• Published 4th Mar 2018
  • 2,445 Views, 45 Comments

The Soft Glow of the Moon - Dark0592

Luna and Twilight are sent to Neighpon for three months to try and quell the feuding and reduce the bloodshed.

  • ...

The Light of the Moon, Reflecting the Burning Sun

Luna was humming to herself, deep in thought as she gazed up at her moon, standing in the hallway of the manor near their room. It was open to the air, of that she was grateful, the smell of the night helped her think. She was in the lovely outfit that was found on the bed and she was waiting outside for Twilight, she had insisted Luna go on ahead of her but she wouldn’t leave the younger mare to walk the halls alone.

That younger mare just so happened to be what she was thinking about, too. She continued humming her tune as unbeknownst to her a sweet little smile formed on her lips as she thought. She thought about the teasing she did, Twilight’s reaction to it. She was impressed how well she held up, and even got one up on her for a while there!

However, that kiss wasn’t part of that little game. If it was just a kiss then she wouldn’t still be thinking about it like this. Ignoring the kiss itself for just a moment, the way Twilight reacted to the little playful nips and just right before. She was getting a clear reaction from the mare, one she hadn’t actually expected. She attempted to diffuse it by teasing some more, and then Twilight kissed her. Not only just kissed her, but pushed her against the edge of the pool like a predator! Luna couldn’t help but shiver at the memory of it. It felt… nice.

And then afterwards, the look in her eyes certainly didn’t spell ‘Hah! Gotcha!’ in the slightest. For a good few seconds, or perhaps it was more? She honestly had no idea. She was… distracted. For a good few seconds or more, those eyes held all the panic and emotion of ‘Dear gods did I really just do that?’. Luna had to admit her recovery was splendid, only the eyes gave it away.

She couldn’t help but flap her wings a few times like she was nervous. This was digging up some old thoughts and feelings she’d brushed away before long. Before she could start thinking too much on it, though, she heard the sliding door open and close. She looked over, that little smile still plastered on her face, and found Twilight smiling back. She looked…

“Hi Princess…” She said simply, though the tone was the opposite of simple. Luna could detect the little hints of Twilight’s current cocktail of emotion right now. There was an underlying sultry tone in it, most likely meant to continue the game of teasing. There was also a strong layer of nerves in there. Two layers, actually. One an ambient feeling, barely expressed, probably about how the dinner could go wrong for some reason or another. The one in the foreground, however, was very clearly directed at her.

Luna couldn’t help but be impressed again, They locked eyes and they both had small smirks, their expressions almost like that of how lovers look when they tease each other. Such a confident outer facade, but once again the mare’s eyes had just the smallest flash of panic in them as Luna stepped closer. She put a hoof under the mare’s chin and smiled.

“Are you sure you want to keep playing this game my dear? Methinks you aren’t ready for what it may lead to.” Luna said, the sincerity in her tone betraying the smirk she still held. Twilight ever so slightly leaned into the hoof before her smirk widened.

“And risk making this evening boring? Why, I’d rather share it with a beautiful mare like you. You do look absolutely stunning, if I do say so myself.” Twilight started, before pulling a little case from where Luna had missed it lying on her back.

“But not pretty enough. I suppose you may have this, I bought it back in the village when I got off my train. I didn’t have much intention of wearing it to be honest, but I thought it looked beautiful and I absolutely had to have it. I think it would finish your look perfectly.” She continued. Luna quirked an eyebrow as the case opened. Her eyes widened slightly. It was a simple but beautiful silver crescent moon tied to what looked like a black silk necklace with tiny beads of onyx scattered throughout.

“Twilight I… wow. Are you sure? I’d be happy to return it after the dinner…” She said, dropping the game for just a moment. This looked so well made, even for something so simple, it can’t have bene cheap. Twilight just rolled her eyes.

