• Published 26th Feb 2018
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Blazing a Trail to the Past. - Daylight_Dreamer

After a freak accident, I wound up in equestria with a Jeep. Offroading where nobodys driven before. Or am I?

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29- Seeing a ghost

We arrived at Sawdust's house to find a note still on the door that read 'At an appointment, be back soon.'

"Oh, ho, ho," Slag laughed, "He may just be ready to turn in that V-card after all. He's always home when he says he will be."

"So what now?" I asked.

"Let's hit Sugarcube Corner," Slag suggested, "I'll buy."

"It is about lunchtime," I said, "and you're driving."

I decided to give the jeep a break and had let Slag drive us in his custom cart.

He and his brother had been trying to make a car for a couple years and this cart was the best they came up with. It had a magic gearbox that drove the rear wheels and a teller-bar connected directly to the front steering rack for steering. It was a fully self-propelled cart but required a unicorn to drive it. Slag had made a pedal-powered cart for his brother but it turned out to be impractical.
Arriving at the sweet shop we chose a booth and sat down. It wasn't long before an apron-clad pony approached with a notepad. She looked familiar but I never saw her work here before.

"I'm Bon Bon," She started, "I'll be your waitress. Please be patient, I'm new. My mare friend is going to flip when she hears you were my first solo customer. What can I do for you?"

"Well, you already mentioned a mare friend," Slag smirked, "So I'll just have a chocolate cupcake."

"Banana nut muffin for me, please," I said.

"Coming right up," She smiled and walked away. Slag was watching until she got to the kitchen.

"Damn," he said, "all the best ones are either taken or just not interested."

"If you say so," I said. I was really hoping I was wrong about him having a crush on me, but considering if he did, he already knew I wasn't interested. I didn't really think there was anything to talk about.

Before he responded Bon Bon was back with the requested treats and a couple chocolate milkshakes.

"Here you are," She set them down, "These are on me. Let me know if I can get you anything else?"

"Will do," I assured her and she moved on to a couple that just walked in.

Without another word, we dug into our treats. Sugarcube Corner really has the best baked goods, and the shakes are amazing.

I went to wipe some ice cream from my beard with my napkin and that's when I noticed a note folded up under it.

"The fuck?" I asked aloud as I opened it.

"I bet it's about how hot your friend is," Slag teased.

"No," I said, "no it's not."

The note read...
Just so you know. Lyra wouldn't mind you coming between us. If you ever want to.

XOXO Bon Bon
"Great," I said, "more admirers." I was getting annoyed, but I saw this one coming. It was Lyra's mare friend. The show and been right about everything, so her having a hand/human fetish didn't seem too outlandish with all the fan animations about it.

Slag took the note from me and bit his lip as he read it. "Damn," He said, "you ignorant lucky bastard."

"If you call it that," I said.

Just then Sawdust and Pinkie came walking out of the back. Sawdust froze when he saw us.

"Hey bro," Slag yelled, "hows the date going?"

Sawdust looked like he was a kid caught with his hand in the candy jar.

"We were just planning Jerry's party," he insisted.

"That's disappointing," Slag said, "anyway, we were trying to catch you at home. Being that we all have free time."

"I agree," Sawdust said a little cryptically, "We do have free time." He turned to Pinkie, "I think you have what you need now, I'll see you when its time to get things ready."

"I don't know," Pinkie said, "I was hoping to go over the final plans over dinner tomorrow." She seemed to be attempting to sound sultry. I didn't think it worked in her voice, but Sawdust seemed to like it.

Sawdust visibly sighed, but then smiled, "I suppose I can fit that in. See you tomorrow then."

"See ya then," Pinkie said, "and I'll see you the next day for lunch and to pick out the invitations. I was thinking since you are going away for a week, we could do it right before that so it can also be your going away party. I would normally insist on throwing two, but I know you wouldn't like that. Your welcome."

"Thank you," I said, "see you the day after tomorrow."

"Shall we head out?" Sawdust asked.

"Lets," Slag agreed.
Once we got to Sawdust's house he lead us to the living room. I found this odd being how much these ponies liked their sheds. They only really had houses to sleep in, and that was hit and miss with Slag. Who often dozed off mid-project or at somepony else's house...

