• Published 4th Mar 2018
  • 2,444 Views, 45 Comments

The Soft Glow of the Moon - Dark0592

Luna and Twilight are sent to Neighpon for three months to try and quell the feuding and reduce the bloodshed.

  • ...

The Arrival

“Neighpon? You really think sending me to the technological leaders of the world would be a good idea? I still use an abacus for long division, Tia.” Luna replied to her sister as they spoke in Celestia’s room.

“Oh, you’ll be going to the countryside. They may be more traditionalist than you to be honest. The people of ‘Old Neighpon’ also treat the moon with more reverance than Equestria does the sun. I may be using that to our advantage in asking you to go… It would also be much easier for you to go, as it’d be a three month trip. You’ve always been better and speaking with Warlords than I and every time I leave for diplomatic trips for longer than two weeks the nobles start acting up.” Celestia explained. Luna hummed in thought for a moment.

“I don’t know... I used to know the language, but after a millennia it must have changed significantly. Traditions warp as well, I may cause offense as I have caused confusion in Equestria and if memory serves I could cause bloodshed by simply using the wrong title.” Luna replied, a little worry in her tone. Celestia smiled and nodded.

“Yes, I thought of that, so you’ll have a skilled linguist who is very knowledgeable of their current and previous culture and tradition. She’s never been, however, so hopefully you can treat it like a little vacation for the both of you while you aren’t working.” The alabaster alicorn answered. Luna sighed but nodded.

“Very well, I assume I need to leave by tonight?” She asked. Celestia nodded.

“You’ll be taking a train, it’s the only form of transportation that goes that far and not even you or I could fly the distance in one go. It’s so far away their day and night cycle is almost reversed.” Celestia replied. Luna nodded.

“That much hasn’t changed at least. Alright, I’ll see you for dinner and then I’ll head out. I better go prepare.” She said. Celestia stood and nuzzled her across the table, earning a smile from her younger sister. It was all the thanks she needed at the moment.

“You’ll meet your expert upon arrival, she’ll be on a different train. Don’t be afraid to ask for help, I always keep my dragonfire network open.” Celestia said. Luna smiled and nodded, leaving the room. She wasn’t particularly tired, but now that she thinks of it taking a nap at the very least would give her a head start adjusting to a new time zone. Especially one that’s nearly opposite.

The nap managed to last until dinner time, during which the diarchs spoke extensively about what exactly the trip was for. Neighpon wasn’t technically part of Equestria proper, but it was still considered part of the nation and Celestia wouldn’t let their brethren in the east feel like they aren’t cared for when they’re in need. Many of the warlords are currently feuding, to the point where Old Neighponese refugees have started taking refuge in Neighpon proper to escape it. Most of them have agreed to meet with a Princess and nothing else to chaperone negotiations to end some of them.

“What if peace cannot be maintained, or only some of the warlords will end the bloodshed?” Luna asked as they sipped tea long after the meal itself had been finished.

“Then I leave it up to your own judgement and the judgement of your expert to decide where our support lies. If there is civil war within Old Neighpon and peace cannot be established without bloodshed, then w will minimize the bloodshed by being precise. If necessary, you’re authorized to go back to some of the old ways. If any blood is to be shed, I want to be sure it is the blood of those who would force others into adding to the river.” Celestia explained. Luna noticed how much it pained her to say those words. Long gone were the days of the Warrior Princesses, the sun and the moon cutting swathes through armies.

“While I may have much less aversion to the old ways than you, sister dearest, but I have come to love and value the peace Equestria is known so proudly for. I’ll do everything I can to keep the waters clean.” Luna said, finally getting up to leave. Celestia nodded and stood as well.

“I will see to your court, then, officially announce the trip. Do watch out for your expert, if things should come to violence she is more than capable of protecting herself… but she’s rarely done so in the form of war.” Celestia cautioned with worry heavy in her tone. Luna raised an eyebrow.

