainbow’s back.

“Oh, um... yeah, sure,” she said. She licked her lips, then pushed herself near Twilight’s breast, her eyes never leaving the sheer amount of floofy floof. She poked it with a hoof, much like Twilight had done with her own floof just last night. “It’s... wow. You’re right, your floof is really soft!” she said, her voice holding no small amount of amazement.

“It’s even softer if you nuzzle it,” Twilight said with a chuckle.

“Really?” Rainbow leaned in and firmly pressed her cheek against it, feeling its softness and warmth caress her fur. Her eyes slid shut as she hummed softly in content, her nuzzles becoming longer, deeper, and more insistent. “You weren’t lying when you said having floof is awesome, were you?” she asked with a grin, her ears flopping back to lay flat on her head.

“Nope. I wouldn’t lie to you, Rainbow,” Twilight said, using her magic to pull the sheets back up to their shoulders. She draped her right hind leg over Rainbow’s flank and flicked her tail on top of hers. “So... what do you think? Wanna sleep in for a bit and see what you think about keeping your floof when we wake up?”

Rainbow snuggled deeper into her embrace, finding a comfortable position to sleep in. She felt Twilight’s wing wrap around her back a little more, then when Twilight wrapped a hoof around her back, she let her forelegs curl up to her chest. “If I say I’ll keep my floof for a little bit longer, would you, uh...” Her mouth felt incredibly dry. “Would you want to snuggle more this week? That was the best night of sleep I’ve gotten in months.”

“I’d love that, Dash.” Twilight yawned as she used her magic to shut the curtains the rest of the way. “I’d love that a lot...”

Comments ( 49 )

Silly Twilight. She got what she wanted in the end.

The Floof has been doubled!
Secondly, I've invented a drinking game. Every time you read the word floof, take a shot.

You'd be dead at the end.

I needed this. Really, I loved this. Oh my gosh, I'm so lucky I followed The Abyss if it means I get more amounts of day-brightening adorable stuff every day.

At the end assumes a surprising amount of tolerance. 3 paragraphs tops.

I really needed this, its so cute! :scootangel:

I cannot stop smiling
It's problematic
This is so adorable
*dies happy*

And we discover Fluffle Puff's secret formula...
Actually, she could be the patent owner for all we know.

And the floof-and snuggles-were both doubled!

So much floof!

Curious about what happens if the bottling place for the shampoo has a problem causing it to flood with the stuff. :pinkiecrazy:

Fluffle puff.

Aww so cute and flooftastic

EEEEEE, SO CUTE! Floof and snuggles and floof and TwiDash and more floof. I love it and I need more, STAT!

Oh, dear.
The diabetes is definitely worth it.:twilightsmile:

THE FLOOF COMPELS YOU!! :pinkiecrazy:

You must become one with the floof.

Now I kinda wanna use floof in a story someday... This was just too full of the floofy goodness to not love!

4/10 not enough floof


No but really, more cute floof please! This was adorable.

Twilight didn't read something? Suspension of disbelief shattered beyond all repair.

In all seriousness, tooth-rottingly sweet, and I mean that in the nicest way. Thank you for it.

No problem, dude. Glad you enjoyed it!

Have fun with the cavities from reading this story,

I haven't read something so sweet since back when I read Chibi-Usa and Hotaru ; ~ ;

Flooooooooof! v2

All this mention of Floof makes me feelike the whole foc should rhyme, like floof on the roof with a hoof.

Comment posted by Shadowbolts deleted Mar 7th, 2018

If this is some bid for approval, then you've failed pretty miserably. Don't go onto someone else's work and absolutely do them an injustice by posting your own work. Nobody is here to read your shit or edit for you, so stop trying to leech off of the success of others.

I wasn't trying to do

I'm sorry

Yeah, not cool. Just don't do it again

This story was amazing

Texus #34 · Apr 8th, 2018 · · 4 ·

“If she doesn’t love this, she’s crazy,” she said with a giggle

to be honest like in romance stories where our of nowhere suddenly both characters are in love with each other out of nowhere when the first one admits their love, I think if she didn't understood the floof thing before, she shouldn't already like the look alone, maybe the feeling but not the look.

“Uh...” Rainbow was simply mesmerized by the sheer amount of floof on Twilight’s breast. It puffed out rather distinctly from her breast, looking like she had glued a pillow onto her fur.

thats what I meant, if she didn't understood it before I think she should only be curious here and not exactly mesmerozed before she tried it out.

However I like the end of the story and would still like it to be longer. It doesn't need to end in a herd or another romance, but I would like to see Pinkie trying the floof out or all of her non pegasus friends. I mean this is supposed to be a Pegasus thing right?

It would be at least more funny if it was, gives more room for akward situations with the other ponies I think that don't know the exact details.

It's so fluffy!

I WANT TO FEEL THE FLOOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Floofening has begun.

Get floofed, you motherfloofer. :twilightblush:


Ur pic goes so well with ur comment here...

Twilight is cheating with magic all the time :facehoof: Still... Totaly worth the effort. Cuddle and snuggels :yay:
Lets have sequel with Luna and Celestia :raritystarry: The snuggly cuddels has been doubled!

Fluff for the fluff gods:moustache:

Snuggles for the snuggle throne!

The Princess protects!
But having a cuddly pegasus never hurt either!

Aww… this was so cute. :twilightsmile:


I melted seventeen times I love this

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