• Published 13th Feb 2018
  • 715 Views, 63 Comments

Parma Quentaron Sintë Undómëo - Undome Tinwe

A collection of short stories and drabbles.

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Revelation (Twilight/Discord SoL)

Author's Note:

First-place winner of the Panic Speedwriting Contest #19, with the prompt "someone to love."

"She worried about this, you know," Discord said as he took another drag from his wine glass, inhaling the red wine inside and blowing out a fine red mist shaped into puffy rings. "About what would happen after, well, you know."

"She cared about you a lot," Twilight agreed, perched on a normal wooden chair inside of her own little bubble of order. She never had managed to get used to Discord's realm the way Fluttershy had.

"Fluttershy cared about everycreature, big or small," Discord replied, and this time he picked up his cigar and took a sip from its contents. "She had such a big heart, and I never really understood it. I think that's what drew me to her too. You ponies are all so predictable, you know?"

"I'd take offence to that, but I do pride myself on being punctual and consistent." A cucumber sandwich floated its way towards Twilight, losing its legs and arms and becoming a normal piece of food as it passed through her bubble. Twilight took a bite from it as she waited for Discord to speak.

"Her kindness was endlessly mysterious and interesting." Another sandwich floated towards Discord. He held out a paw and waited for the cucumber inside to reach out and hand him a chocolate truffle, which he popped into his mouth. "And so chaotically fascinating. Is it any wonder I fell for her? She didn't make any sense, being kind to everyone no matter what!"

"I hate to agree with you, but yeah. I think the world would be a better place if we could all think like she did."

"Oh, definitely." Discord waved a claw dismissively. "But anyways, like I was saying, she worried so much about what would happen after she was gone. Even though she always accepted me, she understood that chaos was unpredictable, and it scared her how I might have responded when I didn't have someone to love to anchor me to the Light Side."

Twilight chose not to comment on the brown robes Discord suddenly sported. "I feel bad coming to you in a time like this, but..."

"Oh, Twi-Twi, if there's one creature you don't have to worry about being tactful with, it's me. I'm a big boy." A pair of devil horns sprouted on Discord's head. "I know you're here to make sure I don't go heel again."

"I'm worried about you too," Twilight protested. "As a friend."

Discord snorted. "We don't have to play nice anymore, Sparkle. Flutterbutter isn't going to get mad at us."

"I'm serious," Twilight replied softly. "This isn't just me trying to make sure you don't backslide with her gone. I— Ruling Equestria for several decades tends to give you a bit of perspective. Even if we'll never be completely comfortable with each other, I think you could be... entertaining." To anyone else, that would've been condescending, but Twilight knew that Discord would appreciate it as a compliment.

"You flatter me." Was that a real blush on Discord's cheek, or was he just playing? "Well, if you want to stop by whenever, my dimensional portal is always open. But don't feel like you have to check up on my moral compass. You see, Fluttershy taught me a lot of things, but there's one lesson I'm not going to forget anytime soon."

"And that is?" Twilight asked when she realized that Discord's dramatic pause was waiting for her to play along.

"Evil is boring." The word was spat out with such venom that it dissolved part of the floor. "It's boring and predictable and suffering never changes. Destruction is the most inevitable and inexorable force in the universe, which makes it a terrible spectacle when you really think about it."

From the melted remains of the floorboards, a beautiful bushel of posies sprung forth. "It's doing good that causes the most chaos. It's why the hero is always the most unpredictable character in a story, why she always manages to pull a wild card out in the end. Creation comes with so many more possibilities than destruction.

"And that, my dear Twilight, is why you don't have to worry about me," Discord finished with a bow, plucking the flower and handing it over to her.

Twilight dissolved the bubble and took the flower in her teeth. It tasted like butter, but she ate it anyways. "I'm glad you came to that conclusion, Discord," she said.

"I am too." Discord smiled. "And they say love changes a draconequus. Well, I showed them! I'm still as chaotic as ever."

Twilight smiled and nodded. Fluttershy's love hadn't stopped his chaos like she'd hoped it would, but all things considered, things had worked out in the end.

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