• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 1,478 Views, 23 Comments

A Girl Named Sonata - Broman

Jack Jensen finds a girl collapsed in front of him in the dead of winter. Deciding to help out this strange girl he will soon discover that by helping her will help him in turn.

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Jack rested in his chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees and resting his head on his hands. He stared across to the girl, who was sitting cross legged on the couch. She was wearing one of his large shirts that had a picture of a wolf on it, which curved over her body, and the neckline slightly lopsided. She also wore one of his sweatpants which seemed to fit her quite nicely. She had a happy go lucky smile, and she would occasionally look around the room or would pet Magnus affectionately. Magnus seemed to take a liking to her, happy to get affection, but Jack was less than confident.

The girl had somehow woke up in the middle of the night, came into his room, and slept right next to him. Naked, exposed, and underneath the sheets.

That would make for an interesting show.

He ignored his last thought his face already burning in embarrassment. He looked back at the girl and taking notice of her hair. Seeing it in the light they were indeed a blue color. If he wanted go fancy he would say that she had arctic and Persian blue hair. He had the assumption they were dyed but they look so natural on her. A moment after she finished patting Magnus she turned to face him and his eyes widened slightly. He lowered his arms and made sure he sat straight up.

I got to break the ice here. He decided, clearing his throat to break the silence.

And the first step to start off a conversation would be to apologize.

“Uh, I just want to apologize for earlier when I accidentally,”

“Touching my chest?” she interjected, “It’s okay since you were curious,” She smiled at him. Jack raised his hands and shook them vigorously.

“No, no I was not curious at all, it was just a honest mistake, I had no idea you were in my bed,” he paused before narrowing his eyes at her, “why were you in my bed in the first place?”

“It was cold in the living room. By the way my chest is a D size, in case you were wondering.” She replied, almost ignoring his question.

“I don’t need to hear that!” he closed his ears and tried to imagine an innocent TV show running in his head. It wasn't quite working as her words lingered on in his head.

“I know it’s embarrassing, I kept thinking I would need a bigger size bra to hold my girls up, but I can never find a bra I liked.” she explained.

“Why is our conversation turning to bra sizes?” He looked at her in confusion and a hint of irritation.

“Because you asked?” she replied with that innocent smile.

“I never asked I just came to apologize, that’s it!” he raised his voice slightly, exasperated by the girl not getting his point. She looked at him for a moment before she opened her mouth and he thought she was getting the idea now.

“Oh now I get it, then apology accepted.”

She speaks it so innocently, he thought, uncertain if what he said was getting through to her.

“Although,” she said in a curious tone, tracing a finger to her chin, “Most guys I met never passed first base.”

Now that is cause for alarm! He thought, her choice of words becoming disconcerting to him.

“Wait what... hold on!? What other guys!?” he asked, a hint of concern was in his voice. He didn't want to imagine it but some big boyfriend came into his imagination, accusing him for bringing her into his apartment, then started to pummel his ass. His uncertain question was answered when she leaned her head forward to him and offered a sympathetic smile.

“Don’t worry, there are no other guys. Not that I know of anyway.”

He narrowed his eyes and blinked at her over her casual comment.

“That’s very reassuring.” he replied, though in a deadpan matter. She then tilted her head a little and a small smirk grew on her face. The kind of smirk that lead to very mischievous deeds.

“Your a virgin aren't’ you?” she asked in a humorous tone. Jack’s composed face instantly blushed from her remark.

“Why would you say that!?” he replied in a flustered manner, looking off to a different part of the room and wondering why that came out of the blue.

“Because of the way how innocently you act around me, makes me believe that you are.” she said observantly. He looked to the ground, his cheeks burning from the embers of truth.

She was one hundred and ten percent right. He was indeed, in every sense of the word, a virgin. He hadn’t even went to prom or gave a girl a proper kiss. The only exception would be kissing his mother on the cheek.

It’s still manly to kiss your mother on the cheek.

When he didn’t reply right away Sonata Dusk gave a giddy smile.

“It’s true, you’re a virgin!” she said and was giggling to herself. He sighed and rolled his eyes at her childlike demeanor.

“Yes laugh it up, I’m a virgin. You don't have to be spreading that around,” he admitted, the blush remaining on his cheeks. She stopped in her mirth and looked at him with that smile of hers. He gave a scrutinize look and found he couldn’t be mad at her or over her innocent smile. Why was it that her smile made her all the more cute.

“If you want to know. I’m also a virgin too.” she said in a minor sing song voice

Cute moments gone.

“I didn't need to hear that. Why’d you tell me that!” he raised his hands to his ears in an attempt banish said thoughts from his mind.

“Well since you admit to being a virgin it’s only reasonable in my position to say,”

“But that is a very personal matter Sonata!" he interjected, his face burning another shade of red, "and that kind of thing should not be revealed to anyone!” he interjected, to which she traced a finger to her chin and tapped it a few times.

