• Published 14th Feb 2018
  • 3,241 Views, 43 Comments

The Sunlight In Her Eyes - DigitalPhoenix

Twilight has but one burning question on her mind: how does one ask out Sunset Shimmer?

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Faltered Plans

Having returned home for the day, Twilight resumed digging through her notes, trying desperately to find that one thread of data that would give her the answer she so desired. She knew Sunset was catching on. She had to be. Rainbow's snide jokes had planted the seed in her mind, and Twilight knew Sunset would start noticing the signs now that she's basically been told to look for them. Twilight needed to make a plan, and fast.

Any sense of clamor and dread stopped dead in its tracks when she heard a knock on her door, drawing Twilight's attention away from her project. Who could possibly be here now? All of her friends had gone home to do some errand or another, and she hadn't made any plans to invite anyone over. Twilight slowly made her way to front door, wishing that she had one of those small peepholes so she could see who waited on the other side. Probably some telemarketer or something like that. With that in mind, she slowly cracked the door open, only to come face to face with a head of fiery hair.


"What's up, Twilight," Sunset peered her head around the door. "Sorry for not warning you when I'd get here, I honestly didn't even know myself, you know how traffic is."

"I didn't even know you were... Wait, what do you mean traffic? How'd you get here?"

Sunset stepped aside to reveal a relatively old model motorcycle. The machine itself wasn't anything too special, most of the parts were relatively out-of-date by current standards, and several were slightly rusted. The seat had been reupholstered, and a new dashboard had been installed, giving it a strangely bipolar look.

The paint job, on the other hand, was something Twilight could only assume Sunset did herself. Most of it matched her hair, flaming streaks of red and yellow flaring from the head of the bike and tapering to a stop just after the seat. The undertones were more akin to her namesake, brilliant orange fading into red and purple the further her eyes trailed down. The entire pattern seemed to shine in the late afternoon sun, radiating a glow that, to Twilight, was very reminiscent of its rider.

"Sweet ride, right?" Sunset snapped Twilight's attention back to her. "I got it after the Friendship Games. Took a bit of work, but I think she came out alright. So, what's this project your working on?"

Twilight's face quickly paled when she realized what was going on. Of course Sunset wouldn't take no for an answer.Though I suppose I never really did give an answer.

"I told you I was fine, I don't need the help, really," she muttered.

"Well, I'm here to give it to you anyway," Sunset smirked, "so you might as well make good use of it."

Think, Twilight, think! "Right, well, you make yourself at home, and I'll be out in a just a minute, ok? Ok." With that, she rushed back into her room, panic fully setting in. She quickly made to gather all her current research and stow it away, someplace Sunset would be unlikely to look during her visit. She hurried to pull down all of the pins and papers from her walls, and made sure there were no files on her computer open or likely to be stumbled upon. Just in time, too, as Sunset decided to enter just as she finished.

"Actually, Twilight, there was something I wanted to talk to you about," Sunset sat beside her on the bed, encouraging Twilight to sit as well, a gesture that the girl nervously followed. "About earlier at the mall. I've seen how you sleep at Pinkie's sleepovers, and it'd take a lot more than Spike running around to give you a rough night. So what's been going on?"

"Just some late night research. I know you guys told me I should stop, but it's a hard habit to kick."

Sunset smirked. "You know you're a terrible liar, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Twilight." Sunset turned to face her friend. "I know you well enough to tell when something is bothering you, and I don't want to see you drive yourself into a panic because you won't let anybody help. So tell me, what's going on with you?"

Twilight found herself in the exact scenario she never wanted to happen. Here was Sunset, asking her, in the sweetest, most gentle voice she had ever heard, to pour her heart out to her. Sunset's voice alone was almost enough to make Twilight oblige. It pained her so much to resist, to deny her friend, to seemingly push her away for fear of what she would think of her. Despite her mind's objections, she looked to face her friend eye-to-eye.