“Who is this expert? The fact that you haven’t given me a name tells me you wish it to be a surprise.” She asked. Celestia smiled and cocked her head.

“Perhaps.” Celestia replied simply and stood to leave. Luna just rolled her eyes and turned to leave to the station.

“Be careful Lu, if things get very ugly… don’t be afraid to get out of there. We aren’t fighting for the lives of all we rule here, aid can be given just a day or two after it is called.” Celestia said. Luna stopped and turned to see that Celestia had stopped at the door leading to the main hall and was looking back at her.

“If the moon turns black, you will know that something dire has happened and aid will be required right away.” Luna said softly. Celestia nodded slowly and stepped through the door. Luna was a little apprehensive about this trip now. Celestia never gave such ominous warnings as this before, and there was no humor in them.

She didn’t know anything she didn’t tell Luna, otherwise she would have told her. If She were to put her hoof on it, though, then she’d bet that her older sister had a very bad hunch. Her hunches were never wrong. She pushed it from her mind as she made her way to the train station.

There was a retinue of royal guards, and another of night guards, waiting for her on the train. As soon as they were situation the train took off, it was the fastest she’d ever seen a train go! It must have been one of the newer steam powered machines. Since she had just recently napped she was nowhere near tired enough to sleep the ride away, it would be taking the rest of the day and most of the next after all. Instead of sleeping for the first half of the trip she was happy to find that many of the guard had brought little games and such. She even managed to have a not too terribly awkward game of strip poker with four of them. It was rather amusing seeing how the usual stoic and imposing guards looked without their armor. She was even happy to be out of her regalia and never actually put them back on after losing a few rounds.

“Princess, we’ve passed Neighpon proper, it’ll only be another hour until we arrive at the old station.” One of the guards roused her from her sleep. She nodded and received a nice breakfast with a good strong cup of coffee. It was early morning, the sun hadn’t even risen yet. She made sure to cast her magic out to the moon to make sure its trajectory around the world was on course and waited out the last few minutes of the ride.

“We can’t accompany you any further, there are warriors that will take up your escort that are loyal to the ruling warlord of the area, and he is loyal to the crown. They’ll take you as far as the edge of the province until you’re handed off to the next one. Beyond this escort, though, you’ll have to negotiate your own.” The captain in charge of her escort explained as the train slowed. Luna nodded her head.

“Thank you for your service, all of you. I would have been dreadfully bored without you all here. Don’t fear for my safety, however… not even the sun itself could strike me down, remember?” She said to the retinue. She flinched at her own attempt to diffuse worry, but luckily none of them reacted poorly to it. Nightmare Moon jokes were still terribly too soon afterall. They all bowed to her in respect, and she gave them a small dip back, as the train’s doors opened and she stepped out.

The small station was fairly busy, Luna could clearly make out the many refugees fleeing and overstuffing trains heading to Neighpon proper. She nodded as a small group of three ponies in traditional black samurai armor stepped up to her immediately.

“Excuse my use of this language, it is not the best at this time.” The one with the rin in the helmet said, clearly the one in charge. She nodded to him and smiled.

“I’m afraid if I attempted to speak your language it would be a terrible butchery, yours Equestrian is more than intelligible.” She replied. He nodded, apparently he understood it better than spoke it.

“The other Princess is already waiting.” He continued. Luna raised an eyebrow at that. Other Princess? Her expert was Twilight, then. Of course it was Twilight, who else would be an expert on all things history? She didn’t know the young alicorn was fluent in Neighponese though, let alone an accomplished linguist.

“Thank you, let us be off then.” She said. The group nodded and they fell into step with her. Ponies looked and gaped, but never stared for long as they had their own busy days to go through, but it was like there was an invisible wedge ahead of them dividing the crowds. These samurai had even more authority here than most of the royal guard did in Equestria it seemed. Only the honor guard and night guards spooked people this much.