“But I was trying to explain that you're not alone,” she paused. An idea seemingly popped in her head and she bounced up and down on the couch in a whimsical way.

“We can be virgin buddies!” she squealed in delight.

Okay this conversation is going WAY off track. He thought and he raised his hand up to her to get her attention.

“Sonata, is it? I just have a question for you. If you don’t mind me asking.” Jack said, trying to reign the conversation back on course.

“I don’t mind being asked out at all." She replied, not missing a step.

Not what I was going for but I’m going to roll with it. He thought, clearing his throat before continuing on.

“Do you remember anything from last night? Anything that you did that had you stay out in the cold?” he asked, his questions sincere. She looked up to the ceiling, humming to herself in deep thought.

“Well I do remember going on a walk around town for quite awhile. My mind became kinda fuzzy during that time. I don’t quite remember how I got to your apartment, but I do recall the pretty fireworks in the sky.”

Okay, loss of memory check. He thought, inclining his head to her.

“Were you out drinking or partying with friends?” he asked the next question.

“Well I was not out partying per say, no drinking mind you. But I did enjoy the pretty light show when the new year ball came down. Oh I wish to hear those fireworks again.” she closed her eyes and hummed in a carefree way.

Doesn’t know if she was drunk or on any drugs. Check. He concluded once more in his head. The next question would hit to home and would definitely get some kind of answer.

“Okay, would you happen to have a phone to get in contact with? Any friends or family?”

“No I don’t have a phone.” she replied in quick fashion, “but I do got a family. I just don’t see them that’s all.”

Rebel girl running from home… check? He thought, questioning his last thought and giving her a peculiar look.

“What makes you say that? Aren’t your brothers or,”

“Sisters. Two of them in fact who are older than me,” she interjected.

Sisters? That's even worse. He dreaded the thought. Knowing full well that if he crossed any women they can be very scary individuals. Particularly if they are older siblings. Like a bully gets bullied when picking on a younger sibling and the older siblings would come out and give chase.

He would know from experience since being the eldest in his family.

“Alright what about your parents? Do they know about you being out here?” he asked. However, the smile that she had faded a little when he mentioned parents.

“No, I don’t know my mother,” she replied and had a sad expression on her face. “In fact I never knew her, even after I was born.” she said, a down expression loomed over her face. In his mind he softly berated himself for being insensitive.

Idiot you went for the parents and end up a Bruce Wayne child. He chastises himself for the stupid comment. Hoping to recover the conversation, he cleared his throat which grabbed her attention.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. I didn’t know about your parents,” he tried to apologize but she raised her hand to him.

“No it’s okay. You didn’t know,” she replied, and her expression softened, “I do have a father. He lives far away from here and he promised he would bring us back home some day.” she explained and Jack just tilted his head slightly.

Overseas father who will one day get back to get his kids. Like John Denver or even Mark Hamill’s father, He thought. He had a few friends who served oversees during the Afghan war and they would eventually return home after their tour of duty. Some kids would grow up not knowing who their father was because they would be gone for so long. Other times they would never come home and that would be the real tragedy.

Jack noticed, despite his earlier assumptions, that Sonata appeared to relax when she talked about her father. She seemed okay to reveal a bit of herself, but he didn’t want to say anything that would offend her or make her silent. Though he was curious about what her father may be like.

“Can you tell me anything about him?” he asked, trying to ease her in the conversation. She perked up slightly at this and she gave a small smile.

“Well he is tall when I grew up and he had a gray coat and a big white beard that I liked to play with when I was young. It was so big that whenever I played with it would tickle me something awful.” she explained.

So like Gandalf but a father figure, okay. He mused, a small smirk grew on his face over the comparison.

“He has blue eyes that shined brightly. He also tends to wear his blue cape and hat that have little bells on the end” she paused and looked to the side in deep thought. “I still remember how he looked at me with such kindness. Seeing them just makes me feel at ease and calms me whenever I sleep at night.

A little cosplay I presume but possibly an entertainer. He thought, still listening to her as she continued to smile at the thought of father.

This father of hers seemed like a pretty cool dude just from her description alone.

“My daddy is really strong and powerful as well." she added, "He is over a hundreds of years old, has battled monsters and creatures of different sizes and he tutored the Princesses of the Sun and Moon and he is not only amazing he helped create so many spells that nopony has even seen.” she explained ecstatically.

Okay. Reality check coming in, His rational side of his brain came in.

Ah, but it was getting good, Jack replied, wanting to hear more of what she had to say.

No, this goes far away from being in the right mind. His brain explained back, knowing that this was getting a little out of hand. He cleared his throat which caught her attention.

“Okay. I see that your dad is very important and he’s out of state” he stated, trying to focus on the main topic at hand, “and you said you have sisters. Do you have a cell phone you can contact or have friends around here that know you?” he asked, wanting to get straight to the point.

“I don’t have a cell phone. Don’t you remember silly?” she said plainly but bearing a funny smile.

“Of course,” he inwardly groaned at repeating the question.

