• Published 20th Feb 2018
  • 1,478 Views, 23 Comments

A Girl Named Sonata - Broman

Jack Jensen finds a girl collapsed in front of him in the dead of winter. Deciding to help out this strange girl he will soon discover that by helping her will help him in turn.

  • ...

Job Hire

Jack was sitting on a chair in the kitchen. It was early in the morning and he was looking at a number of papers, sifting through them on the counter. They were all mostly written notes and bills from last month finances. He was well off to handle himself but with Sonata staying here things had changed rather drastically.

Five days passed since Jack let Sonata Dusk to stay in his home and he had to spend nearly three hundred bucks for her living expenses. Her own clothes were the only things that she brought and they were in tatters. In fact, he had to buy her a small set of clothes, toothbrush and paste so that she can have the decency of having her own things.

She had a field day when it came to shopping and he was thankful enough to have only buy a few pairs of clothes. Though he did had to spend a few hours at the shopping mall while she went over dozens of clothes.

He always questioned it but never figured why women do that.

He also allowed her to use the same large shirt and sweatpants to sleep in. He didn’t mind that really he had a few other spares for himself that he can use. He also had to spend a extra hundred dollars for food and he bought enough to last for at least a month and half before needing to buy anymore.

The reason being for this spending spree is that what he presumed to be a few days turned out to be longer since no one had been searching for or even heard of Sonata. For the first couple of days he asked neighbors and people on streets if they knew any girl or party goer that hanged around during new years. Sadly they all had the same answer and no one knew about the girl nor did she have any friends to go to. Because of this, he had no choice but to buy for the long haul.

It was a necessary sacrifice, but she was very grateful for his generosity.

It was strange yet he felt like this was similar to how roommates worked out. When going to college he never had roommates and was able to handle himself pretty well. With Sonata staying here it felt a completely different experience. Especially since she was a girl and a few rules had to be in place.

Namely when it came to sleeping arrangements, Sonata seemed to break that rule over eighty percent of the time.

Well, more like ninety percent of the time.

She explained to him she was fine sleeping on the coach, but for the past three nights he had woken up every morning to find her sleeping in his bed. Just yesterday when he woke up in the middle of the night to use the restroom he returned to find her sleeping in his bed.

Like a annoying cat that dosne't get the message no matter how many times you try and scare it off.

He didn’t know why she did this, but every time she did this she explained that it was just too cold out in the living room and needed someplace warm. He was lucky enough he didn’t have another groping accident when she was in his bed. Otherwise he would be in another fit of teasing from her and with much embarrassment on his part. He had to make a mental note to give her an extra blanket for her the next night.

Along with a padlock for the door in case she does go into a nightly escapade in his bed.

Come to think of it that sounded a lot naughtier in his head.

Despite that little incident, she has been very kind and helpful just like she promised. She helped out in the kitchen and cleaned up after herself and made sure the living room was clean. She helps fold the clothes and clean the floor when there was a mess. She practically did everything she was told to do.

Like Consuela but with a happy go lucky personality.

He also found out during, one little luncheon last Saturday, that she has a very crippling addiction to tacos. She was in love with them, having at least eaten a half dozen tacos at once while he had three. She liked eating them nice and warm, the taco shells having a nice crunch to it while piled high in grounded beef, tomatoes, lettuce, shredded cheese and some hot sauce. She sighed heavily after each bite and Jack couldn’t help but share a laugh after she was done.

He had to be watchful the next time he buys more ingredients for tacos, otherwise he wouldn't get any.

After pouring through the papers, and caring notes he had came to a conclusion with the new living arrangements. He lifted his head and cleared his throat.

“Sonata, can you come here?” he asked, and she popped her head from behind the couch, wearing her sweatpants and shirt. She happily went over, pulling up a chair in front of him.

“Sure, is there anything you need?” she asked, her bubbly demeanor was so infectious that he couldn’t help but smile. He placed the paper on the table and turned it around so that she would see it. She grabbed the paper while he gripped a glass of milk that was next to him.

