• Published 13th Feb 2018
  • 715 Views, 63 Comments

Parma Quentaron Sintë Undómëo - Undome Tinwe

A collection of short stories and drabbles.

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RariLight Bomb Day 5: Third Law (RariTwi EqG/Future AU/Shipping)

Author's Note:

First published here: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/197869/raritwi-rarilight-twilight-x-rarity/thread/350962/slams-door-down--whos-up-for-story-bits#comment/6430871

This is the fifth and final ficlet in a series of entries written for the RariLight Bomb Tumblr event, in which the goal was to produce RariLight content every day for five days. I chose to use the five word prompts given to us by Monochromatic.

Word Prompt: Dance Shoes Sky

Professor Twilight Sparkle rested her hands on one of the rails surrounding the terrace as she looked up at the skies, where a squad of drones was pushing away a few stray clouds that had floated into the city limits.

Looking downwards, her eyes were met by a grid of holographic billboards, each one holding vigil above an intersection. The constructs of light proclaimed their wares for all to see, completely drowning out the brightness of the stars above.

From the glittering tableau, she could pick out a few advertisements for Carousel, and the sight of them brought back the suffocating weight on her heart that she'd left the party to escape.

The thudding of shoes against the authentic wooden path — the venue prided itself on not using any of the lab-grown stuff — signalled the arrival of a visitor into Twilight's temporary sanctum.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Well, speak of the devil. Twilight turned to see Rarity striding towards her in her usual elegant walk. "I know it's far less than your normal rate, but I thought as an old friend I could negotiate a discount from you."

"Just enjoying the view," Twilight replied, careful to keep her tone casual. "You know how much I've always enjoyed looking at the night sky."

"Hmm. I suppose I do." Rarity moved to stand beside her, and Twilight stiffened as she felt Rarity's dress brush against her own clothes. "It is a beautiful night, though it could do without those tacky drones flitting about."

As the metal swarm corralled yet another wayward intruder, Twilight shifted away from Rarity before speaking. "Have you read the précis on the new VaporShield tech that Equinox Labs is developing? It's still young, but it looks pretty promising, and if it actually works, then we won't need the weather drones anymore. I can send you the document right now if you want."

"Perhaps another time." Rarity tapped at the side of her head. "I've turned off the neural link to my phone so that I won't be disturbed tonight. Still, I look forward to no longer having to see those things in the air—" suddenly, she stopped talking, both her hands grabbing the railing as she staggered.

Twilight instinctively reached out and caught her, bringing them much closer together than she wanted. "Rarity!"

"I-I'm quite alright, dear." Rarity said, her voice slowly regaining her strength as she pushed herself upright. She left out a soft chuckle. "I should have known better than to drink right after teleporting here."

Twilight frowned. "Yeah, there's a reason they put those huge warning labels on the side," she said disapprovingly. "Alcohol interferes with the mind's coherence after the reconstruction. I'll send for a medical pod."

Rarity shook her head. "Don't trouble yourself, Twilight. I'll be right as rain in a few moments." Indeed, her voice was already growing stronger, and Twilight reluctantly held off on the signal. "I don't suppose anyone at the Institute has discovered how to fix this little problem."

"Nope, we've got more important problems to solve at the moment."

"It's remarkable, truly." Rarity's smile lit up the night brighter than any of the billboards below. "I'm complaining about the inconvenience of having to remain sober after traveling from one side of the country to another in the blink of an eye."

There was a pause as Rarity gestured to the world at large. "Have you ever stopped to consider just how much our world has changed since our high school days?"

"It's crossed my mind from time to time, yes," Twilight replied. "Admittedly, this is the type of event that tends to inspire these kinds of musings."

"Too true. I daresay we have one of the most interesting High School Reunions in history, simply by virtue of having you and Sunset present."

"You're no slouch yourself, Miss Carousel," Twilight teased. "In twenty years, you've managed to become the biggest name in the fashion industry. Not exactly something that happens every day."

"It's been an enjoyable two decades, to be sure." Something stirred in Rarity's expression as she glanced at Twilight. "Still, I've been thinking a lot about the past, lately."

"Oh?" For some reason, Twilight felt the urge to move away from Rarity, something primal within warning her that something was about to happen. Still, she stayed, curious as to where she was going with this. "What about the past?"

"Just wondering what might have been if I'd had said yes all those years ago when you asked me to the prom instead of going with Blueblood."

Twilight froze, suddenly very aware of Rarity's proximity to her. "It wouldn't have worked out," she said, her mind throwing out the same justifications she'd used to cover up the pain of rejection. "Long distance relationships don't work out most of the time, and we were both way too focused on our careers to maintain a romance."

"I suppose you're right. And I can't say I regret my career choices most days. Still, it does get lonely at times."

Twilight barely dared to breathe. "I know how you feel," she finally said. "'Discovering' a new source of energy and helping to start the next technological revolution doesn't leave for much in the way of personal time. But it's not like I could've turned away from the chance to change the world." It was the same thing she'd told herself time and time again, and even if she believed it, sometimes it rang hollow.

"Still, none of us are the teenagers that we used to be, even if Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are taking full advantage of Sunset's new hangover cure to drink themselves into comas," Rarity said. "I daresay we've earned the right to a little time of our own."

Time stood still as hope swelled in Twilight's heart. "Well, I guess arcane energy research has taken off to the point where I don't really have that much of an impact anywhere. And Sunset's the one who's actually getting these new technologies out to market."

"In that case, perhaps it's my time to ask you on a date. If my timing is right, they should be starting the couple's dance any moment now. Would you like to join me?"

Twilight barely managed to keep herself from bursting with pure joy. "To be honest, I'm not really sure I want to go back inside yet." Her hand lit up with the arcane glow of magic as she temporarily created a hole in the soundproofing charm that the reunion party was using. The soft sounds of an old romantic ballad floated out into the night.

Rarity smiled and held out a hand to Twilight. "May I have this next dance, Miss Sparkle?"

Twilight gave Rarity a small bow and took her hand. "You may, Miss Rarity." And so, beneath the natural light of the Moon, out in the open, unfiltered air, two lovers began a dance that was twenty years overdue as the magic of a better future sparkled around them.

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