“Also I don’t want to talk about them." she replied. He looked at her and took notice that her smile had vanished. "We had an argument many weeks back and I left on my own because of it and I've been on the road since.” She explained and appeared to shy away from him, “Your not going to send me back to them, are you?” she said, her eyes narrowing and she looked defensive from the subject.

Jack blinked in surprise. He was not expecting to hear family troubles intermixed here. He raised his hands to her in assurance.

“It’s alright, I’m not going to force you to call them nor do I have any intention to.”

Though is would appear your are in more trouble as it is by running away, he thought. Sonata eased a little from that and she settled both her hands on top of her sweat pants.

“Okay. Just both of them have been quite irritable of late, saying things that I did not particularly liked or agreed. Saying that daddy wasn't going to bring us home nor ever come get us,” she then looked down, appearing hurt by speaking about this. Jack’s expression softened and pity for her grew within him.

It would seem her connection with her father was quite strong.

“I just needed to get away from them, "She continued, "They have been bossy and pushy lately that I just couldn’t stand it any longer. So…” her eyes averted his gaze, “You think you can help me? Can I stay here for awhile?” she said, rubbing her fingers together and appearing all the more nervous.

“Whoa hold on now. I barely met you and your expecting to stay here?” he said and she looked at him with pleading eyes.

“Please. I’m sure we can work something out. I can help, I’m good at being helpful.” she explained, beseeching him to come up with an answer.

“Well I…” he was at a lost for words. He felt an overwhelming sense of guilt and worry build within him and she was reaching out for an answer.

He rubbed the back of his head, knowing a decision was needed to be made. She's still a stranger and he has little to no affiliation with her other then letting her stay from the previous night. She also had trouble with siblings which would lead to other complications if he got involved in things that didn't concern him. However, from what she explained, including her family problems, she needed a place to stay. She looked lost, unsure of herself, and needed a roof over her head. Considering she nearly froze to death last night. If he didn't intervene than surly she wouldn't be here now. Also, he had to admit, she’s wasn't quite bad looking either.

Hey, don’t get distracted, his rational brain said.

I can’t help it, she’s not bad looking if not hot. Jack explained back to his brain

Don’t tell her that, otherwise she would take it the wrong way and we end up being a pervert in her eyes.

You didn’t say anything when I accidentally groped her this morning. He retorted.

Touché. Just don’t do or say anything that would make her feel uncomfortable. His brain chided

I won’t do anything like that, he internally sighed, Look, I’m only doing this because she needs help. Being a good Samaritan and helping someone in need is a good thing.

You know chivalry's dead, Jack.

Well it’s not in my eyes.

After the vigorous debate in his brain he reluctantly gave a heavy sigh and looked to her with much compassion. A part of him thought it was a pretty dumb idea, but if he can do anything to help then it would be alright with him.

“Alright Sonata, you can stay.” he explained. She perked up and she squealed in delight. She bounded out of her seat, went over to him and wrapped her arms around him in the span of a few seconds. She continued to squee in pure elation and Jack blinked in surprise and had his arms up and not hugging back.

Quite frankly he was taken aback with her behavior at this point.

“Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!” she called out, still holding on to him.

“Alright, I get it I get! He replied, hoping she would get the message that he was not hugging back, but she still held onto him anyway.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to follow all of your rules and listen to whatever you have to say.” she explained. He was about to reply when he heard a familiar whine from Magnus and a scratch on the door.

His mind had totally blanked on his pet.

“For starters, can you get off so I can change? I got take my dog out for a walk.” he replied. Sonata gasped and instantly lets go of him, a hand raised to her mouth in surprise.

“Oh I’m sorry. I didn't know that Magnus had to go out,”

Jack blinked in surprise at her.

“How did you know his name?” he asked, a brow raised to her. She looked at him with her lips sealed and she looked at Magnus who was near the door.

“Well… ah…. I may or may not have overheard you say his name when I was waking from bed.” she explained, a hand raised to the back of her head and she rubbed it in a casual manner.

“Okay,” he said in a slow, questioning, manner. Jack picked himself off the coach and headed to his bedroom. Wanting to change quickly so that he can get Magnus out before he had a accident in the room.

Magnus had his own fair shares of accidents when he was a puppy.

“Oh by the way,” Sonata asked, looking over the coach, appearing to look like Mr. Wilson from Home Improvement, “I never got your name.”

He blinked at her, and never once did he mention his name to her.

“The name's Jack Alex Jensen.” he replied, giving her a smile.

She smiled back and gave a small giggle.

“Nice to meet you Jackie,” she replied.

Well that’s off to a great start. He thought. He went towards his bedroom and quickly changed out of his clothes and gathered his winter clothes so that he can take Magnus outside. As he changed a lingering thought remained on his mind.

She’s only staying for a few days. It shouldn’t be that bad. Right?

Author's Note:

Hope you guys enjoying the next chapter and this early. Please leave a comment if you are liking this and I talk to you all later.