She took every one of those few precious seconds to study the face in front of her. Sunset's hair always glowed, but in the waning light of the sun it was something only angels would speak of, and it always reminded Twilight of her own angel saving her in her darkest hour. Her skin, combined with the soft visage she always carried when showing concern for any of her friends, Twilight wished she could see every waking moment of her life. Everything about Sunset, from her cute nose to the lips Twilight longed to seize with her own, was simply perfect.

But it was Sunset's eyes that sealed Twilight's conviction. A stark contrast to the rest of the girl's fiery appearance, the pools of teal always left Twilight in a trance. They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, and while Twilight would need more than a simple superstitious statement, Sunset seemed to be proof enough. There was always something Twilight saw in those eyes, a history just waiting to be told. She could tell Sunset has weathered more than she let on, and she carried the baggage wherever she roamed. It almost pained her in a way, a part of her yearning for the knowledge of what her friend had been through, the other part longing to simply be satisfied with what was already before her.

"Come on, Twilight, you can tell me anything."

If only she knew how to tell her this. A full month of research had yielded nothing, and Twilight couldn't ask any of her friends. If she told them, the likelihood that someone would tell was too great, and Twilight didn't want Sunset to know until she was absolutely sure she could do this right. Even if she was vague, and didn't hint at who the selected party was, that would only serve to give her an inaccurate approach; the whole point of Twilight's research was to cater a solution specifically to Sunset, and the only person who really knew how to do that was Sunset.

A light bulb suddenly shined in her mind's eye. She knew exactly what she needed to do, After all, what better way to get the perfect answer than straight from the source?

"Actually, yeah, there has been something bothering me," Twilight absentmindedly twirled her hair. "Promise not to tell anyone?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Twilight snickered at the strange vow, "There's been someone on my mind, someone I really like, but I don't know how to tell them about it. I'm really worried that I might ruin the friendship we already have," Twilight paused, a sudden rush of emotions swelling in her stomach, urging her to continue. "I can't stop thinking about them, every day and every night. I wish I could just leave it be, to appreciate what I have now, but it's not enough. I want more, but I don't know how to get it, and it's driving me crazy because every time I see them, my heart aches for what I wish to be true. They're just so perfect in my eyes, and a part of me worries that I'd never be good enough for them! I want them, Sunset, I want to hold them in my arms every night, to wake up every morning and see their face, I... I..."

It was a few moments before Twilight realized what she had just said, feeling the tears streaming down her face. She had just told Sunset everything, more than she had imagined she would, yet it felt like the weight was still there, even stronger now, threatening to throttle her to the ground if she couldn't overcome it. Her hair drifted to cover her face, to hide herself from the shame she felt in the presence of her best friend. She couldn't tell why she said so much, only that whatever tidal wave of emotions had taken her over had already seemed to wash away.

Then she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, bringing her head in to rest upon Sunset's neck.

"Shhh... just let it all out," Sunset cradled Twilight in her arms, giving her the sense of security and affection she always wanted. She took in a breath of air, carrying with it the scent of the strawberry shampoo Sunset always used. She shifted to bury herself into it, taking great comfort in her literal shoulder to cry on. The weight of her emotions came back full force as Sunset held her there, consoling her with soft words, and Twilight decided it was now or never.

"I love you, Sunset."

The silence that pervaded the room hung like an eerie fog, blanketed over the two of them. Twilight simply allowed herself to savor the few seconds she had left where she was, waiting for the moment that Sunset would push her away, either to reject her or to allow them to talk this out.

It didn't happen. Sunset seemed to be just as content to hold Twilight where she was, having not moved a muscle despite Twilight's bold proclamation. Instead, she simply caressed Twilight's upper back, granting her the comfort she sorely needed. Maybe she didn't hear me...


"Huh?" Twilight moved to face Sunset, but was held firmly in place.

"When did you fall in love with me?"