“Since your going to live with me, there is going to be something important you will need to have during your stay.” he said. Sonata looked over the paper, seeing the different numbers and transcripts. She eyed the papers with a weary expression. She probably got the vain idea of where he was leading at and he took a quick drink of the milk in his hand and waited for her reply.

“I’m going to have to sell my body, am I?” she asked honestly.

The answer was so unexpected that he snorted and spat milk gloriously onto the table.

“What!?” Jack said out loud, slapping his chest to stop coughing while grabbing a small paper towel to clean up the milk. He swore he had milk up his nose while wiping the table clean. Magnus came over to try and clean some milk off the ground but Jack quickly shooed him away while cleaning the spill. Sonata raised a hand to her mouth and giggles in delight while he gave a rather annoyed look.

“I’m sorry. I was only teasing you but your reaction was just priceless.” she said, her mirth had subsided when he finished cleaning up the mess. Regaining his composure, he gave a hesitant smile before pointing back down to the paper.

“Sonata. Did you look over that paper I just gave you?” he asked, wiping a paper towel under his nose and clearing whatever debris of milk remained.

“Yes, I read it, just a bunch of numbers is all,” she replied. Jack narrowed his eyes a little and looked back down at the paperwork.

“Well these 'numbers' are your expenses that I paid within the past few days.” he reiterated, tapping a finger onto the parchments. Sonata looked down once more and it seemed to dawn on her the moment he mentioned her living conditions.

“Oh I see. I’m very grateful for you doing that for me.” she replied, giving off an innocent smile. Whenever he saw her innocent smile it was just hard to tell her the problem at hand.

“Which is the problem, Sonata.” he said. Taking a breath he interlaced his fingers and cleared his throat before speaking once again, “I realize this might be hard to hear, but I will need you to get a job.” he explained. In the deep recesses of his mind he felt a little guilty for saying it to her. In a way it felt like giving a candy to a kid, only for the kid to pay it off by working and earning their keep.

“”Is that all? Well that should be easy enough.” she explained, tracing a finger to her chin in thought, “I think I know a few spots which are hiring, so I can go and check them out.” Jack blinked in mild surprise, a hidden smile was present on his face.

At least she understand the crux of the matter. He thought, before Sonata gave a quick stretch in her seat.

“It shouldn’t be too difficult to find a job. I had multiple jobs in the past so it should be alright.” she explained.

“Well that’s the thing, Sonata, you're going to need one before the landowner comes on by.” he explained, which Sonata mid stretch looked him curiously.

“What do you mean?” she asked, tilting her head to the side. Jack had to stifle a laugh because she resembled how Magnus would tilt his head in a curious nature.

“What I mean is that I can only have one guest up to a week before I have to get them signed up to a lease with me. Since you don’t have any where else to go, you will need to sign if you want to stay here any further. Also, since you will be staying, you will need to have money to pay off rent alongside me.” he explained.

"Oh okay,” Sonata said, a little pensive after hearing the outcome. “I do hope whatever job is available that I can help with the best of my ability.” He knew it was a difficult proposition but it needed to be done. After a almost a minute of silence she nodded her head and gave a small smile, “Alright, you think there might be a job opening that will be suitable for me?” she asked, a little chipper from her early pondering.

Jack brought a finger to his lip biting the end of his finger nail. Bad habit but it helps him think. A small number of jobs could easily fit her style of work ethic and from what does around the apartment and cleaning and helping and taking orders…

An idea popped in his head, and he grinned from ear to ear.

“Sonata… I have thought of the perfect place for you. Grab one of my coats, you and I are going on a walk.” he explained. Magnus then perked up next to him and panted happily. He chuckled and gave Magnus a rub on the head.

“Don’t worry boy, you can come along to.”


Jack walked down the street with Sonata in tow, Magnus walking happily on the sidewalk while tied to the leash. He scanned an eye on Sonata who was wearing one of his larger jackets and wearing on one of her previously purchased blue jeans. She had her hood up covering her hair and face and she shivered slightly from the cold.