Luna smiled as she saw her expert. Twilight was sitting at a table with a cup of what appeared to be tea, conversing with an older mare that had an identical helmet to the leader of her own group on the table. Twilight’s voice was almost indistinguishable from the others as they spoke perfect Neighponese. Luna herself couldn’t quite make sense of it, many of the words were similar but they were obviously strung together differently. She didn’t think Twilight would be smiling if she were really talking about ‘the dancing of cattle who bleed from their eyes’.

“Twilight Sparkle, it’s a pleasure. Tia didn’t enlighten me as to who exactly I was meeting, hopefully this will be a good time to get to know each other better.” Luna called out and smiled as the alicorn looked over.

“Princess Luna! Good, you made it! I’m looking forward to it, as well as my first official act of diplomacy as a princess.” The younger alicorn replied, saying something in Neighponese to her guard and standing. They hugged quickly, but when Twilight made to step back Luna held her for a moment.

“I don’t know if Celestia told you, but this may not be purely diplomatic. Bloodshed is a very real outcome during this trip, it’s our job to reduce the amount of it…” She said quietly to Twilight before letting them pull apart. Twilight’s smile had faded but she nodded.

“Celestia made sure I knew exactly what I was getting myself into. I was actually talking to Lien here about the state of things. There’s a total of seven warlords feuding, five of them have agreed to negotiate. The other two are currently in all out war, which is where most of the refugees come from. One clan, the Mayonaka clan, are avid followers of you. Specifically Nightmare Moon. They see her manifestation as the avatar of their deity Tsuki-Yomi rather than you. The other clan, the Nikko clan, worship the sun and see Celestia as the deity Amaterasu. ‘Origin of all that is good and mother to us all’. They recognize you as Tsuki-Yomi like most of the other clans do, while the Mayonaka clan believe that the only way to free their god is by slaying the mortal flesh that binds her.” Twilight explained.

“Mayonaka are foul Shokan-Shi! They summon Yokai in the name of their mistress Nightmare Moon! They have started attacking more than just the Nikko clan, which is why there are so many refugees.” Lien practically snarled, the samurai’s Equestrian was much better than her samurai’s.

“It’s the reason why so many clans are feuding, some of them support the Mayonaka Clan, or at the very least do nothing about them, while the rest are trying to defend the Nikko or their own people. One of them, the Senso clan, are just trying to take advantage of the chaos to etch out more land from their neighbors.” Twilight continued.

“Yokai? That can’t be good…” Luna hummed.

“We should leave, my Princesses. The morning is young, if we are to make it to the estate by nightfall we need to leave.” Luna’s Samurai said. The others nodded, Lien returned her helmet, and they started walking. They were mostly silent as they walked through the little village around the old station, but once they hit open road again Luna couldn’t take the silence. Not after such a long train ride.

“So Twilight, I’m impressed by your mastery of the language. I didn’t know you were a linguist.” She asked the other alicorn. Twilight perked up at the praise.

“Well, to be honest, it was very easy to me to learn. My studies these past years have been mostly focused on the research, discovery, and creation of Glyphs. I’ve written three volumes of the Glyph Dictionary, so I’m pretty well versed with them. Neighponese as a written language is a pictographic one, so it was really like more glyphs to me. The spoken language is strung together similarly as well. My pronunciation was honed down by practice. I’m also fluent in every other pony language, Zebracian, Griffon, Draconic, Old Equestrian, New Neighponese, and Thestral.” Twilight explained. Luna blinked, that was very impressive.

“Amazing, and how did you acquire the title of expert on the culture?” Luna asked, trying to learn more about her new companion.

“That kinda comes with the territory really. I’ve studied the entirety of Equestria’s recorded history, which branches off into the different pony cultures beyond the continent itself. When I learned of this trip I brushed up of course.” The younger alicorn answered. Luna smiled.

“You’ll have to update my knowledge then, it’s all terribly out of date…” Luna started, but the conversation tapered off as they passed through a small village. All of the ponies out and about there would stop and bow incredibly low, practically laying on the ground in prostration, and mutter what Luna assumed to be prayers to ‘Tsuki-Yomi-Hime’.