This brought Twilight's mind to a standstill. She knew when, of course, but that being Sunset's first response was jarring to say the least.She had expected Sunset's first question to be "why?" or "what do you mean?". She just hoped that she could speak to Sunset without breaking down again.

"At camp, after we stopped Gloriosa. You were always their to help me get past my troubles, even the ones I wanted no one to see. You gave me exactly what I needed to overcome my own inner demons, and ever since, you've always been my closest friend. I could never stop thinking of you. Even in my dreams, if Midnight did ever return, you were always there as my..." Twilight swallowed, "as my guardian angel."

Silence once again befell the two as Twilight took stock of her own emotions. She wouldn't tell Sunset, but she was scared half to death right now. The anticipation of Sunset's response to this sudden revelation was killing her inside, and yet Sunset's warm touch kept her alive. It was a vicious cycle in her mind, all the while Sunset kept her in her shoulder, not even allowing Twilight to chance to look into her eyes. It was probably for the best, Celestia only knows what she'd do if she were that close to her lips.

"Please say something," Twilight whispered. She hoped the request would help this conversation reach its conclusion, but Sunset remained silent. Twilight wanted to apologize, to take back everything she said and hope that they could carry on as before, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She wasn't sorry, for any of it, and attempting to recede would only make things worse if Sunset did reciprocate her feelings. She would commit to this, for better or for worse.

Another five minutes past, and still not a word was exchanged. Twilight simply enjoyed where she was, since she had a feeling it wouldn't last much longer. Even if Sunset didn't want the relationship, Twilight hoped that this would be enough for to carry forward afterwards. It pained her to consider the possibility, but as a girl of science, she had to accept that everything comes with the chance of failure.

The silence was suddenly broken, Sunset speaking in such a way that Twilight had only ever heard in her wildest dreams, a faint whisper that she would still here above all other noise in the world.

"I love you too, Twi."

Relief washed over the young girl, a fresh wave of tears pouring out of her onto Sunset's leather jacket as she released the breath she didn't even know she was holding. All the weight she felt crushing her during those moments vanished entirely, suddenly filled by elation, and the prospect of what lay ahead of her. She did it; not only that, but it worked! Had she not been cuddled into Sunset, she probably would've been bouncing around the room like Pinkie on the best of days.Wonder what Sunset would think of that...

Her thoughts were interrupted when Sunset pulled her out of her shoulder and brought her face to face with her. Sunset herself had been crying the whole time, her lips now quivering with anticipation. Without a single moment of hesitation, Twilight leaned in to capture Sunset in a kiss.

It was unbelievable. Sunset's lips were warm and soft, just as Twilight had always imagined. She never thought herself a particularly good kisser, but that didn't matter now. She let her emotion guide her actions, bringing her arms to Sunset's waist and pulling her into an even closer embrace. She felt Sunset returning the kiss, snaking her arms around Twilight's back and caressing her shoulders. Twilight, in return, ran her hands up and down Sunset's sides.

It was a few minutes before either of them broke apart, and when they did, Twilight wanted nothing more than to go back in. Everything in the past fifteen minutes had been better than she had ever imagined. It seemed Sunset had other plans, though, as she stood and made towards the door.

"Sunset? Where are you going?" Oh, no, did I do something wrong?

"Don't worry, Twily," she said earning a blush from Twilight. "I'm gonna need some stuff if I'm gonna spend the night, right?"

"Oh, uh if its pajamas you're worried about, I suppose you could just borrow some of mine..."

"Sorry? I didn't quite catch that."

"You could just borrow some of mine," Twilight reiterated.

Sunset turned away from the door and went towards Twilight's bureau. "Well, if you insist," she went to open one of the drawers.

"No, wait, not that!" Her attempted discouragement was simply followed by the tiniest of whimpers.

Sunset turned to her with a massive smirk on her face, one that Twilight knew would be painted on her features for the rest of the night.

"So... this is your research project, huh?"