“How much further? We’ve been walking for twenty five minutes now.” she asked, her hands in her pockets and her teeth chattering a little.

“Not much further, it just the next block.” he explained. They had been heading north from his apartment and towards the Williamsburg bridge were it would cross to island of Manhattan. They had just crossed the next street when they arrived at a small corner diner on Washington Avenue. The establishment was big and had red neon lights that read June’s Diner on top. It had a white coat of paint on the outside along with some blue for the roof.

This place sure did bring back good memories.

He opened the door first and offered Sonata to walk in. She smiled and hurriedly went in the establishment. Jack followed with Magnus close to his side and closing the door behind him. He took a gander inside to see a couple of patrons at the counter, drinking their morning coffee, but his gaze would fall upon the inside design of the Diner itself.

The diner was very classy with its red booths that you would usually see in movies. The white tile floor matched the red with a long carpet that stretched for about twenty five feet. The counter tops were clean with napkin dispenser to each bar stool, along with salt and pepper shakers for some needy customers. The walls of the diner had a number of old pictures and paintings from various eras. There was a picture of Babe Ruth in his uniform, hitting a home run. There was Mohammed Ali who had battled with one of his opponents for dominance on the stage. Johnny Cash, Jimmie Davis, and other classic singers lined the wall.

The owner had great tastes in music.

Near the end of the diner it expanded a bit with multiple tables and a few modern T.V.’s lined the counters of the diner, several sports and new television were playing the morning programs and a few rerun’s of some games were being played. The final piece to this fun Diner was a karaoke stage with a music box on the side.

All in all it was fine establishment.

“This place is amazing.” Sonata marveled, looking about the Diner in fascination, removing her hoodie and letting her hair flow.

“Yeah, this place does have its perks. Though when you meet the owner she can be quite a handful. If not a little bit sassy.” he said rather aloud.

“Sassy?! I’m the queen of Sassy!” a boisterous voice boomed back behind the kitchen counter. Sonata had jumped from the sudden noise but Jack remained perfectly calm. He turned to give a big smile to the women behind the counter.

“Is that you Jack? I haven’t seen you in so long.” the women asked in a chipper voice. He could see her bright smile and rosy cheeks beam out happiness.

“Yeah it’s me, Mama June.” he replied, sharing her smile. The owner chuckled and waved her hand to him.

“Take a seat Jack, I’ll be right with you.” she said, slapping the kitchen counter and disappearing. He turned to Sonata and noticed that she had remained still, her eyes like pin pricks and staring at the back of house, a term that means behind the kitchen. He chuckled and grabbed Sonata by the arm and guided her to a seat in one of the booths. He felt Magnus go underneath the counter and resting flat on his belly, giving a small yawn in the process. After a moment for Sonata to get her bearings she turned to Jack with a hesitant look.

“Jack who was that black lady?” she asked, still a little shaken.

“That Sonata is Mama June, the sweetest and kindest women you will ever meet and the owner of this diner,” he gave a turn and saw her coming out the door and heading to them, “and here she is now,” he said opening up his arms to greet her, to which Sonata turned to blink in surprise at the women coming towards them.

“She’s big.”

Big is bit of an understatement. Jack thought.

Mama June was tall at around five and a half feet. She had short black hair with soft hazel eyes and rosy cheeks that complimented her. She was wearing black work pants with shoes and wearing a bright red shirt and blue apron that snug around her body. She was a bit heavy, not overweight or any of the sort, but her size did make her a little intimidating. However, despite that exterior she was a kind and gentle women, and had a heart of gold when it came to her friends and loved ones.

“C’mere Jackie you sweetie,” Mama June spoke, opening hers arms and enveloping Jack in a massive hug. He hugged back as best he could. However, it soon became overwhelming for him and he had lost the hug war. Sonata couldn’t help but giggle at the sight and Jack merely rolled his eyes at her. After a bone crushing hug Mama June lets go of him and examined him from head to toe.