“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t sure, Princess. I may or may not have thought of you when I bought it. I’d be insulted if you tried to return it, honestly. But…” Twilight replied, ending with a mischievous smirk as she plucked it from its case with her magic and gently laid it in place around Luna’s neck and gently pulled her mane through it without messing it up.

“We can make it a piece in our little game. I suppose I would be less insulted if you returning it meant you concede to me.” The younger alicorn practically whispered in her ear as she did so. Luna’s smirk returned as she replied by planting a cute little kiss on Twilight’s snout.

“Deal. Thank you, truly…” Luna started, letting sincerity to the foreground long enough for the appreciation to be seen before her eyes returned to their mischievous twinkle. “But I do warn you, my dinner manners are horrifically out of date. With how lovely you look I may just forget where I am.” She continued, accentuating the threat with a little kiss to the mare’s ear.

“You wouldn’t dare!” Twilight scoffed. Luna just giggled ominously and started walking. She wouldn’t actually, nothing so blatant at least, but Twilight didn’t need to know that. She did just raise the stakes, afterall.

The dinner was magnificent. There were quite a few things Luna had never even heard of in front of her, but she was happy ot sample them all. Even the odd thing out she didn’t actually enjoy she was able to appreciate the effort that went into it. The ponies of Neighpon commonly ate fish and other seafaring creatures, and while Luna was no stranger to an omnivorous diet there was just something about a still wiggling octopus that made it a little hard to get down.

She was actually surprised how much Twilight sampled, she figured the much younger mare would be more averse to eating anything not strictly vegetarian. Like a true diplomat, though, she kept an open mind and found polite ways to express that she wasn’t a fan of something. Celestia was impressed by her once again, Celestia had taught her well in the ways of a gracious politician.

They chatted more about the state of the land and learned more about the seven clans. The Asa clan, the one housing them right now, were an economic powerhouse in the area and technically remained neutral in the feuding but have explicitly stated that they would not tolerate open warfare anywhere near their borders or their allies. The only clans they weren’t allied with were the Mayonaka clan and the Kage clan.

The Kage clan studied dark arts and were often shunned for the ‘bad juju’ it brought. Luna and Twilight neglected to mention that the two of them happened to be experts in dark magics as well for obvious reasons. They were granted protection and freedom to practice their dark ways by the Mayonaka clan, who were trying to enter open war with the Nikko clan.

The Nikko clan had strong ties with Equestria in the form of Celestia, who they worshipped as their primary deity. The Mayonaka clan sees their practice as blasphemy and are currently trying to turn more clans against them. Mayonaka and Kage are the only ones that don’t seem to have any interest in avoiding bloodshed and would not be attending the meeting.

The Senso clan are a clan of warriors and see any chance to join in some good fighting as a reason to fight, though Lien explained that they could usually be placated by little tournaments, nonlethal duels and various war-like activities. Worst case scenario they could always settle things with a duel. The Senso clan were fierce, but Eiko was currently the most accomplished warrior in the clans. Followed closely by the Haru warlord and her champions of all people.

The Haru clan were generally pacifists, people after Fluttershy’s own heart if she was being honest. They cared about nature and hated fighting. They were one of the most adept clans at doing it, though. Rarely did they ever raise a weapon, they almost never needed to. If they couldn’t talk a warlord down from starting a war then nobody could. Each and every one of them above the age of thirteen were deadly with their own hooves, though, and even more so with their trained weapons of choice. They sided with the Nikko clan and their allies, however, and were protected fiercely for it. There were no better healers and shamans in the country. Chi healing was a rare and powerful art.

The Fuyu clan were the last of the seven involved and, unlike the Mayonaka clan, revered Luna herself as the goddess Tsuki-Yomi and saw Nightmare Moon as the corruption it truly was. They were the only clan to maintain the old traditions, in Luna’s name nonetheless, and were opposing the Mayonaka clan almost as harshly as the Nikko clan were. They were not allied with the Nikko clan and their allies, however, which is one of the things they planned to rectify on the way to the meeting.

