• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 3,241 Views, 43 Comments

The Sunlight In Her Eyes - DigitalPhoenix

Twilight has but one burning question on her mind: how does one ask out Sunset Shimmer?

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Sleepless Nights

A sudden bang rang out across the dim bedroom, accompanied by a frustrated groan. Various sheets rustled through the air, and a small dog shifted slightly in his sleep from the sudden noise, but otherwise the room remained still and silent. Only a solitary lamp resting upon a wooden desk illuminated the vicinity, casting its warmth and flickering shadows among the various notes, charts and diagrams drawn in the past…. Well, she didn’t even know how long she had been at this.

Twilight rested her head on her cluttered desk as she attempted to refocus herself, her hair let loose from its usual bun and shielding her from her lamp and work. Come on, Twilight, you can do this, she thought to herself, and brought her gaze to a small portrait propped up on the smooth surface she currently laid her head on. Wiping a small collection of dust from the image, her thumb revealed herself and her friends all gathered in their camp uniforms.

It had been at least a month since the Camp Everfree incident, and school was due to start up again soon. This would be her first official year at Canterlot High, as well as their final year in high school, and all her friends were excited for it, even though she had attended the remainder of the previous year with them. She would be too, if not for one thing.

The problem that plagued her that night.

She read book after book, searched through mountains of web articles detailing the subject, drew charts and diagrams for various possibilities and outcomes, yet nothing had given her a clear answer nor strengthened her resolve to go through with her intended action. She tried every form of information outlet she could get her hands on, yet nothing gave her the assurance she craved. As she glanced around at the cluster of photos and hypotheses that currently adorned her walls, her doubts once again crept into her mind.

Did she really want to attempt this? And was it really worth it? Her whole life had been consumed by knowledge up until a few months ago, and in so little time she had gained so much more than what she thought possible. A new start with new friends. New opportunities not only for her scientific horizons, but for her outlook on the world around her. It had taken so much effort to earn her friends’ trust in her mind, and she did not want to lose a single one of them, especially to something as trivial as this.

But it's not trivial. It started out small, a niggling idea when she returned home. She brushed it off at first, occasionally doing some research on the subject, but never any more than scratching the surface, having seen the notion as a mere opportunity to expand her field of study. But the more she read and the more she found, the more she couldn't ignore it. Stories and anecdotes of people finding all the happiness they could have possibly asked for, filling her mind with idyllic visions of what could be. What started as a passing thought became something she needed. She became certain that she had to do this; it was no longer an option, but a necessity, and it led to many a sleepless night trying to find the answers she sought, but the question still remained, burning at her conscience like the flaming heart she so desired.

How does one ask out Sunset Shimmer?

It was silly, really. For some people, it came so easily, just going up and flirting with the object of their affections. To those less sociable, it was a waiting game. For her to think so much over something that everybody says must be solved by the heart and not by the mind was, to her, would be mind-boggling. The heart always knew best when it came to love.

Twilight just never really stored much knowledge in her heart.

She sifted through some of her notes, having jotted down any of Sunset's hobbies, her passions, her favorite places, favorite foods (which, strangely, were all vegetarian), even somehow managed to find a house address. How someone like Sunset could afford her own house from a job at a sushi restaurant was beyond her, but it was the farthest thing from her mind at the moment.

As she continued through her latest research, she realized just how little she truly knew of everything that had been thrust upon her. Dating, relationships, courtship...Calm down, Twi, you're getting ahead of yourself, she mused as she rested the papers back in their appropriate pile.

Most importantly, though, she knew so little about Sunset herself. She never heard anything of Sunset's life before Canterlot High, only that she appeared one day and took over the school in a matter of weeks. Not Sunset's proudest moment, but one Twilight was willing to look over, all things considered. "What kind of hypocrite would I be if I didn't?"

Otherwise, though, nothing was ever spoken of. Twilight had been advised to never ask Sunset about it, as she was prone to lashing out if someone pried too much. None of her other friends knew anything either, having tried and failed to convince Sunset to calmly talk about it. All that she knew was that she was afraid to go to the other side of the portal, most likely for some sort of transgression that might have occured during her raid of the crown. If anything, every answer Twilight tried to find only led to more questions.

She slowly yawned as she glanced at her alarm clock, reading ten past one in the morning. She decided now would be the appropriate time to allow herself some rest, should her body and mind follow suit. She had agreed to meet up with everyone at the mall tomorrow, and she didn't want to oversleep. She didn't want any unnecessary questions, though she could usually just use the excuse of late night research. Even Applejack never questioned, because technically, Twilight wasn't lying.

She rested her glasses upon her desk, rubbed her eyes, and proceeded towards her bed, having already changed into her pajamas some time ago. She paused to take another quick glance at the walls of research surrounding her room, very reminiscent of her Canterlot High conspiracy research. Maybe I should look into getting some actual posters for my walls, she thought and chuckled to herself before lying in bed and reaching for her lamp.

A loud snap shot through the room as the bulb suddenly burst.

The last thing that sounded through the home that night was a frustrated groan.

Author's Note:

I personally like to think that even after the Friendship Games and Camp Everfree, Sunset never really told Twilight of her origin. As far as I am aware, Twilight doesn't mention it at all, and I don't think Sunset ever referred to being a pony. Let me know in the comments if I'm wrong.
Also, as I mentioned in the description, this is my first story on this site, a quick thing I decided to start to get my feet in and find out what I need to work on before I start laying into some bigger ideas. As such, all constructive criticism is appreciated and will be carried forward in future chapters.