“Where have you been Jack? I haven’t seen you since two months back.” she explained, having a concerned motherly voice.

“I was busy with my last client so I never had a chance to visit.” he tried to explain but she waved him off.

“I’m just pulling your leg, Jackie.” she replied, giving off that special smile of hers. She then turned to look at Sonata, her eyes widened and her smile never faltered.

“Now who are you little bumpkin?” she asked, giving off a cheery attitude to her. Sonata perked up if only slightly.

“My name is Sonata Dusk, miss June, or is it Mama.” she said so softly she could be a child meeting the new kids at the school yard. Mama June gave a hearty laugh, the amount of exuberant energy in her was astounding.

“Oh don’t be shy sweetie, you can call me Mama if you wish.”

“Um.. thanks.” she said hesitantly, rubbing her arm and Jack could see her uneasiness. Mama June saw this and went over to her side.

“Oh sorry dear. I know I look big and intimidating, but don’t you worry none. I’m far more like a gentle giant.” She explained, giving Sonata a pat on the shoulder. “ By the way, I love your hair. Lovely color.” She complimented.

“Thank you,” Sonata smiled this time around and began to relax in her seat.

“Just make sure you don’t get on her bad side,” Jack muttered, causing the owner to whip her head like a viper and stare him down with narrow eyes.

“You try to sass me?” she asked in a stern manner.

Jack kept his lips shut and averted his eyes, trying his best not to laugh at her quip. She then snapped her fingers and gave her classic ‘Mmhmm’ to him.

“That’s what I thought,” she then raised her head and looked at Jack with a kinder look. “So what brings you out here Jack. You out with your girlfriend or something?”

“What!? No!” He sputtered out in response, “She’s nothing like that at all. Mama June.”

“I did sleep in his bed a few times.” Sonata said so casually that Jack believed he heard a large pane glass window break outside from her dropped revelation.

“Sonata!” he spoke, but it was already to late. Mama June gave a mock scream and shook her hands like miniature fans.

“Oh I love gossip. Tell ole Mama June the details, Sonata. Juicy details,” she said in a curious if not hysterical manner. Sonata chirped up and Jack watched the gears running through her head in recalling the details.

“Well it was quite warm when I snuggled up to him the first night we met and,”

“Oh C’mon! I don’t want to hear this!” Jack said, raising his hands to his ears and began thinking up random numbers in his head. Mama June began laughing her head off, giving a few waves at him while Sonata gave off her infectious giggle.

“Oh you know I’m teasing you boy. You know how I like to tease.” she said, still having a titter while he tried to salvage the conversation.

“When you tease I can’t tell if you're pulling my leg or being serious.”

“I’m serious when I tease,” she quipped, slapping a palm on the table with a loud smack while she beamed out her happy attitude. He sighed and gave a small smirk.

Mama June, never change. He thought. Once her mirth subsided Sonata Dusk cleared her throat to grab her attention.

“Mama, do you know where the restroom is? I haven’t gone since we left this morning.” she asked.

“Oh sure,” she pointed towards the karaoke at the end of the diner, “If you go past the karaoke machine on the right you’ll see a small hallway where the restrooms are, you can’t miss it.” she explained. Sonata thanked her and headed off towards the restrooms. Mama June turned to him and her smile softened.

“She’s a nice girl, where did you get a little gem like that?” she asked. Jack gave a smile and began to recall everything up to meeting her. Mama June listened carefully, taking in every word from where Sonata was found out in the snow to having her stay in his apartment. She also gave a chuckle when he mentioned the small shopping spree for her living conditions. Once finished Mama June pursed her lips and gave a small hum in thought. Jack remained silent, waiting to hear her verdict on the whole matter.

“You did a mighty kind thing, Jack. That’s all I can say from what you told me.” she explained, sitting up straight, and her hands clasped together and letting them rest on the table. “So, from what you have told me, you wish me to give her a job here?” she asked, cutting right to the point. He nodded, and rest his hands on the table.