That would have to wait, however, as the night was still young and the dinner table began flowing with the rice wine known as ‘Sake’.

“Princess Luna, if I may be so bold as to say, you look incredible in that outfit. Upon hearing of your return, I had it commissioned specifically for you and waited for the day I may gift it to you. Upon Princess Twilight’s ascension to the throne, I had that one made as well. I have another for your sister as well, upon your return in three months’ time I would kindly ask it to be brought to her.” Eiko explained a few drinks in. Luna smiled at the compliment and was actually a little surprised.

“These were made for us specifically? Pardon any insult for asking, but why?” Twilight asked, taking the words right out of her mouth. Eiko grinned and threw back another cup of sake.

“I am, as you call it, ‘filthy stinking rich’. The easiest way to show my love and reverence is to throw money at the object of my reverence. What better way then to give something that can only add to one’s beauty?” Eiko replied, Twilight snorting as she translated the saying for Luna’s sake.

“Stop flirting with the Princesses, Eiko, I am still your mother!” Lien snipped with a smile from Eiko’s right side, raising a foreleg as if to smack him on the head. Eiko flinched form it, but grinned at his mother before turning back to them. Luna gave Twilight a sideways glance, Twilight paled. Good, she recognized that glance.

“Oh it’s quite alright, we are rather dashing mares afterall. This one specifically I can’t help but gawk at sometimes.” Luna said with a shit eating grin as she extended a wing to Twilight’s shoulder. She made sure to make it seem like she was just placing it on her shoulder, however she very intentionally let her feathers brush ever so gently along the mare’s spine. The shiver she barely noticed brought a little smirk as Eiko laughed. Twilight responded by downing her drink, coughing a little at the sudden burn.

“Speaking of drinks, I don’t suppose you have anything stronger? I’ll have to introduce you to hard equestrian liquor if not.” The princess of the night continued, letting her wing fold back to her side. Eiko chuckled and Lien groaned.

“I’ll go get some then…” The old mare said, obviously unenthused. Luna couldn’t help but clap her hooves together.

“Splendid! May I ask what it is?” She asked. Eiko nodded and refrained form filling his cup again.

“It is called Baijiu, hopefully it stands up to your liquors.” The young lord replied. Twilight ears stood straight up.

“Princess… I’ve heard that stuff literally peels paint…” The young alicorn said softly. Luna gained a very ominous grin as she looked at Twilight.

“Oh, well then I guess we’ll have to try it together then.” She said. Twilight’s pupils shrank for a second as she shook her head.

“Oooohhhnonono I am not drinking that stuff.” She protested. Luna snorted and leaned in close to whisper into her ear. She kept a relatively serious expression so as not to embarrass her student. Yet.

“Well then, if you make me drink alone, I might just get a little bitey.” She whispered and made sure to blow a bit of hot breath into the ear for added effect. Twilight just stared at her now empty plate for a few seconds, her tail flicking idly, before she smirked and looked sideways at her.

“It may just be that last cup talking… but fuck it, why not?” The young mare replied. Luna blinked. That wasn’t the kind of thing she ever thought she’d hear Twilight say. A second later she was holding her stomach laughing while Twilight was busy explaining she had just had a funny reply to a poor joke Luna made to the lord.

Lien returned with two ornate glass bottles meant to look as if it were some sort of crystal. Maybe it was crystal. She poured generous portions for the two and left the bottle, producing another for herself and her son. Luna grabbed hers with a wing, Twilight doing the same with her magic, and they shot each other a look.

They were both suddenly not so eager to drink this stuff.

“I think the hair in my nose literally just disintegrated…” Twilight whispered.

“Well, I hadn’t realized my sinuses needed clearing but apparently so. Either that or there’s now a hole in my face.” Luna added. They both snickered at each other before downing their entire portions in one go.