“The Kowtow, do you know what it is?” Twilight asked. The act was thousands of years old, she probably assumed Luna already knew what it was. Which was correct. Luna nodded and inclined her head respectfully to the ponies every now and then. She knew that no response was to be expected, but even in a foreign place she didn’t like shows of respect to go unacknowledged.

“If memory serves, the honorary suffix of ‘Hime’ means princess correct?” Luna asked. Twilight smiled and nodded.

“Most of us still recognize your crown here, Princess Luna. We of the Asa clan will always be your allies.” Lien said. Luna nodded as they continued walking. It took a few hours of walking, but they managed to reach their destination before the sun had fallen too far in the sky. All along the way, the two princesses chatted with their guards and caught up on their own lives.

A beautiful manor came into view as they walked, it had a small village built around it and its walls. As they neared, many of the townsfolk waved and called out to the guards like old friends, but then bowed in reverence to the princesses as they were noticed. The trot through the oriental villa was quick and they met a humble little recession at the gates of the manor.

“Welcome, friend princesses! You honor me and my people with your presence!” A young stallion in the fanciest garb called as they approached. He clearly wasn’t nearly as fluent as Lien was in Equestrian, but it was more than acceptable. Both parties bowed low to each other when they met.

“The honor is ours! I presume you are lord of this house?” Luna asked as they rose. The stallion smiled and nodded before throwing a hoof out to their escort.

“I am Lord Eiko, I am glad my mother brought you safely. I would not trust another warrior with such a task.” He replied. Lien snorted, Luna and Twilight raised their eyebrows and glanced at her.

“Alright, let’s get inside. There have been Kage sighted in the area recently, I’d rather not put our security to the test.” Lien saide, walking into the gates. Eiko nodded and motioned for the equestrians to follow.

“We have a feast prepared in your honor, Princesses, and we have readied a room for you and a guard detail in case you need assistance. As a token of our thanks for coming to end this fighting, we have also provided you with lavish gifts to feel more comfortable in our country. Dinner will be ready in two hours’ time, and we may discuss more then.” Lord Eiko explained as they walked. They nodded and the group stopped.

“My Mother will show you the room, and I will make sure you will have a servant to call upon if you require aid. It has been a long journey for you, we have a lovely bathhouse if you wish to unwind before your meal.” The Lord continued. Luna and Twilight shared a glance.

“That sounds lovely.” They said in unison.

“I will take care of it, my lord.” Lien said with a little bow. Eiko gave her a toothy grin when she bowed slightly and nodded.

“Then, princesses, I will see you at dinner.” Eiko said with another bow. They both bowed low again in response and most of the guard detail followed him down one corridor. Lien lead them down another corridor and showed them a rather lovely room. It had two beds large enough for even Celestia to sprawl out on, a smaller basin with a standing curtain for a quick bath, a lavish wardrobe, and various other ornate furnishings. Luna took in a deep breath and smiled, the way the wind would blow through the open window with the sounds of nature calmed her already. She was almost giddy to see how it was at night!

“Wow, I think I might have to re-furnish the library. This is incredible…” Twilight said softly, more to herself. Luna giggled and turned to Lien as she used her magic to place what luggage they had in the room.

“Lien, would you be so kind as to show us the bathhouse? In my time, there was no greater way to relax than the bathhouses of Neighpon.” Luna asked. Lien smiled and nodded.

“I’ll assume you don’t want a simple bath then, would you like me to have them give you a full treatment?” The elder samurai asked. Luna smiled and shook her head.

“Not tonight, just the spring should be fine. If they have private baths that may be best, foreign royalty sharing a bath with townsfolk would be a horrific mangling of traditions if memory serves.” Luna replied. Lien hummed and nodded.

“As you wish, princesses. I’ll send a runner ahead, and once you’re ready to go I will escort you.” The samurai said with a smile. Luna and Twilight nodded in thanks and the samurai slid the door closed.

