• Published 26th Feb 2018
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Blazing a Trail to the Past. - Daylight_Dreamer

After a freak accident, I wound up in equestria with a Jeep. Offroading where nobodys driven before. Or am I?

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22- Crusaders and cutie marks.

As expected I didn't get to the farm for lunch until around 2. Everypony was already back out in the field. Except for Granny. She was sitting in her rocker in front of the house.

"Bout time you showed up," she said, "Yer gonna have to deal with cold soup. Unless you wanna fire up your own stove. I'm headed out. There's my ride now."

A taxi wagon pulled up to the house.

"Where are you going so suddenly?" I asked.

"Golden Delicious needs help reorganizing the family records," she replied, "ah'll be gone a good week."

"Well I hope you have fun," I said.

"Oh, Ah'm sure ah'll have as much fun as a pig in fresh mud." She laughed, "I left a box of food on the table for you. So you don't get hungry while ah'm gone. Ah, better git. The cab driver looks like he's gettin' impatient. Hold yer horses, ah'm acomin'." She got up and climbed in the wagon and the driver galloped off. I just shook my head and went in.

The size of the box she packed for me made me consider going home for the Jeep. It was easily enough food for 2 weeks. I didn't know my grandmother at home, so I wondered if they were all so worried about food. I also wondered if she was packing enough that I could share with Scootaloo.

As I got a grip around the box and turned around I was startled by a figure in the door causing me to drop it.

"Sorry, Sugarcube," Applejack apologized, "Let me help you with that." Before I could react she scooped the box up and threw it on her back. "Ah tried to tell Granny this box was too awkward, but she said it was the only one big enough. Ah'll carry it ta yer place for ya."

I didn't know how to object, so I went with it.

The walk to my place was filled with awkward silence. I was relieved when she set the box in my kitchen and turned to leave. But then she looked me over.

"You sure do clean up nice," she commented.

"Thank you," I said, "It's a little, way too flashy for my taste, but It works."

"Yea," She said, "You look good in it." She slowly walked out. I considered finding a knife to cut the tension.

I drew a deep breath, wondering what I should say to her. A growl from my stomach put me back on track.

I sorted the contents of the box into my cupboards and fridge. It was mostly vegetables, but she had also included several containers of soup, a couple blocks of cheese, some crackers, and a loaf of bread.

I found a skillet and a small kettle and started the stove to warm the tomato soup I found and make a grilled cheese. I found it interesting that I had a refrigerator right next to a wood burning stove. The technology around here is truly something else.

It didn't even work on normal electricity. It was 'magic voltage'. Totally wireless. I could drag my fridge into the field and it would never shut off, but the stove takes a half hour to get the heat just right, and good luck keeping it that way. It was like grilling with pots and pans.

While I was waiting for the stove, there was a knock at the door.

I opened it to find Scootaloo by herself.

"What's up Scootaloo?" I asked.

"The other crusaders went home to shower before the meeting," She was looking at her front hooves and kinda kicking them around.

"And you..." I was cut off.

"CanIuseyourshower!?!" She blurted out and clenched her eyes shut.

She said that so fast I almost had to ask for clarification, but I figured it out.

"Of course," I said, "come on in."

She started walking in. She was moving slowly as if part of her was ashamed of what she was doing.

"I said you could use my shower, not all my time," I laughed so she knew I was joking, "Get in here."

She just looked up at me and smiled before speeding up to a trot and hugging my leg on the way by. I thought I was gonna die of cuteness.

"Towels are in the cupboard by the shower," I said, "I'll have some food ready by the time you get out."

"I didn't say I was hungry," she said, but I had already heard her stomach growl.

"I didn't think you would," I said, "so I offered."
The other Crusaders showed up around the time we finished eating. As expected, Scootaloo needed no further encouragement. I guess a pony might say it must have something to do with my special talent, but I can be persuasive, and I know when less is more. Once she saw that a bowl of soup and a sandwich were already waiting, she wasn't going to turn them down.

Apple Bloom led the way to the clubhouse, I was just a little shocked to find out it was the opposite direction from where Scootaloo had run the first day I met her. I wondered where she had gone. She had to be staying somewhere.

Once inside I noticed a banner on the back wall that read 'Welcome Jerry' and cookies and punch were set up below it.

"Surprise!" the Crusaders all shouted.

"We still wanna talk about your mark," Apple Bloom said, "But Ah thought it was about time the Crusaders officially welcomed you."

"And because you have proven your willingness to selflessly help others," Sweetie Belle said, "We decided to make you..."

They looked at each other. I could tell they were counting down, and I knew what they were going to say.

"AN HONORARY CUTIE MARK CRUSADER!!!! Yay!" they all shouted at once.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't expect this but I don't know why not. I did save one of the founding members.

"I'm honored," I went generic, "thank you."

"That's not all," Scootaloo said, "We had Slag make this for you, so you can put them on your jeep."

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom presented a pair of metal emblems about a foot tall. They resembled the Crusader's marks but the center was my fire and ice yin-yang.

"Wow," now I was really impressed. I thought they were perfect, like the jeep now had a mark to match my own. "I love it."

"Ah'm glad," Apple Bloom said, "Ah couldn't think of how to thank you, but Sweetie suggested we make you a Crusader. The cutie mark going on your Jeep was Scootaloo's idea. We figured Rarity would have you covered."

"You can say that again," I was literally covered in my cutie mark, "Great idea Scootaloo." She just blushed. It was hardly noticeable, but she seemed to blush around me a lot. So I could tell.

"So," Apple Bloom said, "how does it feel to be the only non-pony with a real cutie mark?"

"I don't know," I said, "I'm not totally sure I call it real, It's not exactly on my flank."

"Do you know what it means?" Sweetie asked.

"Not really," I said, "I do think you're on the right track with helping people. I did work customer service on earth."

"It could mean you'll help in any weather," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"Or that you'll make sure ponies aren't too warm or cold," Apple Bloom chimed in.

"I think it means you stick by your friends no matter how extreme things get," Scootaloo offered.

"All good ideas," I said, "I'll have to think about it, but when I figure it out, you'll be the first to know."

"I'm sure it won't take too long," Sweetie Belle said, "and if you have any questions, you know where to turn."

"I sure do," I laughed.

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