Chikushou I’m glad I’m not their mother…” Lien mumbled in wonder at them. Both her and her son were staring at the two, as were the few servants currently in the room. Twilight let out a long wheeze of a cough, but managed to keep it at that. Luna, however, managed to keep it in. Her voice betrayed her as it came out almost as a pained rasp.

“Wow, even stronger than it smells…” She wheezed. The other two laughed heartily at that.

“You grabbed the good stuff, right mother?” Eiko asked. Lien nodded. Luna took a large drink of her tea and quickly snuck down one of the lovely dumplings that had yet to be cleared from her plate to help settle the fire inside of her now.

“How strong was that exactly?” She asked, recovering enough to hold a relatively steady tone. Lien snorted.

“About 69 percent.” The old mare replied. Both princesses kinda froze at that. Luna grinned.

“Not the strongest thing I’ve ever had then. Moonlily Dream is the equivalent of ninety percent, fermented from a flower that takes a century to bloom and the dew that coats it in the early dawn of morning. Enhance it with mana water and you can get a dragon drunk with it.” Luna explained, pouring herself another glass. She offered the bottle to Twilight, though she very furiously shook her head. She refused to open her mouth, it seems, as if she would spill her stomach should she try to speak. She rubbed her wing on her back again, though this time to calm the mare a bit rather than to tease. Twilight leaned into it and, after a moment, opened her mouth to follow Luna’s lead in not letting that settle on top of her dinner.

“That sounds too strong for even my blood. Are you alright Princess Twilight?” Lien asked. Twilight let out a breath and nodded her head.

“I’m afraid I’m not nearly as much as a drinker as my companion here, but a challenge is a challenge.” The younger mare replied. Her speech was starting to slur just a little bit, and the mare was moving her head a little more expressively than usual.

“I’ll make sure to have my secret recipe tea sent to your room for when you return, it’ll make sure you don’t ruin your lovely outfits.” Lien said. Twilight inclined her head, though the way she almost hit her snout on the table told of her intoxication.

“I fear I have had a sip too many, mother. I will retire before I start babbling like an idiot.” Eiko slurred out, standing. Twilight was miraculously still able to translate for Luna in her state. Lien nodded.

“I should turn in as well. Will you two be alright heading back to your room without me?” The old mare asked. Luna replied by downing the half of her cup of Baijiu in another go.

“I will now.” The princess of the night replied with a smirk. Lien just rolled her eyes as she left and said something she assumed was along the lines of ‘children these days’ if what she’s picked up so far was accurate. “Come on then, dear, let’s get you to bed.” She continued, helping Twilight to her feet with her wing. Twilight giggled and snuggled into the appendage as Luna gently guided her out as the servants bowed to them and began cleaning up.

“Hey, you ever wondered what it’d be like if it wasn’t all a game?” Twilight suddenly asked as they reached the door. Luna snorted as she opened it, but she couldn’t stop her traitorous mouth from saying what was on her mind.

“You have noooo idea…” She mumbled. Twilight’s ears flicked, though. Hopefully she didn’t hear it.

“Hey! You’re the one who got me drunk, you have to deal with me now!” Twilight exclaimed when Luna rather unceremoniously dumped the younger mare onto her bed and turned towards her own as she removed her outfit with careful magic. Luna looked back and saw the mare hopelessly trying to wiggle out of her shoes. She just snorted and walked back over and began carefully helping the mare undress.

“Ah-ah! No magics!” Twilight playfully scolded when Luna tried to just pull it all off with telekinesis. Luna’s eyes narrowed as Twilight giggled lowly.

“And here I thought you were too far gone to keep playing my dear.” She said as she booped the mare’s nose with a hoof before pulling the silk off of the mare with her hooves. Twilight just let out a nasally giggle and let Luna do all the work. The second the last piece was folded on the wooden rack near the bath for cleaning, Luna was surprised as a rather strong set of forelegs and wings pulled her onto the bed.