“For being a thousand years behind, you’re handling yourself rather well I should think.” Twilight giggled as she stepped into the room proper and looked at the beds. Each of them had a few outfits laid out on them. There were lovely robes, a few lavish kimono, even a couple more ‘casual’ looking pieces. One that caught their eyes, though, was a pair exquisite silk garments. They weren’t quite kimono, or dresses, or anything really. It was something similar to what a hostess and a popular traditional Neighpon restaurant would wear, though only if that hostess was also an empress.

The slightly smaller one for Twilight was a regal crimson with gold trim. The silk actually looked like gold, too, and it came with a matching set of golden sandals that laced up most of the legs and a mane-stick to keep a traditional bun in place.

The other one was a little more lavish, more like a kimono but not nearly as baggy or flowey, was just a shade darker than Luna’s own coat and trimmed in silver. This one had proper sleeves down the forelegs and simple silver sandals, but the icing on the cake for this one was a beautiful star motif in silver along the edges.

“If it weren’t an insult to force payment for these, I’d give that stallion a fortune for these…” Luna almost whispered as she very carefully picked hers up in her magic. Twilight giggled, slipping into the simple robe they were provided with.

“Well then, we’ll have to thank him at dinner. For now, though, I have cramps that only a hot soak can get rid of. Shall we then?” The younger alicorn asked. Luna chuckled and nodded, slipping into her own robe. They slid the door open to find Lien standing ready next ot the door.

“Alright girlies, time to get all pretty!” The old samurai said with a little laugh, earning a giggle from the two.

“I am very pleased to find our escort to be such good company. Lead on, young one!” Luna exclaimed, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at the old mare. She seemed about to say something in retort before remembering that the princess had at least a millenia on her. She just shrugged and continued on. They idly chatted, Lien explaining some rooms or introducing the odd lord or servant they passed, while they made their way to the bathhouse. By now the sun was just below the horizon.

Before they entered the bathhouse proper, she took a deep breath and threw her magic out to her moon. It was nearing morning in Equestria, even though night was only just falling now. She double checked the trajectory of her moon and gazed up to look at her stars. Even in the day she could see them clear as night, and smiled. So far away from Equestria, she saw a side of her night she didn’t get to see quite so often.

“Apologies, I was just making sure everything in the night sky was in order before we see it.” Luna said with a smile a she looked back down to see Twilight and Lien giving her curious looks. Twilight smiled and nodded, but Lien’s eyes widened.

“So you really are maiden of the stars…” She said softly. Luna snorted and flipped her mane.

“No, I’m afraid not. I just carry around the night sky in my hair because it looks pretty.” She smirked. Lien seemed to freeze in fear that she had caused offense, but at Twilight’s snort and Luna’s smile she loosened up a bit.

“Princess, isn’t that actually why you do it?” Twilight asked. Luna stuck her tongue out and stepped past them.

“Only half the reason…” She mumbled, earning a little snicker from the other alicorn. Lien just shook her head and led them to the front door.

“The staff have been warned of your arrival and a private area has been prepared. Refreshments are available on request, but please don’t lose your appetite before dinner. And especially keep light on the sake, my son will practically try to drown you with it.” Lien warned with a smile. The two nodded their thanks and entered.

The temperature change was significant, but not enough to dampen their robes. They walked up to the front desk and Twilight spoke with the mare behind the counter for a few moments before she personally led them off into a corridor.

“She says that this room is reserved specifically to entertain lords and ladies from allied provinces, I assured her that it would be more than good enough for a pair of princesses.” Twilight explained. Luna nodded.

“Honestly I wouldn’t care if it was a hot hole in the ground, I just want a nice soak.” She replied, earning a little giggle from Twilight. The receptionist didn’t speak as she open the door and bowed low to the ground. The two bowed low in return and stepped inside. It was a little antechamber with room to put clothes and belongings in. They swiftly disrobed and moved on into the next room. It was a rather lovely looking waterfall, not particularly large, and it seemed to be much cooler than the air.