I noticed Slag had been keeping a box with him. I had thought it was something of Sawdust's but he carried it now and made no mention to his brother.

"Alright," Sawdust said, "Everypony in this room is trusted and involved."

Needless to say, I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, "Involved in what?"

"You'll know soon enough," Slag said.

"Our mothers family was entrusted as the keepers of certain knowledge," Sawdust started explaining, "We weren't the only ones, but we don't even know who the others are, or if they kept the memories alive as well as our family."

"Yea," Slag said, "Not all of the artifacts tell the story, but they are all important, so I hope you can find them."

"What are you talking about?" I asked again, but the knife and blueprints were starting to make sense.

"We aren't really the ones to tell you," Sawdust said, "We were entrusted with these."

Sawdust opened a false brick on his fireplace as Slag opened the box he had been dragging along. Both produced antique looking journals.

I opened the first one and the first entry was a note to the reader.

You have a job to do. Everything you need to know is in journals like this.

There are 4 in total. As well as a knife, a set of blueprints and the final piece is with the zebras. You'll know it. They don't.

I know you'll succeed.

Sincerely, J. Blade
I just stared at the note wide-eyed. I don't know how long.

"You look like you need a joint," Slag said.

"I got you," Sawdust pulled a pipe from a drawer on his coffee table and passed it around the room.

"Can you tell me any more about these," I asked.

"Only that they were given to our family roughly 600 years ago," Sawdust said, "The rest we only know from reading them. You should do that for yourself."

"I see," I said, "I need time to think about this."

"Naturally," Slag said, "Want me to send a letter to your griffin 'friend'. I bet a distraction would do you well."

"No," I said, "I'm good on that. I just need to head home."

"I advise you not to read those until you are ready," Sawdust said, "It's a lot to take in."

"Yea," Slag agreed, "There's a reason we didn't say anything until now. We wanted to know you weren't just gonna bail when you read them, can't say it isn't still a concern. Are you sure I can't write that griffin for ya? You may need some support."

"NO!" I said, "I just need some time to myself. I'm going home. See you later."

"Can I give you a ride to your jeep at least?" Slag offered.

"No thank you," I said, "I need a walk."
Once home I moved Scootaloo's bag to her room. It wasn't in the way, but it seemed like the thing to do.

I sat in my chair and considered smoking another bowl, but couldn't sit still long enough to pack it. So I went for a walk.

I thought a walk in the woods would be nice so I left Scootaloo a note and started walking down the path that led to her old cave.

I noticed Big Macintosh had started cutting the tree up for firewood as I walked past the cave. I didn't know how far I wanted to go but I didn't want to stop yet, and the trail went much deeper into the woods. So I kept going.

I didn't notice when the trees changed, but after a while, I looked up and noticed everything had an altogether spookier feel. I figured I must have wandered all the way to the Everfree Forest. I turned around not wanting to test my metal with a manticore. Too late.

I heard a snarl behind me and didn't have to look to know I needed to run, but it sure helped me run faster when I did and got a close look at the eight-foot-tall snarling beast.

I went as fast as my legs would take me, but it was keeping up. I turned off the trail hoping his larger body would have a harder time navigating through the trees. It seemed to be working.

Just as I turned and saw it giving up, I tripped.

Returning to my feet, I noticed the manticore was still walking away, so I stayed halfway crouched until it was gone.

Looking down I saw what I tripped on. It was a rectangular stone with a slanted top. It seemed like a headstone in a creepy graveyard. I wasn't wrong.

The moss covering the stone was scuffed by my foot revealing a couple of letters. I cleaned it off to read what it said.
Here lies Apple Seed
Loving father,
Devoted husband,
Protector of Truth
I saw another headstone beside it, clearing the moss I saw a chip out of the last name, but the rest read just fine.
Here lies Jerry -----e
He gave his life for a country that wasn't even his own.
I just ran back home at a sprint, sat in my chair, and loaded my bowl. I didn't even notice Scootaloo was back.

"Are you OK, Jerry?" She asked, "Your note said you were out for a walk, not a run."

"I've had a long day," I replied, "but I'm getting used to that. I'll be fine." I did my best to smile.

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