“You never answered my question young mare! Have you ever thought about what it’d be like if this wasn’t a little game we were playing?” Twilight slurred. Luna just giggled and shifted so she wasn’t so uncomfortably smooshed into the bed.

“You’re drunk, my dear.” Luna said, dodging the question. Twilight giggled again.

“And you’re pretty. I’m the element of magic, nice to meet you.” Twilight replied, earning a little snort from Luna. “Now answer the question.” She continued. Luna hummed. She was about to give another sultry answer, probably something along the lines of a purred ‘well what if I have?’. She was interrupted by Twilight putting a hoof over her mouth and giving her a bit of a serious look.

“For realsies Luna, no games… I didn’t drink that much to get up the courage to ask if you’re not going to give me a real answer.” The young mare said rather seriously, hardly even a slur in her tone. She met Twilight’s eyes and there was that cocktail of emotions again. This time there wasn’t even an attempt to quell them. Nervousness about asking what she did, fear of what the answer might be, uncertainty of what she should even be feeling at this point. Luna’s eyes softened and she pulled Twilight’s hoof away with her own.

“My question is are you sober enough to remember my answer, then?” Luna asked. Twilight’s eyes darted to the table next to the bed, where a still warm cup of tea sat. She quickly levitated it over and downed it, taking a deep breath afterwards.

“Wow… natural herbs, a bit of a mana infusion, clear of mind spell, purify poison spell…” Twilight hummed to herself as she looked at the empty cup before replacing it.

“Now who’s dodging the question.” Luna smirked, booping Twilight’s snout again. Twilight puffed out her cheeks as they turned red.

“Sorry, got distracted. I’m pretty sure I’ll remember it now.” The young mare under her retorted. Luna took a deep breath and nuzzled into Twilight to get more comfortable.

“Twilight Sparkle, I have thought of it since the day you called me your friend.” She said simply.

“What?” Was her reply. Luna chuckled and nuzzled deeper into Twilight’s coat, embarrassed now.

“You have to understand, I am still a traditionalist. You gave me just about everything back the day you freed me from Nightmare Moon. You gave me my life, you gave me my freedom. More importantly, however, you gave me my sister back. I would have given your life for me if you asked. Hell, if you would have asked me, in the middle of court, that you wanted to ravish me I would have simply told everyone to leave and lifted my tail.” Luna explained. She smirked as she could feel the warmth of Twilight’s flush spreading down her neck at that.

“Almost everything… until nightmare night. That day, Twilight Sparkle, you gave me back my crown. My people learned to love me again, all because of you. If you were to ask me for my moon, I would have given it to you. If you would have asked for my people, I would have given you my crown with a smile. I… would have even struck down my sister if you asked, though if you ever did I would have to strike down the imposter because you’d never do such a thing…” Luna continued, unable to help herself from squeezing Twilight ever so slightly. She hadn’t thought about this in years…

She hadn’t dared, for fear of what might come of it.

“That day, Twilight Sparkle, you earned my heart. So, you could say I’ve thought about it quite extensively to answer your questions…” She finished, finally looking up to meet those eyes. She felt herself pale, Twilight hd tears running down her cheeks. The look in her eyes couldn’t be more jumbled if even Discord tried to mix it up. Twilight’s grip on her had long since faded, so she slowly sat up and back from the stunned alicorn. Twilight hadn’t broken their gaze, though. Luna still couldn’t decipher the expression.

With a heavy sigh she made to turn and return to her own bed. As soon as she broke her gaze, though, Twilight let out the tiniest of little gasps and suddenly Luna was in a tight embrace.

And they were kissing again. Definitely kissing again. They both seemed to melt into it at about the same time, Luna let out a little noise and tried to deepen it again. Part of her expected Twilight to stop it there again and cruelly reveal that it was all part of the game again.

Their tongues begged to differ.