They both detected glyphs on the track that fed the waterfall and Luna could only assume Twilight also figured out they were there to cool the water magically. They both stepped into it, Luna couldn’t help but giggle as Twilight made a cute little yelp at how cold it was. Luna felt her hairs standing on end from it, but it would take water much colder than that to bother her. The moon wasn’t exactly a warm place afterall.

“Ok! I’m awake now!” Twilight breathed. Luna just gave an amused hum and nuzzled the younger alicorn on the neck. Twilight yelped again, but smiled and returned it.

“Much better, thank you!” She laughed, though Luna caught the little blush.

“After you, my dear.” Luna said, trying to use something between a playful and sultry tone. Twilight snorted as Luna threw a hoof out to the next door, but her tail did flick as she passed.

This night just got a little more fun. How far could she tease young twilight before it got uncomfortable? She was rather close with her friends and Luna had personally seen some things between them that were downright lewd- though those only after the drink had been flowing.

A rogue thought slipped through her idea that dropped her smile into a frown as she followed Twilight to the door.

Does she even think of me as a friend? Of course she thinks of you as a regular friend, but a friend like the other elements?

The thought was brushed aside by the wave of steam that hit them as Twilight opened the door. They stepped through into the room proper and Luna was delighted to see it open to the night sky. The only way she could describe this place was if the best Neighpon painter from her time had gone to every hot spring in the country and was then asked to paint the best of it all into one.

“Apparently, the Haru clan have even better springs than this. Natural ones, carved out of caves. The Asa are second only to them though, and I can see why.” Twilight explained softly. Luna snorted and decided to continue her teasing.

“Almost as pretty as you are.” She said and nuzzled into Twilight’s mane for just a second. Twilight spun around quickly, flushed up from more than just the heat, and Luna couldn’t keep a straight face. Twilight just relaxed a bit and rolled her eyes.

“Oh geez you too? I swear, never let me get you in a room together with Rarity when she’s drunk. She almost got me into bed with her once!” Twilight exclaimed, though the way she flushed up after that and clapped a hoof to her mouth told Luna that she hadn’t meant to say that aloud.

“It’s fun to find what makes your friends tick no? And I mean to harm in it. Who knows, maybe I want to get you into bed with me as well.” Luna replied snarkily, though she immediately furrowed her brows. Why was she blushing when she said that? Twilight nearly paled and replied by jumping into the water.

“Oh sweet stars above I needed this…” Twilight breathed when she broke the surface a moment later. Luna chuckled and joined her much more elegantly.

“Please tell me if I offend you or it gets too uncomfortable. My sense of humor is often at the mercy of the context in which it’s implemented. Sharing a bath with a pretty mare is a pretty powerful context.” She said, sticking her tongue out to the other to try and confer that she’s just teasing. Twilight rolled her eyes and unfurled her wings as she leaned into the seat with a sigh.

“I’ll take that as a ‘give me your worst’ then.” Luna said. Twilight just snorted and closed her eyes. Luna raised an eyebrow, not even any sort of attempted to talk her way out of it? Either this spring was making her so relaxed she couldn’t fight it, or she really was challenging the princess of the night. Or both.

She saw twilight’s eyes shoot open as the elder princess slid right up into Twilight’s side, the wing was even open to admit her already. She made sure to wrap her own wing around the other and pull her close. Twilight made a little squeak and Luna nuzzled in right under her jaw, earning a little laugh from the elder alicorn.

“If you keep making noises like that I’m going to start thinking you’re enjoying this.” Luna said before sighing deeply. Twilight just rolled her eyes, but surprisingly she made no effort to push her away.

“Yeah well you’re actually kinda comfy.” The younger alicorn replied. Luna looked up at her, a sly smirk on her own face, and managed to catch the blush.

“Twilight Sparkle, I was expecting you to be a sputtering mess by now. I must say I’m impressed, though you have to know I accept this as a challenge.” Luna said, a low chuckle escaping her lips as Twilight rolled her eyes again.