“Yes. Since she’s going to be staying with me, and no one else coming to claim her, might as well have her earn her keep.” he explained. Mama June nodded, and looked up to her diner, seeing a few patrons already paying and leaving for the early rush hour.

“My daddy was the same. Work hard, doing good and being honest with others will always pay off in the end. That’s what he told me.” she explained. Jack felt a bit of relief wash over him, and a possibility of her accepting Sonata for a job would be beneficial. “However,” she added, his relief halted and feeling bit of tension hanging on a tightrope in his chest. Mama June folded her arms and gave him a questioning look.

“I do have my concerns, but I do wonder if she can be able to hold her own. She appears nice, yes, but is there anything else? Will she hold up to my standards and doing what is required? She'd be bussing tables and serving orders to needy customers and I just wonder if a pretty little thing like her can handle it all,” she asked, waiting for him to respond. He paused and went silent for a moment. Indeed, he didn’t know all of her past, just the details of what she is going through. He didn’t know if she was a danger to others, had some other hidden agenda. However, another part of him saw an innocent girl who needed some help.

Though she may be a bit of a klutz and sometimes childlike, she still a girl in need of assistance.

After thinking it over, and Mama June patiently waited for his reply, he cleared his voice to speak his reasoning's.

“Oh sir, you forgot your bag”

His words never left his mouth when he and Mama turned to see Sonata holding up a small plastic bag in hand. The man in question, was an elderly gentleman with a small trimmed beard, and his wrinkled eyes opened up to see the bag in her hands.

“Oh, thank you my dear,” he said, walking over to her to receive his bag, “I would have been in a pickle if I didn’t have my medication.” he explained, grabbing the bag away from Sonata. She gave a small smile to him.

“I know. With the flu season coming it is going to be very hard for those unprepared.” she explained. The old man laughed and grinned back at her.

“That’s for certain. I want to see my grand kids this spring before they go to college and I hope to avoid any unnecessary illness.” he explained, and was ready to turn and head out.

“That’s really nice, and in these times, it’s best to stay close with your family,” she explained. The old man turned to her, and a small chuckle escaped past him.

“You quite the pistol aren’t you. You have a nice day miss.” he said, giving her a pat on the head, which caused her to giggle.

“Thank you. I hope you have a nice day and have a wonderful time being with your family.” she replied. He thanked her and walked away smiling. When the door closed behind the old man and the tiny bell above it ringing, a smug grin was on Jack’s countenance and Mama June shared a equally large grin.

“Well color me purple and call me a blueberry. I’m impressed.” she said, giving off a small laugh while Jack nodded in agreement. “With a girl like that with that kind of charm, I’m certain to get many returning customers.” she explained.

“So this means you’ll hire her?” Jack asked, feeling the deal coming closer to an conclusion.

“Jackie, for you I’ll hire her in a heartbeat and I’ll deal with all the paperwork for when she starts working,” Mama June explained. Jack felt a rush of relief by hearing those words, and knowing full well that with Sonata having a job she will no doubt be beneficial. Mama June, however, raised a finger up to him, “But I’ll do this on one condition.” Jack curled a brow and felt the indistinguishable notion of a surprise catch.

“On what, exact?” he asked, a little apprehensive on what kind of deal she wanted. Mama June took notice of his silent anxiety and her smile never wavered. She gave a hearty chuckle to him and leaned forward to give her hand to him.

“Come visit my restaurant more often sweetie. I do enjoy your company.” she asked and Jack blinked once in surprise.

He let out a small laugh and graciously shook her hand.

“I promise Mama June.” he replied.

“Why do you call her Mama? Are you two related?” Sonata Dusk asked, popping up in the middle of the handshake. Mama June blew out air and began laughing her head off while Jack placed a hand over his face to hold back his own sniggering. He was failing miserably as he gave her a honest look.

Oh Sonata. We have much work do with you.

Author's Note:

Hello Everyone. Hope you enjoy this chapter and let me all know what you think.

This story will be updated every other week so please be sure to keep an eye out for further updates.