Luna let herself be pulled down onto the bed proper, halfway lying on top of Twilight as the kiss deepened. Luna could feel her wings extended almost fully, her heart fluttering as they twitched. The kiss broke for just a second as she had to focus to force them to cooperate again, and she was punished dearly for it. The gentle kisses on her jaw caused an involuntary flick of her tale, and suddenly Twilight was on top of her. Their roles reversed, Twilight dived back down to resume where they left off. She didn’t get far, however, as Luna broke the kiss and start kissing down Twilight’s jaw. She remembered the spot from before and left Twilight a much shaper nibble. The reaction was much the same as last time, though hint of copper in her mouth left her a little worried. She didn’t actually mean to hurt her! A quick glance confirmed the tiniest bead of blood forming.

Before she could express her worry, however, she met Twilight’s gaze. There was so much fire in those eyes she almost whimpered at the intensity. Twilight’s heavy breaths fell over Luna like the sauna, suddenly she wondered if they had just fallen asleep in the hot spring.

“Luna…” Twilight started, hear voice heavy and a little shaky. Luna almost whimpered again at the tone, no that heat was definitely coming from Twilight. And herself. Definitely the both of them. “If I really don’t remember this night in the morning, I’m going to have to watch it in your head…” The younger mare breathed. Before Luna could reply, Twilight was on her again. Luna felt Twilight shift so that was was almost completely on top of her, the younger alicorn’s wings spreading out a bit almost in anticipation. Twilight pressed herself close, tightening her grip on Luna. Luna could only press herself into Twilight as well. Luna was a little unsure as to what Twilight meant exactly, but then they pressed even closer and it all became oh so clear.

The sharp intake of breath.

The heat turning to pure fire.

Author's Note:

I don't know why I decided to have this little flirting game with them, but it's a whole lotta fun to do. I also couldn't help myself with the Twiluna, it is a romance story after all. Prolonging it would have just been filler! My plans are to make a lovely little adventure out of it, but who knows if it'll come to that. As per usual, I have no idea where this is going. Hopefully you'll join me for the ride.
Hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 33 )

LOL! "About 69 percent" Twilight you lightweight. I happily drink my 75% and 80% rums neat... anything under is simply easy drinking.
Good enough reason to get a little drunk. But I imagine both will wake up in the morning and remember exactly what they have done. I'm hoping there will be cuddles and maybe even a round two before they get up.

The flirting game was fun to read (except for the parts where Twilights friends drunken antics were mentioned, those didnt work for me).
Thus far, the TwiLuna is immense fun and I dont mind a fast start like this. You brought them together nicely and thats what matters. Besides, now theres more space for Tuna throughout the rest of the story :pinkiehappy:
Keep this up and this story is totally going to be worth a Fave.

Well she is small i'd expect her to barely handle 4% let alone 69% (even though I'm sure that number was a sex joke)

Lol true. Although 4% is very mild.
Judging by the context of the chapter, Im sure that number was a sex joke too.

Dear 'Tia

We have arrived safely and so far have had a wonderful time so far, the asa clan has been very welcoming and the open air hot springs are just delightful as is the baiju. Lord Eiko has given us beautiful outfits, you have one as well. As for Twilight we find her to be a cunning linguist and I am in awe of her abilities. If she keeps it up I may have to start writing songs about her prowess! Meanwhile Twilight is hiding under her wings blushing. For what reason we have no clue, she even gifted us with this beautiful moon pendant. Talk to you again soon

Your faithful sister

P.s we art not drunk no matter what Twilight says


Not a joke lol, and while it's not a ton of alcohol, down it in one go and it fucks you up

Especially if ponies have much bigger shot glasses it can

good story so far, though I kind of wish twilight be one of those who is never seen drunk, ie she can drink as much as she want and never get a hangover or act or look drunk.

Pfft, there's nobody like that, short of dragons when it's not dragon liquor. Especially Twilight, she's not exactly a social butterfly. I'm under the belief that she drinks with her friends, which is to say that she can definitely hold her liquor, but after a bottle of sake and what equates to like a triple shot of baijiu, she'd definitely be feeling it
Luna's just out of practice.

oh I can see that but I can also see that the her teacher would make sure she could hold her liquor under most but dragon stuff.