“Do you forget, the one creature that could bring you low aside from your sister is the very mare you’re teasing?” Twilight challenged back, a little mischievous spark in her eyes. Luna practically squirmed at it, Twilight was fighting back! It was always more fun when they fought back!

“Maybe I had just underestimated you- or let you win. I wasn’t particularly focused at the time I must admit. A little batshit crazy if you ask me.” Luna retorted, earning a snicker at her language. She made her next move then, as Twilight was going to reply.

“And I’ve grown quite considerably sinnnn-~” Twilight started, but was cut off as she was caught off guard by Luna planting a little kiss along her jawline, and then another.

“Not strong enough it seems, my dear.” Luna whispered into the mare’s ear before giving it the tiniest of nibbles. The way it caused Twilight’s entire body to shiver brought quite a bit of satisfaction to the alicorn of the night.

“You know, Dash does the same thing when she gets really drunk. She does it a lot harder.” Twilight replied, a bit shakily at first. It gained confidence and it was Luna’s turn to be surprised as Twilight swiftly bit Luna’s ear and twisted.

“Like thish!” She said triumphantly around the ear. It was Luna’s turn to make cute noises, and she couldn’t hold back the shudder. She swiftly responded with a flick of her tail, wrapping it around Twilight’s under the water and pulling. Not hard enough to seriously hurt, but just enough to hurt in all the best ways. The yelp she was rewarded with meant her ear’s freedom and she was going to make Twilight pay for it.

It was just a little nip on the neck, right where the jawline started, but the effect it had on Twilight caught Luna a little off guard. The heated intake of breath, the way her wing and forelegs rather tightly gripped Luna’s shoulders. Her face was practically beet red at this point.

“Oh dear, was that a moan my dear? I’m afraid I’ve gained the upper ho-” The elder alicorn almost managed to get out, but was interrupted as she was pushed against the edge of the spring and Twilight’s lips were on hers. Both of their wings shot out then. Luna very quickly got over the surprise and couldn’t help a little noise escape as she made to deepen the kiss. It was at that moment that she decided Twilight was as cruel as Nightmare Moon when she wanted to be.

Before she could deepen it, Twilight swiftly pulled back and looked at her. Luna was worried for just a moment and it seemed like the mare’s eyes went through shock, horror, panic, and realization all at once. Only a moment, though, as just after that the younger mare smirked.

“What was that about having the upper hoof?” She asked innocently. Luna couldn’t help but shiver at the sound of it. Where the hell did that come from? She just kinda stared at Twilight a moment. She really didn’t know how to react to that. Luna had to admit, she had been thinking of doing the same thing as a bit of a coup de grace if necessary, but that was far more than a little playful kiss. There was passion in there, and Twilight’s eyes betrayed her as they started to show panic again at Luna’s dumbfounded reaction.

“I… suppose I concede the night to you, my dear.” Luna managed to get out without stuttering. This was new, the way she could barely even speak. Her mind started racing, but Twilight’s giggle brought her out of it.

“Hah! Victory! Now, are you going to let go of me so we can be ready for dinner or are we going to sit here until you think of a different way to try and beat me?” The younger mare asked playfully. Her voice wavered a bit in the middle of it, though. Luna’s confusion softened for now, Twilight was uncomfortable. She let the mare go and slid a pace away.

“I apologise… I never expected you to thrash me so thoroughly.” The princess of the night said, though her little smirk returned. “In either regard.” She added. That earned the blush she was waiting for. Twilight couldn’t hide it at the moment so she chose to flee out of the bath and shake herself of the immediate water dripping off of her.

“We better get going, I’d hate to be late.” Twilight said, clearly not wanting to face Luna at the moment. Luna snorted. This was going to be a fun trip afterall.

Luna: 1. Twilight: 1.

Author's Note:

I don't know if it's my new record for chapters in general, but it's definitely a record for the largest first chapter that's for sure. Hope you guys enjoy!
Of course I was going to write a Twiluna after such a fun Twilestia.