(in my canon) Dragon Liquor is fermented with gemstones, and then the gemstones are powdered in the drink itself. Cheaper ones have chunks, and so are a choking hazard for anything that doesn't eat gemstones, but the good shit is so finely powdered it goes down smooth as water. It's the equivalent of infusing it with mana directly, though not nearly as powerful, which essentially causes the intoxication to become a magical effect as well as a physical poison so it transcends most immunities to alcohol- mostly in dragons but also for a particular Alicorn of the sun. Alternatively, gemstones soaked in booze is the equivalent of vodka gummy bears XD

Great story so far I really like the setting your are creating. I caught some errors

"Celestia" was impressed by her once again. > probably meant to say Luna there
Luna felt Twilight shift so that "was" was almost completely on top of her > she

Also a different approach to TwiLuna, much less subtle and no agonizing slow buildup and I approve.

I've done enough subtle romance lol, and this whole 'game' thing just kinda happened. And yeah I've noticed those errors, once I get a little furthe in- or if I get really bored and can't figure out what to write- I'll go through and fix errors.

She was in the lovely outfit that was found on the bed and she was waiting outside for Twilight, she had insisted Luna go on ahead of her but she wouldn’t leave the younger mare to walk the halls alone.

semicolon again. You know to use those when the sentences can stand on their own (full period stop) but you want them to be connected, as they are here.

it can’t have bene cheap

That one should be pretty apparent.

The Mayonaka clan sees their practice as blasphemy and are currently trying to turn more clans against them. Mayonaka and Kage are the only ones that don’t seem to have any interest in avoiding bloodshed and would not be attending the meeting.

That went into present tense again. While there are times that this works, here it messes up since the story is a retelling of past events (like a history or biography) and these sentences are from a summary of a conversation of historical events up to the present, so in all cases, they should be past tense.

The Senso clan are a clan of warriors and see any chance to join in some good fighting as a reason to fight, though Lien explained that they could usually be placated by little tournaments, nonlethal duels and various war-like activities.

That one went mixed-tense, a really big issue.

Followed closely by the Haru warlord and her champions of all people.

Look out for sentence fragments.

I would have given your life for me if you asked.

Are you sure that Nightmare was purged? That one goes up with "Heads I win, Tails you lose" on a coin toss.

Ah, I though this was rated Teen...
Let's say the pink fog is a bit dense with this one. Can you turn that down a bit?
"Offscreen with thee!" :D
Amusing references to ... stuff and things ... are fine, though.

please update

So... Who won the flirting game and what must the loser pay them?

when can we expect the next chapter?

never if you don't stop pinging every single story with a copy paste.

that just means i like thows storys, and want to finish reading them.

Yes, but leaving no feedback beyond literally the same 'when's the next chapter' on just about every single one is incredibly rude and frustrating to see. These chapters come out when they're finished. If I knew when they'd come out they'd be out already.

sorry i just hate leaving things unfinished.

oh i cant wait for more of this to come out!!!

I'm ina bit of a hiatus due to work and other things but it's one I really want to finish.

no problem man, your life comes first just makes waiting that more rewarding

I'm looking forward to more of this. I love stories that have this type of emotional turmoil.

Comment posted by MeBadAtNames deleted May 14th, 2020

More of this pls?

The fact that this story and Clockwork Dreams has never been finished is close to being a Crime these two are so good storys, oh well life can be a ass to us when we don't want it to, But i got to ask is there any chance you write again?, if not oh well

They're two stories Id love to finish, but I've only had the drive to sit down and write for DnD stuff for a long time. I've tried, and by the time I write a sentence for anything the drive drives right off a cliff for the next six months.

well that sucks a lot i do hope you will overcome this one day, else thanks for the reply and i wish you a Great day

Patience awaiting the next chapter

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